


As the gears of time turned, the New Year's Day of 1993 had arrived. Shinichi and Qianjun's musical instrument practice had improved. Both of them could now play simple music scores. However, Matsumoto didn't want to let them go. During the final exam, he insisted that the two of them sing a song together. As a result, they naturally failed amid exaggerated laughter. Looking at the dejected duo, Mr. Matsumoto was very proud. However, he still let the two pass the make-up test. Shinichi said that taking the music exam was more difficult than deducing a case, and Qian Jun was also worried. However, Shinichi had gotten to know a very outstanding and beautiful senior during this period of time. In Qianjun's words, Shinichi wanted to cheat on her, but he pretended to have a crush on her.

Shinichi hit him with a soccer ball, and then secretly asked Qianjun how he managed to coax Jing Yang and Naoko so well. Qian Jun smiled bitterly. This was very difficult to replicate, and the price he had to pay was very high. Even if that senior passed, there was still Xiaolan. The Valkyrie was no joke when she went berserk. Qianjun had seen it before. There was once when Xiaolan caught Shinichi peeking at a girl's underwear in a school skirt when it was windy. In her anger, she punched the telephone pole, and a big pit immediately appeared on the hard telephone pole. Then, Shinichi was beaten up.

If Xiaolan knew that he was helping Shinichi find an affair, Qianjun would shiver. Forget it, let's stop here. Qian Jun couldn't bear to see Shinichi's sad face, so he told him a strategy to delay the battle. He would first hold the senior until everyone was over 16 years old. By then, they would all be adults. Even if something happened, it would still be acceptable. Shinichi was very dissatisfied with this suggestion. He felt that even if he reached adulthood, he would still have to pass Xiaolan's test. Moreover, that senior was not a simple person.

Qian Jun said that it would be easy. He would push Xiao Lan down first and coax her into submission. Then, he would solve the problem of that senior sister. A few years later, that senior sister would be old and would be able to see things through. He would use some new methods to solve the problem. If it didn't work, he could even return to Xiao Lan and ask for her forgiveness. It was taboo to fight on two fronts. Shinichi blushed when he heard that. He complained that the success rate of this plan would not exceed 50%. Qianjun had said that there was no 100% certainty of winning in war. Love was like a battlefield. If it exceeded 30%, he could take action, let alone a dangerous action like cheating.

It was unknown what Shinichi had told his senior, but this matter was temporarily over. Shinichi listened to Qianjun's suggestion and decided to leave the battle for when he was an adult. Of course, Xiaolan knew nothing about this matter. The garden seemed to have heard some rumors, but she did not take it to heart. At this time, Qian Jun was busy observing the asteroids at the observatory.

Asteroid was a celestial body in the solar system that was similar to a planet orbiting the sun, but its size and mass were much smaller than a planet. Most of the asteroids in the solar system were in orbit between Mars and Jupiter, known as the asteroid belt. There were also asteroids beyond Neptune, and this area was called the Kuiper Belt. So far, about 700,000 asteroids have been discovered in the solar system, but this may only be a small portion of all asteroids. About 90% of the known asteroids were in the asteroid belt, which was a relatively wide area between Mars and Jupiter. The famous asteroid was Pallas, and Ceres was the largest asteroid. It was later designated as a dwarf planet.

Near-Earth Asteroid (Near-Earth Asteroid) referred to asteroids whose orbits intersected with Earth's orbit. Among them, the famous ones were distributed in the Martian orbit. There were the Amor asteroid group, the Apollo asteroid group, and the Arden-type asteroid group. At least in theory, they could collide with Earth. The asteroids that orbit at the Lagrangian point of other planets are known as trojans. The Centaurs group referred to a type of frozen asteroids that orbited between Jupiter and Neptune, also known as the Centaurs. The asteroids other than Neptune belong to the Kuiper belt.

After listening to Tengsen Kaori's introduction, Qian Jun felt a headache coming on. These asteroids were scattered and messy, and their names were even more messy. There were also many that might collide with Earth in the future. Ceres 'position was still very important. It was both the intersection between light and darkness in the dwarf planet and the commander of the destructive power of the asteroid. If the god of grain does not die, it is called the mysterious female. The gate of Xuan Pin is the root of heaven and earth. It seems to exist continuously, but it is not used diligently. The several changes in life on Earth were all related to asteroid collisions.

After Tian Qianjun returned, the destructive power in his body had changed again. On the side of the original meteor power, there was the power of asteroids. This destructive power was still slowly accumulating. Later, Qian Jun proved that the power of this power was equivalent to a long-range cannon. It was definitely a long-range indiscriminate attack. Moreover, the energy consumption was too fast. After only one attack, Qian Jun collapsed on the ground and was directly crushed by Qian Jun. On the contrary, Meteor's power was more reliable. However, the attack range was too close. Qian Jun sighed and thought of a way to get a gun.

In Yoshino Ayaka's opinion, Qian Jun's hobbies were really strange. Apart from school time, he also had to participate in the football team's activities. After that, he had to go to Shenyi Dojo to learn Kendo. At night, he often went to the observatory to look at the stars. The time he saved her was on the way back from the observatory. During this time, Xiaoyue went to Qian Jun's house to take a look. She felt that her brother's house was not bad. She especially liked the puppy, Black Flash. It was very smart. After getting to know it, Xiaoyue often came to feed it. Black Flash's favorite thing was the bones of other animals. Once it bit into its mouth, it refused to let go. Therefore, Xiao Yue often brought beef ribs over to play with it.

Yoshino Ayaka also found that Xiaoyue was very talented in painting. Sometimes, Xiaoyue would bring some paintings over and put them in her brother's living room as decorations. In Xiaoyue's words, Qianjun had no artistic talent. If he didn't hang some paintings at home, he would be laughed at. One of them was a warm portrait of three siblings together. Only then did Ayaka know that Qianjun had a beautiful cousin. When Jing Yang and Naoko saw it, they were very impressed and asked Xiaoyue to help them draw a group photo. Xiaoyue thought about it and agreed. So now, on the central wall of the hall, there was a group photo of Jing Yang, Naoko, Ayaka, and Yumi. It was naturally beautiful.

Of course, Xiaoyue also drew a picture for Qian Jun and hung it in Qian Jun's room. It was a picture of Qian Jun and Black Flash, which made the harmony between humans and animals very natural and cute. However, Qian Jun said that he was only fit to be with Black Flash. He had hoped to put the picture of himself and the four beauties in the hall, but Xiaoyue insisted that his appearance would destroy the beauty, which made Qian Jun quite frustrated. To appease him, Xiaoyue drew a classic portrait of Shinichi and Qianjun, which resembled the medieval Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The portrait was so lifelike that everyone praised it. Shinichi took it away and put it in his own house, which made Qianjun so angry that he stomped his feet.

During a casual chat, Youmei and Ayaka found out that Xiaoyue's paintings had won many awards in the National Primary School Art Exhibition Competition. Qian Jun's cousin Qian Xun was also an excellent painter. She had asked someone to send Qian Jun a portrait of a mermaid. In the portrait, there was a very beautiful woman playing with a cute dolphin in the sea with Qian Jun. According to Xiaoyue, when her brother came back from China last year, he accompanied Qian Xun to paint on an island and got to know the beautiful mermaid.

Qian Xun also sent a portrait of Shinichi and Qianjun's six-man soccer team. In the middle, Shinichi and Qianjun were in high spirits as they stepped on a soccer ball together. Wen Liang, Pu Li, Flying Sky, and Li Bin stood on both sides. In the background, the team flag of Wind, Forest, Fire, and Mountain was in the background. This portrait was naturally very popular. Of course, Qian Jun did not have any talent in drawing. He only knew how to use a ruler to draw mechanically. This was the common evaluation of his sworn enemies, Xiao Yue and Qian Xun.

During the spring break in March this year, when Qian Jun was still immersed in his happy life, something big happened to Tianhua. After the mysterious disappearance of the dodo, there were several defectors, but they were all suppressed. However, this time, a fatal incident happened. Two super soldiers of the organization escaped from a secret base together. Among them, there was the illusionary warrior, the Amitabha Dragon, who was considered the most outstanding by Dr. Jiang Kong, and the other was the North Sea Ox.

When Yamamoto Kazuo broke into the Tianhua Organization, the Astrologer was the only experimental subject that Dr. Jiangkong brought out. This girl was now 14 years old. In Dr. Jiangkong's eyes, she was the most successful experimental subject, but in fact, no one had seen her true face except for him, because her strongest skill was illusion. When they received the news of their defection, the organization immediately dispatched a large number of people to hunt them down. They also sent the latest super soldier team, the Japanese Wolf Team, a total of 20 people. The leader of the Japanese Wolf received orders from the higher-ups to kill them without mercy, even though the doctor had instructed them to bring the Astrologer Dragon back alive.

On a weekend, Jing Yang, Naoko, Yumi, and Ayaka, together with Lan and Sonoko, who rarely came out, went shopping. Of course, Yumi and Ayaka were in charge of driving. When they reached the mall, Ayaka suddenly remembered that Qian Jun had told her that he would accompany Wen Liang to inspect some insect base in the suburbs today. Ling Hua had no choice but to go back and send Qian Jun over first before coming back to accompany everyone to shop. Yumi naturally complained that Qianjun was a busybody, so she let him take a taxi.

Ling Hua still smiled and drove away. She went home to pick up Qian Jun, who was complaining. Ling Hua could only apologize continuously and even made an exception to kiss Qian Jun on the forehead. Qian Jun asked why he didn't kiss her directly, but he didn't stop and touched Ling Hua. Thus, they drove to the suburbs while laughing. This was the first time that Ling Hua had gone to the secret base, but she had taken the wrong way. She could not turn around on the highway, so she could only drive forward, hoping to reach a place where she could turn back. When they walked to the ordinary road below the highway, Ayaka was surprised to find that there was a sudden fog nearby. The fog was too thick to drive on the highway.

Ling Hua was a little anxious and asked Qian Jun what to do. Qian Jun felt that the fog was too strange. Suddenly, the life magnetic field gave an alarm. There was a strong life force fluctuation in the distance above the highway, and the number was very considerable. Qian Jun was scared out of his wits. If a group of super warriors like the dodo birds appeared, he wasn't confident that he could deal with them. He immediately asked Ling Hua to leave the car and hide in the nearby bushes. Ling Hua didn't understand why Qian Jun was so nervous, but she still did as he was told. After Qian Jun told her not to come out, he quickly ran down the highway. It was deep in the fog, and Qian Jun was confident that he could ambush her from below.

At this moment, a deadly battle was taking place on the highway in the fog. The fog was an illusion of the Bewitching Dragon. She and the North Sea Bull were caught up by the Japanese wolves. There were a whole team of 20 Japanese wolves. They cooperated closely as if they had targeted their prey. Amongst the extinct animals, the Amish Dragon and the North Sea Bull were both herbivores. In the chaos, no one dared to shoot randomly and fought purely based on their instincts. The Amish Dragon accurately directed the North Sea Bull's actions according to the fog it released. This North Sea Bull was very powerful. As long as the Japanese Wolf was hit, it would either die or be injured. The Japanese Wolf was also ferocious and cunning. Every attack would make the North Sea Bull bleed.

In the end, the North Sea Bull was finally knocked down by the car they had escaped from. The sharp claws of the leader of the Japanese wolves pierced through his heart. The North Sea Bull finally shouted,"Girl, let's go…" " Uncle North Sea Bull!" the Amish Dragon cried out miserably.”"Brat, you're the only one left this time. Your illusion is useless. You actually caused my brothers to either die or be injured. I want to see your true colors. " You think I don't have any combat power? Don't you know that the Amitabha Dragon has another name, the Thunder Dragon?”The leader of the Japanese wolves who was knocked to the ground by the lightning was foaming at the mouth and panting. With a bang, his head was blown off.

The Dragon of confusion panted. The attack just now had exhausted her strength, and her body was completely overloaded. Suddenly, two seriously injured Japanese wolves rushed over from the ground. Their speed was so fast that the Dragon of confusion couldn't hit them even after firing several shots. Therefore, the two Japanese wolves rushed into the car, and their wolf claws attacked the Dragon of confusion's body. The Dragon of confusion gritted its teeth and threw away the gun. It gave a final electric shock, then stepped on the car's accelerator and jumped down the mountain. Two Japanese wolves screamed as they fell into the car. The car fell to the bottom of the mountain. Miraculously, it did not explode, but the fuel tank began to leak...

Qian Jun had just arrived at the foot of the mountain when he saw the car rushing down from the road. His life magnetic field showed that there were no signs of life on it. There seemed to be a woman in the car that fell down the mountain. It was strange that the life magnetic field didn't show that this woman had extraordinary vitality. Qian Jun suspected that she was an ordinary person, so he ran over quickly." F * ck, Jingyang, why are you here?”

Qian Jun was shocked. The girl in the car was Jing Yang. Not good! The life magnetic field tried to call the police. Qian Jun hurriedly pulled down the car door and carried Jing Yang out of the car. He ran for his life. After a few steps, he heard the explosion of the car behind him. Qian Jun tried his best to protect Jing Yang under his body. When the explosion was over, Jing Yang's face was pale and his breathing was weak. He had already fainted with blood all over his body. His head was also covered in blood. He must have been hit by a car falling down the mountain. Qian Jun was extremely anxious. He knew that Jing Yang was on the verge of death, so he desperately sent his life force over and then quickly ran towards Ling Hua.

" Ayaka, come out quickly. Jingyang is here. There might be a car accident upstairs. She's seriously injured…" Yoshino Ayaka was shocked and ran out hurriedly." Qianjun, what's going on? Something's wrong. Jingyang and the others are shopping at the mall…Aiya, it's really Jingyang…""We swore together that the three of us would never be separated…" Ayaka started the car and drove towards Tokyo.

Not long after their car left, the police in charge of highway traffic realized that something was wrong. It seemed that there was a car accident. They immediately used the walkie-talkie to request backup and informed the police and ambulance. At this time, the outer circle members of Tianhua had also arrived. They quickly rushed over to kill the traffic police nearby who did not know what was going on. When they arrived, before they could clean up the bloody battlefield, the people from the Secret Investigation Bureau had also arrived nearby, and the sound of police cars could be heard in the distance. Knowing that things were not good, these people quickly carried the corpses of the Japanese wolves into the car. The leader ordered the bomb to destroy the corpses of the remaining people and the scene immediately. Then, an earth-shattering explosion sounded on the highway.

The second team of the Secret Investigation Bureau, who had just arrived, was shocked and chased after them with all their might. The two sides fought on the highway, and gunshots and explosions sounded. After paying a huge price, the people from the Tianhua Organization successfully escaped. The nearby pick-up point immediately picked them up and transferred them, leaving the people from the Secret Investigation Bureau who arrived later empty-handed.

When Yamamoto Kazuo arrived, his expression was heavy. He looked at the corpses of both sides." Are there any survivors?”"Chief, there are no survivors. We came too late and didn't know what happened in front. The witness said that there seemed to be a sudden fog and that there might be a car accident. When we got the secret information and arrived, those people blew up the scene, but the strange thing was that they seemed to have escaped with some corpses or seriously injured people. Because of this, we had a fierce exchange of fire with our second team. Our casualties were not high, and we did not see any super soldiers or powerful enemies. Most of the people who died were their people.”"What about the identity of the deceased?" "We haven't found anything yet, but our people followed the clues and chased after them. However, they still have people to support them. We only destroyed one of their secret strongholds.”

This book comes。

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