Xin Country's Killing
11 Teenage personality

Zhang dan


Everyone has a rough idea of how big China's territory is. Let's not talk about other people's views for now. Let's talk about whether Liang Tianchao's views can stand firm and withstand scrutiny to become the mainstream view recognized by the world!

The Yuan Dynasty inherited the main territory of the Great Mongolia. After many expansions, it reached its largest territory in 1310 during the reign of Emperor Wuzong of the Yuan Dynasty. It extended to Turpan in the west, Tibet, Yunnan, and northern Myanmar in the southwest, south of Dubo, the North Sea, and the eastern part of the Ob River in the north, and the Sea of Japan in the east. The history books said that "the east ends at the quicksand of the left and west poles of Liao, and the north crosses the Yinshan Mountain and the South Vietnam Sea. It was not as large as the Han and Tang Dynasties at their peak." The Yuan Dynasty was also the suzerain of the four Khanates, namely the Khanate of Kipchak, the Khanate of Chagatai, the Khanate of Ogedai, and the Khanate of Ilh. Its vassal states included Koryo and Southeast Asian countries.

Although Outer Mongolia was currently in a semi-independent state, the Chinese government had an ambiguous and unclear attitude towards Outer Mongolia's independence. Therefore, very soon, many Chinese people began to make groundless accusations that Outer Mongolia was not a part of China, and that the history of Mongolia was not the history of China. They were even afraid of the tyranny of foreigners and openly hoped for Outer Mongolia to be independent, saying that Outer Mongolia was "of little value". He took the wrong statement that it was useless and so on!

It was also because of this that some people began to question whether the territory of the Yuan Dynasty that the Mongolians had conquered was considered Chinese territory. However, even though the debate about the Yuan Dynasty, the history of the Mongolians, and Outer Mongolia had not been settled, it was still acceptable for Liang Tianchao to say that China's territory was as big as the Yuan Dynasty. Regardless of whether they were patriots or not, they all knew what Liang Tianchao was referring to!

However, some people might think that Liang Tianchao was definitely out of his mind when he said that Japan was China's territory. He must have gone crazy and had gone crazy from epilepsy. However, when Shi Houlin, who had interacted with Liang Tianchao a few times, told Qi Jiuying what the young master of Chessboard Mountain meant, Qi Jiuying understood why Liang Tianchao said that Japan was also China's territory.

The key to this was a person called Xu Fu from China.

Xu Fu, that is, Xu City, the word Jun Fang, Qi Langya people, Qin famous alchemist. He was knowledgeable, knowledgeable in medicine, astronomy, navigation, and other knowledge. He sympathized with the people and was willing to help others, so he had a high reputation among the people along the coast. Xu Fu was Guigu 'zi's last disciple. Learn fasting, qigong, immortal cultivation, and martial arts. When he left the mountain, it was around the time when Qin Shihuang ascended the throne, during Li Si's era. Later, he was sent by Qin Shihuang to go out to sea to pick immortal medicine and never returned.

Originally, people like Xu Fu and stories like this were a lot more common in China. If one were to take it seriously, there was really nothing strange about it. However, there was another legend about Xu Fu, which was that Xu Fu, who belonged to the Chinese, was the ancestor of the Japanese. Although this legend was not confirmed to be true or false, it was widely spread to the point of " passing off the fake as the real "!

After Qi Jiuying heard what Shi Houlin had "conveyed" to Liang Tianchao, he already had a certain understanding of Liang Tianchao's thoughts. He understood it in his heart and had already formed a prototype in his mind. However, the former did not express any opinion on Liang Tianchao's point of view. The commander of the Fengjun Army continued to ask,"General Shi Houlin, do you understand which foreigners Liang Tianchao thinks are our enemies and friends??”

"Commander Qi, many people in China hate the Japanese, but Liang Tianchao doesn't think so. He thinks that China's enemy is the Soviet Union, not Japan, and that we should ally with Japan to fight against the Soviet Union!”Shi Houlin said slowly to Qi Jiuying.

The Soviet Union was the continuation and successor of the Russian Empire. As a nation, Russia was first evolved from the Eastern Slavs who were scattered on the plains of Eastern Europe in the 8th and 9th centuries. It was not until the 14th century and the early 15th century that Russia became a nation with a unified language. As a country, Russia developed from the Grand Duchy of Moscow, which was founded in 1147. It was not until 1522 when Vasily III merged Ryazan into the Grand Duchy of Moscow that Russia was officially formed as a central state. At that time, Russia's borders were: North Sea in the north, Oka River in the south, the upper reaches of Dnieper River in the west, and the Ural Mountains in the north. Its land area was about 2.8 million square kilometers.

Before 1364, the Russians had never entered the east of the Ural Mountains. It was not until 1581 that the Russian Stovov, with the support of the government, crossed the Ural Mountains on behalf of the Russian nation and entered the residence of our Mongolian compatriots. After Russia was established as a country, its rulers had made territorial expansion their main national policy. They expanded from the four directions of the north, south, east, west, and north through war, killing, threats, temptations, deception, bribery, and other despicable means available to the human world. Countless countries, ethnic groups, and local indigenous people were destroyed in the process of Russia's expansion.

Shi Houlin continued," Commander Qi, the Liang Dynasty believes that the most important thing for the country is territory, not population, ecology, health, and a series of other things. The Liang Dynasty once used a somewhat arrogant view that the future trend of the country must be to 'restore the Yuan Dynasty and recover Japan'! And it was precisely because the Chinese wanted to complete this arduous task that they had to be tough on the Soviet Union, destroy it, and even destroy the Soviet Union!”

In the 18th century, the Russian Empire began to modernize and expand everywhere, becoming one of the European powers and clashing with the Chinese and Qing Dynasties. Russia first passed the "China-Russia Agreement on the Northwest Boundary" and later the "Tacheng Boundary Agreement".(1864, the third year of Tongzhi), the "Extension of the Tacheng Boundary Agreement" five years later (Tongzhi 8th year, 1869) and the Yili treaty (Guangxu 7th year, 1881) were unequal agreements, respectively occupying the northwest of the Chinese dynasty and the "Ten Zuo Ling in the northwest of the Tangnuwuliang Sea"(now belonging to Mongolia and the Russian Republic of Tuva), totaling more than 700,000 square kilometers. The China-Russia Aihui treaty and the China-Russia Beijing treaty ceded 1 million square kilometers of land north of the Heilong River and east of the Wusuli River to Russia. However, since the beginning of the 20th century, Russia's strength began to decline, and the people became increasingly dissatisfied with the status quo. With Russia's military defeat in the First World War and the subsequent civil war, the October Revolution finally broke out in 1917, and Tsarist Russia perished.

The name of the Soviet Parliament originated from the Russian Revolution in 1905. The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union was composed of the Council of the Union and the Council of the Nation. The Council of the Union was elected according to the districts, and the Council of the Nation was elected according to the member countries. It exercised the Soviet Union's legal power. It started with the Russian revolution of 1905. There was a representative meeting organized by the strike workers as a strike committee, which was referred to as the " Soviet."

After the victory of the October Revolution, in 1922, the four The Russian Federation (Soviet Russia), Ukraine, Belorusia, and the Transcaucasian Federation (Azeroth, Azeroth, and Azeroth), were established on the land of Russia. In order to protect the achievements of the revolution and crush the attacks of the enemies at home and abroad, it was imperative to unite the new reunions and establish a multi-ethnic state of the dictatorship of the Proletarian. On October 6, 1922, at the Central Committee of the Russian Republic (Bolsheviks), the proposal to establish a new country proposed by Vladimir Leninism was passed.

On December 30 of the same year, the first Congress of the Soviet Union of the Soviet Union was held at the Moscow Theater. The declaration of the establishment of the Soviet Union and the treaty of the union were adopted at the meeting. Later, Kazakstan, Azeroth, Turkmen, Kirghizia, and Madagascar in Central Asia, as well as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania on the coast of the Baltics, and Moldavia in Southeast Europe joined one after another. The number of Soviet reunions reached 15.

Qi Jiuying smiled and said," General Shi Houlin, it seems that Liang Tianchao is really a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers. He actually dares to say such arrogant words. Does he not understand how much effort Liang Tianchao has to put in if China's territory is so big?!"?Although Japan was a despicable country in the eyes of many Chinese people, it was definitely not to be trifled with. Even the Mongolian army of the Yuan Dynasty in its heyday had been defeated by the Japanese. Who knew how Liang Tianchao could turn things around!?”

At that time, Kublai Khan, who had already conquered Korea, demanded that Japan express its loyalty. Japan's Kamakura shogunate eight generations of power Hojo Tokisho refused twice. In 1274, Kublai Khan sent a fleet of 150 ships carrying an expeditionary force to the Japanese archipelago. The army boarded the southeast coast of Koryo, razed Tsima Island and Ichiki Island, and landed at Hakata Bay on Kyushu Island near Xiaguan. However, the grassland cavalrymen were not used to these sea expeditions. Moreover, they only intended to form the core of the invading army. The main body of the army would be an auxiliary army made up of the war-weary Chinese and Koreans. In any case, the daimyo of Jiuzhou, who were hidden near Fort Maizhuji, resisted with all their might. In the end, after a short retreat (supposedly forced by the Chinese artillery), they forced the invaders back to their ships.

In 1276, Kublai Khan reiterated his request for Japan's loyalty, which was once again rejected by Hojo. After a long period of preparation, Kublai Khan sent an even larger fleet to attack Japan in June 1281. An army of 45,000 Mongols and 120,000 Chinese-Koreans landed in Kyushu's Hakata Bay and Hizen Province's Eagle Island and Pinglu. However, this time, the Mongol army (completely out of their environment) and the Chinese-Korean army (with almost no military value) were unable to resist the anger of the Japanese. On August 15th, 1281, a terrible hurricane dispersed or destroyed the Mongol fleet. The Mongol troops lost their foundation, were captured, or killed.

" Commander Qi, this is a very complicated question. I'm afraid it will take three days and three nights to get to the bottom of it. I didn't ask in detail, but I do know one thing. Liang Tianchao not only hates the Russians, but he also hates the Chinese people very much. Especially when the Chinese people dealt with the 'declaration on China' issued by the Soviet Union, Liang Tianchao was furious!”Shi Houlin patiently explained to Qi Jiuying.

The great victory of the October Revolution opened up a new era in human history. Regarding the unequal treaty imposed on China by Tsarist Russia, the Soviet government led by Leninhas always advocated the abolition of it. In the three proclamations to China from 1919 to 1923, the Soviet government solemnly declared: "All the previous agreements signed by the Russian government with China are invalid. They will give up all the territories and concessions that they seized from China, and return everything that the Tsar government and the Russian capitalist class seized from China to China forever without compensation.”Although the declaration was warmly praised by the people of China, in the end, it was just a piece of paper. It was basically a reality. Its effect could only be to " paint a cake to satisfy one's hunger." The people of China did not take back any land. Otherwise, the territory of the Republic of China would definitely not be just a " Begonia Leaf "!

Not only that, the Soviet Union had perfectly integrated the spirit of the Soviet Union to devour and swallow the territory of China. Not only did the Soviet government not return the land of China, but even at this moment, the Soviet government continued to devour the territory of China!

After Shi Houlin said that, although Qi Jiuying had never met Liang Tianchao before, he had some understanding of Liang Tianchao. Perhaps others thought that Liang Tianchao was a fool and a lunatic who would have such thoughts. However, Qi Jiuying did not think so. Other than thinking that Liang Tianchao was a very unique person, he also felt that China lacked people like Liang Tianchao. That was why China was still a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society until now. If there were more people like Liang Tianchao in China, the Opium War would not have happened, and China would not have suffered so much humiliation!

"General Shi Houlin, you just said that Liang Tianchao might still be our enemy in the future.?”Qi Jiuying did not understand what Shi Houlin had just said. The latter knew that this question was very important to him and the entire Feng faction warlord. Not only did he have to ask, but he also had to know everything. Therefore, he was afraid that Shi Houlin would forget, so he asked the former this question.

Shi Houlin still patiently explained to Qi Jiuying the reason,""Commander Qi, Liang Tianchao hates us in the Fengjun. Other than our love of 'raiding' and our cooperation with the Soviets, the biggest reason is the Outer Mongolia problem!”

Although Zhang Zuolin was a bandit when he first came out, with only a few dozen or even a hundred men under his command, he was able to take the position of King Manmeng after he was recruited by the Qing army. He relied on the foreigners, mainly the Soviets and Japanese, to suppress the bandits crazily, and to be a two-faced person. He liked to preserve his strength and would not sacrifice the foundation that he had built for many years for the country!

Zhang Zuolin's territory was in the northeast and north of China. It bordered the Outer Mongolia. Whether it was in the past or now, people from all over China hoped that Zhang Zuolin would send troops to the Outer Mongolia to recover the Outer Mongolia in one fell swoop and take back the territory that belonged to China. However, even though Zhang Zuolin had scolded the Russians, for his own needs, Zhang Zuolin refused to send troops to the Outer Mongolia. He was perfunctory in dealing with the Outer Mongolia problem. It could be said that the Outer Mongolia had today's situation. Zhang Zuolin should take some responsibility. Moreover, it was precisely because of Zhang Zuolin's warlord style that he directly and indirectly killed the Prime Minister of Outer Mongolia, Mr. Bao Tuo, which made it more difficult to recover Outer Mongolia and produced a lot of negative effects.

"Good! This Liang Tianchao is really manly. General Shi Houlin, if Liang Tianchao really does what you said, then I really believe that Liang Tianchao can help us solve this crisis!”Qi Jiuying couldn't help but be elated and said happily.

To be honest, the patriotic soldier Qi Jiuying was also very dissatisfied with Zhang Zuolin's treatment of the Outer Mongolia issue. However, the former was " angry but did not dare to speak out " and did not dare to say it out loud. Moreover, Qi Jiuying was only a small commander of the Feng army with a maximum of 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers. Qi Jiuying, who was not Sun Wu, could not think of how he should take back the Outer Mongolia. Therefore, Qi Jiuying could only bury this idea deep in his heart and did not dare to make it public!

This was great. Meeting an old friend in a foreign land and meeting a soulmate by accident. When Qi Jiuying realized that Liang Tianchao was such a person, he was overjoyed and said,"General Shi Houlin, I think someone like Liang Tianchao must have extraordinary abilities. I think it's indeed feasible to use Liang Tianchao to solve our urgent problem. Where is Liang Tianchao now? I, Qi Jiuying, will invite Liang Tianchao out even if I have to visit the thatched cottage three times!”

Qi Jiuying's question was very urgent, and Shi Houlin's answer was also very clean. The latter immediately answered the former's question and said,""Commander Qi, I haven't finished my sentence. Perhaps you don't know this, but Liang Tianchao hates Chinese and Russians. He also hates people from another profession, which is the underworld! Commander Qi, I think Liang Tianchao's viewpoint is exactly the same as yours. It seems that you and Liang Tianchao must be like-minded people!”

Shi Houlin was right. After Qi Jiuying found out that Liang Tianchao hated gangsters like him, he was even happier and liked Liang Tianchao even more. Moreover, from the beginning, Qi Jiuying only wanted to ask Shi Houlin if Liang Tianchao could help him. Now, he really wanted to see Liang Tianchao and have a long chat with him.

Then, Shi Houlin continued," Commander Qi, you don't have to visit the thatched cottage three times. If I'm not wrong, he should be planning to assassinate Du Yuesheng right now. Or rather, Liang Tianchao has already started the operation!”

"Assassinate Du Yuesheng? General Shi Houlin, what do you mean??”Qi Jiuying asked in confusion.

Shi Houlin smiled." Commander Qi, Liang Tianchao hates the underworld not only in his thoughts, but he has also taken action. Our government has its own spies, the underworld has its own spies, and the bandits have their own spies. Liang Tianchao already knows that Du Yuesheng has come to Fengtian. Liang Tianchao, who wants to eliminate the evil for the people, wants to kill Du Yuesheng in Fengtian!”

Good kid! Damn it, Liang Tianchao really had guts! He even dared to touch Du Yuesheng! Qi Jiuying could not help but think to himself.

Du Yuesheng was one of the most legendary figures in the recent history of the Celestial Empire. Not only was he a 15-year-old orphan from the countryside who broke into Shanghai Bund alone, but he also transformed from a hooligan who could not afford to eat three meals a day into a tycoon and a rich man who shocked Shanghai Bund. It was also because of what he had done after he made his fortune. He had become a modern industrialist, a social celebrity, and a local leader. He had become a very active political figure.

Du Yuesheng was good at dancing, and she was able to take care of everyone. He was very respectful to the former Qing Dynasty elders, warlords, politicians, high-ranking officials of the party and state, celebrities, and even financial and industrial giants. He even made friends with them and even became sworn brothers, or accepted them as disciples and disciples, giving them economic support, or receiving monthly silver as diners. The higher-ups of the Jiang family, such as Kong Xiangxi, Song Ziwen, Dai Li, etc., all became close friends with the Du family. With such a network that was enough to manipulate the political, industrial, commercial and financial circles, with the French concession as a backer, and the underworld forces at the bottom, Du Yuesheng could be said to be successful in Shanghai.

Qi Jiuying, who knew how strong Du Yuesheng was, could not help but worry that Liang Tianchao's plan to kill Du Yuesheng would not succeed. Whether it succeeded or failed, it would cause a lot of trouble. Qi Jiuying asked casually,"General Shi Houlin, how much more do you know about Liang Tianchao's plan to assassinate Du Yuesheng? Tell me in detail. I might be able to help Liang Tianchao!”

Shi Houlin shook his head firmly and said,"" Commander Qi, don't worry. I'm not sure about the others, but I trust Liang Tianchao very much. Whatever he decides to do, he will definitely succeed. Commander Qi, you can rest assured about this. Besides, if Liang Tianchao can't even do such a small thing well, he's definitely a good-for-nothing!”

After Qi Jiuying heard this, he immediately felt relieved. Liang Tianchao, Liang Tianchao, I didn't expect that before I met you, General Shi Houlin had already described you as a talented young genius. After today, I want to see just how strong you are. I want to see if you can fulfill your wish and get rid of Du Yuesheng, this malignant tumor of China!

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