Xin Country's Killing
3 Angry at Su Fang

Zhang dan


"Bang!" Qi Jiuying slammed the stone table in the pavilion hard. Then, he said to Terinfeng, who had just finished his 'brilliant comment',"" General Zelinv, please forgive me for not being able to accept your words. I've already said it long ago. We can't discuss the Middle East railway issue, Outer Mongolia, or the Russian White Army issue. No matter what, I won't give in on these three issues. This isn't just my personal opinion, but also the opinion of Commander Zhang and the Young Marshal. It's the opinion of all of us in China!”

The impression that the Soviets gave the Chinese had always been that they were barbaric, rude, and unreasonable. Although Gerinov was definitely not a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs and black hair on his chest, and in fact, he was not ugly. His face was quite stylish and had the demeanor of a soldier. However, the Chinese soldier Qi Jiuying was already angered by the fact that Gerinv only cared about the interests of his country. The latter couldn't help but make an excited expression and act as if he was criticizing Zelinv.

From the time that Terinov had been eloquent to Qi Jiuying's words, Terinov had been using both carrot and stick, constantly putting pressure on Qi Jiuying and forcing him to submit, making these three questions move in the direction of the Soviet regime. However, even so, Qi Jiuying still did not fear the tyranny of the Soviets. Therefore, after joining the army for many years and seeing countless people, Terinov knew what kind of person Qi Jiuying was. The former vaguely understood how today's negotiations would end.

However, even if what he predicted in his mind was true and there was nothing wrong with it, he still had to go through some necessary procedures. Otherwise, he would be too careless!

How could he not bow his head when he was under the roof? Strictly speaking, although none of the people in the pavilion were politicians, he believed that everyone present was very clear about the current overall situation in China. To the patriotic Chinese, they were just bringing up a sore spot. The current situation in China was greatly unfavorable to China, but it was greatly beneficial to the Soviet Union.

This year was 1927, which was the 15th year of the Republic of China. Although the current era had ended a series of major historical events such as Yuan Shikai claiming the throne, Cao Kun bribing the election, Zhang Xun's restoration, and Chen Jiongming's rebellion, China had also ushered in the vigorous and humiliating Northern Expedition with the help of the Soviet Union.

The Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army was a unified war launched in 1926 by the National Government under the leadership of the Chinese National Party with the National Revolutionary Army as the main force and the cooperation of the Chinese Party. Because the war process was carried out from the south to the north, it was often referred to as the "Northern Expedition" or the "Northern Expedition War".

By the time the National Government launched the Northern Expedition, Duan Qirui had already stepped down. At that time, the Beiyang government was controlled by the Fengxi warlords led by Zhang Zuolin. The direct warlord Wu Peifu became a vassal, occupying the two lakes, Henan, Hebei and Shaanxi provinces, and controlling the Jinghan railway. The rising star of the direct warlord Sun Chuanfang occupied the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Now, the year 1926 had completely ended for more than four months, and a brand new chapter in history was ushered in in 1927. The Northern Expedition launched by the two parties could be said to be in a good situation. The various factions of the Northern Warlords in China had been wiped out by 70 - 80%. Even the status of the most powerful Northern Warlord was seriously threatened. The other Northern Warlord factions could be said to have been completely defeated by the two parties. Some were destroyed, some were incorporated, and some were disbanded. Many people even asserted that the Celestial Empire would belong to the Northern Expedition Army sooner or later, and the Northern Warlord Feng would fall sooner or later!

Although the trend of history was gradually becoming more and more mainstream, the fear of being overthrown by others and becoming slaves of a subjugated country was still very serious in both China and foreign countries. Terinfu deeply believed that if he started from this aspect, he could definitely " move " Qi Jiuying's heart. At the very least, he could make him consider it. It was even possible to make Zhang Zuolin and Zhang Xueliang, the leaders of the Feng faction warlords, think about it!

At this thought, Terinv chuckled and said,""Commander Qi, it's not that I look down on you. Although you and the Ming Dynasty's famous anti-Japanese general, Qi Jiguang, share the same surname, even a blind person can see that the current situation is very unfavorable to any faction of the Northern Warlords. You, the Fengxian Warlord, will not be spared. Even if Qi Jiguang reincarnates, it will be useless. Your Fengxian Warlord will definitely be eliminated by the two parties. If you don't make concessions to our Soviet Union on these three issues, If you give the Soviet Union some benefits, I'm afraid that this time, your Feng clan warlords will be doomed and will not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed by your Chinese people!”

One must know that the reason why the Northern Expedition launched by the two parties could deal with the Northern Warlords was that they had the support of the Soviet Union. If the two parties had lost the support of the Soviet Union, the Northern Expedition would not have progressed so quickly!

Before the start of the Northern Expedition from 1923 to 1926, the Guangzhou National Government received a total of about 3 million gold rubles worth of arms from the Soviet Union, including 26000 rifles, 16 million bullets, 90 machine guns, and 24 cannons. In addition, since November 1924, the Soviet government had provided 100,000 gold rubles a month for the party's affairs, and even gave the party 10 million gold rubles to establish the central bank of the national government.

Strictly speaking, the Soviet Union did not object to the use of military means by the Kuomintangs to conquer China. In fact, in late June 1923, Moscow had already sent the first batch of military advisors to China. A year later, they officially began working as military instructors in the newly established Huangpu Military Academy. From formation training to individual coaching, to tactical and shooting training, the advisors personally practiced and taught. The second batch of military advisors was led by General Pavlov, with more than 50 people. Therefore, a military advisor group was established. The political advisors who came to China were assigned to the Guangzhou government to assist the financial and civil departments, while the military advisors were directly sent to the various armies.

As Pavlov drowned shortly after his arrival, the Soviet Union sent General Breuher (Galen) to China as the military chief adviser in August 1924. Under the guidance of the military advisor, the Huangpu Military Academy and the National Revolutionary Army, which was later formed, set up party representatives and political departments in the same way as the Soviet Red Army. At the same time, according to their investigation and recommendation, the KMP also sent some military and political talents with potential to further their studies in the military academies of the Soviet Union.

The First Army of the National Revolutionary Army was established and developed with the help of the Huangpu Military Academy and the Soviet Union's advisors. With this army, the Tang and the Guomindang would no longer have to rely on local warlords as they did in the past. Not only that, with the help and command of the Soviet advisors, the Eastern Expedition with Huangpu School's student army as the main force was successful. The scope of influence of the Kuomingtang quickly expanded from the original corner of Guangzhou to most of Guangdong and Guangxi. The local warlords in the two provinces were under the banner of the Kuomingtang. With the establishment of the Guangzhou National Government in the summer of 1925, they gradually became part of the National Revolutionary Army under its leadership. The Northern Expedition plan of the National Government was suggested and presided over by General Galen, the chief military adviser of the Soviet Union at this time.

On July 9, 1926, the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army officially began. Almost all of the Northern Expedition Army, from the army level to the division level, had the assistance of the Soviet advisors to strictly carry out the battle plans formulated by Galen. Chief Advisor Galen not only personally visited the front line, but he also flew over the enemy's position many times to understand the battlefield situation. Galen, on the other hand, relied on a staff made up entirely of Soviet officers and professionals, as well as a flight team made up of Soviet pilots who were responsible for reconnaissance on the front line and directly involved in bombing the enemy.

From his tone, not to mention Qi Jiuying, a professional soldier, who could hear the malicious threat in the former's tone, even the other Chinese and foreigners in the pavilion could hear the meaning in the former's words. What he meant was very clear. If the Chinese warlords did not give the Soviet Union benefits, then the Soviet Union would continue to support the two parties. The Celestial Empire's Feng lineage would not be able to escape the fate of being destroyed!

However, by the same logic, everyone present knew that there was no free lunch in the world. There would not be any free lunch in the world. Other examples would not be cited. Just the Soviet Union supported the two parties. How did the two parties betray the country and do many things that betrayed national sovereignty?

The relationship between individuals was naturally to the point of paying back debts. However, between countries and governments, this obligation might not necessarily be fulfilled. It was true that many years ago, many countries that had established diplomatic relations did not need others to pay back debts. They even exempted all foreign debts. However, even so, this was the consideration of the "debt-holder" for the interests of the country. It was definitely not a purely humane stance in the true sense!

Between tangible and intangible, the " indebted " still had to " pay some blood " or use other methods to meet the needs of the " indebted ". The Soviet Union, which inherited Russia's love of expanding and invading other countries 'territory, was naturally no exception. The most obvious manifestation was the issue of Outer Mongolia.

The Outer Mongolia had been part of China's territory since ancient times. After the 1911 Revolution broke out in October 1911, some princes and nobles of Outer Mongolia took the opportunity to declare independence on December 16 and established the so-called Great Mongolia. However, for the sake of its own interests, Russia only supported Outer Mongolia's autonomy and opposed its independence. According to the "Sino-Russian-Mongolian Agreement" signed on June 7, 1915, Outer Mongolia was forced to cancel its independence, and the Beijing government recognized its autonomous status. After the victory of the October Revolution in 1917, in order to promote the world revolution, the Russian government constantly sent letters to the Mongolian autonomous government, encouraging it to declare independence and expressing its desire to establish equal relations with it. In October 1919, the Beijing government appointed Xu Shuzheng as the Northwest Border Commissioner and led troops into Outer Mongolia, forcing Outer Mongolia to announce the withdrawal of autonomy on November 17 and return to the central government.

However, in February 1921, thousands of White Russian bandits invaded Outer Mongolia. On June 25th, the Russian army, despite the opposition of the Beijing government, forced their way into Outer Mongolia in the name of exterminating the White Bandits. On July 10, with the support and help of the Soviet Union, the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party established the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Government in Kulun. On August 10, the Soviet government announced that the Red Army would stay in Mongolia at the request of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Government. Since then, Outer Mongolia had fallen under the control of the Soviet Union. The invasion of Outer Mongolia by the Soviet Union caused a huge shock and strong protest among the people of China. The issue of Outer Mongolia became one of the main obstacles in the process of establishing diplomatic relations between China and the Soviet Union.

There was no doubt that the only people in China who had the power to make the Soviet Union withdraw from Outer Mongolia were the leaders of the two parties and the Northern Warlords. However, the important leaders of the two parties had actually agreed to the long-term barbaric military operations of the Soviet Union in Outer Mongolia on different occasions, both publicly and privately, in order to obtain the support of the Soviet Union. They even publicly agreed to it and even warmly celebrated it!

As for the Northern Warlords, although they were born from the same root, they were always fighting each other. Otherwise, there would not be any warlord wars in China. In such a situation, it was almost too late for the warlords to fight each other. How could they have the time and mood to care about the Outer Mongolia problem? Many people regarded it as a place of "chicken ribs"!

Qi Jiuying, who understood what Zelinv meant, sneered and said,"" General Terin, I understand that the three problems between the Chinese government and the Soviet government, namely, the Middle East railway, Outer Mongolia, and the White Army of Russia, must be solved. They are also the most difficult problems between China and the Soviet Union. If this problem between China and the Soviet Union is not solved, it is very likely that there will be no meaning for the two countries to coexist peacefully. However, General Terin, I can tell you very clearly, My answer is still the same as the one I gave you just now.'”

"Commander Qi, why do you have to do this?!"?The friendship between China and the Soviet Union is only beneficial to China. If Commander Qi really doesn't resolve the three dead knots between China and the Soviet Union, then I'm afraid that the words 'Northern Warlords' will disappear from China and become history!”

Qi Jiuying shouted loudly," General Teliv, the Middle East Railroad is a product of our country. Outer Mongolia is our country's territory. It is our country's right to take in the Russian White Army. You Soviets have no right to interfere!"”

Zerinv laughed and said,""Commander Qi, don't forget that the Middle East railway was built by China and Russia at the same time. Let's not talk about the other Chinese people, just the warlords of the Feng clan alone probably have a lot of irreconcilable hatred with Outer Mongolia. Also, the White Army of Russia is the scourge of our Soviet Union. It's very difficult for us to see the sincerity of your country in showing goodwill to the Soviet Union by allowing such people in your team!”

"Nonsense! General Zelinv, you are simply twisting black and white, putting the cart before the horse. The Middle East railway was built by your Russians to trick us Chinese people into building it. The enmity between the Outer Mongolians and us Chinese people is a family matter of our Chinese people. As for us taking in the Russian White Army, it is because your Soviet Union has done a lot of things to let China down first.”Qi Jiuying flew into a rage and rebuked Terin's fallacy.

The Middle East railway was also known as the Dongqing railway and the Eastern Province railway. After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, it was called the Middle East railway, which meant the northeast railway of China. The Middle East railway was a T-shaped railway built by Tsar Russia at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in order to seize the resources in the northeast of China and dominate the Far East. The main line of the Middle East railway started from Manchuria in the west, passed through Hailar, Zalantun, Ang 'angxi, Qiqihar, and Haerbin until it exited Suifenhe, crossing the two provinces of Hei Long Jiang and Ji Lin at that time. The branch line goes south from harbin, through changchun, shenyang, etc., until lushunkou, running through jilin and liaoning provinces. The Middle East railway trunk line and branch line had a total length of 2437 kilometers. It was part of the Siberian railway connecting Europe and Asia.

The main purpose of Tsarist Russia's construction of the Middle East railway was to seize the hegemony of the Far East region, further plunder the rich resources in the northeast of China, strengthen the economic and political invasion of the northeast region, and turn the northeast of China into a colony and sphere of influence of the Tsarist Russia Empire. The Middle East Railroad was a channel for Tsarist Russia to suck the blood and sweat of the Chinese people, and also a wire for it to expand its invasion of China. It left a deep national disaster for the people of China, causing China to become poor and weak, making China even poorer and more backward, further plunging into the abyss of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

The grievances between the Outer Mongolians and the Chinese had a long history, and the complexity of it could not be explained in a few words. Even a professional historian did not have the ability to do so. Just the grievances between the people of the Feng clan and the Outer Mongolians were enough to make the Chinese sigh!

Zhang Zuolin was the leader of the warlords. He was born a bandit, but later, in order to be promoted and make a fortune, he sought refuge in the decadent Qing Dynasty. In 1908, Zhang Zuolin was transferred to Tongliao-Taonan area in northwest Liaoning to eliminate the Mongolian rebels bought by Russia. Although the scourge of Mongolia that had plagued the northeast border for many years was lifted, the arrogance of the Mongolian splittists was dealt a blow, and the unity of the country and the people was maintained, Zhang Zuolin's subordinates took the opportunity to wantonly harm the Outer Mongolians. They burned, killed, plundered, raped, and killed everywhere, causing the Mongolians to hate Zhang Zuolin!

Also, when Zhang Zuolin had grown to become the veritable " Northeastern King " of China, there was a leader of Outer Mongolia called Bao Tuo. When he was in trouble, he went to look for Zhang Zuolin, the general of the Northern Warlords of China. Unfortunately, Zhang Zuolin ignored Bao Tuo and eventually led to Bao Tuo's murder. He died at the hands of his political rival, Qiao Bashan, and others.

During the period of the Republic of China, there were many civil wars in China. During this period, a shocking civil war broke out in Russia. It was known as the "Russian Civil War" in history. After several years of war, Russia lost to the Soviet regime. In order to survive, the Russian White Army was forced to retreat to various corners of the country. The northeast of China was one of the targets chosen by the Russian White Army. The King of Northeast, Zhang Zuolin, took in the Russian White Army in his territory for his own benefit. In this way, the rift between the Chinese warlords and the Soviet Union was even deeper!

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