Smiling and Proud Naruto
6 red

I still lo


He was a character from the Japanese hot-blooded manga Naruto. He was the captain of Koba's eighth class, the teacher of Inuga, Shino, and Hinata. He was good at using all kinds of illusions and was in a lover relationship with Yuan Fei Asma.

Chinese Name: Sunset Red

Foreign Name: YuuhiKurenai

[Nation of Fire]

[Date of Birth: June 11]

[Class: Ninja]

Japanese name:

Voice actor: Rumi Ochiai


basic information

capability value

Spells used

interpersonal relationship

Red's Strength

Muye Class 8

relevant circumstances


basic information

capability value

Spells used

interpersonal relationship

Red's Strength

Muye Class 8

relevant circumstances


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basic information

Sunset Red (YuuhiKurenai)


A character from the comic Naruto

Using illusions to confuse the opponent, a talented and beautiful female ninja.

Voice actor: Rumi Ochiai

Ninja Registration Number: 010881

[Origin: Country of Fire, Kiba Ninja Village]

[Ninja Level: Jounin]

[Birthday: June 11th (27-28 years old in the first episode → 31 years old in the second episode, Gemini)]

[height: 169.1cm (from author's book, please do not change)]

[Weight: 54.4Kg]

[Blood type: Type A and B]

[Current Squad: Class Eight]

[Character: Megrez, Hero among women]

[Opponent I want to challenge: Flying Ape Asama (After Asama's death, there is no opponent I want to challenge for the time being)]

Sunset Red

Husband: Flying Ape Asma

Favorite Food: Soju, Vodka, Wasabi Octopus

[Disgusting Food: Cake]

[Proficient in magic, Tree Bind, and various illusions]

Like words: a flash in the pan; splendor as illusory

[Hobbies: Night drinking]

[Ninja School graduate age: 9 years old]

[Chuunin upgrade age: 13 years old]

[Chakra Attribute: Unknown]

[Mission experience: 152 times for D class, 158 times for C class, 227 times for B class, 125 times for A class, 13 times for S class (Part One)]

D class 152 times, C class 158 times, B class 235 times, A class 138 times, S class 14 times (Part 2)

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capability value

Ninjutsu: 8, Bodywork: 8, Illusion: 10, Intelligence: 8, Strength: 4, Speed: 8. Energy: 4. Seal: 9

Sunset Red Atlas (20 photos)

[Total: 59 (as recorded in the Book of Beings)]

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Spells used

Red was good at using illusions.

Illusion-Tree Bind Kill

Magic Tree Bind Kill

The user disappears first, and trees grow from under the opponent's feet and bind the opponent. The user then comes out of the trees to attack.

Tricolor Illusion

(NarumateAckel Original Skill)

Squatting on the ground, letting the enemy see the illusion of the flower petals and take the opportunity to attack.

Illusion Flower Warrior

(NarumateAckel Original Skill)

Use an illusion to trap the enemy on a huge lotus flower. The lotus flower will slowly close and distort the line of sight until the flower explodes. At this time, the enemy will receive heavy damage and the illusion can be dispelled.

Illusion-Mirage Tower

(NarumateAckel Original Skill)

Use an illusion to create a shadow image of yourself. As long as anything gets close to the shadow image, it will directly chase after it and create a crystal shield.

Evil Sealing Seal

A sealing spell used to seal an opponent's chakra with a curse. The sealed person will appear on the body.

Red had only used this skill in anime.


Disappear in the air, then use tree roots to bind the opponent and attack.

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interpersonal relationship

[Students: Inugami Ya, Yuyu Shino, Hinata Hinata (Class Eight), Yamamoto Yamamoto]

[Boyfriend: Flying Ape Asama (In the second movie, Sunset Red was found to be pregnant with Asama's child. However, in the second part, Yuan Fei Asama was defeated by Fei Duan and entrusted Shikamaru to take care of his child before he died.)

[Friend: Wash the red beans with your hands]

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Red's Strength

Red had only fought a few times. When she fought Uchiha Weasel, she used her best illusion, Magic Tree Kill, but the illusion was reflected and she was kicked into the river. However, this did not mean that Red was weak, because his opponent was an S-class Renjin, and he just happened to be dealing with Uchiha Weitake, who was good at illusions. In the red and pommel horse race's illusion showdown was quite powerful, displaying many illusions.

Let's take a look at Red's eight values: Ninja-8 Physique-8 Virtuous-8 Magical-10 Strength-4 Speed-8 Essence-4 Seal-9 Total: 59

As we can see, Red is good in all aspects, especially in the aspect of " illusion ". He has reached the maximum value, but his strength and chakra capacity are relatively small. Overall, he is a relatively powerful Jounin, and he is good at illusions.

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Muye Class 8


Evening Sun Red: The evening sun. Her name was dark red, like the bright color of a burning cloud, just like the color of her eyes. He was also the leader of the eighth class, good at using all kinds of illusions, and had a husband and wife relationship with Yuan Fei Asma (Tomorrow).

Class Eight

<< Shino Yuki: He is very responsible for his teammates, which can be seen from the fact that there are very few casualties in his missions.> Therefore, he was often chosen as the leader of the team. Observing other people's inner thoughts in detail. In a battle, one would make the most optimal decision through precise analysis and judgment, fully utilizing one's wisdom. Similar to Shikamaru, Shino always won by thinking one step ahead of his opponent. Therefore, Shino was very confident in his strategy. He always told his opponent his goal at every step, and only revealed his trump card at the end of the battle.

Inuzuka: A member of the Inuzuka clan. He is very active, competitive, confident, and likes to be the leader of others. He and Ninja Akamaru were inseparable, like brothers. In the battle with the right-hand and left-hand brothers, he also possessed incomparably tenacious determination and perseverance.

- Hinata Hinata: As the eldest daughter of the Hinata family, Hinata is the true heir of the family's secret arts. However, her father, Hinata Hinata, lost confidence in her. When Sunset Red became Hatata's teacher, Hinata said coldly,""It's up to you how you want to teach him. The Hinata family doesn't need this kind of trash.”At first, Hinata appeared to be a person who lacked confidence and gave up easily. Although she trained harder than anyone else, she always failed in her missions. " I want to rely on my own strength to change myself." Hinata participated in the Chuunin exam and gained the belief of never giving up from Uzumaki Naruto.

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relevant circumstances

Red, Kakashi, and the others graduated from the Ninja School at the same time. 16 years ago, when Nine Tails invaded Koba, Red was only a ten-year-old ninja. She was protected in a barrier, and her father appeared at the same time.

the first

She, Kakashi, Asma, and the others recommended their own students to the third-generation Eye Fire Shadow to participate in the Chuunin selection test. She recommended Inu Naga Ya, Yuyou Shino and Hinata. Even though Kai felt that it was very risky for a fresh graduate to take part in the Chuunin selection test, his request was still accepted by the third-generation leader. She had witnessed the performance of three students in the third preliminary examination. She thought that Ya should not be ashamed of his defeat because Naruto was stronger than him. She was very pleased that Hinata had shown courage that she had never shown before when facing the strong enemy, Nyoji. When Hinata was heavily knocked down by Nyoji, she stopped Nyoji from continuing to attack, and Zhi was the only candidate in her team who could pass the preliminary examination.

Sunset Red

Before the third official exam, she asked Ya and Hinata to practice with Shino to prepare for the upcoming knockout round. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden change in the exam, and the hidden village was attacked by Orochimaru. She and the other Leaf Ninjas fought against the many Sound Ninjas and Sand Ninjas.

After the collapse of the wooden leaves, the whole village was covered with broken walls and tiles. In order to defend against external enemies taking the opportunity to invade, she patrolled together with Shangren Yuan Fei Asma. However, they met by chance the genius Uchiha Weasel, who had betrayed the Koba Hidden Village and the Uchiha clan, and his former partner, the 'Fog Enduring Seven Blades Clan'. She knew that Uchiha Weitake was up to no good this time, so she fought with Weitake. She used her magic skill, Tree Bind, to attack Weasel, but was countered by Weasel and was hit by her own spell. Later, she was kicked into the lake by Weasel. On the other side, Asma was also no match for the dried persimmon ghost mermaids. At the critical moment, Kakashi rushed to support her and advised her and Asma to close their eyes to avoid being hit by the ferret's eye technique. Unexpectedly, Kakashi's Shura Eye was no match for Itachi's Pupil Spell, and Itachi was ready to let Kisame deal with her and Asma. Fortunately, Kai also arrived in time and kicked Kisame away. He also reminded her to look at her feet when attacking the enemy, so that she would not be hit by the other party's eye technique. However, facing so many Koba Jounin, Weasel and Onishi did not want to fight anymore and chose to leave. Red and the others also brought Kakashi back to the hospital for treatment.

Sunset Red had once taken in a female disciple called Kurama Bagun. She was a member of the Kurama family in the hidden village of Koba (who possessed the Blood Successor Limit that could cast illusions on the five senses) and was also the only daughter of the main family. This time, she was entrusted by the Kurama family and the third generation of Eye Fire Shadow to take care of her. Bayun had excellent potential in illusion and admired Red very much. She hoped that Red could guide her and make her an outstanding ninja. However, it seemed that there was an unusual force controlling her in her body, so Red did not agree to her request. In the end, Red suddenly placed a sealing spell on her body, removing all her ninjutsu and losing her ability to be a ninja. From then on, she hated Hong very much. Especially when her Jounin parents were suddenly burned to death in the fire, she was even more convinced that this was the conspiracy of the Red and the third generation of eyes, and wanted to drive her and her family out of the wooden leaf, so she was determined to take revenge.

Until one day, this girl was drawing a scan of the hidden village of Koba on the mountain, which Naruto, who was cultivating, saw. Just as she was drawing the scene of Tsukate's office being struck by lightning, the scene in the painting was actually presented in front of her eyes, and Tsukate's office was immediately set on fire by lightning. This surprised Naruto. While the fire was being put out, a Dark Group and two Medical Ninjas suddenly appeared on Naruto's side and took Yakumo away. After Red learned of this, she knew that it was time to go and see Eight Clouds, so she dismissed her position as the leader of the eighth class.

When Naruto, Sakura and the eighth class (Inugami Teeth, Oil Girl Shino, Hinata) learned that Red had dismissed the eighth class leader, they felt that it was inappropriate; Naruto secretly turned red and secretly went to the hospital outside the hidden village of Kiba where Yamo was located. In the Eight Clouds Room, he saw a special painting. It was a painting of Red's chest being pierced by an arrow. Naruto thought that his heart had been pierced, and he fell out of the window in shock. The Dark Group and the Medical Ninja saw him and knocked him out. Later, Ming Ren found himself in the hospital and learned that Red had personally gone to see Eight Clouds, so he immediately rushed over, but was knocked out by Red's illusion.

It just so happened that Bayun's hospital was invaded by the pommel horse clan, and they seemed to want to take Bayun away. Okami sent Akai to lead Sakura and Class 8 to the hospital as reinforcements, and the team also saved Naruto on the way. Red arrived at the hospital, defeated two enemies with an illusion, and rescued Bagun from the hospital. On the way, he met the leader of the pommel horse clan, the pommel horse cloud sea, and was injured by the cloud sea. Fortunately, Naruto arrived in time. Hatata saw the whereabouts of the cloud sea with his white eyes, and Naruto beat back the cloud sea with a series of bullets. Akai stayed there to investigate, while Red and the others took Yakumo back to the hidden village of Kiba. Sakura also healed Red. But in fact, they had unknowingly fallen into the illusion space created by Eight Clouds and saw the destroyed hidden village of Wood Leaf. Shino was not fooled by the illusion because the insects around him had sensitive antennae. Naruto also learned from the sea of clouds that all this phenomenon was an illusion, and knew that Yakumo had the ability to create illusions on the five senses of the person, and then hurt the body through the other's senses, so he could easily kill people with illusions. This was probably the reason why the third generation and red wanted to seal the power of Yakumo. What was even more terrifying was that there was a demon attached to Ba Yun's body, moving under his subconscious. Yunhai and Naruto were trapped by the lava formed by the illusion. In order to let Naruto escape from the illusion space, Yunhai knocked him unconscious and jumped into the lava with him. However, after rescuing Naruto, Yunhai himself was severely burned. The others (except for the infrared) also successfully escaped from the space of the Eight Clouds.

In the space of the Eight Clouds, Red's body gradually disappeared due to the spell cast by the Eight Clouds in the painting. When the tooth tried to save Red, it was blocked and burned by the fire painted by the Eight Clouds. Shino could only use the insects that were not controlled by the illusion to enter the fire and disrupt the actions of the Eight Clouds against Red. Naruto also knocked himself out with a shadow clone (paralyzing his five senses and not affected by the illusion), and then brought the clone into the fire. Naruto told her the truth about the demon in her body, but Red stopped her. When the Eight Clouds Empress saw a painting of a fire, she remembered that her parents were killed by the demon Idou in her subconscious. Bayun understood everything and apologized to Red. She wanted to commit suicide to apologize, but the demon appeared and stopped her. However, Hong advised Bayun to strengthen his will and overcome this inner demon in his heart. In the end, Ba Yun also stabbed this demon to death. The illusion space was removed, and the painting that was originally going to kill Red also turned into a scene of the two of them hugging each other. A ray of light entered the room, and everything returned to normal. Red continued to be the teacher of Class Eight.

the second part

Sunset Red Plot Map (5 photos)

Just as Yuan Fei Asma was leading a group of Chuunin Nara Shikamaru, Mystic Moon Out of the Clouds, and Gang Zi Tie in pursuit of Xiao's Feiduan and Jiao Du, Sunset Red was also pregnant. When she was watering the flowers at home, she had already felt uneasy when she saw the flowers fall. Later on, when he found out that Asma had really met with an accident and was killed by Xiao while carrying out a mission, he was so sad that he almost fainted. However, the child in her womb was the 'Jade General'(Japanese shogi, equivalent to the general of Chinese chess) that Yuan Fei had told Shikamaru before he died. It became another goal for Shikamaru and the others when they carried out their mission-to protect this child well, as well as the other children who would become the pillars of Kiba Hidden Village in the future. Therefore, Shikamaru, as a 'Keima'(Japanese shogi, equivalent to the horse of Chinese chess), would not allow Fei Duan and Jiao Du to invade.

After Fei Duan and Jiao were both killed, Shikamaru went to Yuan Fei's grave to pay his respects and coincidentally met Sunset Red. Shikamaru promised Sunset Red that she was very grateful to Shikamaru for taking care of her in the past, and she also felt comforted for Asma.

Naruto learned of the grievous news of Selaiya's death in the line of duty and was once sad. Shikamaru took him to see Red in order to cheer him up. Naruto knew that Red was pregnant, and Shikamaru told Naruto that he would become the master of Red Child. After Shikamaru's encouragement, Naruto pulled himself together again.

Penn Invasion

Chapter 503

Sunset Red did not appear many times in this chapter. When Pei En attacked Muye Village, Sunset Red hid in a corner of the village to take refuge because she was pregnant.

In manga 503, it was also mentioned that Xi Rihong's father had participated in the battle against the Nine-Tails 16 years ago. [1]

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Old Enemy? Sasuke and Sakura

Chapter 020: Breaking Through to a New Chapter! Chuunin experiment

Report Your Name! Strong enemies emerge

Sunset Red

Deciding Victory! Dilemma Question 10

Second Experiment Breakthrough! All 9 newcomers have been gathered

Passed 1/2 of the Unexpected Qualifiers

Explosive! Kakashi VS Orochimaru 044 Akamaru entering the battle!! Who was the stray dog!

Hatata's Face Was Blushing! The audience was shocked by Naruto's unique skill

Eyes Rolling! Shy Hatata boldly made up her mind!

In Front of the Person She Yearned For!!

Woo Woo, Rock Lee! This was how a man should live! (It's just a clip)

Sad Thoughts, A Flower Carrying Wishes

The Potential of Trash!

Clouds Are Really Good... ZERO Man

Fierce Battle! When the leaves dance and the sand squirms

Farewell to the Third Generation Naruto

Morning Mist's Return

Chapter 082-Shura Eye VS Shura Eye

083oh! no! Calamity of Selaiya, Calamity of Naruto

The Roaring Chidori Roars, Sasuke!

The Three Villains of the Prison Institution

The Super Tracking Ability That Even Akamaru Was Jealous Of Finding The Mysterious Tiny Fragrance Insects

Class 8, The Red One Who Was Decided to Be Abandoned

Eight Clouds 'Sealed Power

Red's Secret Mission and the Agreement of the Third Generation

Illusion or Reality Dominating the Five Senses

The Ability That Should Have Been Sealed

Stupid Move

Double Jade

The Ninja's Menace

Under the Stars

298-299 Asma died in despair and wailing

The Last Words

Bad News

Class Ten

The Price of Power

372-373 Naruto's tears! The vow to get back on my feet

The Power to Believe

The Past ~ The Person in Charge of Koba's Trajectory, Kakashi Shinobu

Manga 503: The Ghouls of Watergate Are Sealed

This book comes。

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