Dead Chicken Deep Sea
41 Japanese Cannibal Girl 2

Su-Su Jiay


Only Min Zhe's head was left.

Today, I finally know who the woman who made him give up on me is.

Min Zhe, you hate him too, right? Didn't I seduce you on purpose?

I'll teach her a good lesson for you so that she can never seduce anyone again.

Her name is Emei, Emei... Hu ~

She brought Keimi to Min Zhe and my house.

I want to punish this woman in front of him

Yelling is annoying, so... a coma

Tie her up and let Min Zhe take care of her…

He put Min Zhe's head on the dining table

Put Keimi in front of him

One of his eyes was rotten, so I cleaned it with my towel…

Was it uncomfortable to only see with one eye?...

Hehe, Min Zhe is laughing, Keimei, wake up…

Min Zhe broke the ring on his finger with a hammer in the morning

Sharp, my ears still hurt

Blood is everywhere, I'm wiping it hard, Min Zhe likes it clean

She said to let him live, hehe, but he must be punished.

But he didn't want to kill her. Min Zhe didn't like killing people.

Min Zhe last night? He said he kissed Keimi…

Innocent Min Zhe, hehe…He used a sharp knife to cut off Keimi's lips...

He resisted too strongly. She hit his mouth a few times with the hammer she used yesterday before it quieted down a lot.

Hehe, I lost 3 or 4 teeth. It's a little funny, hehe

Min Zhe also smiled at her and praised me.

Today is a holiday, I want to rest at home

The punishment continued

I used a kitchen knife to cut off half of the breasts that seduced Min Zhe.

It's a pity to cut off such beautiful breasts.

She also bled a lot, probably because she knew she was wrong. She just lowered her head and watched.

My own breasts that were cut off, hehehe

Sometimes I say "kill me", hehe, whenever I use pliers to cut my fingernails or toenails,

One by one to the back, hehe, I don't say that now

This book comes。

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