Red bean paste
2 Title, Inscription, Introduction, I,,,, X



Military novels:

The Sacred Yew

Author: Xingxing

The wind blows, the clouds fly, the power spreads across the sea, and I return to my hometown.

Where can I find a brave man to guard the four directions?



There was such a tree in the world called the yew.

It is an evergreen tree, its twigs turning yellowish green or reddish brown in autumn, its leaves strip-shaped, and its plant is dioecous.

According to the research of Chinese scientists, the yew in the northeast was an ancient tree species left behind by the Fourth Glacier. It was not afraid of the cold and heat, and could withstand the wind and rain. Under the harsh climate conditions, its tenacious vitality had allowed it to live on Earth for more than 2.5 million years. Not only did it have well-developed lateral roots, luxuriant foliage, strong sprouting ability, but it also had a wide range of climate adaptation, wide requirements for soil quality, and was resistant to trimming, cold, pests and diseases. Moreover, they could grow into tall trees, and some individual trees could even grow for thousands of years. They could be used as medicinal varieties and could also be used as green varieties. The yew was known as the " God Tree of Feng Shui " in the folklore of Northeast China.

A little-known " Yew King " growing in the back mountain of Zhang Clan Village in Yunnan was more than five meters in diameter. It was estimated that its growth age had reached more than 2,000 years. Some experts believed that it was the oldest yew growing in South China! The " Yew King ", which was called the " Tree of God " by the villagers, stood between the two mountains with a big red cloth tied around its waist. The trunk required five adults to wrap around it. Its straight and huge body was eight or nine stories tall.

In view of the medicinal value of yew and the fact that it was recognized as a rare natural anti-cancer plant that was on the verge of extinction in the world, it was a national first-class protected plant. It was a precious tree species that was both ornamental and medicinal. The taxol extracted from the plant was a world-recognized anti-cancer drug and was expensive. Therefore, the yew was also known as "bio-gold". In recent years, it has even been selected as one of the four major tree species by the country as a scientific research project to be brought into space to cultivate.

Secondly, the yew was also a good product for gardens, courtyard greenery, and beautification. It was also the most precious and rare high-grade green tree species. The unique ornamental value of the potted plant was another major feature of the northeast yew. The potted plant of the northeast yew treated with dwarfing technology was simple and elegant. The branches and leaves were compact but not dense, and stretched but not loose. The red stem, red branches, green leaves, and red beans made it have multiple ornamental values of viewing the stem, branches, leaves, and fruits.

The smooth red stem represented magnanimity and nobility, the evergreen needles represented perseverance and eternity, and the red beans that resembled the "lovesick beans" showed love and longing. The entire plant was hidden and extraordinary, with a strong sense of life and cultural heritage. Due to the scarcity of yew resources, it was listed as a rare tree species in China to be protected.

As for the praise of the yew, it was just like the poem "Poem of the Stone Pine of Huangshan Mountain" in the Huangshan scenic area of Anhui Province: "Mount Huangshan is suffused with chrysanthemum fragrance in autumn, and the yew in the dream sea is shining with treasure light. The crystal clear red is like fire, and the lovesickness is sent to my heart.”

There was also a group of people in the world called " soldiers ".

The image they had built up was just like the image of the yew, extremely noble.

The character they nurtured was just like the character of the "Yew", hard and strong.

Their temperament was similar to the temperament of the yew, winning respect.

The spirit they displayed was similar to the spirit of the yew, which was immortal for thousands of years.


Looking at the map, Fugong County was located between 9841 - 9902 East Longitude and 2628 - 2732 North Latitude. It was located in the Nujiang River Canyon between Biluo Snow Mountain, which was more than 4000 meters away, and Gaoligong Mountain, which was more than 5000 meters away, in the middle of Hengduan Mountain Range in northwest Yunnan. The largest vertical distance from north to south was 112 kilometers, and the largest horizontal distance from east to west was 23 kilometers. The total area of the county is 2756.44 square kilometers.

The whole county is a mountainous canyon terrain, with the terrain being high in the north and low in the south. There are Nujiang River and 30 natural rivers such as Mugujia, Shidi, Yamu, Lishadi, Mukeji and Mujijia that flow into Nujiang River from Biluo Snow Mountain and Gaoligong Mountain. Nujiang River runs through the whole county from north to south, forming a narrow V-shaped valley from north to south. The highest point in the county was the Galapa Peak of Biluo Snow Mountain, 4379 meters above sea level. The lowest point was on the Nu River at the junction with Lushui County, 1010 meters above sea level. The relative height difference was 3369 meters.

Within the county town, there were scenic canyons, snow mountains, primeval forests, high mountains, lakes, rivers, and wall farming. There were also the mysterious "Oriental Grand Canyon", the magnificent and steep Gaoligong Mountain, the magnificent Biluo Snow Mountain, the uncanny stone moon, the picturesque natural ecology of Yaping, the mountains and lakes scattered all over the place, the surging rivers and waterfalls, the colorful mountain meadow, the charming primeval forest, the bamboo sea, the unpredictable canyon and sea of clouds, and the thrilling and exciting canyon cable ride.、、、、、

The county town was located in Shangpa Town, 1190.9 meters above sea level. It was an inconspicuous valley town, located in the Nujiang Grand Canyon under the old nest mountain of Biluo Snow Mountain. The mountains on both sides were covered with snow all year round. Even in midsummer, one could still faintly see the white snow on the old nest mountain, which was more than 4000 meters above sea level. The valley area in the territory was sub-tropical, half of the hillside was in the temperature zone, and the mountain was in the cold zone.

Fugong County was a six-in-one key county for national poverty relief and development, which included border areas, ethnic groups, religion, poverty, high mountains and valleys, and Zhiguo District. It was located at the end of the economic development of 129 counties and cities in Yunnan.

Although it was located in a remote area, it was an important border in the western part of China. It bordered Lanping County and Weixi Lisu Autonomous County in the east, Lushui County in the south, Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County in the north, and Myanmar in the west. The border was 142.218 kilometers long. Nu River was a place where many ethnic groups lived. There were more than ten ethnic minorities such as Lisu, Nu, Dulong, Pumi, Bai, Jingpo, Dai, and Chashan. The ethnic culture and environment were very strong. The largest population was the Lisu tribe, and the Nu tribe had been living there for generations. The Lisu tribe and the Nu tribe of Fugong had similar clothing.

Throughout the year, it was common for the border residents to pass by, and they were used to trading and doing business. There were even cases of local armed personnel coming to take refuge in Myanmar, and a small number of bad people in the country defected. Therefore, whether it was to prevent foreign invasions, to prohibit mixed people from sneaking across the border, or to crack down on illegal smuggling and drug trafficking, it was an extremely important strategic position and a border fortress that could not be underestimated.

Fugong County, Nujiang Prefecture, was assigned to patrol the border for many years. The company that guarded the border was stationed in Fugong, Nujiang Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Their camp was stationed on a hillside near the county town. They could overlook the entire Fugong County Town from the lower government, and they could connect to the upper government.

It was true that the environment was harsh and the conditions were limited, but the officers and soldiers of the company were unwilling to be left out. They worked hard and fought tenaciously to build a simple camp in an orderly manner.

The company's barracks were all built using local materials. They were built with stones and tree trunks found on the mountain. Although they were relatively narrow and low, the layout of the dormitory was very clean and neat. The bedding on the bed was stacked up like pieces of tofu. The dental jars on the table and the satchels on the wall were arranged like a landscape. The weapons and ammunition on the gun rack were arranged like sharp arrows that were ready to be fired. All of them highlighted the usual military style of the army. It could really be said to be "small but complete".

The steps in front of and behind the barracks were filled with potted plants. Fruits and trees were planted around the barracks. Some wasteland was also opened up around the barracks to grow vegetables. Fish were also raised in the excavated and transformed ponds. Pigs and sheep were also fed in the pens built with simple materials. It made people feel warm. It all showed the optimistic spirit of the revolutionary family in the army.

In the mid-1980s, the entire army of the People's Republic of China welcomed a large-scale " one million troops reduction " operation. This was also another unusual reduction operation after the counterattack in the Central South. It was also the highest number of troops reduced in the history of the Chinese army. It detonated the world and shocked the world!

As a result, the Fugong garrison faced a new test of military restructuring. In order to respond to the call of the Central Military and Political Affairs for a " one million troops to be disarmed ", a company stationed at the Fugong border defense was deployed according to the regulations of the higher authorities. They vigorously carried out the company restructuring and disarming plan. After repeated research, they drafted a list of personnel and reported it to the regiment for approval before it was officially finalized. Thus, the company's personnel reduction mission was completed.

In order to complete the mission of the " One Million Troops Carriage " as scheduled, in the middle and late autumn of November, all the commanders and soldiers of a company stationed in Fugong border defense of Nujiang, Yunnan, gathered at a basketball court in the middle of the company. They were ready to officially announce the list of relevant personnel who had been approved by the regiment to retire and transfer to other jobs.

Looking at the pomelos, golden oranges, moist yams, crystal clear dates, and beautiful red beans that were grown on the fruit trees that the soldiers had personally cultivated, everyone was filled with a tense and depressing atmosphere.

The company officials standing in front of the field were: One of them was Instructor Gu, who was 37 or 38 years old. He was from the Bai clan in Dali, Yunnan Province. He was thin and capable, and had an elegant temperament. One of them was Company Commander Jiang, who was about 35 or 36 years old. He was from the Jingpo clan in Dehong, Yunnan Province. The other was Company Commander Shao Fu, who was in his early thirties. He was from the Pumi tribe in Nu Jiang, Yunnan Province. He was small and capable, simple and honest.

In addition, there were two leaders who came down from the mountain. One was Commander Guan, who was in his forties. He was from the Dai people in Dehong, Yunnan Province. He was short and sturdy, and his skin was bronze. One of them was Instructor Song, who was about 38 or 39 years old. He was a Han Chinese from Jinhua, Zhejiang Province. He was tall and burly, with fair skin.

In order to cooperate with the "Million Military Dismantling" operation initiated by the central military and government, and to carry out the reduction of personnel in the company, the official reading ceremony was held on the list of retired and transferred personnel of the First Battalion and First Company approved by the superior.

There were also some other platoon officers standing behind him, including a thirty-five-year-old Secretary Chen. He was a Shanghai Han from the mainland. He was well-proportioned and had delicate skin. Tao Zhigang, a 30-year-old instructor who had just been promoted, was from the Han nationality in southern Fujian. He was 1.7 meters tall, had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a straight nose bridge. He had a handsome temperament. They were all quietly waiting to hear the announcement of the list of retired and transferred personnel from the company.

Company Commander Shao Fu was the host. He first explained the gathering to everyone."Today, the company and the battalion headquarters have gathered everyone together to officially announce the list of retired and transferred personnel that the regiment party committee has approved. We will also explain the company's restructuring and personnel reduction in conjunction with the 'Million Military Disarmament'.”

Shao Lianfu then added," However, before we officially announce it, I would like to make it clear that the specific implementation of the restructuring and layoffs in our company is also in accordance with the central military and political system. It is to reduce the number of non-combatants and support troops, implement a simplified reorganization plan for some troops, and hand over some troops to the local military. Therefore, in conjunction with the " One Million Military Dismantling " operation issued by the central government, I hope that everyone will have a clear understanding of the company's restructuring methods. They must be understanding of the company's and the higher-ups 'decision to lay off employees. No matter who is being laid off, they must treat it correctly, without complaint, and firmly obey.”

Then, Shao Lianfu solemnly announced,""Next, I would like to invite Company Commander Jiang to officially announce the list of retired soldiers that have been approved by the higher-ups. "Alright, I will represent the company and officially announce the list of retired soldiers that have been approved by the higher-ups.”Commander Jiang then picked up the document and read it out." After reporting to the higher-ups for approval, the retired soldiers of our company are: "Sun Wei, Zhao Guoqiang, Zhang Dapeng, Xue Caifu, Cai Jianhua, Gong Mingliang, Xia Guanghui, Xu Liang, Wang Chunsheng, Sun Xiaohu, Huang Yuexin, Yang Bo, Yu Pingan…" Commander Jiang held the red-headed document approved by his superiors and read out the list of retired soldiers in one breath. However, as soon as Commander Jiang finished speaking, there was a hush in the team. Everyone felt that some of the names of the retired soldiers were within their expectations, while others were unexpected...

"Please be quiet down there.”Company Commander Shao Fu, who was in charge, waved his hand and gestured to everyone. Then, he announced,"Battalion Commander Guan will represent the battalion headquarters to announce the list of people who have been transferred to our company."”

"Alright, I will now announce the list of people who have been transferred to civilian jobs. After your company discussed and reported it to the higher party committee, the people who have been transferred to civilian jobs are: To instructor Tao Zhigang, Secretary Chen Kai, volunteer Tang Yuanjun.”

After announcing the list of personnel to be transferred to civilian work, Battalion Commander Guan continued to speak in order to let everyone have a better understanding of the 'Million Troops Carriage' operation,""Here, in order to let everyone have a correct understanding of this 'Million Carriage' operation, I think it is necessary to emphasize the background and purpose of this 'Million Carriage' operation. This time, the Central Military Administration had announced the 'One Million Military Disarmament'. After analyzing the new international situation where a world war could not be fought for the time being, and the domestic desire to strive for more peace and security for economic construction, the Central Military Administration had made up its mind to carry out the' One Million Military Disarmament'. This was a huge move made by China, and it was also a public announcement to the world that China had the real determination to achieve military reduction. It was different from the two superpowers in the world who were shouting to reduce their troops on the surface, but in fact, they wanted to control other countries.

In the country, it was also to reduce the size of the huge army, reform the bloated organization of the army, reduce the non-combat-type organs, handymen, and support troops, and simplify some troops and hand over some troops to the local government. To strengthen the technological and information capabilities of the troops to achieve the goal of our military's modernisation. This was especially so to shift the focus of China's attention from preparing for war to economic development, reducing military spending and reducing the waste of resources to support China's modern economic construction.”

Pausing for a moment, Battalion Commander Guan said in a low voice,"Also, according to the relevant information from the higher-ups, through the withdrawal, merger, surrender, handover, reform, and reorganization of the troops, the personnel establishment of the headquarters of the People's Liberation Army will be reduced by half. The 11 military regions were merged into seven. We should also reduce some units at the army level and above, as well as divisions and regiments. The merger of some high-level command academies and the reduction of deputy officers in the leadership teams at all levels might add up to 50,000 to 600,000. Including our Kunming Military Region will also be merged into the Chengdu Military Region. Our border defense forces may also be incorporated into the local armed police force for unified management.

Therefore, the scale of this operation is huge, the task is heavy, and there are many layoffs. It is also not easy. Our regiment and the battalions have also laid off a lot of people. Therefore, I hope that everyone can have a clear understanding of the 'One Million Dismantling Operation' issued by the central government this time. You must be aware of the big picture and consider the overall situation. You must always be in line with the central government.”

At this moment, Tao Zhigang, who was accompanying the company commander and the instructor, finally relaxed when he heard Battalion Commander Guan officially read out his name list. He heaved a sigh of relief. Whether to leave or stay, there's finally a conclusion."

In fact, Tao Zhigang, who was the instructor of the company, had heard about the "One Million Military Dismantling" operation arranged by the central military and government, the "Chengkun Merger" that would be implemented in the military region, and the news that his own border defense force would be incorporated into the local armed police force. He had also heard about the personnel reduction plan and the list of retired and transferred personnel that he was involved in. The only difference was that this time, he finally heard his name list being read out, which further confirmed that his transfer from the team had become a fact.

However, when he began to realize that his ten-year career in the army was coming to an end, and that his life in the military camp was coming to an end, especially after being promoted to the company's instructor for less than a year, and then he was going to pack up and go home, he felt very uncomfortable at the same time. He forced himself to lift his head and pretended to be energetic. He looked up at the sky, and a myriad of emotions welled up in his heart.

He recalled the years when he joined the army and embarked on the military journey. He and his fellow countrymen had a good wish and a sense of glory and pride towards being a soldier. They worked hard to establish the idea of being a soldier for the country and carrying guns for the people. They dedicated the most precious youth of their lives to the border defense of the motherland. From the eastern gate of the motherland to the western border of the motherland, they traveled across a large area of the country. It could be said that they had tasted the feeling of being a soldier for once in a lifetime. I experienced the ups and downs of the military camp of "eight thousand miles of clouds and moons"...

He recalled the intense military training and hard work he and his comrades had experienced in Hengsha and Chongming Islands when they joined the Shanghai Garrison Guard. Then, they were sent to the front line to fight in Yunnan. Then, they were transferred to Fugong, Nu River, to guard the border and guard the China-Myanmar border. It was not an exaggeration to describe them as "turning a thousand miles","galloping on the battlefield","charging forward","going through fire and water","selfless dedication", and so on.

Counting the comrades and fellow countrymen who came to serve in the army, there were not many left. They either sacrificed themselves bravely in the bloody battle on the front line or gloriously sacrificed themselves in the border disaster relief. It was indeed a sad and joyful separation, which made Tao Zhigang feel deeply saddened!

It was precisely because he had personally witnessed and experienced the cruel reality of being a soldier and Yan Jun's life and death test that Tao Zhigang developed a deeper relationship and endless admiration for soldiers. He also affirmed the value of life he had achieved since he became a soldier and felt a sense of glory and pride.

However, just as he had completely adapted to life in the military camp in the mountainous area and formed an indissolvable bond with the border company, especially when he was promoted to the company's instructor and was about to win a better future, he did not expect to catch up with the "One Million Major Disarmament" action issued by the central military and government. The leaders of the regiment and battalion organizations also listed him as one of the border troops to be laid off. This made him feel unexpected and fell into a dilemma for a moment. He really could not figure it out...

He had been in the army for ten years and had gone through so many bumpy roads. He had gone through so many harsh tests and finally made some progress in the army. He had a bright future, but now he had to leave the army. It was really unbearable.

However, on second thought, the " Million Troops Carriage " operation was currently being carried out throughout the entire army. It was a massive and swift operation. No one dared to slack off or go against it. Moreover, the army had always been a place where orders were carried out like mountains. Obeying orders was the duty of a soldier. Who dared not to carry them out?

Therefore, Tao Zhigang, who was a company cadre and a party member, naturally had to take the lead. He had to consciously abide by the discipline of the army, protect the decisions of the battalion, regiment, and company, and do his best to fulfill his duties. He had to consider the overall situation, obey the organization's arrangements unconditionally, go wherever he was called, obey the overall interests, and be consistent with the central government. He must not expose his thoughts at this time, let alone produce conflicting emotions, even if there was something he could not figure out. He had to keep his personal opinion to himself for the time being. Perhaps this would be the last test he would encounter in the army. He had to consider it carefully and treat it seriously.

While Tao Zhigang was deep in thought, Company Commander Shao Fu took over and announced the third agenda."Now, Instructor Gu, on behalf of the company, wishes the retired military personnel who have been announced. Please applaud.”

Then, amidst the applause of the soldiers, Instructor Gu held the manuscript and walked to the front of the stage. He held up his full enthusiasm and congratulated the retired and transferred personnel present.

"First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the company, to express my warmest congratulations and highest respect to the retired and transferred personnel who have been announced today! Your retirement and transfer to another profession symbolizes that another batch of excellent students in our company have graduated from the great school of military ideology and will enter society. This is your glory, and also the glory of our company!

Looking back at the unforgettable years when you served the country as soldiers, carried guns for the people, protected your family for the country, and fulfilled your obligations, especially after you came to the remote mountainous area of Fugong in the western border of the motherland, you were able to disregard your personal gains and losses, work hard, be willing to contribute, and not be afraid of the cold and scorching heat. Under the state of combat training that you have carried out since the counterattack, you stood guard, patrolled, surveyed the boundary pillar between China and Myanmar, and arrested smuggling and drug trafficking. The border defense duties such as intercepting defectors and actively participating in the company's production labor and other self-rescue missions, they shed sweat and sweat, and made great contributions to our 10th Regiment, 1st Battalion, and 1st Company!

At the same time, they also participated in the border people's support for the construction of the border areas. They helped the local areas build roads, build bridges, prevent floods, rescue disaster victims, and eliminate dangerous mountain torrents and mudflows. They did not care about life and death. For this, some outstanding comrades even sacrificed their young and precious lives to make an indelible contribution to the construction and protection of the Nujiang Fugong! In short, you are all good people. You are the cutest people in the entire generation of China! "For this reason, on behalf of all the remaining officers and soldiers in the company, I once again express my respect and respect to you!”

After Instructor Gu finished reading the congratulatory message, he then spoke in a caring tone to the retired and transferred personnel who were announced,"In addition, I would like to give some advice to some of you who have been discharged and transferred to other jobs. The list of retired and transferred personnel was also reluctantly decided after repeated deliberation and discussion by the company.”Instructor Gu sighed deeply.""Cough! In fact, I am also reluctant to let you go, but the higher-ups have instructed that everyone must respond to the 'Million Army Dismantling' issued by the central military and government, resolutely implement the relevant streamlined reorganization plan formulated by the central military and government, strictly enforce organizational discipline, and not be affected by personal feelings. They must do their best and fulfill their duties to be loyal to the party's cause and maintain unity with the central government.”

"Alright, next, let's welcome Instructor Song from the camp to speak for us.”As Company Commander Shao Fu continued to preside over the announcement of the final agenda, the soldiers below once again applauded. However, it still seemed relatively quiet.

"Commander Jiang, Instructor Gu, and Commander Guan have already said a lot about the 'Million Dollar Military Disarmament'. All in all, this 'Million Dollar Military Reduction' operation doesn't just involve our Kunming Military Region and the Nu Jiang Border Defense Force, it involves the entire army.

That was why the 'One Million Military Refinement' was a revolutionary change in our military establishment system. The reduction of personnel was huge, the difficulty was great, and the scope involved was unprecedented. Therefore, all the officers and soldiers in the army were required to be able to understand the big picture, take into account the overall situation, be united, abide by discipline, and resolutely obey and implement the action steps of the 'One Million Military Disarmament'. At the same time, the central government also asked local governments at all levels and people of all ethnic groups to overcome difficulties and work hard to coordinate the placement of retired military officers, retired military officers, and retired soldiers. Through the above analysis and explanation, I believe you can all understand.

Therefore, I hope that the people who are announced to be retired and transferred to civilian work today will have a correct understanding of the company's methods and the decisions of their superiors. At this time, those who were members of the Party or the Youth League should be able to be noble, take the overall situation into consideration, ignore personal gains and losses, obey the orders of their superiors, obey the arrangements of the organization, and be willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause of the Party.”After a pause, he softened his tone and said,"Actually, staying in the army and returning to your hometown are the same. You have to do a good job, but the division of labor is different. Finally, I sincerely hope that you will come to the army with joy and return home with the same joy.”

Although they heard Instructor Song's comforting words before leaving, the oppressive atmosphere on the scene still did not ease.

Apart from having different opinions on whether to stay or leave, most of the retired soldiers and officers who were announced to be transferred to other jobs still had feelings for their comrades. After all, they had all gone through life and death together. They had been together day and night for so many years. How could they not feel sad when they thought about being separated soon?

In order to ease the mood of the soldiers, Commander Jiang came up in time and announced," Let me tell everyone that after the company's research, we've decided to hold a formal farewell party for the company's retired and transferred personnel. At the same time, we'll slaughter two fat pigs to properly reward the retired and transferred meritorious personnel who have contributed to us."

After hearing the good news announced by Commander Jiang, the lively atmosphere that he hoped to see did not appear.

"Alright, that's all for the retirement and transfer announcement this morning. Let's bring it back to you by the platoons.”At this moment, Shao Lianfu, who had presided over the completion of all the matters on the agenda, hurriedly walked forward and asked for instructions from Battalion Commander Qi Guan and Instructor Song. He promptly issued the order to withdraw the troops, thus easing the dull and awkward situation on the field and solving the siege for the company.


After that, Tao Zhigang returned to the company's dormitory and began to prepare for his departure. He packed up the luggage that had accompanied him for several years and some souvenirs that the company had distributed before he left. At the same time, he had a farewell conversation with some of the company's officers and soldiers who had seen him off until late at night.

Then, the next day, he was elected as the representative of the retired and transferred personnel to give a farewell speech at the farewell meeting held by the company. The continuous social gatherings and tense arrangements really made Tao Zhigang feel overwhelmed and tired.

However, there was still one thing that was pressing on his heart and was considered the most important thing that he had not done. Before he left the team, he had to go to Fugong Martyrs Cemetery to hold a farewell ceremony with his comrades and fellow countrymen who had unfortunately lost their precious lives in the flood-fighting mudslide at the border between China and Myanmar and would forever be left in the western border of Yunnan.

There was only one night left. Tao Zhigang, who was sleeping in the dormitory of the company, thought of leaving the border defense company that had accompanied him for more than 2,000 days and nights at dawn. He thought of bidding farewell to his comrades and fellow countrymen who had come to the front to fight and silently sacrificed themselves in the Yunnan border. He felt very uncomfortable and could not sleep.


The next morning, before the sun had even risen, Tao Zhigang hurriedly got out of bed and brought the prepared offerings. He walked along the uneven mountain path and quietly arrived at the Fugong County Martyrs Cemetery at the foot of the mountain.

The mountain fog lingered, and the morning light enveloped the place. It was solemn and quiet.

Tao Zhigang came to the mausoleum of the twelve soldiers of the first four rows of rocket launchers.

Tao Zhigang's eyes became moist as he looked at the tombstones with familiar names and the tombs of his fellow countrymen. He began to offer the pine and cypress he had picked from the back of the mountain and the fruits distributed to him by the company to the tombstones.

He couldn't help but think of the tragic scene when he and the company's officers and soldiers personally carried the coffins of the twelve rocket launcher soldiers who had died and buried them in Fugong Martyrs Cemetery.


It was late June 1981. In the Nujiang River gorge area in the western border of China, in a remote and isolated Fugong County, an earth-shattering and shocking scene was played out.

Early in the morning, the sky was gloomy and the valley was silent.

With the sound of a few mournful horns coming from afar, four heavy military trucks solemnly drove to the front of the Cemetery of Martyrs in Fugong County. Suddenly, the atmosphere at the scene became depressed. Accompanied by the hot and humid weather, a pungent smell of alcohol mixed with the smell of rotting corpses could not help but come.

Except for the soldiers of the Second Company of Gongshan who came with the car to escort the bodies of the martyrs, who wore dust-proof masks, the rest of the officers and soldiers of the Fugong First Company who were waiting at the Martyrs Cemetery did not cover themselves.

Seeing the bodies of the twelve comrades who had been buried by the mudslide, the commanders and soldiers of the company all seemed to have a heavy heart. They were unusually sad and had a strong feeling of kinship. They rushed forward to carry the bodies of the martyrs from the car and stepped into the Martyrs Cemetery with heavy steps.

The coffins of these twelve martyrs were all the soldiers of the Gongshan Second Company's rocket launcher squad who were unfortunately buried and sacrificed in the fight against the flood. Among them, four of them were comrades from the mainland who signed up with Tao Zhigang to support the front.

Tao Zhigang, who would never see them again, was the first to lift up the heavy coffin of Guo Yunlong, his comrade who had fought with him in the war. Tears flowed down his face, accompanied by alcohol and blood seeping out of the coffin. They fell to the ground, making him look particularly sad.

Then, under the leadership of Xu Guocai, a 30-year-old instructor from the Naxi tribe, who was tall, handsome, fair-skinned, and wise, and had the cool appearance of a high battalion commander in "Conquering the South and Fighting the North", and Gong Yugu, a 37-year-old, tall, tanned, thin, and straightforward commander of the Second Company of Gongshan, who came with the car, everyone coordinated and buried the 12 bodies of the martyrs in the mausoleums that had been prepared in advance. Then, Then, he erected a stone tablet for them to enjoy the honor of the martyrs.

Their rankings were: Squad Leader Guo Yunlong, Deputy Squad Leader Liang Qingshan, Warrior Lu Shoujiang, Li Guangrong, Pan Yue, Chen Juntao, Zhang Hu, Ding Xuefeng, Feng Yusheng, Liu Chun, Peng Danian, and Zhao Yunsong.

From then on, twelve new mausoleums were added to the Martyrs Cemetery in Fugong County, Yunnan Province, on the southwest border of the motherland.

The surroundings were solemn.

At this moment, Instructor Xu of the First Company held up the draft paper with deep affection. On behalf of the company and the entire regiment, he began to give a eulogy for the martyrs who had moved over.

"Dear comrades and martyrs, today, we will complete your final burial in the Cemetery of Martyrs. We will erect a monument for you at the foot of Fugong Mountain and engrave your heroic names so that the people of the border will never forget your contributions! Let the People's Republic of China forever remember the glory you have created! This is to express our respect for you.”Instructor Xu took off his military cap and bowed deeply to the twelve dead souls of the martyrs. The officers and soldiers present also took off their military caps and bowed deeply.

Then, Instructor Xu continued to read the eulogy." Looking back on the above, all of you brought your passionate youth and passion to serve the country as soldiers and carry guns for the people. In the pursuit of your ideals and the path of writing your own life, you did not care about personal gains and losses. You devoted yourself to the border defense cause, loved the border, held fast to the company, worked hard, and silently contributed...

Among them, some of you were transferred to the southwest border of Yunnan from the East China Sea outpost. In the face of the choice of life and death to participate in the self-defense counterattack and fight against the mountain torrents and mudflows, you could not shirk your responsibility and not retreat. You went through fire and water, charged into battle, and finally sacrificed your young and precious lives in the southwest battlefield of the motherland. Thus, you reflected the unique temperament of the revolutionary soldiers and the noble character of the soldiers. It has established a beautiful and glorious image for us to strive for conscription, and it has left a bloody flag for us to continue to guard the border.

Dear comrades and martyrs, please rest assured that in the future, we will continue to remember you, mourn you, live up to your expectations, inherit your unfinished business, and continue to stand on guard for the motherland and the people. We will make new contributions to the construction of the border and create glory again!

Finally, may you become a magnificent rainbow, dazzling and never extinguished. It shone with the sun and the moon, with the mountains and rivers, passed down from generation to generation, immortal!”

After a moment of silence, Second Company Commander Gong solemnly announced,"" Alright, let's pour some wine and start toasting our fallen comrades and brothers."

Then, the commanders present took the big bowls and poured wine. Under the leadership of Commander Gong and Instructor Xu, they respectfully offered the wine to the martyrs three times.

Following that, the Fugong First Company and the Gongshan Second Company jointly held a memorial ceremony for the deceased martyrs. After that, the soldiers who were deeply nostalgic and had not finished mourning took advantage of the remaining time to hug each other in front of the tombstone. They placed apples, lit cigarettes, offered mountain flowers, and continued to hold personal ceremonies.


Shortly after the completion of the relocation of the martyrs, according to the instructions of the regiment, the Gongshan Company sent a letter to the relatives of the deceased martyrs in their hometown. However, most of the relatives in the inland provinces could not come because of the long distance and inconvenient transportation. As a result, even the wish to pay homage to the tombs of their deceased relatives could not be realized, which made people feel cold.

Only a few relatives from nearby areas could come to visit and mourn. However, the scene was very disturbing. Some of them entered the cemetery and immediately went to the tombs of their loved ones. They beat their chests and stomped their feet and cried. Some of them went to the tombstones of their loved ones and knelt on their knees. They kept kowtowing to their loved ones, wailing, or kept hitting the tombstones of their loved ones. He sobbed and called out the names of his loved ones. Among them, only Liang Qingshan's father, who had rushed over from the local Gongshan Mountain, was mourning. He squatted in front of the tombstone in an unusually calm manner and silently burned incense for his son.

Thinking of this, Tao Zhigang then came to the mausoleum of Liang Qingshan, the former squad leader of the Gongshan Second Company's rocket launcher squad. He stared at the inscription on the stone tablet that was awarded as a revolutionary martyr. He couldn't help but feel sad. He felt wronged for Liang Qingshan, who died in the landslide attack and was not able to report the danger in time because he was on the last shift.

Immediately, Tao Zhigang took out a pot of the local minority's favorite rice wine and raised it high to toast Liang Qingshan three times.

Following that, the image of the catastrophic mudslide in the Nujiang region appeared in front of his eyes again. The officers and soldiers of the Fugong First Company and the Gongshan Second Company participated in the company's relocation and evacuation of the disaster victims, fighting against the mudslide, until Guo Yunlong, Liang Qingshan, and the other twelve comrades of the rocket launcher squad were unfortunately buried and sacrificed.


It was May 1981, and the rainy season had arrived. The heavens were always fierce, and the rain continued to fall. There were even flashes of lightning and thunder, forming a continuous rainstorm in the entire Nu River area. This triggered many sudden flash floods and mudflows in the Gaoligong Mountain and Biluo Snow Mountain areas, causing the Fugong and Gongshan areas in the canyon mountains to be in a state of emergency! Different from the previous years, this year's mountain torrents and mudflows were especially swift and fierce!

However, on this day, the Fugong First Company officers and soldiers who did not expect the landslide were still sitting in the dining hall, following Instructor Xu to attend a unique minority language class.

" In conclusion, since the learning of the local language began, most of the comrades in the company have been able to participate enthusiastically. Many of them can speak a few words of the Lisu Tribe's daily language, but there are also a few comrades who are not interested in it. They think that it doesn't matter if they learn the local language or not. Here, I would like to advise these comrades. You know, we are members of the border troops stationed in Yunnan. We have to deal with the surrounding ethnic minorities every day, especially the Lisu people. If we don't learn some local ethnic languages, how can we communicate with the border people? If he could not communicate with the people on the border, how could he talk about improving the relationship between the army and the people and promoting national unity?

"In addition, learning the local minority languages can also help us in patrolling, arresting drugs, checking entry and exit, and developing border construction.”At this moment, Instructor Xu summarized the situation of learning the languages of the ethnic minorities in the border areas and continued to help everyone raise their awareness.

After a short pause, Instructor Xu opened the teaching materials that he had prepared beforehand and began to teach the Lisu language."Alright, let's get back to the main topic. Let's review the Lisu language we learned in the previous lesson. The first sentence: 'Hey, let's make friends.' How do you say it in Lisu?”

"Me, you, Qubamash." Immediately, a middle-sized, dark-skinned, and lean ethnic minority from the border stood up and answered. He was Sun Nujiang, a Lisu warrior from Squad One. Because he knew the local situation of Fugong, Nujiang, he was known as the "Nujiang Tong" in the company.

"Comrade Sun Nujiang, I'm not trying to question you. I'm mainly trying to ask a comrade from the mainland. You're a Lisu person who was born in the Fugong area of Nujiang.”

Hearing Instructor Xu's rebuke, the soldiers all let out private laughter in silence.

Sun Nujiang blushed and lowered his head in embarrassment.

After a pause, the class quieted down. Instructor Xu continued with the second question,"'Friend, let's go to your house to play today'."Instructor Xu continued,"How do you say this in the Lisu language?”

"Que Po, let's get married.”This time, he answered that it was indeed a Shanghai citizen from the mainland who had been announced as the acting platoon leader of the Second Platoon, Chen Kai.

"Yes, your enunciation is clear and you speak quite well.”Instructor Xu cleared his throat and continued to ask,""The third sentence,'Friend, do you smoke?'”

"Que Po, Ni Yi Duo Duo, Ye Mang Duo Duo.”Then, another shorter and physically strong ethnic minority stood up and answered effortlessly. He was Ma Xiaochuan, a Dulong warrior from the 4th Platoon of Rocket Launcher Squad. Because he was familiar with the Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County, which led further north, he was often called " Guide Ma " in the company.

Hearing the humorous Lisu pronunciation, the soldiers couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Alright, stop laughing. Be serious in class!”Then, Instructor Xu glanced at the minority soldier who had answered the Lisu question and said unhappily,""Aren't you also from the nearby Gongshan Dulong and Nu autonomous county? Didn't I tell you just now? I don't want to test you locals who know Lisu language, I mainly want to test the comrades who joined our company to fight in the mainland. The above sentence didn't count. The following sentence was like this: 'Friend, have a cup of rice wine' or 'have a cup of wine' is fine.”After a pause, Instructor Xu refuted Sun Nujiang's answer and asked another question.

"Quepo, the corn wine is tooting, the grape wine is tooting.”Before Instructor Xu could finish his sentence, a short soldier answered skillfully. He was a member of the Sichuan branch from the mainland, and was currently a soldier of the company's 'Elite Class', Xu Cao.

"Aha, no wonder you Sichuan people are so good at drinking and eating spicy food. You can remember the words when it comes to drinking.”Instructor Xu made a joke to liven up the class.

The instructor's humor caused everyone to laugh again, and it also aroused everyone's interest in learning minority languages.

"The fifth sentence, come and have breakfast." Then, the instructor continued to ask questions.

"Rubbing the fruit." A tall soldier shouted this sentence almost at the top of his voice. He was Zhao Shuang, a member of the front line from Henan Province and currently the squad leader of the second platoon.

Immediately, the soldiers burst into laughter.

"Mm, not bad! This comrade from the mainland has also made rapid progress. I hope everyone will learn from him in the future.”Even Instructor Xu couldn't help but laugh.

"And the last sentence,'Lisu and Han are one family, but they speak differently.'This sentence was relatively more complicated. Who else could say it?”

"Instructor, let me try." Finally, Tao Zhigang, who was from the mainland and was now the squad leader of the company's elite class, stood up.

“OK! Tao Zhigang is counting on you." Instructor Xu encouraged him with anticipation.

" Han Geluosuo stabbed the Bu family, stabbed the Bu family…" Unexpectedly, Tao Zhigang was impatient.

"Oh, don't be nervous. Think about it carefully.”Seeing this, Instructor Xu quickly came forward to comfort him.

"Open a Bujiyasuo, cough a maizuo.”Suddenly, someone in the crowd reminded him.

"Oh yes!" Open a piece of cloth, a piece of cloth, a piece of cloth.'”Tao Zhigang immediately repeated the second half of the sentence. Then, he scratched the back of his head and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Hmm, not bad! You've improved compared to before." Instructor Xu praised Tao Zhigang gratefully. Then, he concluded for everyone,"All in all, our comrades from the mainland have achieved remarkable results in learning the minority languages. Some of them are almost catching up with our old comrades in the border companies! For this reason, I would like to advise those comrades who have a contemptuous attitude towards learning minority languages to hurry up and work harder. Otherwise, those who fall behind will not be able to keep up with the situation..."

Just as everyone was listening attentively to Instructor Xu's minority language class, suddenly, a rumbling sound came from the ravine near the barracks. It was like a landslide and an earthquake.

Immediately after, they heard a border villager shouting at the foot of the mountain,"Not good, a landslide is coming!”

At this moment, Zheng Guanshan, the Company Commander of the First Company of the Nu Tribe, who was in his forties, had a medium height, a strong waist, and dark red skin, rushed to the dining hall."Instructor Xu, there's an emergency call from the county town. They said that the Fugong Bridge was hit by a mudslide and asked our company to rush down the mountain to carry out rescue.”

"Yes, I understand!" Instructor Xu immediately turned to all the officers and soldiers and made a simple mobilization."Comrades, the annual flood-fighting and rescue operation has begun again! It is also time to test us. I hope that the party members will actively play an exemplary role, dare to stand up, not afraid of sacrifice, charge forward, and resolutely complete the task of guarding the Fugong Bridge and the safety of the lives and property of the border people!”Instructor Xu waved his fist and slammed it on the table to show his determination! Then, he gave the order to move." Alright, everyone, quickly gather at the field and get ready to set off."

"In addition, remind each squad and platoon to bring their own tools, including shovels, steel drills, ropes, etc., so that they can be used at the danger removal construction site.”Immediately after, Company Commander Zheng urged everyone again.

Because Nujiang Prefecture was a border canyon area, the weather changed abnormally and the climate changed vertically. From south to north, there were south, middle, north subtropics and south temperaments. Due to the dual influence of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean monsoons, it formed a unique climate with two rainy seasons between spring and summer. Every year around May, there would be more rainy days, thunder and lightning, heavy rain, and torrential rain. The Fugong border defense line was located in the Yan Jun position of two mountains and a river. In addition, the terrain of the hillside was complicated, and the soil could not withstand erosion. It was easy to form flash floods and mudflows, leading to danger and serious disasters.

At this time, the mountain torrent and mudslide that happened at the back of Fugong County was exactly such a situation. It came with a shocking momentum, roaring like thunder, and pounced down the mountain like a beast. The mudslide that was blocked had seriously threatened the Fugong Bridge at the foot of the mountain.

This Fugong Bridge was a highway bridge that had only been built in less than two years in this poor mountainous county. It was related to the traffic between the Fugong Mountain area and the outside world, and it was also related to the economic lifeline of the Fugong border area and the strategic layout of the Fugong border area. Therefore, it was extremely important to protect the bridge.

In recent years, as long as there were natural disasters and such dangers, the local government and the border people would think of the border guards. The Fugong First Company and the Gongshan Second Company stationed in this area would bear the brunt of the rescue.


The situation was urgent! Under the leadership of the company commander and instructor, the entire company rushed down the mountain like an arrow and rushed to the Fugong Bridge site.

A large amount of sand and stones began to flow down the riverbed and into the Fugong Bridge. When they passed through the limited bridge openings, they gradually formed a siltation blockage. If the mudslide was not cleared in time to eliminate the danger, the pier would be cut off and the entire bridge would collapse.

At this time, many local leaders and border residents had already swarmed over from both sides of the bridge. Everyone was very worried about the danger and safety of the bridge.

Company Commander Zheng, Instructor Xu, and the county's leading members who rushed to the scene formed a "flood fighting and rescue team" in time and began to urgently formulate a bridge rescue plan.

The soldiers who rushed over to the rescue team were excited and eager to jump into the river and join the rescue team.

After the leaders of the company came to the scene and called for the mobilization again, Tao Zhigang, Fang Xiaoyong, Sun Nujiang from Class One, Zhao Shuang and Xu Cao from Class Five, Tang Xiaoqiang and Yang Zhenguo from Class Eight, and Li Guozhu, Ma Xiaochuan, Luo Baojiang from the rocket launcher squad all raised their hands and rushed to the front of the team. They volunteered to take on the underwater danger removal operation.

Looking at the brave and fearless soldiers, Company Commander Zheng and Instructor Xu felt both happy and troubled. They were glad that at the critical moment, so many officers and soldiers in the company dared to stand up and fight. The problem was that they could only send 15 people into the river at a time. Who should they choose?

After a series of impromptu selection, the company finally decided to send 15 strong soldiers led by Platoon Leader Shao, Tao Zhigang, Fang Xiaoyong, Sun Nujiang, Zhao Shuang, Xu Cao, Tang Xiaoqiang, Yang Zhenguo, Li Guozhu, Ma Xiaochuan, Luo Baojiang, etc. to form the first batch of rescue commandos. They went down to the river to carry out the rescue work of the bridge.

The rest of the soldiers stayed on the shore under the command of Company Commander Jiang Fu. They were responsible for holding the rope and protecting the safety of the rescue team members who went into the river.

At the same time, the border residents waiting on the bridge also came forward in time and handed bowls of rice wine to the commandos who were going down to the river to participate in the rescue of the landslide.

Faced with the fervent expectations of Fugong County's leaders and the border residents, the rescue team members held large bowls of wine and drank them all in one gulp. Immediately, they felt as if their bodies were burning with passion. Their faces were flushed, and they had the courage to overcome the mountain torrents and mudflows.

After that, they tied thick ropes to their waists one by one, and then were led into the river by the officers and men responsible for safety on the shore. The commandos stood in the cold melted snow that was waist-deep. They endured the stinging pain of the raindrops hitting their faces and the danger of the mudslide hitting their bodies. They used hammers, steel drills, bamboo poles, and shovels to dig, pry, move, and lift. They engaged in a life-and-death struggle with the torrential mudslide!

All of a sudden, a turbulent mudslide rushed down like a wild horse that had lost its reins. It crashed straight into Ma Xiaochuan, who was in the middle of the river and was busy digging through the mudslide.

"Oh no, Ma Banfu is in danger!”

"Guide Ma, get out of the way!"

The soldiers pulling the rope on the shore shouted anxiously.

In the emergency, Tao Zhigang, who was close to him, realized it in time and rushed forward. He pushed Ma Xiaochuan out of the danger, but unexpectedly, he fell into the river due to inertia.

At this moment, Jiang Lianfu, who was staring at the shore, immediately commanded the soldiers to pull the rope in time and fish it up again.

"Wow! That was close." The soldiers on the shore were shocked.

"Tao Banfu, are you injured?"

"Zhigang, this won't do. Hurry up and come ashore.”

Immediately after, the soldiers asked Tao Zhigang, who had climbed out of the water, with great concern.

" I don't think so..." Tao Zhigang replied as he flicked the mud off his body.

"Guide Ma, how are you?" Following that, a few soldiers asked Ma Xiaochuan, who was out of danger, with concern.

"I'm fine." However, Ma Xiaochuan seemed to be disapproving.

"Wow! "Jiang Lianfu, look, Tao Zhigang's head seems to be bleeding," a soldier on the shore said.

At this moment, Company Commander Zheng and Instructor Xu also arrived in time.

"Company Commander, Instructor, Tao Zhigang was injured in the Shutong mudslide just now in order to eliminate the danger and rescue Ma Xiaochuan.”Jiang Lianfu promptly reported to Company Commander Zheng and Instructor Xu.

"Quickly drag Tao Zhigang ashore.”Instructor Xu urged.

"It's okay, instructor. I just scratched my skin a little.”Tao Zhigang covered his forehead and said.

" What graze? It's already bleeding. Get up here quickly..." Instructor Xu continued to urge,""And Ma Xiaochuan, seeing that you're all wet, you have to come up and change for me too.”

"Uh, no need, instructor. I'm not injured. I can still hold on.”Ma Xiaochuan deliberately refused to go ashore.

"Reporting to the instructor, I can still hold on. I only suffered some minor injuries.”Tao Zhigang also imitated Ma Xiaochuan and pretended not to be outdone.

"But you are already bleeding." Instructor Xu persuaded patiently.

"Instructor, didn't you always teach us to not get out of the line of fire with minor injuries?”Tao Zhigang said to Instructor Xu.

"Alright, don't play with your glib tongue anymore. All of you, come up and replace the other comrades. This is an order!”At this moment, Company Commander Zheng walked to the riverbank and ordered Tao Zhigang angrily.

Then, seven or eight soldiers followed them into the river and dragged Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan, who were covered in mud and shivering, onto the shore.

In the following battle, the company took turns to change into the second batch, then the third batch, and went down the river. They fought with the fierce mudslide until it was dark.

After a day of timely clearing the river, clearing the mudslide under the bridge pier, and fighting continuously, the officers and soldiers finally kept the safety of the Fugong Bridge intact, and completed the rescue mission assigned by the superiors.

Among them, except for Tao Zhigang's head injury and Ma Xiaochuan's cold, the rest of the rescue team members who went into the river also had some scratches and wounds of varying degrees on their legs, arms, and bodies. However, everyone had no complaints. They were all proud of being able to participate in the border rescue battle and protect the safety of the bridge with their lives.

Subsequently, in the days of continuous torrential rains, following the instructions of the regimental headquarters and the requirements of the county, Fugong Company continued to carry forward the spirit of continuous combat and organized emergency rescue commandos. They helped the people on the border to carry out various rescue work, including vegetable channels, flood control and drainage, transfer of people, evacuation of dangerous houses, etc., so as to protect the lives and safety of people's property as much as possible and minimize the loss of local floods.


Because the climate of Fugong County has a significant vertical change, there are four types of climate from south to north, such as south, middle, north subtropics and south temperaments. Due to the dual influence of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean monsoons, it formed a unique climate with two rainy seasons between spring and summer. Ever since the Fugong area entered the spring rainy season, it had been raining non-stop. Most of the time, it was moderate to heavy rain, or even heavy rain. This had also led to continuous flash floods and mudflows in the Fugong area...

Especially the Gongshan frontier fortress in the deep mountains and valleys further north of Fugong County, the disaster was even more serious. Two days ago, when the Fugong Company was fully involved in the local disaster relief, they had already heard news from there that a few ravines and sections had formed into mountain torrents and mudflows, which were posing a threat to the local company and the border residents. Especially on the back slope of the Gongshan Second Company camp, cracks had begun to appear.

It was as if the rare rain that appeared this year was to make things difficult for the border people in the Fugong area of the Nujiang River and the garrison officers and soldiers.

Sure enough, in less than two days, just as the Fugong First Company's officers and soldiers had just stabilized the dangerous situation of the mountain torrents and mudflows near Fugong County after days of fighting, the company suddenly received an emergency call from the Bijiang Regiment Headquarters and a letter sent by someone. It was reported that the Second Company of Gongshan had encountered a rare mountain torrent and mudslide, causing more than ten soldiers to be unfortunately buried. The Fugong First Company was asked to send people to the Second Company of Gongshan to convey the orders of the regiment headquarters and understand the situation of the victims. There must be no mistake.

It could really be said that before one wave subsided, another wave rose.”

At this time, Company Commander Zheng and Instructor Xu, who received the phone call and learned that their brother company had died, were all very shocked.


"If one side is in trouble, all sides will support you."

After an emergency discussion between Company Commander Zheng and Instructor Xu, the Fugong First Company held a company meeting in the evening of the same day to carry out research and arrangements. In the end, it was decided to send Tao Zhigang from the first platoon and Ma Xiaochuan from the rocket launcher squad to the Gongshan Second Company to carry out the mission of conveying the orders of the superiors and understanding the situation of the disaster.

"Company commander, instructors, Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan reporting for duty.”That night, he received Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan and rushed to the company headquarters.

"Oh, you're here. Well, please sit down.”At this moment, Company Commander Zheng, who saw Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan, quickly greeted them.

Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan, with their military instincts, felt that there might be a new mission to be assigned this time. Immediately, the two of them looked nervously and excitedly at the company commander and the instructor.

"I just received an emergency notification from the regiment headquarters. At around 5 am today, the Gongshan Second Company encountered a rare flash flood and landslide attack, causing more than ten soldiers to unfortunately be buried. They asked my company to quickly send someone to convey the orders from the higher-ups and understand the situation.

As the saying goes," When one side is in trouble, support from all sides." Now that our brothers are in danger, we should go and rescue them as soon as possible. It's our duty.

The two of you have performed well in carrying out emergency duties, participating in surprise training, and abiding by organizational discipline. Especially in the recent period of time when you participated in Fugong's rescue and disaster relief, you were not afraid of life and dared to jump into the rapids and fight against the mudslide. You have a certain challenge strength. Besides, considering that you two are a good pair: One was a Han from the mainland, a strong general with a certain level of political quality and military skills; One of them was from the Gongshan Lone Dragon Tribe, who came from the border. He was an expert with a certain level of physical fitness and cross-country skills. For this reason, the company has decided to send the two of you to the Second Company of Gongshan to complete the mission of conveying the orders of the higher-ups and understanding the details of the disaster.”Instructor Xu first announced to Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan the emergency notice issued by the regiment headquarters and the decision of the company to send them to carry out the mission.

"At present, the road traffic and communications equipment along the way have been destroyed by the mudslide. If you want to reach the Second Company of Gongshan, the only way is to rely on manual walking. It is about 113 kilometers, and you have two days to arrive. For this reason, the company requests that you carry forward the spirit of 'not afraid of hardship, not afraid of death' and continuous fighting, overcome all the difficulties on the road, spare no effort, and march at the fastest speed possible to reach Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County before the day after tomorrow. The garrison of the Gongshan Second Company of the border defense, complete the task of conveying the orders of the superior and understanding the situation of the victims.”Company Commander Zheng added with emphasis.

"You have to know that the selection of you to take on this important task is also the company and regiment headquarters 'greatest trust and test for you! I hope that you can seize the time and rush to the Second Company of Gongshan as soon as possible to complete this arduous and glorious task given by your superiors and win glory for our company.”Following Company Commander Zheng's words, Instructor Xu encouraged him again.

"Yes, please rest assured! We will not let down the expectations of the chief. We will do our best to overcome all difficulties and rush to the Second Company of Gongshan at the fastest speed to complete this difficult and glorious mission given by the superior on time.”Tao Zhigang expressed his determination on the spot.

"Yes, I believe that you will definitely be able to complete this arduous and glorious mission!”Company Commander Zheng nodded his head heavily. Then, he urged Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan,""Oh, you still have to hurry back and make preparations, including weapons, rations, tents, etc., so that you can set off early tomorrow.”

"Yes, sir!" Immediately, Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan stood up energetically.

"However, we still have to rest well tonight so that we can be energetic tomorrow.”Instructor Xu added as he watched Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan step out of the door.

"Oh, got it, Instructor."

Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan turned around and returned to their respective dormitories. They started to prepare their luggage for tomorrow's departure.


Early the next morning, before the sun had even risen, Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan quietly and quickly got out of bed while the officers and soldiers were still asleep.

According to the scheduled time, they brought their dry food and water bottles, carried their guns and ammunition, and went to the company headquarters, ready to receive the orders from the regiment and bid farewell to the company commander and instructor.

In fact, Company Commander Zheng and Instructor Xu, who were already prepared to send them off, had already gotten up and waited at the entrance of the company before Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan.

"Company commander, instructor, Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan are ready to set off.”Tao Zhigang was the first to report.

"Here, this is an order from the regimental headquarters to the Second Company of Gongshan. They want you to hand it over to Company Commander Gong and Instructor Yuan as soon as possible.”Company Commander Zheng took out a letter from the regiment and handed it over to Tao Zhigang. He urged," I hope that you can reach Ma Ji Village by today and complete more than half of the journey. This will reduce the pressure on tomorrow's journey and ensure that you can reach Gongshan Second Company's station within two days.”

"Yes, sir!"

" The officers and men of the Second Brother Company are looking forward to your care and concern. The company is also looking forward to your return as soon as possible after completing your mission. The regimental commander is also waiting for you to report to them about the Gongshan Company's situation." Immediately after, Instructor Xu walked forward and patted Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan on the shoulders. He said with great hope," It's all up to you to complete this important task. I hope you will pay more attention to your safety on the way and strive to return triumphantly as soon as possible.”

"Please rest assured, we will not let you down. We promise to complete the mission!”

"Company commander, instructor, please rest assured. We will rush back as soon as possible to report to you and the regiment commander!”

Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan said after hearing the instructions of the company commander and the instructor.

"Alright, I won't delay you any longer. Let's hurry up and set off!”

"I wish you a safe journey."

Under the company commander and instructor's waving and watching, Tao Zhigang and Ma Xiaochuan officially embarked on their journey to the Second Company of Gongshan.

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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