Red bean paste
6 Thirty-nine, fifty.




Before he could finish reading the chapter, Tao Zhigang's eyes were already blurred with tears, and his voice was choked up.

At this moment, the soldiers of the fourth platoon who were listening were also immersed in grief and indignation. After a pause, Tao Zhigang, who was reading the report, stopped. Only then did everyone seem to have walked out of the intense and cruel battlefield.

"Sigh, this is too shocking and touching!”Tang Xiaoqiang, a soldier from the mainland, sighed emotionally.

"Yes, when they heard that the heroes died so tragically, they wished that the bandits could tear them into pieces and chop them into meat paste!”A soldier from the border company vented his anger.

Finally, Tao Zhigang, who could no longer control his emotions, burst into tears and dripped onto the newspaper.

"Zhigang, why do you suddenly feel so sad? It's as if you have something on your mind.”At this time, Tang Xiaoqiang, who was sensitive to Tao Zhigang's abnormal performance, quickly asked with concern.

"Little Tao, actually, we all feel the same as you. We are shocked by the heroic deeds of the heroes and sad for the sacrifices of the martyrs.”Seeing Tao Zhigang cry, Zhao Shuang, who was also a comrade from the mainland, could not help but persuade him.

"That's right. Tao Zhigang, don't be too sad. After listening to the report you read, all of us felt the same way.”Then, Squad Leader Tang of the first squad of the border company also began to comfort him.

"Alright, that's all for the newspaper. From now on, how should we learn from the Hero King Baoguo and work hard to cultivate his noble patriotic sentiments and dedication!”Then, Platoon Leader Shao began to lead everyone to discuss.

"Do you know that the hero Wang Baoguo that I read about was actually my childhood classmate?”Suddenly, Tao Zhigang could not help but spill the truth.

"Tao Zhigang, is he really your former classmate?”

"How can it be fake? He's from our hometown in Wannan.”

"Wow, what a coincidence!"

Instantly, the crowd was filled with surprised boos.

"Oh, so you're Tao Zhigang's old classmate! Truly amazing!"

"Yes, he was really too tenacious and brave. He held his ground and killed so many enemies. In the end, he requested to take on the mission of attacking the enemy. He did not hesitate to use his body to block the enemy's gun holes. He played an important role in the company's capture of the enemy's main peak in one fell swoop and became another hero like Huang Jiguang.”

"Ah, Tao Zhigang, your old classmate used to learn Little Hong Fist?”Then, the border warrior Ma Xiaochuan asked with reverence for the hero who had learned martial arts.

"Yes, Wang Baoguo learned boxing from his father when he was young. I remember that year when we were in the sixth grade of elementary school, we had an argument over a table tennis racket. As a result, I was even hit by his hook. At that time, I couldn't breathe for a long time.”

" Hahaha..." Tao Zhigang's narration made the soldiers present burst into laughter again.

"Sigh, Tao Zhigang, I'm really proud of you! Your Wannan has produced such a hero. It has brought glory to your old classmate and also brought glory to your hometown!”After a pause, Squad Leader Tang praised Tao Zhigang.

"That's right, Tao Zhigang. Don't feel sad. As your old classmate, he sacrificed himself on the southern battlefield. That's a meritorious service for the party and the people.”

Then, Platoon Leader Shao also encouraged Tao Zhigang. Then, he called out to everyone," Comrades, you've heard the heroic deeds that I've read out. We must learn from the heroes, turn our grief into strength, and devote ourselves to the company's work. We must pay special attention to the current combat training. We must be strict with ourselves from the difficulties and start from the needs of actual combat. We must work hard to master the ability to kill enemies and be prepared to go to the battlefield to pay tribute to our motherland at any time!”


In order to better set off a climax of " learning from heroes and seeing action ", the company held a " learning from heroes and demonstrating determination " pledge meeting on the basis of serious study and discussion among the platoons.

Using the propaganda platform of the conference, a row of commanders and soldiers took the lead to submit a letter of determination to the company, saying," Learn from heroes, see action, and strive to be qualified conscripts." They also issued a letter of challenge to the entire company, saying," Learn from heroes, create the advanced, and strive to raise a new craze."

Immediately after, Tao Zhigang couldn't help but write an application to join the party for the company branch.

Although Tao Zhigang had already written two application forms for joining the Party in the army and had received education and training from the organization, he had been affected by the transfer and change of jobs in the army. Therefore, this time, he had come to the border of Yunnan to participate in the war. Facing a new test of war, he once again thought of submitting an application form for joining the Party to the border company branch to show his determination to join the Party organization and his active and positive performance. From there, he would gain the trust of the party organization, accept the test of the party organization, and work hard to create the conditions to join the party organization as soon as possible to realize his lofty ideals.

Thus, he began to spread out a piece of paper and pen, and quietly wrote the third application for joining the party:

"Respected Company Party Organization:

Tao Zhigang, a soldier who had signed up to fight in the front line, was transferred from the outpost of Donghai to the southwest border of Yunnan. After being incorporated into the new border company, he became stronger and more mature after going to the front line for trials and training.

From then on, we also realized that every step of life that we revolutionary soldiers have experienced and every process we have gone through are inseparable from the guidance of the military party organization and the political education.

"Therefore, I feel even more that when I came to the army, the organization was my support, my comrades were my family, and the company was my home."

I was born in a family of old officials during the March 8th period. Although my family was poor and I had many younger siblings, my parents were at home to take care of me, so I could still hold on for now. Therefore, I didn't have any more attachment or greed when I came to the army. I was willing to donate my life to the party and the people without reservation. I would dedicate my youth and blood to the motherland. I would fight for the cause of the party to the end and fight for the realization of Communism for life.

Please believe me, leader. Please test me in the organization. Whether I go to the front line again in the future or continue to stay in the border defense and silently contribute, I am willing to promise to obey firmly and never retreat!

"For this reason, combined with the fact that we are currently in a special period of combat training, I am determined to follow the example of the party members and take the" counterattack "heroes as an example. Together with the old company comrades in the border areas, I will actively participate in the mountain simulation and intensive training while completing my duty of standing guard, patrolling duty, and the company's production labor tasks. Starting from actual combat, I will be strict with myself and strive to practice my strong killing skills. I will be ready at any time before returning to the battlefield to charge into the enemy's line and pay tribute to the motherland."、、、、”

After writing the application form for joining the party, Tao Zhigang took a deep breath, as if he had done something great in his life and felt extremely sacred! But at the same time, it made him feel that compared to what was written on paper, it was even more sacred and difficult to truly obtain the recognition and acceptance of the organization!

Because the political and ideology education work in the army was tightly grasped and well grasped, the soldiers were very eager to join the Chinese Party organization. Usually, they would take the initiative to actively approach the party organization and sincerely submit the application form to the organization.

Since the party branch was established in the company, it formed a strong core of cohesion and a strong atmosphere of political progress. It was also because of the influence of the party's political and ideology education and the ideology of the university that the soldiers established the correct values of life and the lofty revolutionary ideals.

It was precisely because of these soldiers who pursued lofty political beliefs that our country's army had a strong combat effectiveness. It was able to maintain an invincible and invincible momentum for a long time. It was called by the world that "China's army is the most powerful" army.


In this critical period of combat training, following the instructions of the higher-ups and strictly demanding the troops, the actual combat simulation training carried out by the border defense company had entered an incandescent state. After a few night training, it was then transferred to the daytime mountain training.

The soldiers in the inland areas followed the soldiers of the old companies in the border areas. They were not afraid of the harsh environment and worked hard to overcome the difficulties. After a period of climbing and rolling assault training, they began to gradually adapt to the characteristics of the training in the border mountainous areas.

On this day, in order to test the results of the previous combat simulation training and further improve the combat effectiveness of the troops, the leaders of the training departments at the battalion and regiment levels specially came to the company that was listed as the 'top company'. They arranged and launched a unique assault battle exercise.

According to the training intentions and arrangement requirements of the superiors, the company's commanders were divided into the middle and the left and right sides. They launched a surprise attack on the enemy's " nameless high ground " on the top of the mountain. Whoever conquered the " enemy's main peak position " first would win the championship.

" The battle exercise officially begins-" Following Company Commander Zheng's command, the three assault members of the company immediately launched a fierce attack on the " enemy's nameless highland " from different directions.

Tao Zhigang, Sun Nujiang, and the other assault team members who were assigned to be the main attackers along the way were led by Platoon Leader Shao. After the first half of the charge, they felt that it was relatively smooth except for a few obstacles. In addition, as the top platoon of the company, their physical fitness was better, and their speed was slightly better than the other two assault teams.

However, just as the first row was about to approach the enemy's main peak, they were blocked by the fire of the enemy's secret fortress mechanism that had been constructed beforehand. The row of commandos was immediately forced into a dilemma and blocked the passage to the enemy's nameless high ground.

"Hurry up! Lie down and stop moving forward!" At this moment, Platoon Leader Shao, who was leading the charge, gave a timely order.

Immediately, a row of Assault Squad members lay prone along the hillside.

Suddenly, Tao Zhigang, who was in class, stepped on a rock due to his lack of strength and slid down the steep slope.

"How is it, Tao Zhigang? Are you injured?”Platoon Leader Shao, who had arrived in time, quickly helped Tao Zhigang up and asked with concern.

At this moment, Tao Zhigang's knee and trouser leg were already covered in blood, and the skin on his palms was also scratched.

"Aiya, your legs and hands are all bruised.”Platoon Leader Shao said with concern. Then, he called out to the battlefield paramedics behind the team,"Medic, come over and bandage Tao Zhigang up and send him back.”

"Ah, Platoon Leader Shao, we're about to occupy the enemy's main peak. I don't want to go down!”

"You're already injured, but you're still not obedient. Get down quickly!”

"Hey, Platoon Leader Shao, didn't you always say that we should not leave the line of fire with minor injuries? Besides, I only scratched my skin a little, and it wasn't a serious injury. Compared to my old classmate, Wang Baoguo, I'm still far behind.”

Platoon Leader Shao was at a loss for words. He quickly looked at his watch."Uh, I don't have time to argue with you now.”

"Yes, sir! "Don't worry about me, Platoon Leader Shao. Hurry up and lead the team to charge forward and occupy the enemy's main mountain position. We must strive to obtain first place.”Tao Zhigang seized the opportunity to urge Platoon Leader Shao to leave.

Then, Platoon Leader Shao, who had rushed to the front of the team, hurriedly went into command and said,"Exploder!"

"Yes," the two border soldiers who were responsible for the demolition mission not far away immediately replied.

"Bring the explosives and prepare to blow up the enemy's hidden fortress.”

"Yes, sir!"

"The rest of the comrades, work with me to cover for them.”

Just as Platoon Leader Shao raised his hand and was about to give the order to explode, he suddenly saw a mainland soldier coming up from the side of the enemy's hidden fortress. He held a bag of explosives and crawled sideways to quickly approach the enemy's hidden fortress.

"Sigh, then who went up? Everyone, cover yourselves! " Machine Gunners, fire! Draw the enemy's firepower over!" Platoon Leader Shao, who was in charge of commanding, asked the soldiers of the border company who were preparing to go for the explosion curiously while arranging for everyone to take cover.

"Sigh, this figure looks quite familiar. Who could it be?”

"It seems to be Tao Zhigang, the newcomer from the mainland.”

"Oh, right! It's him. I was wondering why he looked so familiar.”

Two soldiers from the border company who were preparing to go to the demolition team helped Squad Leader Shao to identify them.

"Wasn't he injured just now? I asked the paramedics to bandage him up and send him down later. Why did he come up again?”

It turned out that after Tao Zhigang was bandaged, he took advantage of Platoon Leader Shao's return to the front to give instructions. He quietly endured the pain, picked up the explosive bag, and surrounded them from the side. He wanted to take this opportunity to learn from his old classmate Wang Baoguo and be a hero, to experience the feeling of being a " dynamiter " personally.

With a loud bang, the " enemy's bunker " was finally cleared, and the passage to the " enemy's nameless highland " was opened again.

" Comrades, charge with me!" Platoon Leader Shao raised his pistol and commanded.

"Charge, kill!"

Following that, a row of assault team members jumped up like ferocious tigers pouncing on their prey and rushed straight to the "unknown enemy's high ground" on the mountaintop.

After that, the other two teams led by the company commander and the instructor also rushed forward. Together with the assault team, they cleared out the stubborn enemies on the battlefield."Ruobusong Kongnuo, Yadena, Zhongdui Kuanhong Tubing,..."(The general idea was,"Raise your hands, surrender your guns and we will not kill you. We will treat the captives leniently...")

They shouted slogans while throwing grenades at the enemy's main peak position. At the same time, they picked up machine guns and submachine guns and swept toward the enemy's trenches until they completely wiped out the enemy. They occupied the enemy's nameless high ground and inserted the flag on the enemy's main peak position.

"Today, according to the requirements of the battalion and regimental level organizations and leaders, we completed the actual combat simulation training competition to attack the enemy's nameless highland. Everyone performed very seriously and tenaciously!

It was worth mentioning that most of the comrades from the mainland did not fall behind until they rushed to the top of the mountain and occupied the main peak of the 'enemy's nameless highland'.

Tao Zhigang's performance was particularly outstanding. When he was charging towards the 'enemy's nameless highland' on the mountaintop, he accidentally fell down the slope. His arms, legs, and knees were all injured, but he still managed to stay in the line of fire with minor injuries. He continued to fight and followed the example of the Hero King Baoguo. He picked up the explosive bag alone and bravely blew up the 'enemy's bunker' to open up a passage for the company. He secured the company's occupation of the 'enemy's nameless highland' in one fell swoop. Instructor Xu gave a brief comment on the actual combat simulation training competition and praised some of the more outstanding inland soldiers.

"In addition, I would like to announce to everyone: Today, the participants who were brave enough to win the "nameless enemy high ground" competition were a row of assault teams. I hope that everyone will learn from them and follow their example. In the future military training, we must follow the example of the heroes of the 'counterattack' and vigorously carry forward the spirit of dedication. Starting from actual combat, we must be strict with ourselves. We must not be afraid of danger and struggle tenaciously, strive to improve our technical and tactical standards, and work hard to train our skills.”After receiving Instructor Xu's comments, Company Commander Zheng announced the first team to capture the mountain according to the time of the competition.

Obviously, no matter when and where the troops were, training was the main theme, and participating in the war was a symphony.

Then, under the leadership of the company commander and the instructor, all the assault personnel who returned to the company were praised by the leaders of the battalion and regiment organizations present. After the exercise, the higher-ups issued a notice of commendation to the entire regiment. In the end, a row of assault teams took the lead to break through the enemy's formation and seize the "enemy's nameless high ground" quickly because of their proper organization and charge. Therefore, they won the championship banner of the "Mountain Attack Tiger Team" awarded by the battalion headquarters. Among them, Tao Zhigang was able to persist in blasting with injuries during the actual combat simulation training and opened up a path for the company. His performance was outstanding and he was awarded the " commendation order " by the company.

In this large consumption of energy and actual combat simulation training, most of the soldiers from the mainland could follow the example of the heroes in the counterattack, fighting tenaciously and persevering to the end. Although some of them were not used to climbing mountains, some were too tired, some slipped and fell, but compared to when they first arrived, there was obvious progress, and the gap between them and the soldiers of the border company was gradually narrowing.


In the cemetery, Tao Zhigang, who was deeply in love with Pan Yue, walked out from the memories of the battle test he had experienced with his comrades.

Then, he stretched his body and looked at the hazy mountains on the other side. He took a deep breath and switched to the thought process of his lover Yao Cuiping when he was sent to the front line of Yunnan.


Looking back at Tao Zhigang and Yao Cuiping, since junior high school, they had developed a crush on each other because they admired each other in class.

Back then, neither of them knew what " love " was, especially when Tao Zhigang was still in a hazy state. Most of them had to wait for Yao Cuiping to express her goodwill before they could understand.

As Tao Zhigang's family was poor, he often felt troubled about the lack of learning tools such as pens, garden rules, and triangular rulers. It was also at this time that Yao Cuiping would take the initiative to lend a helping hand and give selfless contributions. Sometimes, she would even bring some delicious food from home to give to Tao Zhigang, which made Tao Zhigang feel warm and warm. Slowly, he developed feelings of love for Yao Cuiping.

In addition, the reason why the two of them could become good friends in class was more importantly because they could admire and admire each other in work and studies. Although Tao Zhigang was not prominent in the class back then, and he was born relatively thin, he was bullied by the Datong students. However, because of his excellent academic performance, he was loved by the teachers and supported by his classmates.

Other than being the representative of the language class, his essays were often read out to everyone, especially during the final exams, he could get an average score of 95 for seven or eight subjects, becoming the top three in class and the top ten in the school. In addition to her good performance in class, she was rated as a " three-star student " almost every year. For this reason, he was also favored and respected by Yao Cuiping.

Yao Cuiping was also hardworking in her studies. She was in the top ten in her class, especially in English. She became the representative of the English class, which earned her Tao Zhigang's love and admiration. In addition, both of them were elected to the class committee, so they had more opportunities to interact with each other. Thus, the foundation of first love was laid.

However, as the two graduated from high school and faced the prospect of being sent to the countryside to receive training, they began to have differences in their values. On the other hand, Tao Zhigang took the road of "going to the mountains and going to the countryside" for the educated youth who actively responded to the development of society. On the other hand, Yao Cuiping used her father's leadership relationship in the hospital to get a medical record and found a way to stay at home to continue studying under the pretext of "recuperating".

In October 1976, the political situation in China changed drastically and the central leadership reorganized the reform route. The education front began to restore the college entrance examination system. At the same time, it ushered in the arrival of the autumn conscription. Tao Zhigang was overjoyed and responded to the call for " glory in the army ". He resolutely chose to sign up for the army and embarked on a journey of filial piety to the motherland. He realized his dream.

At this time, Yao Cuiping, who was at home and focused on her revision, was lucky again. She chose to take the college entrance examination and successfully got into Jiangcheng City's Foreign Language College. From then on, she embarked on a path to further her studies and obtain a degree.

As the two of them made different choices and experienced different things, their thoughts began to misplace and diverge. The focus was mainly on Tao Zhigang's choice to serve in the army.

Even though Yao Cuiping and Tao Zhigang were a pair of first lovers, Yao Cuiping had never understood or supported Tao Zhigang's choice to join the army. In her opinion, being a soldier was just for the sake of bravery and was an unwise choice.

Yao Cuiping thought about her classmates who were not as good as her in school. Now, all of them had returned to the city. Some of them had arranged jobs, some had been admitted to universities, and some had even started a family. Only Tao Zhigang was still immersed in military service. When she thought about this, Yao Cuiping felt a little angry! Especially when Tao Zhigang signed up to go to Yunnan to fight, Yao Cuiping's thoughts fluctuated even more. She was always worried and began to re-evaluate Tao Zhigang, her former lover.

Yao Cuiping recalled that it was before Tao Zhigang signed up for the war and was about to go to the Yunnan frontline. When she heard the news report on the campus radio about the Chinese preparing to launch a " self-defense counterattack " against the " little tyrant of the South ", she began to worry for him. She wanted to find an excuse to ask him to take leave in advance, but she knew his character well. He would not agree...

In fact, she was thinking for him and also for herself. She didn't want him to be sent to the front line and get involved in this war. She didn't want him to be injured or lose his life, which would bring misfortune to him and pain to herself. Because of this, her heart was filled with dark clouds. She couldn't eat or sleep well. Her eyes even twitched as if she wanted to give her some ominous omen.

As expected, in less than two days, she received a letter from her soldier lover, Tao Zhigang, from the border of Yunnan.

That evening, after school, Yao Cuiping and another student were picking up their books and preparing to leave the class. Suddenly, they met a boy who was the sports committee member of the class and another naughty boy in the class. They held a letter high and ran into the classroom. They went straight to Yao Cuiping.

"Miss Yao Cui Ping, there's a letter for you. It's from the front line of the Yunnan border!”

"Uh…" Yao Cuiping was so shocked that she started to mutter in her heart."Did he really go to the front line?”Then, she stepped forward and reached out to take the letter.

"Sigh, don't be in a hurry. You have to answer a question of mine first.”The committee member raised the letter even higher and evaded it mischievously.

"Yes! You have to answer the questions raised by our Commissioner Zhang first.”Immediately after, the mischievous boy also joined in.

"Stop fooling around and give it to me!" Yao Cuiping chased after him anxiously.

"Why are you shy? Did your boyfriend write it?”

"Mm…" Yao Cuiping blurted out nervously, but she quickly covered it up."Oh, no, no, no. It's an old classmate of mine.”

"What old classmate? You just admitted it, and now you're going back on your word? No! If you're a boyfriend, you have to buy candy and treat us all.”

"Yes! That's right! We'll have to get him to buy candy for us all.”The mischievous boy next to him joined in the fun again.

"Go to hell, stop bothering me!”Yao Cuiping shouted angrily.

"You guys are really too much. Can't you see that he has something on his mind these days? Why are you still causing trouble?”At this moment, the girl who followed Yao Cuiping went forward to dissuade her.

" Okay, okay, okay. We don't know the inside story. Miss Yao Cuiping, Sorry,Sorry." The committee member handed the letter to Yao Cuiping guiltily and apologized to the naughty boy.

Yao Cuiping, who had been feeling anxious, wanted to read the letter from the Yunnan border to ease her mood. She didn't expect that she would be blocked by the Culture and Sports Committee, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Then, she grabbed the letter and fled the classroom like an arrow.


Yao Cuiping came to a large pond near the campus. She saw that there were weeping willows, surrounded by greenery, and a pavilion with curved paths. Lotus leaves rippled, making it seem quiet.

Due to the pond's beauty and quiet environment, it would usually attract students to come here in twos and threes to memorize and sit quietly to read. Of course, it would also attract pairs of men and women to chat and fall in love here. It was called the "Tao Tang" and was a scenic spot in Jiangcheng University. It was also a good place to seek peace in the midst of Jiangcheng City's chaos. At this moment, it was also a good place for Yao Cuiping to read the letter.

After that, Yao Cuiping found Tao Tang and walked along the curved bridge to a pavilion in the middle of the pond. She quietly opened the letter and began to read it. It was indeed a letter from her lover, Tao Zhigang, who was a soldier in the distance.

Lines of familiar and powerful words and words that touched one's heart seemed to echo in one's ears like Tao Zhigang's voice.

"Ping: Hello, you must be very busy with your studies recently, right? I haven't written to you for a while. Can you guess what kind of changes have happened to me recently?

You may have heard about the above from the newspapers and radio broadcasts. Because the 'Southern Country's Little Tyrant' has continuously invaded and provoked our borders in Guangxi and Yunnan, often shooting and injuring our border residents and patrolling personnel, causing bloodshed, it has aroused our government's painful determination to mobilize troops and announce that on February 17th, we will officially launch a self-defense counterattack against the South.

Therefore, I signed up and was sent to the front line of Yunnan. However, because I was not included in the first echelon, I missed the opportunity to compete with the 'southern' Japanese.

However, in order to prevent the restless 'Polar Bears' from taking advantage of the situation and attacking us from the north and south, according to the military intentions of the higher-ups, they implemented a strategic shift and transferred some of our frontline personnel to the northwest border of Yunnan to strengthen the defense forces in the north.

To be precise, we are now in Fugong County, the northwest border area of Yunnan Province, and we have taken on the task of guarding the border between China and Myanmar. Looking at the map, Fugong County was not eye-catching, but it had an extremely important strategic position!

Speaking of this, perhaps you are not interested, but the country needs someone to protect it. Only then can the lives and property of the people not be violated, and the lives of the people can be guaranteed.

The distance between you and me has become a little further, but I feel that my heart seems to be even tighter with you. Whether it's on the way to the front line or when I came to the border defense company, I've always missed you...

It can be said that this is another turning point in my life, and it is also another test of our love! Therefore, I hope that you can understand me, support me, wait patiently for me, wait for my triumphant return, and then properly repay your true feelings for me!”

Yao Cuiping's heart was in a mess as she read through the letter. Tao Zhigang's letter had finally confirmed her speculations and worries. This made her feel even more unbearable. Tears could not help but flow down her face.

At this moment, the sports committee member who had received the letter for Yao Cuiping came to the pond again and appeared in front of Yao Cuiping. Xiao Yao, I was looking for you everywhere. So you came here. The form teacher asked me to inform you..." Suddenly, he noticed the tears on Yao Cuiping's face and asked with concern,""Sigh, Little Yao, what's wrong? Are you crying? Did someone bully you?”

" Uh, nothing..." Seeing that it was the committee member who had brought her the letter earlier, Yao Cuiping quickly wiped the tears off her face to cover it up.

"Oh, I understand now. Your boyfriend must have said something in the letter that made you feel sad, right?”The committee member thought.

The sports committee member named Zhang Peilian paid so much attention to Yao Cuiping because he fell in love with Yao Cuiping in class. Not only was he envious of her intelligence and diligence, but he also admired her pure and beautiful life.

For this reason, in class, he always liked to use some opportunities such as gathering the class committee, backbone work reports, learning exchange activities, etc. to frequently contact and contact Yao Cuiping, and gradually establish a relationship foundation. In addition, he had the advantage of being born in Jiangcheng City, and his father was a leader in the Labor Bureau. He was also close to school, so he could sometimes provide some life support for Yao Cuiping to win her heart.

" A virtuous lady is a good match for a gentleman." He and Yao Cuiping had been studying together at Jiang City's Foreign Language Institute for more than two years. They were only one year away from finishing their studies. He wanted to find a chance to confess his love to Yao Cuiping so that he could realize his dream of forming a good relationship with her as soon as possible. For this reason, since the beginning of this school year, he had drawn up a plan to increase his love attack on Yao Cuiping. In all aspects, he had observed her carefully and was considerate.

At this time, Zhang Peilian felt worried and happy when he heard that someone from the Yunnan border troops had written a letter to Yao Cuiping and saw her crying. He was worried that during this period, anyone who was in a relationship with Yao Cuiping or wanted to get close to her would pose a great resistance and disadvantage to him. He was happy that the opportunity to find a clear confession of love had finally arrived. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to help her soothe her sadness and obtain love.

Although he had heard that Yao Cuiping had an old classmate in the army, he did not know about their relationship. However, based on Yao Cuiping's sad and tearful appearance, he had already determined that Yao Cuiping had an extraordinary relationship with him.

Therefore, he wanted to understand the mysterious relationship between them through Yao Cuiping's letter. While Yao Cuiping was suffering from unspeakable difficulties and needed someone to care for her, Zhang Peilian began to ask her about her thoughts,"Sigh, Little Yao, if you have something on your mind, talk to me. Maybe I can help you..."

" Mm, it's really nothing…" Yao Cuiping hesitated.

"Sigh, it doesn't matter. We're all classmates. Moreover, we've been friends for more than two years.”

"Mm, actually, I had already expected this.”

"Did your old classmate go to the front line?”Zhang Pei speculated.

Yao Cuiping nodded in agreement.

Seeing Yao Cuiping nod her head in agreement, Zhang Peilian couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. The thing that he was most worried about had appeared. Sure enough, the person who wrote her the letter was her boyfriend in the army. This time, it was a blow to his head, making him feel afraid of Yao Cuiping. However, seeing the tears on Yao Cuiping's face, she must have felt very sad after reading her boyfriend's letter.

Therefore, he suddenly remembered that before he figured out the truth, he had to wait and see for the time being. He could not easily reveal his thoughts. Especially when a girl was sad, she needed someone to lend her a helping hand and give her warmth. She needed someone to accompany her and take care of her. Thus, he calmed himself down and looked at Yao Cuiping seriously."Then this is an honorable thing. Protecting the country and selflessly contributing is worthy of our admiration!”

"Yes, it's indeed worthy of admiration! But have you ever thought about how dangerous it is to go to the front line? In a battle, one would either die or be injured.”

"This... This is true. I can understand, I can understand.”In order to appease Yao Cuiping, Zhang Pei quickly agreed.

"He asked for it. He's too stubborn and has to be strong in everything he does! Now that he's on the Yunnan front line, he'll have a taste of charging into the enemy's line. Even I have to bear the burden with him.”Yao Cuiping vented her anger.

"Little Yao, since he signed up to go to the Yunnan frontline to fight for the motherland, then let him go. I believe that when he gets there, there will be an organization leader who will make arrangements for him. After this battle is over and he returns triumphantly, won't your old classmates be able to see each other again? Therefore, I feel that you shouldn't worry about that matter all day long in school. Otherwise, it will affect your physical and mental health and future studies.”Zhang Peilian patiently comforted Yao Cuiping for a while.

At this moment, the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark. Zhang Pei quickly raised his watch to look at the time."Uh, Little Yao, it's getting late. I almost forgot. The form teacher asked me to inform you that there will be a class committee meeting tonight. They want us to discuss and draft a 'Class Review Plan for the Middle School Exam'."

"Uh, okay, thank you! I've wasted so much of your time. Hurry up and go back..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. After all, we're all close friends.”Zhang Peilian added.

After Zhang Peilian's warm persuasion, Yao Cuiping felt a lot more comfortable. From this, she also realized that Zhang Peilian was a man who was very sensitive and good at taking care of women. Zhang Peilian had indeed cared for her when she came to school. He was a trustworthy friend she met and the person she felt closest to when she came to this city. Thus, she had a better impression of Zhang Peilian.

Before they parted ways, she looked at Zhang Peilian affectionately until she watched his back gradually fade away. Only then did she leave Tao Tang.


Facing her lover who used to be a soldier in Shanghai, she suddenly rushed to the front line in Yunnan, causing the distance between them to become even further. This made Yao Cuiping suddenly feel at a loss and fell into deep distress.

Although her mood had improved a little after Zhang Peilian's persuasion two days ago, she still found it difficult to get rid of the relationship she had with Tao Zhigang. After all, they had been in a relationship for a long time, and both parties had established a certain relationship. If it wasn't for Tao Zhigang's sudden "counterattack", they would have already gone through the marriage registration procedures.

This made Yao Cuiping really feel like she was in a dilemma. She was so annoyed that she couldn't eat, sleep, and even wake up in class. This also aroused the curiosity and attention of her classmates.

"Sigh, Cuiping, I've been noticing that you can't sleep well in bed these past few days. What happened?”That night, when she saw Yao Cuiping, who had returned to the dormitory after her evening self-study, lying on the bed gloomily again, a friendly girl named Liu Min, who was lying on the lower bunk, couldn't help but ask her with concern.

"Nothing happened. I'm just a little sleepless from studying nervously.”Yao Cuiping, who was upset, only replied with a prevarication.

Thinking of Yao Cuiping's worries, her good friend, Tian Xiaomei, who was sleeping on the lower bunk of the other bed, also got up and came to Yao Cuiping's bed to persuade her softly,"Little Yao, we are all girls from the same dormitory. We don't usually have a good relationship. If you have anything on your mind, just say it so that everyone can help you.”

"You can't help me with this matter, so please don't worry about me.”Yao Cuiping, who had been feeling lonely and helpless for the past few days, wanted to find someone to talk to. She wanted to get it out quickly, but she was afraid that she would make a fool of herself if she said it, so she kept it a secret.

"I heard that one of her soldier boyfriends signed up for the 'Self-Defense Counterattack', and went to the Yunnan frontline.”At this moment, Cao Huiying, who was sleeping on the double bed opposite Yao Cuiping's, revealed to her two girlfriends.

"Uh, I heard that the war at the Central South border has been quite fierce recently. Yao Cuiping, your boyfriend has also signed up for the 'Self-Defense Counterattack'. He's really brave and admirable!”

"That's right. What's there to be angry about? As a soldier, your boyfriend bravely signed up for the 'Self-Defense Counterattack'. Isn't he doing it to pay his respects to his motherland and strive to be a hero? You should be proud of it!”

At this moment, Liu Min, Tian Xiaomei, and the other female friends on and off the bed all praised and persuaded him.

" It's precisely because he wants to be a hero that he actively signed up for the frontline. I can't stop him anyway, so let him be. When he encounters danger, he can't blame anyone else. It's his fault for not understanding my painstaking efforts back then.”Yao Cuiping seemed to be muttering to herself, but she also seemed to be incoherently revealing her thoughts." Actually, I'm doing this for his own good.”

"Alright, Cuiping, let it go. Actually, he's also responding to the call of the motherland.”Cao Huiying, who was her confidant, saw Yao Cuiping sulking and couldn't bear to turn around and say," Actually, we all know that you're feeling sorry for him, but you can't think of all the bad things.”

"Yes, Cuiping, the most important thing is to understand him. Especially during this period of Yan Jun's trial, you should give him support and encouragement.”Liu Min, who was sleeping under the bed, continued.

"I should understand him, but who can understand me?”Yao Cuiping, who felt wronged, could not calm down for a moment." Actually, I'm just worried for him. I'm afraid that he will be injured and die on the front line.”

" Yes. We can understand that you have good intentions, but you have to understand that we are in the critical period of the 'counterattack' right now. You can only encourage him according to the situation, but you can't hold him back.”Tian Xiaomei tried to persuade him.

The dormitory fell silent for a while. Yao Cuiping sighed deeply again."Cough! In addition, I also have something that I can't say. This time, he went to the front line. Even if he won't be injured or sacrificed, I don't know when he will return. It really makes me feel uncertain and contradictory..."

"Sigh, Cuiping, you can't waver in your relationship at this time! Love needed to be able to withstand the test. Perhaps it would not be long before he returned triumphantly from the front line.”Sensing the waves in Yao Cuiping's mind, Liu Min could not help but remind her.

"Cuiping, Little Min is right! Although he went to the front line, it doesn't mean that he will sacrifice himself. You can't waver. You should continue to keep in touch with him. Moreover, as a soldier, he was able to step forward when his country and people needed him!

How amazing was this! He was indeed worthy of being praised by the party and the people as 'the cutest person of the new generation of the motherland.' He was indeed admirable and lovable!。”A girl named Yang Ying, who was sitting on the bed behind them, spoke to Yao Cuiping in an exaggerated and passionate tone," Maybe he will become a hero in the future and a role model for us to learn from.”

"I don't want him to become a hero, I just want him to be my ideal eternal partner.”Yao Cuiping said disapprovingly. He then sensitively asked Yang Ying,"Sigh, Xiao Yang, I heard you exaggerate the beauty of being a soldier. Could it be that you also fell in love with a soldier?"”

"Yes, I like the image of a soldier who dares to be a hero.”He only heard Yang Ying shamelessly boasting as if she was speaking her mind.

"Alright, alright, that's it! Don't argue anymore. Hurry up and rest. We still have morning exercises tomorrow.”At this moment, the head of the dormitory began to dissuade everyone.

Then, the room quieted down. Everyone quickly entered a sweet dream. Only Yao Cuiping was still unable to fall asleep because of her worries.


After being troubled day and night, Yao Cuiping became depressed all day, worried and unhappy, and became increasingly haggard. This led to a significant decline in her original enthusiasm for learning, and she began to lose confidence in her future life.

On this day, he rushed to class for physical education, which was also Yao Cuiping's favorite subject. On the sports field, the students were all holding all kinds of ball games and track and field activities. It was full of a warm and unrestrained atmosphere.

In contrast, Yao Cuiping was sitting alone on the stone orange by the side of the field, listlessly watching her classmates 'competition.

"Cuiping, didn't you like to play basketball in PE class in the past? Why are you sitting alone at the side of the field this time?”At this moment, Yao Cuiping's best friend, Cao Huiying, came to her side and asked with concern.

"Oh, I feel tired these two days.”

"Then you have to ask for leave and go to the doctor.”

"Thank you for your concern.”

"It's not a big deal. Look at how haggard you've been recently! I knew that you still couldn't let go of that worry.”Cao Huiying had a tender look on her face as she sat next to Shi Chen and Yao Cuiping."Actually, it's useless for you to be so anxious. Distant water can't save the immediate thirst. The most important thing now is to withstand the test! Gather up your courage and strive to get out of the bottom of your life as soon as possible.”

"Huiying, it's easy to talk about it, but it's hard to do it. Thinking about how I've been in a relationship with him for so many years, and how he actually abandoned me when I was about to graduate and signed up to go to the Yunnan frontline alone, pulling such a distance from me, how should I face this?”Yao Cuiping couldn't help but cry again.

Seeing Cuiping's sad and tearful look, Cao Huiying quickly took out a tissue to wipe her tears."Cuiping, I can understand how you feel. After all, we are both women. While we support a man's career, we also have the right to pursue a woman's happiness. "Although your boyfriend signed up to go to the Yunnan frontline to pay his respects to his motherland and establish meritorious service, you should understand and support him! However, I can't drag you down because of this and let you fall into an illusory platonic spiritual love, living a life of long-term painful longing.”

Then, Cao Huiying took Yao Cuiping's hand and said more intimately," That's why I didn't get involved when I heard them persuading you in the dormitory that night. I always think that theory and reality are often different.'The tree of politics is gray, only the tree of life is green.”

"Sister Huiying, it seems that you understand me the most.”Hearing Cao Huiying's thoughtful words, Yao Cuiping couldn't help but lean on her shoulder.

"Is that so? I like to see things from a different perspective.”

"Sister Huiying, then why do you think men in this world like to pursue their careers, while women always like to pursue love?”Yao Cuiping suddenly asked curiously.

"It is said that this is determined by the difference in hormones in the bodies of men and women. Otherwise, why are there differences between men and women?”Cao Huiying replied with a scientific point of view.

At this moment, Yao Cuiping suddenly saw a boy and a girl chasing each other on the field. She couldn't help but sigh in admiration."Cough! How happy would I be if I could be like Liu Min! She and her boyfriend can be together and graduate together in the future..."

"That's a blessing from his previous life.”

"Yes, there was once a fortune teller who told me that I didn't have good fortune in my previous life.”

"What do you mean?"

"He said that I have a successful career, but fate is hard to determine.”

" However, I do have a way to help you test your fate temporarily..." Cao Huiying hesitated.

"What is it? Tell me, tell me!" When she heard that Cao Huiying had a way to determine fate, Yao Cuiping immediately shook her hand excitedly.

"Don't be happy too early. The method I'm talking about might bring risks to the two of you.”Cao Huiying was still hesitant." So, it's better if I don't say it out loud..."

"Aiya, even if there's a risk, I'm not afraid! Hurry up and tell me."

Cao Huiying couldn't stand Yao Cuiping's repeated pleas and finally whispered into her ear,"It's to goad him into retiring this year. Otherwise, I'll break up with him.”

"This... This seems a little ruthless, right? Besides, I'm afraid he won't give in just like that.”

"You're so stupid! If one's heart was too soft, it would not work. This was called a 'fire attack'. On the surface, he suggested that he should fight for retirement this year or break up with him. In fact, he was trying to lay his cards on the table with him.

If he really likes you, then he will care about you and be willing to accept your conditions. He will strive to return to reunite with you at the end of this year. "Otherwise, I'll be hypocritical to you, or at least not sincere enough. Then you can only continue to wait in pain and longing..." Cao Huiying said her thoughts, but she was afraid that she would say something wrong, so she turned to Yao Cuiping and said,"I'm not sure if I'm sincere enough.""Actually, I'm doing this for your own good. As for what to do next, it's still up to you to decide.”

"But what you said makes sense. It's worth a try..."

"Oh, Little Yao, so you're here and talking so passionately with our 'Mu Guiying! What are they talking about?" It turned out that the class sports committee member, Zhang Peilian, had noticed that Yao Cuiping had not been able to participate in the sports training activities with everyone, so he had come to find her.

"Is there anything important?" "The National Sports Administration," Cao Huiying asked with humor.

"Uh, no, nothing important. I just wanted to ask Little Yao why he didn't come to the field to participate in sports today.”

"She's not feeling well today. She's feeling dizzy.”Cao Huiying helped to explain.

"Oh, then you have to go to the doctor quickly.”Zhang Peilian immediately expressed his concern.

" You see, our 'National Sports Administration' knows how to care for people," Cao Huiying said with praise. The Sports Administration had better take action and bring her to the doctor personally.”

"Uh, no, no, no!" Yao Cuiping felt shy and quickly avoided him.

"It's okay, Xiao Yao. If you're really not feeling well, I'll bring you to the doctor to see him.”After Cao Huiying reminded him, Zhang Peinian immediately expressed his concern to Yao Cuiping.

"It's fine. I'll be fine after resting for a while. It's true!”Then, Yao Cuiping looked at Zhang Peilian with gratitude.

"Really, I don't believe it." Zhang Pei probed further.

" If you don't believe me, let's go. Let's go PK some shuttlecock." Yao Cuiping seemed to have changed into a different person. She suddenly became spirited and picked up Zhang Peilian.

" Tsk, tsk, tsk. Our 'National Sports Administration' is still the most respected. Even my best friend couldn't ask her out. I didn't expect that she would be activated by your 'National Sports Administration' and want to compete with you. It seems that this is really interesting..." Cao Huiying deliberately said to Zhang Peilian and Yao Cuiping.

"Look at you, Sister Huiying. You really know how to make up stories.”Yao Cuiping picked up Zhang Peilian and ran to the field while turning around to talk about Cao Huiying.

"As expected of 'Mu Guiying' as the commander, so awesome!”Zhang Peilian humorously added.

"Xia Li, Feng Yuanyuan, please rest for a while and let Yao Cuiping and I play.”Zhang Peilian accompanied Yao Cuiping to the tennis court and asked the two girls.

"Alright then, Feng Yuanyuan. We've been fighting for so long, so let Tiwei Zhang and the others fight.”Xia Li, who was covered in sweat, handed the racket to Zhang Peilian.

"Yes, I'm tired too. It's time to change.”Feng Yuanyuan, who was also playing, handed the racket to Yao Cuiping." Here, Little Yao, why are you so late?”

"Yes, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable at first." After Yao Cuiping greeted him, she officially started the Blockade PK match with Zhang Peilian.

In order to take care of Yao Cuiping's physical strength, Zhang Peilian consciously obeyed Yao Cuiping and tried his best to coordinate with the ball. On the other hand, Yao Cuiping was always competing in the dark with an unyielding spirit. As the two of them waved their rackets, they fought back and forth, gradually arousing Yao Cuiping's interest and creating an active atmosphere on the court.

Just as Zhang Peilian and Yao Cuiping were engrossed in the fight, two naughty boys in the class called Zhao Yan and Sun Xiaofei ran over.

"Hey, isn't this Sports Committee Zhang and Student Committee Member Yao? Their teamwork was really good. They were quite engrossed in the fight.”Sun Xiaofei was the first to praise him.

"Wrong, this isn't called tacit cooperation. This is called 'having a mind and a rhinoceros can understand everything.”Zhao Yan corrected him.

"Oh, right! This was called 'the heart has a spirit and the rhinoceros can understand it'.”Sun Xiaofei nodded repeatedly.

The two mischievous boys deliberately rushed over and jeered.

"Go to hell. Don't meddle here.”Yao Cuiping turned her face away shyly.

"Sigh, Zhao Yan, Sun Xiaofei, weren't you playing basketball over there? Why are you here?”Zhang Pei asked the two naughty boys.

"Our basketball match is over." Sun Xiaofei replied casually.

"Sigh, Little Yao, don't be shy. It's the era of reform and opening up now. It's normal for boys and girls to date. There's nothing to be surprised about.”Then, Zhao Yan continued to tease Yao Cuiping.

"That's true. Now that it's already developed into the 1980s, it's not still so feudal, right? The creed of 'men and women should not be close' has already become a thing of the past.”

"Besides, the law doesn't say that college students can't date or fall in love.”At this moment, Xia Li and Feng Yuanyuan, who hadn't left, used Zhao Yan's words to help Yao Cuiping and Zhang Peilian fight back.

"Well said, well said! It was really beneficial.”After listening to the two girls 'righteous words, Zhao Yan and Sun Xiaofei, the two mischievous boys, immediately fell into embarrassment." I'm sorry for disturbing you.”Immediately after, he cupped his fists and paid with gifts as he left the scene in embarrassment.

" Hahaha..." Yao Cuiping and Zhang Pei laughed along with the two girls who had the upper hand.

After a while, the school bell rang, and the lively and happy physical education class ended.

Yao Cuiping, who had finished playing the Blown PK match with Zhang Peilian, felt much more relaxed. Her mood had improved significantly, which also made her have a clearer impression of Zhang Peilian.


There was a clear mist floating in the cemetery. Tao Zhigang, who was standing in front of Pan Yue's mausoleum, realized that his hair and eyebrows were covered with water droplets. He casually raised his sleeve to wipe them away. After a short pause, he found Zhang Hu, who was sent to the front line of the battle in the same company as him, and burned incense for him.

Looking at the rising dark red flames, Tao Zhigang once again fell into the memories of the fiery frontier life after the "counterattack" came to an end. He, Zhao Shuang, Tang Xiaoqiang, and other comrades from the mainland who were assigned to the same company, joined the soldiers of the border company to fight the fire in the border village and carry out the company's life to save themselves.


As the situation of the self-defense counterattack against the South improved, the frontline troops continued to achieve victories after arduous and bloody battles. According to the intelligence report, the Chinese army had broken through most of the defense lines in the South. If they advanced further, they would only need a few dozen kilometers to take down the capital city.

However, the Chinese government had decided to make a quick decision to achieve the desired effect of ruthlessly conquering the southern invaders. Then, they immediately gave the order to withdraw all their troops, thus ushering in the day of the triumphant return of the brave warriors.

During this period, the Polar Bear did not dare to act rashly and put pressure on the north. As a result, the situation at the border began to ease and stabilize.

The end of the China-South War also meant that there would be no major changes in the personnel dispatched to the China-Myanmar border. They would be stationed in the northwest border of Yunnan for a long time to guard the border with the local ethnic minorities. Tao Zhigang, Zhao Shuang, Tang Xiaoqiang, and the others felt relieved.

After the 'counterattack' came to an end, the border defense companies also lifted their level one combat readiness and began to resume their normal company life order.

Following that, according to the arrangement of the higher-ups, the border defense company made a new adjustment to the personnel in the preparation for the battle. The inland support personnel assigned to Fugong Company were also scattered and placed into various platoons.

Among them, Tao Zhigang was assigned to the " top class " of the company. According to his outstanding performance in the border company and the skills of the scouts he had learned, he was appointed as the squad leader of the squad.

Zhao Shuang was assigned to the second platoon, fifth squad. Based on his outstanding performance in the border company and the artillery shooting skills he had learned, he was appointed as the squad leader.

Tang Xiaoqiang was assigned to Third Platoon, Class Eight.

The trust of the leader not only allowed Tao Zhigang and Zhao Shuang to see the progress they had made, but also allowed them to see the responsibilities they had to shoulder in the future. Therefore, they were more motivated to do their job well and set strict requirements for themselves.


Although the " counterattack " had come to an end and the companies had begun to rest and recuperate, there was never any leisure time for the troops. The various tasks would always be arranged in an orderly manner.

As the border defense company was located in the border, it was stationed in the deep mountains and valleys. The transportation was inconvenient, which brought many difficulties to the living supply.

Usually, apart from relying on their own farming and vegetables, the officers and soldiers also relied on the dried vegetables, mixed sauce, canned meat, and other processed vegetables distributed by the higher-ups to supplement their food. It would take half a year to transport in these supplies. The lack of food sources made the company's food in a difficult state. As a result, some soldiers had to run to the fields near Fu and the hillside to find some wild garlic, houtnia, and chili powder before eating.

In order to reverse this situation as soon as possible and improve the company's food to increase the combat effectiveness of the troops, the company leaders immediately put the improvement of the living standards of the soldiers on the agenda after the "counterattack" ended. This made the company's self-help become the top priority of the company.

After the party branch decided, under the leadership of the company commander and the instructor, a self-help and labor competition event quickly kicked off.

Following that, each class began to participate in the labor competition according to their respective labor areas and production tasks. They used the empty space on the hillside to plant fruit trees and vegetables. They used the wild feed in the mountains to feed pigs, sheep, fish...

Through the development of an intense and orderly life of self-rescue, the entire camp area showed signs of vitality, and the appearance of the company had a clear change.

Even though everyone had worked hard from morning till night, and had gone all out for this, they still felt that there was joy in the bitterness, and endless joy.


As the company's self-rescue efforts improved, the number of livestock they fed grew and increased, and the search for wild feed became more and more intense.

On this day, according to the company's labor distribution, it was the first platoon's turn to look for food.

" Squad Leader Tang, Squad Leader Tao-" Early in the morning, Squad Leader Chen of the Second Platoon, who was on duty, came to the First Platoon and shouted.

"Here!" Tao Zhigang immediately replied.

"What about Squad Leader Tang?"

"Oh, he just went to fetch water from the hall.”

"Yes, it's your class's turn to go up the mountain to find feed today.”

"Oh, yes!"

"On the way, you and Squad Leader Tang have to pay more attention to safety. Nothing can happen.”Platoon Leader Chen reminded Tao Zhigang. Then, he reminded her,"Tell Squad Leader Tang to pay more attention to his safety when you come back."”

"Oh, yes! Platoon Leader Chen, don't worry. We promise to complete the mission.”Tao Zhigang promised.

After a while, Squad Leader Tang fetched water and returned to the class. Tao Zhigang promptly conveyed to him the notice of the task of finding feed issued by the platoon leader on duty.

After that, the 12 of them brought their machetes and ropes and headed straight for the mountain opposite the company.

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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