The Throne of Lily
9 Since ancient times, how many people have returned to battle?

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The news that Lancelot was killed for attempting to rape the queen spread throughout Great Britain at an alarming speed. In the current Kingdom of Knights, this was a huge scandal. Lancelot's reputation was already ruined, and the knights were even ashamed to mention him. Soon, as time passed, the name of the former First Round Table Knight, Lancelot, was completely forgotten by the people. He would probably never have the chance to become a heroic spirit again.

After all, a heroic spirit was an existence transformed from a hero whose great achievements were left behind as legends after death and had become an object of faith. How could a person who was forgotten by people and whose legend could not be passed down become a heroic spirit?

As for the princess of the Empire, Mordred, she gradually grew up. Her martial arts skills were not inferior to Lancelot's, and she even surpassed him. Five years later, she became the first knight of the Knights of the Round Table.

At this moment, in front of the army that was ready to go to war, Artolia was making the final mobilization. After many years of recuperation and leading the country with the vision of his previous life, the current Empire had surpassed this era in terms of military, technology, and politics. The Knights of the Round Table led the army. There were 3,000 of them now. Although they were not many, they were all powerful warriors who could fight 10 people at once. They were also the trump cards in Altoria's hands. Behind the Knights of the Round Table were 200,000 iron knights.

My honorable warriors, let us swear an oath together. We only fight for justice and justice. We will never fight for wealth or selfish reasons. We need to help everyone who needs help, and we need to support each other. We must be gentle with the weak, but we must punish the wicked.”

With her majestic eyes, she looked at the army below the platform. Her serious voice sounded in the solemn environment, with a hint of temptation.

Ten years of training, ten years of waiting

These ten years of cultivation and development had undoubtedly made Britain extremely powerful. The Empire had surpassed the shackles of this era in terms of politics, economy, and technology. The girl firmly believed that with this invincible teacher in her hands, no matter what kind of wolf or tiger, they would submit to her skirt. Everything in front of her would be conquered by her.

In fact, Altolia was so confident because of her current age. If it was another two or three hundred years, she would still be confident, but she would not dare to launch such a large-scale attack. Of course, at that time, it was one thing for powerful countries to be everywhere. More importantly, it was true that the Christian religion had enslaved people's minds. The future Crusades were a good example. Artolia was helpless against such a mental constraint, which was why it was called the Dark Middle Ages.

Fortunately, the girl was not in that period. Although this era was also classified as the Middle Ages, it was not long after the fall of Western Rome. On the continent of Europe, civilization in many places was very backward. People still lived a primitive life of slash-and-burn farming and drinking raw meat and blood. Although the Christian religion had been born for five centuries, it was still mired in a quagmire of faith disputes with many old religions. It was far from the level of dominance over the monarchical power of later generations.

The combination of all these factors gave the girl a strong sense of confidence. Altolia had a misconception that this era was created for her, and everything in the world was waiting for her to explore.

She looked at the army below the stage. This was the source of her confidence and strength. The densely packed soldiers of the Empire, who were wearing silver helmets and armor, stood straight like gods, looking down on everything in the world.

This was a total of 200,000 soldiers, and 50,000 heavy cavalrymen were not included. It could be said that Altoria had mobilized the most powerful soldiers in this war. This was an expedition that could not be failed. This army would create a miracle that would shock the world.

In the past, Alexander had defeated the millions of soldiers of the Persian Empire with only 30,000 soldiers and the Macedonians. He had conquered Greece, Egypt, and Babylon. Artolia was confident that she would be stronger than the Macedonian king with her army.

Looking ahead, the 3000 Knights of the Round Table stood at the forefront of the infantry formation. All the kings in Europe knew that King Arthur of Britain had such an army. It was made up of the most elite knights, and each of them could fight against a hundred. They were the Grim Reaper on the battlefield, the reaper of life. Wherever they went, there would only be collapse and collapse. They specialized in attacking the enemy's leaders. Often, before a war was over, the enemy's king or general would already be beheaded.

These Knights of the Round Table were the most loyal followers of Altoria. In the past ten years, the girl had done countless remarkable things, including the establishment of a new knighthood. The girl had sublimated the eight virtues of the original knighthood (namely humility, compassion, justice, honor, sacrifice, bravery, spirituality, honesty), and specifically standardized the principles of the knight. More importantly, the girl had determined the knighthood, which was the path of protection. From then on, knights would follow this only way, because Artolia's method had made a drastic change to the previous knight's framework, which had a great influence on later generations. Later generations also called him the ancestor of knights, or the "Knight King."

After the young lady had made the rules of the knighthood, a large number of excellent knights came to the land of knights to meet the famous King Arthur. With the help of Altoria, they finally established the famous Knights of the Round Table after a strict selection.

Above these Knights of the Round Table were those who stood at the very front and surrounded the girl. They were known as the " Twelve Strongest Knights ". They were King Arthur's Guardian Knights and stood at the peak of human power. They were admired and worshipped by countless Knights. They were known as the Twelve Knights of the Round Table.

They were the first knight Medrawt, the second knight Lamorak, the third knight Galahad, the fourth knight Percival, the fifth knight Gawaine, the sixth knight Kai, the seventh knight Geraine, the eighth knight Gaheris, the ninth knight Gareth, the tenth knight Bors, the eleventh knight Tristram, and the twelfth knight Bedivere.

The Twelve Knights of the Round Table had been sung in countless poems, but the fall of the empire was due to the division. Now, Altoria would no longer walk the same path, and the new Twelve Knights of the Round Table would become the strongest fighting force of the empire.

Taking a light step forward and exhaling deeply, the young lady looked at the Empire's soldiers below the stage and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Suddenly, her petite body burst forth with the boundless might of a king. She looked down with a solemn gaze and said,

"My honorable warriors, let us swear an oath together. We only fight for justice and justice. We will never fight for wealth or selfish reasons. We need to help everyone who needs help, and we need to support each other. We must be gentle with the weak, but we must punish the wicked.”


iwillbekindtotheweak. (I swear to be kind to the weak)

iwillbebra/veandagainstthestrong. (I swear to stand up to rape)

iwillfighttheallwhodowrong. (I swear to fight against all wrongs)

iwillfightforthosewhocannotfight. (I swear to fight for the unarmed)

iwillhelpthosewhocallmeforhelp. (I swear to help anyone who asks me for help)

iwillharmnowoman. (I swear I won't hurt any woman)

iwillhelpmybrotherknight. (I swear to help my brother knight)

iwillbetruetomyfriends. (I swear to treat my friends sincerely)

iwillbefaithfulinlove. (I swear I'll be with the one I love till death do us part)

"Brave warriors of the British Empire, follow me and fight against the enemies!”

"My king!" "My king!" "My king!" After taking the oath, the morale of the army rose once again. The cheers sounded like a tsunami, and the unparalleled aura was enough to make any enemy tremble.

Looking at her unparalleled army with satisfaction, Artolia turned around. Her red cloak fluttered behind her as she looked to the east. She waved her arm and pointed in that direction.

"Let's go. Our destination is Constantinople!”Artoria shouted.

This book comes。

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