Loli Crystal Palace
5 killings

Loli's Ota


Hisashi Izumi was a serious young man. Being serious could be said to be his only good point-a serious, honest, silent, boring, and uncharacteristic man.

He was the youngest of his four children. His eldest brother was a martial arts expert, his second brother was an inventor who surpassed experts, and his beautiful sister even had a dance teacher certificate.

Although Yimi did not have any special characteristics, he had the most serious personality and the best academic results. He was appreciated for this. In addition, the father of the head of the family thought that he was a third son and there was no need for him to inherit the family business. If he encountered an accident in a foreign country and was unable to return to the country, there would not be any problem (a typical example of being cheated by his son and finally deciding to cheat his son). Therefore, he came to the school in the Kingdom of Suval, which had recently begun to recruit international students from the Alliance.

His father was a soldier. Every time something happened, he would always say to Yimi," As the Empire's soldiers, the three men…" Yimi was also careful to avoid doing anything embarrassing. As soldiers of the Empire, the three men had to be careful with their actions…

(The author is trying to fill in the number of words…)

"…Jiucheng! Jiucheng!"

Just as he came out of St. Margaret's Library and was about to have lunch in the cafeteria, he saw the sexy dorm supervisor standing in front of the cafeteria door with a sleepy face. Her red hair was burning like fire and she had a voluptuous body.

"…Good afternoon. Is…is there anything?"

"That's great. I was thinking that Jiucheng would definitely come. Go buy cheese and ham!"


The warden came to Jiucheng and stuffed something that looked like a sandwich into the chest pocket of his uniform.

"What, what, what happened? Cheese and ham? Me? Where to? Why?"

"Precisely speaking, it's 500 grams of ricotta cheese and 1 kilogram of ham. Jiucheng went to buy it. The morning market in the village. Because I forgot to buy it this morning."

The warden answered Yimi's question in one breath. Yimi stuffed the tie into his pocket.


"I was planning to go to the food store, but halfway through, I met a friend who invited me to a dance. After that, she came back after dancing and drinking wine. Empty-handed…so, go! No one had lunch! I will be expelled! Hurry up!"

" Er-when I asked why, I was asking why I was the one who went..."

"Because you came early. And you're easy to bully…No, no, you're…you're very nice, right! It's because your people have a good relationship!"

The warden shook her voluptuous figure and said,

"Jiucheng's lunch is that sandwich. I still have to cut the bread and boil the water. Hurry up and buy it!”

"Uhh…!" The door slammed shut.

Yimi looked up at the door with a sleepy expression and finally sighed."…Alright."

He had no choice but to walk towards the school gate.

When Yimi was still in his hometown, he was often ordered around by women. He remembered his sister saying that this was a talent, but Yimi didn't think so at all. If he could be as awe-inspiring as the son of a soldier, he wouldn't be ordered around by others... and he would have to run errands for them...

Yimi could not help but sigh as he walked through the gate and onto the gravel road leading to the village.

"Sigh…the women in this country really love to order people around. The prison cells are the same as Avril. I really made some strange friends."

The quiet and honest Hisashi Kazuya, who was particularly weak in the face of women, had an unexpected side that no one knew about. He didn't tell his family or friends that Yimi was actually quite romantic. (Heh, I was just joking. It was just Jiucheng's self-consolation.

Under her serious and strong appearance, she hid the imagination that she would have a romantic encounter with a beautiful opposite sex that she had never met before. Imi secretly believed that no matter who it was, one day, they would meet a girl that belonged to them. It was as if they were a match made in heaven, they were in love, and they were extremely cute. (The author couldn't continue writing.)

(If my father knew that I was thinking about these things, he would either feel embarrassed or be laughed at for being unmanly. He might even slap me twice.) If her two brothers knew, they would probably be laughed at for three days and two nights-so she had to keep it a secret from her family no matter what.)

(But where is the girl that belongs to me…)

He muttered," There must be one." Then, he hurried down the village road and sighed.

Yi Mi began to imagine.

(When I was walking on the road, I bumped into a cute girl who suddenly appeared. "Are you alright?" I asked her. "I'm fine, thank you," she answered shyly.”The moment our eyes met, that girl fell in love with me…)

At the thought of this, Yimi suddenly came back to his senses. He had actually had such a clumsy imagination of himself. He shook his shoulders and laughed.

(…How funny, this kind of thing would never happen in reality. The most important thing now was the cheese and ham. He had to buy it quickly and return to the school. She had been studying here for half a year and had never been late. The three men of the Empire's soldiers must not be late. So you have to be quick…)

She seemed to see something crossing the corner of her eye-it might be a pedestrian. It was rare for someone to pass by the quiet village road so early in the morning…

(It must be…'The girl that belongs to me'…)

Although Yimi was in a hurry, he did not know why he had returned to the world of imagination.

(If possible, it would be best to have blonde hair, because gold is very beautiful.) I've never seen such a dazzling hair color in my homeland…Speaking of which, Avril is blonde too.)

(But I think I saw something golden on the roof just now? There was also a flickering white light. But why didn't Ye Yuehuan admit it? Could it really be a golden fairy…Impossible, impossible, that was just something Avril and the others made up to scare people.)

At this moment…

Ji ji…!

There was a strange sound that sounded like the sound of brakes. Yimi was seriously thinking about the blonde hair, so he turned the corner carelessly without looking at the road carefully. Then, a loud crash was heard, and the surroundings returned to silence. Yimi came back to his senses.


A brand-new German-made motorcycle crashed into the low stone wall that separated the grape fields. It seemed that he had failed to make a successful turn and had crashed into it at an astonishing speed. Yimi, who realized that he had almost been hit, had a serious expression on his face. A burly man in a black helmet sat on the motorcycle, his body stiff from the shock of the accident. Yi Mi was about to protest when he realized that the man was not moving at all. He could not help but start to worry.

"Uh…are you alright?"

There was no reply. Upon closer inspection, the man in the safety helmet's eyes were wide open. He did not blink and his entire body froze.

Yimi thought to himself,(I obviously wanted to bump into a cute girl. How could I have bumped into a burly man riding a motorcycle?) It was really boring. There was nothing worse than this.)As she thought about it, she started to sigh again…

Something worse happened. Something fell to the ground and began to roll.

It was the man's head. Yimi screamed.

The man's head, together with his helmet, kept rolling. He stopped at Yimi's feet and looked up at him with a stiff expression. Yi Mi subconsciously said to the head,"

"Are you alright?"

At this moment…

The sound of water splashing like a fountain rang out. Yimi raised his head and saw blood spurting out of the headless neck, dyeing the headless body and the motorcycle red.

Yimi screamed again.

The background of the splattering blood was the dazzling sun and the lush green grape garden.

(I didn't meet a girl, but a headless corpse…)

Yi Mi frowned and revealed a bitter face.

(If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come to study abroad.)He sighed again…and fainted.

I am the dividing line

When he woke up, he found himself lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room. It was a small and dark house surrounded by medicine cabinets. Yimi sat up and looked out of the window. He saw a campus scenery outside and guessed that this should be the health room.

From the other end of the corridor came a lovely soprano voice.

"Please wait, officer! Why are you so unreasonable!"

The voice that he had heard before made Yimi raise his head. Not long after, the owner of the voice approached with pattering footsteps and opened the door of the health room. A small head was revealed.

Big round glasses, drooping brown eyes, shoulder-length brown hair--it turned out to be Yimi's mentor, Teacher Cecil. He was in his early twenties, but he looked younger than a student. She was a woman who reminded people of a chubby puppy.

When the teacher realized that Yimi was awake, he put on a smile and entered the health room.

"Jiucheng, you're awake? That was great. Are you alright?"

"Ah, yes…"

"Because you were late, so I was very worried. He contacted the dormitory, but the warden stammered and couldn't explain clearly..."

Yimi thought of cheese and ham. She seriously considered whether the warden had been scolded for bringing out a lunch without any side dishes…Then, she thought of the headless corpse, and her face turned pale again.

"After that, I received a notice saying that a strange corpse was found on the village road. You were still lying beside the corpse, so I asked the villagers to carry you back. Jiuji-san…what exactly happened?”

Noticing the teacher's worried expression, Yimi began to panic. Just as he was about to explain, he heard a loud noise. The door of the health room opened. Yimi turned to look at the door. Then, his entire body stiffened.

A strange person stood there. He was a tall young man with a decent appearance. He was a handsome man with an aristocratic aura. His clothes were also tailored and fitted with shiny silver sleeves. However…

There was only one place that was extremely strange.

His head.

The man's shiny golden hair was combed forward like a sharp drill for some reason, and it was fixed into a streamlined shape along the lines. Yimi looked up at the golden drill head with his mouth agape. The man supported himself against the wall with one hand and straightened one leg behind him. After assuming the elegant posture of a ballerina, he looked at Yimi and said,

"I've been waiting for a long time."


Wait for a long time? Who was this? Yi Mi was obviously troubled, but Teacher Cecil, who was at the side, took a deep breath and glared at the man. However, the man said indifferently,

"I'm Officer Gurewin de Blois. I'm going to interrogate you now."

"Ah, I know."

It turned out to be the police. Just as Imi nodded, the police officer in Brois snapped his fingers. Then there was the sound of running from the corridor, and two young men wearing rabbit fur hunting hats came. Unlike the police officers, they had the gentle appearance of the working class. Their clothes were also cotton vests with sturdy boots, as well as some common outfits in the village. It seemed that they were the subordinates of Officer Blois.

However, when Yimi was dragged out of the clinic by the two of them…he noticed something strange.

For some reason, the two young subordinates were holding hands tightly. Yimi looked away. He looked again…As expected, they were still holding hands. Seeing Yimi looking at the two of them with a strange gaze, the two of them seemed to want to defend themselves.

"We've been good friends since we were young.”


The two of them bared their white teeth and laughed. Yimi held his head in his hands. He didn't understand what was going on. Officer Brova and his two strange subordinates brought Yimi to the information room in the school building.

It was a creepy, dark room. There was a light brown globe, a huge wooden carving that seemed to have been brought back from India, and a pile of strange weapons that seemed to have been randomly piled up since the Middle Ages.

The oil lamp flickered and emitted a piercing sound.

Officer Blois let Yimi sit on the creaking old wooden chair while he sat on the square table that looked quite solid. He picked up the globe and turned it around.

"Imi Hisashi. Fifteen years old. Born in 1909. Top results. I have no friends."

He suddenly mentioned Yimi's information. At the last part where there were no friends, Yimi became anxious. He said in a barely audible voice,

"I have friends. My friends are Ye Yuehuan and Avril.”

When he was still in the country where he grew up, he had friends and neighbors who grew up with him in the officer school. However, ever since he came to Suval, Yimi had been unable to establish a friendship with the children of the nobles. He was troubled by their respectful attitude towards the Easterners. If it wasn't for Ye Yuehuan, who was also Asian (gay), and Avril, who loved ghost stories, he would have gone crazy.

Ye Yuehuan, who was rushing over, suddenly felt his anus tighten…

"Why do I feel a chill on my back?”


Ignoring Imi's annoyance, Officer Blois suddenly shouted,"Hahahaha!」He started laughing.

"This is really nerve-racking. The problem of juvenile delinquency really makes me wonder what to do. It is not my wish to send a promising young man to the gallows, but a crime is a crime.”


After regaining his senses, Yi Mi had a very bad feeling. He glanced in the direction of the door and saw his subordinate holding hands standing there with his legs apart, as if to prevent him from escaping.

(Could it be…?) Yi Mi felt that something was wrong.

The police officer's expression was completely different from what he said. He stared at Ichiya with a cheerful smile. Then, for some reason, he lifted a foot and shook his body in an unstable position. He pointed at Yimi and said,"

"Jiucheng, you're the criminal!”

Yimi held his head and argued desperately,

"That's not true! I just happened to pass by. How can you slander me so casually! I protest, I protest seriously. And I want you to do a thorough investigation and come up with a valid reasoning. I, I…"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"


Officer Blois winked and wagged his index finger-it was an unflattering gesture. Yimi looked at the finger anxiously, but the police officer said something scary,

"I have no interest in your psychological state, Jiucheng. He committed murder in the country where he studied abroad and wanted to expand it into a perverted psychology of diplomatic issues.”

"Foreign, diplomatic issues…?"

"The people who were killed were government officials who were on vacation.”

"How, how could this be…"

Yi Mi's face turned ashen.

The scenery of his motherland, his mother's gentle expression, his father's strict expression, the bright red sun in the port city on the deck of the ship sailing to Suval...

Everything flashed through his mind.

"…Jiucheng, I can't think of anyone else besides you.”

"How, how could it be! You…what right do you have to say that…?”

"Hahahahaha! This…"

Officer Blois lifted his foot to change his position... Someone knocked on the door.

Knock, knock, knock…!

The police officer and his two subordinates pretended not to hear him.

There was another knock on the door…

Knock, knock, knock…! (The lovely Victoria is about to appear!!!!! Bring a picture)

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