Dragon 3: Black Moon Tide
4 Zero

Evening in


Renata hummed a nursery rhyme as she walked down the corridor. The chalk on the wall was peeling off, and there was only one white light every few dozen meters. These old light bulbs sizzled and flickered like will-o'-the-wisps. Each light could only illuminate a small section of the corridor, and it was pitch black between the two lights.

Renata was not afraid. She grew up here. She was wearing a white cotton nightdress and holding her precious teddy bear. The bag bear was a birthday gift from the doctor. He asked the first mate of the icebreaker to buy it from Moscow. In Black Swan Harbor, this was a luxurious gift. The icebreaker could only come once a year. Renata named the bear " Zorro." She knew from the book that Zorro was a masked swordsman. All bad guys would tremble in fear when they heard his name. Renata hugged Zorro when she slept at night. If there were any monsters hiding in the dark that wanted to hurt her, she would let Zorro kill them.

On the right side of the corridor was a thick wall, and on the left side were small rooms. There were a total of 38 rooms, and the iron gates were painted with white numbers. From No. 1 to No. 38, a child lived in each room. There were a total of 38 children. Renata was number 38, the last one.

She leaned against the small window of an iron door and looked inside. There was a boy sleeping on the small bed. It was Yakov. She picked up a piece of peeling wall and threw it in. Yakov suddenly opened his eyes. His pupils were golden in the dark, and he slowly scanned the room. After confirming that there was no danger, Yakov closed his eyes again. He did not wake up. This characteristic of scanning the surroundings in his sleep was like a lizard. When the lizard was asleep, if it felt a change in the wind around it, it would not wake up immediately. Instead, a part of its nervous system would wake up first and check the surrounding movements. If there was no problem, it would continue to sleep.

Renata knew that he wouldn't wake up. She was just smashing things for fun. She was bored and happy. The nurses didn't know that she was so mischievous behind his back.

Children who had undergone surgery were like Yakov. Once they fell asleep, they would not wake up easily. They would follow the sound of the clapping.

Children who had surgery did not need to wake up at night, but Renata had never had surgery, so she sometimes got up to go to the bathroom. The nurses were too lazy to open the door for the paper doll every time, and they were too lazy to clean up her wet bed, so sometimes they did not lock Renata's door. She could go to bed herself at night. The head nurse sternly warned Renata not to wander around while she was relieving herself. She had to go to the toilet quickly and come back quickly. If she was caught wandering around outside, she would be grounded or undergo surgery.

However, Renata was very cunning and quickly figured out the nurses 'movements. After midnight, the nurses stopped making ward rounds. They were now drinking and playing cards in the on-call room. At this time, the entire floor belonged to Renata. She could do whatever she wanted. She patrolled the floor like a little queen patrolling her territory. She went to the tool room and then to the equipment room. She threw the wall paint to tease the sleeping children and then went to the vent of the heater to blow the warm air.

She used this convenience to search every area on the floor, but she could not find any trace of the black snake.

Renata still remembered the first time Black Snake appeared. That night, Renata made a mistake and was being grounded. She leaned against the cold iron door and sobbed, saying "Mom" hoarsely. That was the time she cried the most. The nurses shouted through the iron door,"Cry!" It would be quiet if she cried herself hoarse! So she burst into tears, wanting to call the whole world to save her. She cried until late into the night. She cried so hard that she could no longer make a sound, but no one came.

The moonlight shone in through the small window, shining on her thin white cotton nightdress and her thin and almost transparent calves.

That night, Renata understood something. The kind of person who wanted to ask the world for help was precisely the kind of person who no one in the world would save.

For the first time, she thought that perhaps she could die.

At this moment, the entire building shook violently, as if countless metals were clattering. A huge figure that looked like a black river swam across the corridor, its golden eyes as bright as candles. The black snake came, bringing with it a strong gust of wind. The purplish-green electric current stuck between its scales and the iron door. The scales all over its body opened and closed like a happy castanet. It glanced at Renata as it swam past the confinement room, and its giant tail whipped the iron door hard.

The door opened and Renata ran out, staring blankly at its huge back.

Was it here to…save her?

"When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison, and he will come out to bewitch the kingdoms in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for battle. Their numbers are as many as the sand in the sea." It was as if a hundred million demons were singing in unison.

Renata sat in the darkness at the end of the corridor, covering her face and crying loudly. She was not frightened but happy. It turned out that there were still people in this world who would come to save her. It turned out that there were still people in this world who could hear her voice. It turned out that she was not so lonely that she did not have her own kind.

There must be someone born for you somewhere in this world. When you stand at the end of the cliff, don't lose hope. You have to hold on for one more second, waiting for that person to appear in front of you like a gust of wind. You will ride on his horse, even if he is a demon imprisoned by God for a thousand years.

She stopped in her tracks. There was a lonely iron gate with a huge " Zero " written in red paint.

Room Zero.

There were a total of 39 small rooms on this floor, but they were only ranked up to Renata's room 38. The extra room was room zero. There were only 38 children in this group. Perhaps there was another child living in Room Zero, but he had never shown his face. He did not go out with Renata and the others. He did not eat in the cafeteria, nor did he participate in the activities of watching revolutionary movies at night. Therefore, Room Zero should be an empty room. Some of the more daring children looked inside and said that it was a very scary detention room with something like a torture rack inside. There were also children who said that there were actually two children locked up inside and that they had vaguely heard them arguing. In short, Room Zero was a mystery. When the nurses scared the children, they said,"The thing in Room Zero will eat you!”

According to the Fengshui of the Chinese, the room at the end of the corridor was the gathering place of all unclean things, and it would breed terrible things. Renata didn't know that. She just instinctively resisted Room Zero. She had visited all the other areas on this floor, except for Room Zero.

There was a dim gas lamp hanging in front of the iron door. There was no wind, but the flame was swaying on its own.

A strange thought suddenly popped up in Renata's mind. Could Black Snake be hiding in Room Zero? Tonight, she felt very strange. Room Zero, which used to look ferocious and terrifying, now seemed mysterious and attractive. She had unknowingly crossed the " No Entry " sign. The steam lamp swayed overhead, casting shifting shadows. The iron door was rusted and had a large lock on it. Renata gently touched the big lock. She was not ready to open the door to see what was going on, she could not open it anyway.

The lock snapped open and fell straight down! If such a heavy lock fell to the ground, it would alarm the nurses upstairs, and Renata would be finished! She rushed over to catch the lock.

Just like that, she pushed open the door of Room Zero. The room was dark and empty, and a faint smell of decay assaulted his senses. The white curtains slowly rose and fell, stained with some kind of black stain. The light from the searchlight shone through the gaps of the wooden planks. On the left hand was a row of iron frames, filled with glass medicine bottles. On the right hand was a cast iron operating table covered with yellow rust spots. Renata suddenly realized that the stain on the curtain was blood. This was an operating room. It was not strange to see blood in the operating theater, but she shuddered. Rather than calling the operating theater…it was more like a meat factory.

At this moment, she heard a faint sound of breathing. In the dark corner where the light could not reach, there was something that looked like a bed. On it lay a pale human figure. The person was wearing a straitjacket. The clothes were made of tough white linen, and there were more than a dozen wide belts sewn all over the body. If the children were particularly rowdy, the nurse would put them in straitjackets. Renata had also worn it once. After the belt was buckled, she could only lie stiffly on her back. Her entire body was like a cocoon trapped in a cocoon. It was difficult to even twist her neck. It was more uncomfortable than death. Compared to wearing a straitjacket, confinement was a form of enjoyment.

There was a disobedient child locked up in Room Zero. She did not know how long he had been wearing a straitjacket. After wearing it for a few hours, even the most irritable child would be as docile as a little lamb.

Renata mustered her courage and approached. This time, she could see more clearly. There was not a bed in the corner, but a cast iron recliner. It was only wide enough for a person to lie down, and there were many holes on the top and bottom to secure the straps on the straitjacket. Renata suddenly pitied the child. The time she was put in a straitjacket, she was only thrown on the bed in the detention room, but the child was tied to a cast-iron chair and could not even move.

But this child actually fell asleep sweetly.

It was a boy. Renata had never seen him before. He was wearing a wire mask. Through the mask, one could see an Asian face. It was delicate and almost weak. His black hair covered his broad forehead, and his eyebrows were black and straight. Renata looked at him silently and listened to his even breathing. She could not help but relax. Seeing him sleeping so peacefully, Room Zero was not as scary anymore. The smell of medicine and blood had also faded. The searchlight shone on the wall like a full moon.

"How pitiful." Renata whispered.

There was nothing she could do to help the boy. Seeing that his lips were a little dry, she went to the water pipe to get a small handful of water and dripped it on the boy's lips through the wire mask. After the water seeped in, the boy's lips regained their color slightly. Renata was a little happy.

She picked up Zorro and walked to the door. At this moment, someone behind her said,""Don't be in a hurry to leave, Renata."

"He doesn't look normal." said Bondarev.

"We performed a pontine split surgery on him.”The doctor said," This kind of surgery was originally used to treat epilepsy. It cuts off the nerves connecting the left and right halves of the brain. After the surgery, the two halves of the brain work independently and are no longer connected.”

"So he became retarded?"

"No, it's not dementia, but a split personality. Think about it, in the same person's brain, the two halves of the brain work separately and do not talk to each other. They would feel that there were two selves in their bodies, and they would not know who they were. The left and right halves of a person's brain were responsible for different tasks. Desire was in charge of the left half of the brain, while morality was in charge of the right half of the brain. The left half of the brain liked sexy women, while the right half of the brain warned you to be a polite gentleman. The two halves of a normal person's brain would talk to each other and reach a consensus, but patients who had undergone pontine splitting surgery might split into two personalities, the 'moral self' and the 'desire self'.”

"Just like the awakening of the Good Self and the Evil Self?”

"It's like this. We use this kind of surgery mainly to limit the abilities of these children.”

"What kind of ability?"

"Supernatural abilities brought about by perfect genes. These children all have the genes of dragons. We gathered them in this orphanage and injected them with hallucinogenic drugs to trigger hallucinations and stimulate their potential.”The doctor gently stroked the boy's hair, like a hunter stroking his beloved hound." In the end, what we awakened was not so much ability as the power of God.”

" Next, we'll show you a miracle," the doctor said as he slowly stepped back." Don't stand within five meters of him. I have to warn you, this is a potentially fatal experiment."”

Bondarev's expression was vigilant, and the muscles under his uniform bulged. He was a strictly trained soldier who could break a wolf's neck with his bare hands. He originally did not have to fear this thin boy, but he did not dare to take it lightly in front of supernatural things. He adjusted himself to a state of explosive. The doctor once again knocked on the pair of black wooden sticks. The boy's empty eyes lit up, and a faint golden color appeared in his eyes. He slowly turned his head to look at Bondarev, like a cold-blooded animal scrutinizing its prey.

"Are you trying to kill me with your eyes?" said Bondarev.

"Make a threatening gesture." The doctor threw the Makarov pistol back to Bondarev.

Bondarev shook his fingers and suddenly half-squatted. He took a standard aiming posture and pointed the muzzle at the boy. The gun was very heavy in his hand, but the doctor didn't remove the magazine. The golden color in the boy's eyes suddenly increased. Bondarev could see the brutal killing intent in his eyes! The boy uttered a strange syllable, and ripples appeared in the air around him. In just a few seconds, Bondarev felt that the air was getting thicker and thicker, like gel. He was wrapped in it and could not struggle. What was even more terrifying was that the glue-like air was pouring into his respiratory tract. This strange air gel was like a soft long tongue, and it would soon reach his lungs along the trachea. If a person's lungs were filled with gel, there was only death!

Bondarev subconsciously pulled the trigger. The bullet exited the barrel and spun in the gel-like air at a speed visible to the naked eye! The air continued to reduce its speed, but the steel core bullet had an amazing penetrating power, and it shot towards the boy's eyes. The bullet was enough to open the boy's skull. Bondarev had been trained by the KGB to either not shoot or kill.

The boy's pupils turned into the color of molten iron, and his strength increased again. The bullet was completely locked by the air an inch in front of his eyes, and the rotation slowly stopped. Bondarev's eyes were filled with despair. What a strange power! He did not have the strength to fire another shot. He was going to die.

The boy in the straitjacket woke up. His black eyes were extremely lively, and there was a strange feeling of water ripples rising and falling deep in his pupils. He stared at Renata and laughed silently.

"You know me?" Renata was shocked.

"I also know a lot about you. You're very famous.”The boy stuck out his tongue.

His face was covered by barbed wire, and his expression was not very clear, but his pair of bright eyes alone could convey a lot of information to Renata. It was a look of intimacy and a little pleading, hoping that she would stay and talk to him more.

"You…what's your name?" Renata had no experience talking to strangers, so she could only ask dryly.

"Me? "I don't have a name yet," said the boy."I live in Room Zero. You can call me Zero.”

The nurses usually called the children by their numbers, such as Renata's number 38 and Anton's number 16.

"Hello, Zero. I am Renata, number 38.”Renata said.

"What are you looking for?" Zero said.

Renata hesitated." Find…find a friend.”

She didn't want to tell Zero about the black snake. Zero probably wouldn't believe such a ridiculous thing, right?

"If you're looking for a friend…can I?”Zero rolled her eyes." We can be good friends.”

He probably misunderstood Renata's meaning, or he was too lonely, so he deliberately misinterpreted this sentence.

Renata hesitated for a while and nodded against her will.""Sure,"

In fact, she was not ready to accept Zero as her friend. She had only known this boy for a few minutes. Renata thought. Friends needed to know each other for a long time and be very close to each other before they could be called friends. She just couldn't bear to reject him. Zero's face was full of cunningness, and his eyes were glued to her. His black and bright pupils were pitiful and fawning.

That year, a little seal accidentally entered the port. The little thing was probably very hungry. It crawled at Renata's feet and whimpered, looking at her with similar eyes. Just as Renata reached out to touch its head, the head nurse smashed the shovel and picked up the baby seal's body. They had a fragrant seal broth for dinner, but Renata didn't take a sip. She went back to her room and hugged Zorro, crying silently.

Zero's eyes were like the little seal's.

The Little Seal in his straitjacket chuckled as if his evil scheme had succeeded."Good friends should express their feelings, right?”

This guy is really clingy... Renata remembered that the book said that good friends should give gifts to each other. For example, Petrov and Pantsev became good friends. Petrov gave Pantsev a gilded sailboat model, and Pantsev gave him a shell wind chime in return. However, she did not have anything to give Zero as a gift. Everything here was given to her. She did not have any personal items, only Zorro, who was in her arms. But without Zorro, she couldn't sleep at night. She unconsciously hugged Zorro tightly, worried that she would have to give him to Zero for the sake of being a " good friend."

" But I don't have anything to give you as a gift," Zero said. He could see through Renata's thoughts." Then, why don't we each share a secret? Good friends should know each other's secrets.”

" I'll say mine first," Zero said generously." I'm a psychopath!”

Renata looked at him blankly. Was he as cunning as a lunatic?

"I'm really crazy. " I always feel like there are two people talking in my head, a good person and a bad person." Zero paused, her eyes a little dazed." One of them said,'Thunderbolt that shakes everything, flatten this lush earth! Don't let an ungrateful human seed remain in the world!'Another said,'Those without compassion are beasts! It was a savage! It's a devil! Another said,'The only evil that can flatten all evil is the evil of evil!'The other said,'All evil, but forgets forgiveness!'They kept making noise in my head all day, and I became a little crazy, so the nurses locked me up here.”

"How pitiful." Renata nodded.

She couldn't understand what the little people in Zero's head were saying, but it was really unbearable to have people shouting in her ears every day. After reading some books, she finally understood the nature of the little liar. Some of these abstruse words came from King Lear, some from Henry VIII. If Zero's head was really noisy all day, then his head could only be the 17th century Universal Theater.

"Actually, we're all crazy." Zero laughed.

"I'm not crazy!" Renata was a little unhappy." I'm not listening to you!

" Well, I think you can see that I'm a psychopath. If it's not a secret," Zero thought for a moment." Then I'll tell you another thing. My favorite girl here is Khorina!”

Renata was stunned and didn't know how to respond. The most beautiful girl in the orphanage was number 21, Khorjinna. She was a head taller than Renata and had light blond hair, but it was longer than Renata's and was tied into a long braid. She was a year older than Renata and already looked a little like a big girl. Her curvy body was very eye-catching under the white robe, and a clear cleavage could be seen on her collar. She was as beautiful as a princess.

Why do you like Khorjinna? Renata asked.

"She has a pair of very beautiful long legs. All men like beautiful long legs!”Zero said confidently.

"You're not a man."

"I will grow up!"

Renata nodded." Alright, I won't tell anyone your secret."”

"What about you? What secrets do you have?”Zero asked.

" I don't have any secrets..." Renata said awkwardly.

"Impossible!" "Everyone has secrets!" Zero said. If you're a good friend, you should tell me your secret!”

Renata thought seriously for a long time."" Then don't tell anyone that I wet the bed sometimes…"

She lowered her head, her cheeks blushing. No one had ever taught her about hygiene, so she didn't know that this was a taboo topic. She felt that bedwetting was a shortcoming, just like some children stuttered. But today, for some reason, she felt that something was wrong as soon as she said it. Her face was so hot that it felt like it was about to burn.

"Have you wet your bed since you were young?" Zero seemed very interested.

"No!" Renata quickly defended herself." It just started recently!”

"How old are you?"

"13 years old."

Congratulations, you're going to develop." Zero smiled.

"Growth?" Renata had never heard of this before.

"I'm going to grow from a child to an adult. When you were a child, your female bodily functions were sealed. By the time he was in his teens, that ability would slowly mature. "You'll grow breasts," Zero smiled."You'll have your first period."”

He spoke very seriously, without any intention of mocking or teasing. It was like an elder telling a young girl about the laws of nature, with the intention of blessing.

"What is menarche?" Renata realized that this might be a taboo question, but she could not help but be curious.

"It's just that my lower body will bleed. After that, I'll bleed for a few days every month.”,Zero said," You only started to wet your bed recently because you've started to develop. Your nervous system is a little disordered. It'll be fine after your menarche comes. This is a good thing, a very good thing."

A guy who claimed to be a lunatic was explaining mental disorder to others?

"Have you had your first period?" Renata asked.

"I'm a boy. Only girls get their period." Zero looked embarrassed.”

"Will that be very troublesome? Will I suffer from blood loss?" Renata asked.

" It will be a little troublesome," Zero thought for a moment." But it will be more of a good thing. You will become beautiful and be liked by everyone like Khorjinna. You will also fall in love with a boy under the effect of hormones and feel happy with him. And you'll do things that boys and girls should do together..."

"What are the things that boys and girls should do?”

Zero rolled her eyes." You'll know when the time comes. Anyway, it's a good thing. Girls are like flowers. They will bloom eventually. At that time, maybe I will like you as much as I like Khorjinna. You must remember to wear a beautiful dress for me.”

"I don't want you to like me." Renata pouted.

"Since we've exchanged secrets, why don't you shake my hand? If you shake my hand, we'll be friends.”Zero looked at Renata with an innocent, pitiful, and fawning expression. He was very familiar with using this expression to speak.

Renata couldn't resist his gaze and shook Zero's hand that was tied to the iron chair. At this moment, she noticed that Zero's fingers were full of blood wounds. His wrist was as thin as wood, and his belt had left deep marks on it. Renata touched the scars and suddenly felt an indescribable sadness. He lay here alone every day with no one to play with. The whole world did not know of his existence. He did not even have a name. The meaning of his existence was to be given blood and injected with drugs. Yet, he could still smile. Tears fell silently on Zero's palm.

"Why are you crying?" Zero rubbed her wet fingers.

Renata wiped her face.”

"It's like this every day anyway. Why are you crying?”Zero was stubbornly clinging to this question.

Renata was embarrassed for a while. She didn't want to say anything that would make her feel shy. She didn't want to say that she cared about Zero's feelings. In the past, no one needed her care, and she didn't care about anyone. If there was one more or one less child beside her, she would silently accept it and slowly forget that every child here only needed to live quietly.

"Tell me." Zero begged.

" I see you like this," Renata said softly." I feel sad.”

"I knew it!" Zero laughed, his teeth glistening behind his mask.

"Do you know why you have to ask me?”Renata was a little unhappy.

" I want to hear it from you." Zero looked away and stared blankly at the roof." I've never seen anyone cry…When I was young, I was the only one who cried, but I've never seen myself cry…because there was no mirror.”

"If someone cries for you, it means that you're something. Otherwise, you're not.”he said softly.

There was so much loneliness hidden in those words. This loneliness was as huge as the glaciers on the eternal tundra outside. It piled higher and higher in the snow and wind year after year, never melting, getting higher and higher, and sharper and sharper... But one day, when the weight of loneliness exceeded its limit, it would collapse, and the avalanche tide would swallow the entire world.

Renata reached out and gently touched his forehead. Zero closed his eyes and enjoyed it like a little beast. Sometimes, a person only needed the touch of a warm hand, and it was as if they owned the entire world.

"Have you seen a black snake?”Renata whispered." It's very big.”Zero opened his eyes and smiled mysteriously."Of course! That's my pet!"

Bondarev's face was purple and blue, and his blood vessels were beating crazily. This was a sign of severe oxygen deficiency. His heart was still trying to deliver oxygen to his body, but it was all in vain. No matter how hard his heart tried, how could he save a person whose lungs were filled with gel?

The doctor knocked on the wooden bangs. The boy trembled violently, like a patient with epilepsy. The clapping sound controlled him, and his chanting was interrupted. Bondarev breathed in the normal air again, feeling that the cold air was so sweet. He stumbled back a few steps and coughed violently.

"Anton's ability is to turn the air in the domain into gel. We don't know the physical principle of this ability for the time being, but you have already seen its amazing power. Anton can even disintegrate the kinetic energy of high-speed bullets with air.”the doctor said.

"Unbelievable." Bondarev panted.

The doctor wanted him to experience this terrifying supernatural power, but this experience was too terrifying. He felt like he had just returned from hell. Before the air completely melted, Bondarev noticed a transparent figure flash past him. It was just a blink of an eye, but Bondarev had received strict training from the KGB. He was absolutely sure that it was a person! An invisible person! Originally, it was impossible for that person to be discovered, but he appeared in Anton's domain. Anton's ability could fix the shape of the wind. The shadow of the transparent person was left in the gel-like air.

"Intruders!" Bondarev shouted. He immediately put on his infrared night vision goggles. In his infrared vision, a blurry shadow flashed into the construction elevator. The seemingly unmanned elevator rumbled up. The doctor also reacted. He and Bondarev jumped out at the same time, slid along the ice to the bottom of the elevator, and fired. The bullet hit the metal panel below the elevator, causing sparks to fly.

"That's a bulletproof plate made of titanium alloy!”the doctor said.

"Damn it! Where did he come from?"

" He followed you in," the doctor said." The engineering tunnel you came in through has been abandoned. After we found the dragon's nest, we dug a more convenient tunnel that leads directly to the research lab under the port. No one could invade from that passage. The most advanced infrared warning system was installed there. However, the original tunnel was not installed with any alarm devices. The mechanical password door should have been enough, but you broke through those two doors.”

Bondarev shuddered. He had also worn infrared night vision goggles to observe the surroundings in the tunnel to prevent being followed, but he did not see any shadows. If the invisible man really came in with him, the only explanation was that the invisible man had been sticking close to his back like Bondarev's shadow. Bondarev turned around, and so did he. Bondarev entered the elevator, and so did he. He would never enter the infrared field of vision. At that time, he would definitely have a chance to slit Bondarev's throat!

A deafening explosion came from above. It was obvious that the intruder had detonated the laser mine.

"Although they are small mines, they are powerful enough to blow up the tracks of armored vehicles. They are even more powerful in a narrow space.”said Bondarev.

The doctor nodded in appreciation. He was indeed an elite of the KGB. He followed the KGB's tenet and never left a way out for the latecomers.

A few minutes later, the two men rushed into the smoke-filled tunnel with guns. All the laser mines had exploded, and the power of the crisscross explosion could have blown an elephant into pieces. However, they did not find any blood or bodies, and there was no one in the infrared vision. The intruders detonated the laser mines but managed to retreat.

" That can't be human." the doctor said.

"There is a hybrid hiding in this port. He has been waiting for the opportunity to invade the cave, and today he finally did it! We must seal off the port immediately. No one is allowed to leave. There is no communication equipment here, and all the radio transmissions are monitored. As long as we seal off the entire area, the news will not leak out!”said Bondarev.

The doctor took out the remote control and pressed the red button. The alarm beeped, the lights illuminated the ice field red, and the searchlights pulled out a dazzling white beam. The entire port was like a giant beast waking up.

The alarm startled Renata, and then there was a rumbling sound in the corridor. Iron bars fell on the door and window of the cabin. The security system was locking down the entire floor. The entrances and exits were locked, and they could only be opened with an encrypted key. She was trapped in Room Zero, and there was a hurried thud of boots coming from upstairs. It was the fierce nurses rushing out of the office, throwing down their drinks and cards. In a few minutes, they would find Renata sneaking into the restricted area. The children who stepped into the restricted area would not have a good ending. Renata was so anxious that she wanted to cry.

"Don't be afraid. I'll help you. We are good friends." Zero laughed.

"What should I do?" Renata asked.

She was scared silly. Zero was tied to the cast-iron recliner in a straitjacket. It was difficult for him to even move a finger. What could he do? However, Zero's eyes were convincing. He didn't seem to be joking. He was smiling very seriously. When this self-proclaimed psychopath was serious, he had an aura of power.

"You have to pay a price."

"Yes." Renata nodded. She was willing to pay any price as long as she could return to her room.

"Then come to my side." Zero said.

Renata walked to the recliner.

"Take off my wristband." Zero said.

Renata wanted to step back. She was not stupid. If Zero was not in danger, the nurses would not put him in a straitjacket and lock him here. Opening the wristband was equivalent to freeing his hands. No one knew if the person released would still be the young man who wanted to be her good friend. Perhaps he would release a demon.

"How can I help you when I'm tied up?" Zero was still smiling, but his voice suddenly changed." Woman, why don't you kneel down when you see the throne?"”

His eyes turned a deep dark gold, illuminating the entire room. His breath was mixed with a heavy nasal voice, like a god speaking from his throne in the clouds. Renata only glanced at him once and could no longer look away. She sank into the cold water. She felt that she was undergoing a baptism. The person who held her and kept her from sinking was Zero. He was as majestic as a father and brother. She knelt beside the recliner and respectfully undid Zero's wristband.

"I like obedient girls." Zero's voice was cold and emotionless.

He moved his stiff wrist, grabbed Renata's shoulder, lifted the petite girl, forced her to sit on his lap, and tore off her nightdress. The girl's petite body that was about to develop was as white as goat's milk. Any touch would be blasphemous, but Zero pinched her body fiercely, leaving purple handprints everywhere. Renata's mind went blank. She didn't understand what was going on. Zero had changed in an instant. A moment ago, they were still good friends, but the next moment, Zero had turned into a beast that wanted to eat her. Could it be that those pitiful eyes were just a way to lure her prey into a trap?

Zero stopped his assault on her and rubbed the wristband against the angle iron beside the recliner. The wristband was broken and his wrist was torn. He casually smeared the blood on Renata's small chest, as if he wanted to use Renata's body as a canvas to draw some kind of bloody totem. The police lights illuminated Renata's skin in a dangerous and seductive red. Her white body covered in blood was dazzling and hideous.

Was this the so-called "rape"? Renata had heard of this term before, but in her mind, this term only belonged to the adult world and was far away from her. Zero took off his mask and bit Renata's lips until they bled. Renata didn't know if Zero was going to rape her or eat her. She burst into tears in extreme fear.

"Control Zero!" The nurse's roar was deafening.

The head nurse stabbed the stun baton into Zero's mouth, and a burly nurse took the opportunity to separate Renata from Zero. A few strong nurses rushed forward and pressed Zero down on the recliner. Zero screamed and struggled, his blood staining his straitjacket red.

"A sedative! Give him a large dose of sedative!" the head nurse shouted.

A nurse lifted her leg and stepped on Zero's wrist with her high military boots. She held a high-pressure air needle and chiseled it into Zero's arm. The high-pressure air automatically pushed the sedative in, and the drug took effect instantly. Zero's struggle became weaker and weaker. Half a minute later, he was as quiet as a corpse, staring blankly at the roof.

The head nurse slapped Renata's face.""Look at what you've done! An unlikeable girl like you deserves to be eaten by the devil!”

Renata's eyes were dull, and she had yet to recover from her fear.

"Give her a sedative too? The feeling of almost being raped by a madman was not good.”a nurse said.

The head nurse looked at Renata's blood-stained body in disgust.""Maybe she likes the feeling of being raped? The little girls were about to start developing, weren't they? They would also miss men! Don't bother about her. She asked for it! I think she's just pretending to be pitiful!"

"The doctor is rushing over." A nurse ran in and said loudly," The other children are all in their rooms. There's nothing unusual.”

"Tie Zero up with chains and lock Number 38 in her room. Everyone, watch every room and don't move around! This floor is now completely locked down!" The head nurse took off her white coat and tidied up her military uniform." I'm going to report to the doctor!”The forty-year-old woman twisted her waist and left with a clatter of her heels.

Renata watched as the nurses found a thick iron chain and secured Zero's arms and legs firmly. They then tightened it with pliers. A nurse held her hand and left, almost naked. The moment before she left, she felt a warmth on her back. It was as if someone was watching her from behind and sending her off. She subconsciously turned her head away. At a certain moment, the expressionless Zero suddenly blinked. Renata was the only one who saw this small action. His eyes were still so smart and cunning.

His lips moved, and his lips said,""Good night."

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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