Big Pineapple of Fantasy Town
16 Let’s go to Fantasy SoakPurple Country Girl

Sinful Yel


"In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.

The earth is empty and chaotic. The abyss was dark. The Spirit of God moved on the surface of the water.

God said, let there be light, and there was light.

God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day. The darkness is called night. There was evening, and there was morning. This was the first day. God said that there should be air between the waters to divide the waters into upper and lower parts. God created the air and separated the water below the air from the water above the air. It was done. The gods called the air the sky. There was evening, and there was morning. It was the second day. And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear. and it was so

And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters seas. It was good for the gods to see. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, and plants that bear seed, and trees that bear fruit of their kind, whose seeds are in them. It was done. And the earth gave birth to grass, and plants bearing seed according to their kind, and trees bearing fruit according to their kind, the fruit of which had a seed in it. It was good that God saw it. There was evening and morning, the third day. And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide day from night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and days, and years. And to shine in the sky, and to shine upon the earth. It was done. God said."

The first to open the door and rush to Diablo was an angel with 12 wings on his back, who was shouting the Bible, Seven Days of Creation. He was Shariel, the angel who represented the moon.

"God your head!"

Diablo snorted and appeared in front of Shariel at a speed that Shariel could not see clearly.

A soft tulip-like luster shone on Diablo's limbs. In the next moment, the dark brown protective gear with gorgeous purple patterns appeared on his body.

Black Knight Sparda had the ability to turn his soul into magical equipment, and Su Huang, who had inherited the legendary Spellblade Sparda's bloodline, could naturally do the same.

Diablo's current protective gear, the Crimson Rose, was created by imitating this ability of the Spartan bloodline.

Diablo smiled evilly and bent down under Shariel's terrified gaze.

All martial arts in the world came from the Rising Dragon! Three Stages of Charged Power, True Rising Dragon Fist.

Before Shariel could even scream, she was torn into pieces by the crimson light.

After escaping from the shattered shell, the Godhead and soul, which were about to return to the Reincarnation Pool in heaven, were caught by Diablo and thrown into the abyss of fear, becoming the plaything of the demons.


Raphael and the others, who had arrived late, were extremely terrified when they saw this scene.

Diablo had always hated these birdmen, so he went up to them and crushed their shells, taking out their Godheads and souls.

Yes, leave the wings behind, leave the wings behind, leave the wings behind.

Important things were repeated three times.

Diablo was curious as to why the Lord hadn't come yet and had chosen to send Shariel, Rafel, Uriel, Midaron, and Remir to their deaths.

However, since they weren't coming, killing these five Archangels to inject more power into the Apocalypse would increase the chances of defeating the Lord.

After fusing the divinity of the five archangels into the Apocalypse, the head of the Christian Church, the Lord, finally arrived.

"Yo! Why are you only here now? Your Seven Wings of God are all dead!"

Diablo sneered at the white-robed, middle-aged Lord who was shrouded in light.

"Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even if they die, they will be resurrected.”

After coldly replying Diablo's mockery, the Lord raised the thick book in his hand and let it float in front of him.

Christian Simulation Star Map Creation Bible

The blazing radiance turned into a sharp blade that floated beside the Lord. A crimson sun rose in the sky, dispelling the eternal darkness in the Burning Legion's encampment.

The Lord was determined to kill Diablo.

"Ah ah…That's really amazing."

Diablo laughed.

Resurrection? Eternal life? Ridiculous, you should survive first.

A trace of the power of fear was injected into the underground magic circle from Diablo's feet.

"Demon, welcome your doomsday!”

Just as the Lord was about to activate the Bible to destroy Diablo, he suddenly noticed that the damned demon was pointing at his feet with a strange smile.

Although he felt that this was just the demon's delaying tactic, the Lord, who felt that the dust had settled, still looked at his feet.

This glance caused the indifferent expression of the Lord to change drastically.

He was standing on an unusually huge red array.

Looking out of the door, a scarlet array covered the earth and stretched out for an unknown distance.

Although he did not know how powerful it was, it was impossible for such a large-scale spell to only have light and shadow effects.

"Don't even think about running! Bone Cage."

Several bone spikes trapped the Lord firmly, separating him from the Bible.

"Damned dark creatures!"

The Lord could no longer maintain his usual calmness. He frantically bombarded the seemingly fragile bone spikes.

However, no matter how much divine power he released, he could not break out of this cage.

"Haha, don't even think about it. I used almost all of my mana to construct this bone prison. Even if it was you, it would take at least ten minutes to get out without creating a Star Map.”

Diablo looked extremely dispirited, but he was still smiling happily.

"Let me out! If this continues, we'll both die!”

Looking at the dazzling light of the magic circle under his feet, the Lord could no longer care about the enemy in front of him. He grabbed the bone prison and shouted at Diablo anxiously.

"Tsk tsk, you can just stay here and welcome your end. I'll take your Bible with me. Lord God ~"

Diablo used his remaining power to open the portal to the coordinates that the white yaksha had given him. He took the Bible and walked in under the desperate gaze of the Lord.

Then, a scarlet light flooded the place.


In a remote village surrounded by mountains, the villagers worshipped the master of Takama-ga-hara, Amaterasu, as usual.

Suddenly, a red light flashed. The dazzling light made it difficult for the villagers to open their eyes.

When the light gradually dissipated, the villagers were surprised to find a red-haired youth wearing gorgeous and strange clothes with a jade-like face appearing in front of them.

That was definitely not the attitude of a mortal, it must be the Tenshou God!

The villagers cheered and knelt down to the young man, praying for the protection of the gods.

Unfortunately, the young man was not a god. He was Diablo, the King of Fear who had just been teleported to this world.

Diablo looked coldly at the mortals kneeling in front of him and listened to their lawsuit without any reaction.

It was not that he despised these mortals and ignored them, but…

I don't understand!

(Please read the last four words in the dialect that you think is the funniest)

[PS: I'm finally in Fantasy Land ~ Scatter the flowers ~ Let's see who else says that I'm digressing!]

Speaking of which, I don't know much about ancient Japan. The update might be a little slow. Please understand. However, there would be at least one card every day.

Scarlet Rose was Gilgamesh from Devil May Cry 4.

This book comes。

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