Moon War
18 Yin-Yang Fish Eye

Brother Fe


The creatures and photon spaceships of the Lion Leopard Legion were circling in the sky. There were many black, yellow, tiger-striped, and leopard-striped spaceships, looking for a landing spot.

When a person's command was received by the spaceship, they would instantly enter the cosmic tunnel and reach their destination, or enter the four-dimensional space of the stars and moons. Only the transmission of will between living beings could have such an effect and power. Only when the Yin and Yang meet and surpass the speed of light could one achieve the " immeasurable " distance of light years in the universe.

The " Eastern Basin " that was called the Moon by the world's astronomy community was actually bumpy. There were craters, small craters, and rubble everywhere. There was a relatively flat place. According to satellite images, they named it the " Artemis " area. Artemis was the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology. They believed that God lived there, and lions and leopards met there, blessed by God.

However, as they were flying slowly, they discovered that the place where they were going to stop was filled with trees, puddles, and piles of gravel. A red light shone on them. Through the cabin window, they saw a cluster of peach trees. The peach blossoms were in full bloom, causing their spaceship to glow red. This was a desolate land on the moon. How could peach trees grow here?

Furthermore, a flock of sparrows flew up from the trees, eagles flew in the sky, bees flew on the flowers. No information on Earth, no satellites, no spacecraft's detectors, and no computer in the worm's head detected any life on the moon.

The earthworm continued, and Tom said,"" When the rabbit runs, the birds are startled. There must be an ambush." He told the earthworm not to go down.

Mr. Earthworm appeared in the form of an Earthling, and he had the demeanor of a monarch. He said that this was a tree that could be controlled remotely. Judging from its shape, it was almost the same as a real peach tree. It was obvious that their high-tech development far exceeded that of Earth.

He still had to go down and investigate. Tom followed out of the strategic idea of " knowing the enemy ", but the spacecraft did not land. The soft ladder was lowered, and the two of them held the rope and went down one after another. Behind them were two guards and the Overlord.

The Overlord turned his head and looked up. Nancy smiled at him from the cockpit window. He wanted to chop a tree and study it. He asked Nancy to drop the laser knife. Nancy nodded happily.

Everyone stepped onto the iron-like mantle of the moon and couldn't help looking at Earth. It was a green crystal ball, so fresh and tender that they wanted to kiss it.

The Overlord asked," Is there a 24-hour day on the moon?" The earthworm said that the moon was half a month and half a night. Unexpectedly, the trees listened to him and extended their branches. They were spirited. The peach leaves moved in the wind and the flowers bloomed, emitting pink beams of light as if they were breathing heavily.

The Overlord caught the laser knife that Nancy threw down and tossed it twice in his hand. He then tossed it up with his right hand and turned around. Nancy caught the left plank behind her right leg and laughed." Brother Overlord is addicted to playing football. Be careful not to touch the switch and cut yourself.”On the one hand, she had doubts about the moon's gravity. When she was in junior high school, she had read about Apollo's first moon landing. She knew that the moon's gravity was much smaller than Earth's gravity, and the height of the parabola when he threw it was about the same as the height on Earth. Moreover, when they walked, they did not bounce. Why?

Once again, she felt that she was in a dream. She was happy to have landed on the moon in her dream. She was glad to have met these incredible people, especially the dream of the calf dreaming of the maple. It was a dream within a dream. She had only seen it in Borges 'Collection. She remembered that there was a short piece of the story of the double dream.

The Overlord activated the laser knife to cut the tree. It was as if he had touched the nerves of the tree. The entire terrain began to rotate. The trees crossed each other and moved. The sound was like a machine roaring. It hurt his eardrums and his head hurt. He was dazzled. He could not dodge in time and was caught. He shouted," Nancy, my dear, come here." Everyone was shocked to see that the Overlord was already struggling in the forest. The branches of the peach blossom tree that had been cut off flew everywhere. The leaves floated up and the flowers danced. They looked for the Overlord again, but there was no trace of him.

Tom? Jones had already noticed the strange scene and called everyone to retreat, but a group of "monsters" flew over from the sky.。Strange…Most of them covered their faces with their hands and jumped into the air. They took off their camouflage uniforms and danced in the air. Some of them took off their bud hats and stopped them with their clothes and hats. They even caught one or two strange wasps. He was bitten before he could dodge.

The earthworm had been stung by the insect because it had plucked the leaves and flowers for research. Two red packets appeared on its forehead and under its cheeks. Tom's face also bulged. The pupa on the spot where it had been bitten moved, as if countless bugs were breeding and causing trouble. The pupa expanded like a mosquito's pouch, growing larger and larger, and spreading in all directions.

" Nanomachine soldiers, electronic bees, bacteria containing the universe, we're being controlled," said the earthworm. Its face turned purple, and its entire body trembled. Its hands and feet turned numb and cold. The same was true for Jones. The two of them could not hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

There were also two other people: one was Yin Chang from Nanyang, and the other was Pu Zhengjun from Han. They were the guards of the Worm and Dao. The former caught a bee flying on his eyebrow and was bitten on the back of his hand. He wrapped a towel around his arm and his injuries were lighter. As for the latter, Park Jung-Joon's eyes were as sharp as lightning and as agile as an ape. Before the wasps could get close, he took off his camouflage and danced like a wind car. The wasps could not get close and could only circle around the periphery.

Zheng Jun's lightness skill was very good. He flew to the door of the spaceship. Nancy was standing at the door, illuminating the wasps with a colorful scanner. It was clearly visible that the wasps in her hand were shooting rainbows like a flashlight. The wasps fell one after another. At this time, the spaceship automatically stopped on the basin and carried the earthworm, Tom, and the injured soldiers in.

Nancy started the spaceship again and circled in the air in pursuit of the Overlord. However, the basin was spinning. After a few rounds, Nancy was dizzy. It was as if he was everywhere, but also as if he was nowhere to be found. She could not find his shadow.

Earthworm turned on the computer in his head and searched: The Overlord fell into a crater. He told him to wait patiently for help. It wouldn't take long to break the formation. In addition, the information was interrupted in the black and white area.

No matter what, Mister Worm was probably a little weak against the enemy. At this time, Xiao Niu was also a little confused when he operated the spaceship. He could not grasp it, and even though he was flying upwards in a parabola arc, he still could not fly out of the dazzling light produced by the rotation.

The calf started to get confused as it flew. Gradually, it couldn't see the scenery in front of it clearly. It heard a roar in the air. The people of Earth were ignorant and discovered the Eight Trigrams. Unfortunately, they only knew how to use it in general and did not know its cosmic code. Back then, when the divine turtle carried the River Map and Luo Book out of the Yellow River, we made a copy. Now, I'll let you see our high-tech.

The peach trees began to move with a roar. Nancy's spaceship was already tilting downward. General Jones looked out of the window. The puddle was filled with shiny knives, and there were many sharp knives stabbed into the sky. The peach blossom trees were spraying flames. The mixed forest was filled with venomous snakes. The crater was extremely deep, as if there were monsters shaking.

"This is the Five Elements Eight Trigrams Formation, right?" The earthworm's computer spoke to Dr. Huashan. He saw that in the middle of the rotating Artemis area, there were two Yin-Yang fish swimming back and forth. The Yang-fish was white, and its eyes were like the sun. It was extremely hot and emitted dazzling light, as if the sun had been moved into it. The Yin Fish was black in color, and its eyes were clear and transparent, reflecting the mountains and rivers on Earth.

Nancy's spaceship was involuntarily attracted to it, struggling to escape the suction force. Inside the spaceship were General Jones, Apollo, and Russia's Asha Shania. They were all frustrated, dizzy, and tongue-tied. They watched the spaceships spin a few rounds in the air. After a few strained cries, they were sucked into the eyes of the Yin Yang Fish. Some cried sadly, while others were very anxious and panicked.

The earthworm told Nancy not to be sucked in by the Yang Fish Eye. It was a cosmic tunnel that led to the sun. Once we entered, we would turn into ashes. "Sir, didn't you say 'Alla'(we) are immortal?”Nancy asked.

"That is the normal state of life, the sun's hydrogen and helium have not been burned out, and life can obtain energy.。”

"Then what should we do? Sir! The fly on his grandaunt's head flew into Sir's nose and was about to burrow into his brain.”

"Ha, Nancy is really funny. That's a scared baby pig. It seems that flies like us are happy to be burned to ashes when we are with Nancy.”

Someone said," We should be eagles or flying tigers. How disgusting are flies? Is there a problem with your analogy?"

Aya said," No problem. In the ancient Greek war of Troy, in the Homerian epic 'Iliad', those brave warriors were like flies. One group fell, and another group buzzed.

" Our Brother Bai is carrying a nuclear warship in his arms. Someone is thinking about it.”

Nancy said,"The lark on the Don can sing Pushkin's song; The cricket on the White Grassland could recite Lermontov's poems;”

She was fearless and humorous as usual. This was Nancy's charm. The light of spirit that the white calf loved was comparable to that of Kaede.

She piloted the spaceship to attack the sky again, trying to break out of the suction circle." Gogol's 'Nose' on the moon, a fly with its head raised stood on the tip of the nose.”

Everyone laughed. The earthworm said," Nancy, my friend, now is not the time to joke. This concerns the safety of everyone on board. It depends on you. You must follow the calf spaceship closely. You must fly, spin, dance, and work together with it. You must break out of the circle of mystic rays. Before it is sucked into the Yin Yang Fish, you must break out.

The two spaceships flew upwards, leaving two flashing arcs in the sky. As it spiraled downwards, two silver smoke sticks flew up and down in the whirlwind, resisting the network of invisible suction lines.

The two black wolves tried to break out of the suction barrier." Does the moon have a huge gravitational force?”Little Cattle asked.

Dr. Huashan said,"The moon's core contains very little iron, unlike the Earth's core that contains about 5000 hot nickel-iron water. Therefore, the moon's gravity is very small, only one-sixth of the Earth's.”

"Teacher, can we create a gravity machine? Or an artificial sun?" Little Cattle asked again.

" It's possible to create a man-made moon, and so is a man-made sun. The creativity of intelligent creatures is endless. With our current intelligence, looking at a higher alien civilization is like a monkey looking at our satellite.”

Is there gravity in the space tunnel?" Rona asked from beside the doctor. "There should be no gravity. During World War II, a regiment of the allied forces disappeared in a fog-covered shrub area.。。It's sinking, not being sucked in."

Xiao Niu's bio-computer had already displayed that he would be reduced to ashes if he fell into the Yang Fish's Eye. Only by fighting and breaking out of the encirclement would he have a chance of survival. However, the computer kept flashing a red light. Clearly, there was no hope of breaking out of the encirclement. He could only be sucked in.

There were two options. One was to charge into the Yang Fish Eye or the Yin Fish Eye. One was the Yang Child flying ship entering the Yang fish's eye, while the Yin Child flying ship entering the Yin fish's eye.

Tom asked all the lion-leopard soldiers to vote on the computer in his head. The final result was 70000 votes to 30000 votes for the previous plan. It was passed with an absolute advantage.

Tom said,"We'll go through thick and thin together."

The earthworm told everyone that within a few seconds of rushing in, they had to silently recite the password to save the universe from danger. He had to control it with his heart and silently recite it. Professor Huashan broke out in a cold sweat for everyone's safety because the computer in his head showed: The flying ship no longer had the strength to escape the Yang Fish Eye. Furthermore, due to the interference, the flying ship no longer had the ability to absorb sunlight as its energy source. It could only absorb human blood to supplement its power.

The spaceship struggled to slow down again. The computer in the minotaur showed it that the head of the spaceship had been lifted up and bowed to the distant blurry crater. It kowtowed three times to the sun in the east and made a final circle. At this time, they kissed side by side, trying to make the spaceship stretch to the best condition so that the people in the cabin could walk to heaven comfortably and comfortably. They roared and rushed straight into the source of the dazzling light. In an instant, everyone in the spaceship closed their eyes and waited for the judgment of death. At the same time, Nancy prayed to God for the last time. Ask for criticism. Author QQ**QQ**

This book comes。

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