Moon War
41 blocking

Brother Fe


He dragged his broken leg forward quickly in the trench and turned on the biological computer's functions of avoiding water in the deep sea, dissolving oxygen, reducing pressure, and flying.

Soon, he flew to the valley of the underwater mountain range. There were many granite rocks and caves of different sizes on the side.

His left leg had stopped bleeding and was slowly growing a new foot. Therefore, he was extra careful, afraid of getting hurt again.

He thought that the irregular distribution of granite was angular and could be used to hide, use, and counterattack. He glided sideways through the huge granite cracks.

Sometimes, when the gap between the rocks was large, he would lie down and crawl forward. As expected, the sharks chasing him in this granite ravine were not as rampant as before.

They were much bigger than a man's body and a man could get in sideways. The sharks couldn't. One of the sharks was stuck and he saw it from below. Looking up, there were underwater hills with some large rocks. These rocks seemed to be different from other places, shining with a weak light.

He crawled forward a few steps and saw that he could fit in the space. He wanted to hug the rock and get up. He exposed his head, and the shark behind him turned around to attack. The blue shark that was stuck had already broken free and pounced again.

At this moment, two sounds rang out above his head. Two mossy rocks fell from above, one hitting the blue shark's head and the other hitting the white shark's body.

At the same time, these sharks were attacked by the falling rocks.

The two sharks behind him moved their bodies and sank down. He heard a voice. Big brother, Zhang Qi and Cai Xia came to stop him.

He used his V-vision to take a look. The shark's body was not made of stone. Instead, it was a colorful lump that was smiling at him. Thousands of suckers on its three-meter-long tentacles were firmly attached to the shark's body. The blue shark could not shake it off and cursed, You traitor of the fish.

The white shark suffered the same fate, struggling to sink.

"Why are you here? Friend!"

"You told me to wait for you underwater, so I went to find my Langjun and waited here. We sometimes disguise ourselves as rocks covered in algae to catch food. There are often groups of sharks passing by here. We often ambush here. This time, it's all of us.

When my friend heard that I was saved, he was very grateful to the human. There are often Earthlings being thrown into the pool by the monsters to feed the sharks under the pyramid. I don't think you can be caught and fed to the sharks, so I'll wait here. I thought that sharks couldn't eat you if you had the ability.”

"Thank you for your help, but I have their tracking device on my head.”

Cai Xia received a message,[We'll poison all the sharks?]

"Don't poison them to death. Let them faint for a moment so that we can retreat.”So these octopuses released purple venom at the sharks at the same time, and the sharks fainted on the spot.

Cai Xia told Zheng Jun that there were three types of venom: Black was a poison that could kill spiritual water creatures, while white was a poison that could kill spiritual water creatures.

Cai Xia gave Zheng Jun a five-colored fish and told him to eat it quickly, then closed his eyes.

It said to him,"You won't be poisoned if you eat this fish. You hold one of my wrists, and I'll carry you quickly."”

Zheng Jun said,"I can't go with you. They want to follow me." Is there anything special nearby?"

" There are trenches where warm currents pass through, the seabed where salmon rest, and caves where robot submarines can't come out after entering.”

"Let's go to that cave, is it far?" Zheng Jun asked.”

Cai Xia said,"It's just behind the hill above."”Zheng Jun thought,"The robot submarine can't come out after entering. There must be something going on."”

A flying fish with a golden spear shot towards the rosy clouds like an arrow and said,""Hai Hu brought people to chase after them. They're almost at Cuttlefish Bay.”

Cai Xia said," Hurry up and report to Douyu Wang Lei Duo from the sea. Tell him to stop him and set off a black smoke bomb to stop him. This friend of his is very loyal. I have a friendship with him, but he has a bad temper. Just be careful." "Come," Cai Xia said to Zheng Jun,"your foot is injured and your movements are slow. Sit on me and I'll carry you quickly.”

Is the army was deeply moved by the rosy clouds knot, originally fish are the same as people. Righteousness was a kind of emotion among the creatures in the universe. In ancient Greece, a slave saved a lion. Later, the slave was caught and put into the arena to fight with the lion. The lion did not eat this benefactor.

Without further ado, these sharks would wake up immediately. Cai Xia's husband, Black Horse, also urged Zheng Jun to quickly get on it.

Zheng Jun was moved to tears. He sat on the back of the octopus Cai Xia, which had two tentacles on its left and right to hold him in place.

He gripped the black horse's two wrists and moved at a high speed, not knowing whether to go up or down, forward or backward.

He kept his promise and kept his eyes closed. In fact, he could see everything at the bottom of the sea with his eyes closed, but he would rather not see anything when he turned off the video network information screen.

He thought that perhaps the octopus had discovered the secret of the space-time tunnel, and they were traveling to another space. Perhaps the octopus had evolved to a level of intelligence that surpassed humans and could change into human beings. He was in the whale's stomach, so why couldn't the other fish communicate with him?

Just as he was thinking, they arrived at an underwater cave. Cai Xia said,""We're here, big brother. Open your eyes.”

Zheng Jun opened his eyes. There was light in front of him. The water in the cave was clear and transparent. There was something that looked like a turtle but had arms, legs, and feet. It might be the robot submarine that Cai Xia had mentioned.

Some big and small fish circled around him in a friendly manner. A fat fish called Map in the human fish tank brought him a small fish.

Cai Xia said," Eat it, big brother. It's my good friend Tutu. You should be hungry. It's very safe here." This robot submarine can't move. Is it broken? Or did it mean that this was a special place?”

"Yes, you're very smart. If there's a chance in the future, I'll ask my friend from Planet Z to turn you into an Earthling. We'll always be good friends from the same world.

But now, Sister Cai Xia, I still have a special mission. These alien enemies want to poison the people of Earth and destroy the Earth's ecology. They are doing whatever they want on the Kun Peng Island in the Atlantic Ocean. I have to escape from their clutches and tell them about the underwater crystal pyramid and the situation on Kun Peng Island. The most important thing now is to take out the tracking device in my head.”

"Then, go and see if there's anything you can use on that machine. If there's anything you can use in this cave, take whatever you want.”

Black Horse Beard grabbed a silver box and said it was floating on water. Zheng Jun looked at the Greek letters on it and knew that it was an offering from Earth to the sea god. Zheng Jun said,"Thank you, brother. I don't need to eat."”

This robot submarine was relatively old. It was a mechanical product of the humans from Earth in the middle of the 21st century. It was very crude, neither like a human nor a submarine. It was clumsy.

Outside, Tuna Blue Arrow barged in and reported," Sea Tiger was blocked at Cuttlefish Corner, while Seal and his minions chased after them. They split into three groups.

The situation was very urgent. Zheng Jun's new legs were still growing. If he was injured now, he might not be able to regrow them.

Cai Xia said to Zheng Jun,"Big brother, stay here and let the black horse protect you. Remember, don't leave the cave."”

Zheng Jun nodded. When he looked again, the color of the multicolored cloud had changed. It was like a ball of blue seaweed floating in the water. In the blink of an eye, it floated out of the hole and fell into the scattered rocks.

These stones were of different sizes. Some were sitting, some were lying, some were crawling, and some were walking. They were all dyed green by algae. Water leeches and leeches crawled on them. Water grass and seaweed grew between the narrow gaps between the stones.

Cai Xia sometimes sat on the rocks and observed, sometimes lying on the rocks to observe. Not far in front of her was a temple. It might have been sunk by the continental shelf, or it might have been submerged by an earthquake. Cai Xia found a black shadow behind the temple wall. It did not look like an aquatic creature, but rather a human or robot.

The multicolored cloud continued to float forward. It was not far from the temple, and the stones were getting fewer and fewer. It jumped up and down on the collapsed houses and flashed past the stone T-shaped wall.

But there was always a ball-like thing following behind him. There seemed to be a group of black shadows behind this thing. It was the head, sometimes visible, sometimes invisible.

These black shadows sometimes turned green, sometimes yellow, and sometimes red, but their faces could not be seen. Cai Xia felt a little scared. They might have seen it as a person squatting in disguise. Why was it sneaky? Therefore, Cai Xia calmly floated on the wide harbor as if nothing had happened.

It stopped on the railing of the double-winged trestle and stretched its eight tentacles. It suddenly fell to the bottom of the harbor and suddenly rose to the pavilion on the shore. However, the shadow did not give up on it and followed it all the way.

It pounced on the statue of the goddess whose upper body was exposed and the lower body was buried in the sand. It often came to kiss the face of this beautiful and dignified statue of the goddess. Recently, it prayed every day for her to bless its brother's safety and wish him good luck and a good sister-in-law.

It pounced towards the front of the temple, towards the fallen guard of the temple. The other armored guard was still standing upright, still holding the ancient spear in his right hand. This one fell, and the spear in his hand fell to the ground.

Cai Xia curled up her two whiskers and thought," This big brother might be useful. Dig out the tracker in his head. This thing was probably put on him by these people at the bottom of the sea.

The people on land were still better. The people on the bottom of the sea ate them and killed them. This spear was too long. He would take it first.

These shadow people did not stop it from picking up the gun, because in their opinion, the octopus did not know martial arts. Who had ever seen an octopus use a knife, spear, sword, and stick? The shadow's mission was to follow.

The octopuses held the guns out of curiosity and fun, but their heads were jumping up and down in the water, spinning and turning, as if they were thinking with all kinds of brains. Suddenly, they ordered,""Brothers, catch it, catch it.”These shadow people surrounded him.

A black shadow, a black vortex, spun towards it. Its two whiskers tightly wrapped around the spear and rushed into the black shadow. It held the spear and flipped. It fell and flipped.

No matter what the black shadow was, she had to kill him. As the black shadow spun, the higher she spun, the bigger the vortex became. She rose higher and higher in the vortex.

Finally, the whirlpool emerged from the surface of the sea and started spinning again. It heard the sound of the sea water spinning on the surface of the sea. She wanted to be calm, calm, quick-witted, and brave. She wanted to learn from her big brother and be fearless in the face of danger.

The black vortex kept spinning, and she felt a little dizzy. What was the world she wanted to go out to sea like? She wanted to take a look, but all she saw was black water. However, there was a golden light shining into the darkness from above. She wondered what that was.

Was it the sun seen in shallow water? She was thrown out of the whirlpool and almost fell out. Water was her life. Firstly, she could not leave the water. Secondly, she wanted to see the world on the sea.

But thinking about it, should he fall into the sea or land on the continent? So she stopped struggling in the whirlpool. She thought that the black shadow's goal was to confuse her, confuse her, and finally capture her.

Then she didn't need to struggle with her gun and wrist. It might be better for her to be thrown out of the whirlpool than to stay in the water.

She tried to escape the black vortex by swimming with her spear and treading on the water. Her spinning speed surpassed the speed of water, so she had a chance to break through. She seized every second and rushed out, just like how they rushed out of the whale's belly.

Little by little, she went out and finally felt the air outside. However, the vortex felt that she was about to escape. When she was about to spin out of the water, it moved in the direction where she came out of the water.

The vortex was shrinking, but it was rising higher and higher. From afar, it really looked like a black dragon wagging its tail in the clouds.

There was an eagle wandering around the whirlpool. It saw a flesh-colored fish in the water and thought it was a delicious meal, so it followed the flesh-colored fish. When the whirlpool spun fast, it flew fast. When the whirlpool rose, it followed. It would not stop until it had eaten the delicious meal.

The eagle sometimes rushed into the water to chase and peck at the fish. Unfortunately, it was too big, and its wings alone were as big as two human dining tables. After it rushed into the whirlpool, it was flipped over and rolled around. It took a lot of effort to struggle out.

It finally understood that the water world was not its world. The sky and the continent were its flight and habitat. The whirlpool moved towards a tall mountain that was as steep as a pagoda on the sea. This mountain was alone in the waves. Cai Xia heard a voice coming from the sea and asked her to surrender.

"Surrender quickly and I'll spare your life. Resistance is useless.”

At the end of the whirlpool, a person finally appeared. The water under his feet was still spinning rapidly. It turned out that he was a Sea Tiger robot. He had been invisible in the four-dimensional space just now. Cai Xia could not see him, but he could see Cai Xia. Cai Xia didn't reply and waited silently.

The water column spun and rushed towards the steep mountain. If Cai Xia wanted to hit the mountain, she would be finished. It was better to rush out. She tried to go against the current, but it didn't work. The resistance was too great. He rushed out of the dark stream and rushed towards the world that emitted sunlight.

Even though there was no water, it was still better than no demons.

This book comes。

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