Moon War
5 The God of the Yangtze River

Brother Fe


Strauss's " Cupid of Love " played in Nancy Ouch's bag. She opened her bag and took out the strawberry. It was Apollo. She answered the call.

I came to Maple Creek as well. The Overlord joked to me that he jumped off Uluwatu Lover's Cliff.

"Do you really believe that Niagara Waterfall is bigger than Huangguoshu Waterfall? The Amazon is wider and longer than the Yangtze River?"

"Where are you?"

Nancy closed the strawberries. In her imagination, a smiling, golden-haired, capable young man walked towards her, hugged her, and affectionately kissed her left forehead.

But now that she had a boyfriend from China, everything seemed to change.

She imitated the way the Chinese treated people, and the white calf liked it that way.

She knew that the girl named Fengzi was a swimming master from the sports institute. She claimed that she was the one who conquered the huge waves of the Yangtze River.

Nancy deduced that the white calf would not love her all the time. Although she was smart and could be called his teacher, what she learned was useless and she did not know how to develop herself.

Nancy thought," The white calf is a man with great ambition and a vision of the world. He is willing to be my friend because of his lofty ambition and burden. I can see this, but athletes might not be able to."

She could write a few lines of old poetry, Nancy thought. It just reflected her old-fashioned and conservative side. Such a girl would not be loved to the end.

Are you telling a story? I, Nancy, don't believe it.

Was he telling a story to test her? Maybe.

This was also the cuteness of him. A good man would not easily fall in love with someone. She was right.

" Before the college entrance examination," the white calf said,"" She could almost recite the math, physics, and chemistry texts with her eyes closed. The exercises, formulas, theories, the original meaning of the ancient words, the meaning of the words, the borrowing, the background of the article, the central idea, and the structural level. I personally saw her recite them.

She didn't need any lecture notes, so she memorized everything she had learned.

In the early hours of the morning, she watered the flowers, washed the clothes, and helped her mother cook breakfast. She was very diligent.

Nancy thought," I'm not bad either. I go back to the school building to mop the floor after my morning run every day. I'm doing this for everyone."

I, a lazy man, have three things to do: to work hard before the exam, to sharpen my sword before the battle; He would study hard at home for his parents to see, and when his girlfriend was not around, he would turn on the computer to play games.

In the second year of high school, there were two times when the mid-term exams were not ideal. After getting into the top 100, he was embarrassed and did not dare to ask Kaede to go to the Bali Cafe.

When she met me, she cried and often said, My heart and body are yours, but you still don't live up to your expectations. You're learning for me to see. I say, if you don't think it's suitable, find someone else.

She said," It's so easy. I love you and brag about you. I'm already naked. Which guy really loves me?"

Why did you make such a solemn vow to get into university? She said that she would bring glory to her parents, add color to me, and coax me to be a virgin. If you don't want her, who will?

She burst into tears and slapped her face with both hands. It was so scary. She kicked me and hit her head against the wall. Seeing that I was afraid, she found a pair of scissors and poked a hole in the football. Cha cha cha, she cut it into pieces.

It's also strange. After that, my heart had no distracting thoughts. I only wanted to jump into university and get high grades in my third year of high school. Finally, I got my wish.

But something unfortunate happened to her family.

Fengzi's father loved swimming since he was young and was a swimming fan.

In the summer, he and Feng Ziniang went to Chongming and insisted on swimming in the river. No one could stop them.

Her father was a poetic Maple Creek person. He wasn't afraid of storms. Human society had been tempered by storms. He believed in the teachings of his leader.

He respected Leader Mao very much, and there was always a portrait of him hanging in his house. He even kept the sayings of Leader Mao compiled by the Cultural Revolution Group during the special period of the last century in his closet.

He loved to read Mao's poems and tune the water into the song? Every time he went into the river and warmed up on the shore, he would relive the phrase 'Leader Mao' and recite these two sentences loudly:

Regardless of the wind and waves, it was better than strolling in the courtyard.

On the north bank of the Yangtze River at Fengzi's grandmother's house, there was a river pig rock. When the tide flooded the rock, the river pigs played on it. The local fishermen called it river pig rock.

When Fengzi's father was swimming in the Yangtze River, this rock had already become a scenic spot. It was a must-go place for swimming enthusiasts there.

It was the holidays. On this day, he saw three 12 or 13-year-old children warming up on the shore, kicking their legs, stretching their fists, stretching their chests, and bending over.'One of the children replied,"Horn Town."

Her father asked,"How's your swimming?" And said: There are people who can't come up here every year.

The child said," Uncle, say something auspicious. I, Nisan, am the champion, second runner-up, and third runner-up of the Chongming Primary School swimming competition. You should be careful."

Most of Chongming's children were smart, eloquent, and witty, but her father didn't take it to heart. After all, her father-in-law was from his hometown, so he had to be cultured.

The river water fluctuated greatly and was very fluid. It was not as stable as the river water. If one was not careful, they would not be able to return after leaving the river.

However, since San was a swimming expert among children, he would not be afraid.

As the saying goes, if you kill someone who knows how to fight, you drown someone who knows how to swim.

One of them, called Eternal Life, saw a beautiful colored ball floating on the water. Some people said that it was a water ghost, so he chased after it.

The waves in the river were three feet tall even though there was no wind. In fact, even Kaede's father could only swim within ten meters of Jiangzhu Rock. No one dared to swim too far away. However, this kid chased after the ball because he was the champion.

The waves in the river were as high as a hill. Eternal Life was thrown far away. By the time he regretted chasing the ball and tried his best to return, it was too late. He was getting further and further away from Jiangzhu Rock.

Feng Zi's father saw that the situation was not good, so he shouted and chased after her while swimming freestyle. The other two young men also thought that they were good at swimming, so they followed them. In the end, they were scattered by the waves.

Her father caught up with Yongsheng. The waves overlapped and it was almost difficult to distinguish the east, west, north and south. Yongsheng was exhausted and the waves were flickering. After all, her father was a master of wave surfing and a rare wave rider. When he approached Yongsheng, he did not use conventional methods to save him. Instead, he pushed his arm up from behind. The waves were too big and all the saving methods were useless. He grabbed Yongsheng's hand and pulled him to swim towards the river. When they reached a safe area where they could stand on the mud, Yongsheng was scared to death. He was panting heavily.

Her father went to save the other two, but unfortunately, they died because of the exhaustion of their physical strength.

Fengzi's father had sacrificed himself, which had dealt a heavy blow to Madman's finances. The local specialty store he ran had a high income, but now that no one was looking after Fengzi to go to school, she simply didn't want to go to school, but her mother firmly disagreed.

Her mother was an official employee of a state-owned enterprise. She had been laid off to run the local specialty store and had changed the plaque of Shuntian Square.

One day, when her mother returned to her parents 'home, she dreamed of Feng Zi's father. He walked up to her and said," I'm in the Yangtze River in the north. If you miss me, go to the old elm tree on the north bank and ask me out.

So he led her to the old elm tree on the north bank.

This old elm tree was over a hundred years old. It was more than enough for two people to hug it. It faced the Yangtze River. When she was young, she often went under the tree to play and sat under the tree to talk to the Yangtze River. However, she did not realize that there was a door on it.

He led her to the tree and waved his hand. The elm door opened and he brought her in.

It turned out that there was a small semi-spherical space inside. There was a small round table with a pot of bright roses on it. There was a small wooden ladder that was narrow enough to climb up. It led to the canopy of the tree. There was a small wooden platform on it.

He said to her," If you miss me, come up to the stage and shout three times at Changjiang," Thunder Lord, I'm here to meet you."

The two of them hugged each other and cried bitterly. They could not bear to part.

Feng Ziniang fell ill and couldn't get up. Every night, she dreamed of meeting her husband and soon passed away.

The three children who were rescued each donated 50,000 yuan to the Fengzi family. At that time, her mother did not want it. In addition, the three children appealed for donations online. Good-hearted people all over the country donated about 500,000 yuan. Feng Ziniang donated all of it to the orphanage.

Later, when Fengzi went to university, half of Shuntian Square was rented out.

With Feng Zi's college entrance examination results, he could go to Peking University or Tsinghua University, but she went to the sports college and specialized in swimming. After a series of blows, she became dumbfounded.

She told me that she didn't believe that the wind and waves were really that terrifying. I want to conquer the great winds and waves! What was going on?

I want to be with my mother, to hear her loving call, to kiss her sweet fragrance.

Therefore, she spent her summer vacation in Chongming every year, swimming in the wind and waves. She said, Leader Mao was right. The storm was not scary. Human society had been trained in the storm.

She's so silly that she's cute."

Nancy interrupted the white calf." Changjiang is her cute mother. How could someone die?"”

The white calf said," Don't be picky, Mr. Nancy. The Yangtze River is our mother, just like our motherland is our mother. There are risks and storms. This is not contradictory.

After she graduated, she used Shuntian Square as collateral to open the 'Great River Bathing Place' in Jiangzhuji. She personally went down the river to swim and demonstrate to nurture a new generation of wave riders.

Soon, the Great River Bathing Place became famous in the Yangtze River Continent. It specially accepted Chinese and foreign swimming experts who liked the wind and waves. It developed into a multi-dimensional place such as yachts, motorboats, cruise ships, shopping malls, hotels, and water competitions. Fengzi was the general manager.”

Nancy said," Okay, you go too. You'll be a vice president. Americans call it a husband and wife manager. They'll become mandarin ducks and fly together in the wind and waves.。。”

The white calf's face was dark, and his eyes were lifeless."You're going too? To entertain the Latino guests?”

"But I can't swim," said Nancy seriously.”

The white calf looked sad and haggard. He looked toward the northeast." You're a good translator, but she's…"。。”The white calf wanted to say something but hesitated. Nancy looked at him in confusion, but she was relieved after a while. Wouldn't it be better for her if they broke up?

"Strange things happened when she was a manager.

On the first day of her construction of the " Great River Bathing Place," she didn't go back at night and slept in a temporary tent.

That night, around midnight, she was sleeping on the bed with a classmate sleeping beside her. That night, the moonlight was very bright. She suddenly saw a person in white standing by the bed. She tried hard to push her classmate, but she could not wake him up.

She was brave enough to turn on the lights, but there was no one there. Only her briefcase was on the stool opposite her, and her two iron eyes were wide open.

She lay down again and seemed to be walking by the river in a daze. She met the man in white again. This person was very handsome.

He bowed politely to her." Good night, Manager Ouyang. My name is Yu Tianbai. I want to work in your company. I'll sign up now."

She clearly remembered that she was in a dream. She asked, Are you a human or a ghost?

You don't have to delve into this. I liked you, so I followed you. If you don't let me work, I'll work too.

He had never heard of such a strange thing as signing up in a dream.

Feng Zi was so scared that she ran back and shouted," There's a ghost, there's a ghost." Her classmate's name was Hai Lanlan. She woke her up and asked," Did you dream of a ghost? It's a good thing, you have a benefactor to help you."

However, the next day, the man in white appeared in her tent, which was her office. Hai Lanlan was in charge of human resources and accounting at the time, so she was also in her office. she asked.

This person said,"I'm here to work."

What can you do?

He said, I'll be your bodyguard.

This was strange. Bodyguards were hired by the boss or publicly recruited.

Moreover, her company was just about to be established, so she did not have any funds or assets, so she did not need bodyguards.

Besides, if a girl became the manager and a young man became the bodyguard, it would be a joke and gossip.

Maple son said, don't be unreasonable, go quickly. This person refused to leave, so Feng Zi pushed him out of the door.

She told me about this, and I also felt that it was strange, so I told Dr. Huashan about it. The doctor said that I couldn't help but encounter ghosts and gods or aliens again. Only they could enter and exit the dream, but they didn't have any harmful intentions. It was fine to get along with them. Maybe there would be unexpected gains. It was not good to reject them, but instead, something unexpected might happen.

She asked me to go out and accompany her all day, but this person didn't care and asked me to hit her bodyguard in front of everyone.

No wonder she was worried. This person's background was unknown, and he was indeed handsome. Even I had to admire him.

What's wrong with that? If a handsome man became your bodyguard, it would show that you were capable. This was a living advertisement. Silly child, your customers would definitely come after hearing about it.

After that, Fengzi promised to let him stay, but let him do odd jobs. When the workers came, sometimes he was asked to move bricks, unload the car, and load sand, stones, and cement, but he appeared in front of her from time to time. He seemed to have some secret observation device that could see her from any angle and any place. Moreover, he seemed to have some special ability that could rush to a very far place in a very short time.

Once, she drove alone to Shanghai's Fengxian South Bridge to find a client. When she left, she saw him working hard to move bricks, but she did not leave.

This client had a secret basement that was specially used to entertain beautiful businessmen, public relations girls, female university students, and other women.

In university, Kaede had also read classic works such as Freud's Dream Analysis and D.H.Lawrence[Lady Chatterley's Slover]. Especially in her grandmother's old cupboard, there were a few old books that were rarely known:

Lu Dongbin's third play is the white peony's fertility guide, such as the jade pear, the golden vase plum, etc.

There was also a handwritten copy of a girl's heart that was passed down among the people.

Feng Zi had seen it before, but she had never shown it to me.

She believed that the fewer such books a man read, the better. On the other hand, the more women read, the better.

I wanted to borrow it, but she said it was already burned.

Therefore, what happened that day, I think she was possessed by these books.

Of course, she denied that it was adultery and insisted that it was adultery.

Just as the two of them were in the middle of a storm, this bastard moved the large closet at the entrance and entered a dark room. He walked down the slanted cement stairs in the basement and knocked on the door.

He panicked inside. Before he could finish his work, he thought that his wife had brought the police here. He accused the woman of coming here and then asked the police to take her away. Similar things had happened before.

Feng Zi was very curious about this. How did this guy enter this building?

The guy wouldn't leave if he didn't open the door. Two hours later, the client thought that the person who knocked had left. When he opened the door, he was still there.

It was a man in white. He thought it was Feng Zi's husband and was so scared that he shivered. He climbed down the bed and crawled under it. He went up and kicked Feng Zi twice on the bed before pulling Feng Zi away.

I was looking at the old looms in Muzhou Park. This guy suddenly appeared behind me and gave me a fright. How did this guy know I was here? It was really strange.

He said that he kicked a bad guy who wanted to rape Feng Zi today. Now, he's handing it over to you. Don't worry.

I looked back again, but there was no trace of him. It was strange.

Flies on Grandma's **.

Nancy chuckled.

This book comes。

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