The Strongest Reborn Demon High School Harem King
1 He could transmigrate!



Chu Feiyang grew up in a very wealthy family, but he had never been valued in this family, because he was born after his father had sex with a female secretary in a drunken situation. The reason why the secretary gave birth to him was to ask his father for money.

In order to avoid future troubles, Chu Feiyang's father gave his mother two million yuan at once when Chu Feiyang was eight years old, and then took the custody of Chu Feiyang. Chu Feiyang came to this Chu Clan just like that.

In fact, Chu Feiyang's father had divorced three times, so he had three older sisters and two older brothers above him. Moreover, they were all adults and also worked in his father's company. Below them were his father and his current wife, a younger brother and two younger sisters.

Among these many brothers and sisters, Chu Feiyang was the one who was the least valued. His father usually only gave him some pocket money to support his food, clothing, and studies. As for whether his grades were good or bad, he never asked. His brothers and sisters also never looked at him in the eye.

His stepmother was even more lazy to care about him. She was too busy taking care of her children! How could he still have the leisure to care about his life and death? If he didn't bully or abuse Chu Feiyang, he should be burning incense.

As a result, Chu Feiyang had been particularly eager to get the attention and love of others since he was young. Therefore, he was usually the most forthright one in school, often treating this and that to food, drink, and fun. His classmates also gave him a nickname. Everyone liked to call him "Fat Sheep Chu"!

As the name suggested, in the eyes of these people, Chu Feiyang was a big fat sheep, a fat sheep that could be slaughtered by others. He himself did not care about this somewhat derogatory title. As long as he could get the attention of others, or even love, what could he do? Anyway, the pocket money in his hands was so easy to come by. After spending it, he could just ask his father for it!

He also had another hobby, which was that he loved watching Japanese anime, especially the anime beauties. He was a complete anime enthusiast, and as long as it was related to the anime beauties he liked, he would never let go.

His phone was also filled with pictures of the beautiful girls in the anime that he liked. He also installed a large number of games related to the beautiful girls in the anime that he liked.

He still fantasized about these anime beauties all day long. If only they could become his wives and lovers in the real world. He had even made a great wish that as long as he could really have these beauties, it would be worth it even if he had to die.

One day in the year when he turned 18, he was on a plane to attend a comic-con convention in Japan. However, he was destined not to make it this time because there was a huge thunderstorm outside the plane.

The captain of the plane felt that the thunderstorm weather was too sudden and too powerful. The captain explained the situation to the passengers in the cabin and decided to return temporarily to ensure safety, which made Chu Feiyang very depressed. The Comic con this time was said to be a once-in-a-decade event! It was such a pity to miss it just like that!”

However, just as the plane was about to return, an abnormal phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky. A human-head-sized ball of lightning suddenly shot down from the top of the plane, and this lightning ball instantly penetrated the cabin wall of the plane.

This lightning ball hit Chu Feiyang precisely. Chu Feiyang lost consciousness on the spot. His entire body, including everything on his body, seemed to have been decomposed. In the center of this ball of lightning, there was a small black hole.

After Chu Feiyang's body was disintegrated, his molecules and atoms, which were invisible to the naked eye, were all sucked into the small black hole. After they all entered, the lightning ball disappeared along with them.

The passengers on the plane were so scared that they almost went crazy. Their screams even reached the clouds! It lasted for a long time! Due to the sudden opening of a hole in the plane, a powerful suction force instantly appeared in the cabin of the plane, as if it wanted to suck everything out. In the end, the plane had to make an emergency landing on the sea.

The next day, the news reported that because the plane had suffered from a strong thunderstorm, one passenger had unfortunately died. Many passengers had also suffered injuries of different levels. The relevant departments were closely investigating the situation.

On the ground below a cliff, a female demon wearing a queen's crown was moaning continuously. Her beauty was simply at the level of a femme fatale. Her stomach was bulging, and there was a big hole in her chest. Fresh blood was flowing out.

She wiped the bloody hole in her chest with her hands and formed a series of hand seals. This hand seal was very complicated. She was moaning and chanting an ancient spell.

"Great Primordial Demon God! With me, Diana? Baruch's blood as a guide…cough…his soul as a sacrifice. Please open the door of time and space for your devout believers! With the great contract of the Primordial Demon God, I forcefully summoned the soul of my child and brought him to this world in advance…cough!……”

In this world, high-level demons usually had power that surpassed the world, so they were not as fertile as low-level demons. The stronger the demon, the harder it was to conceive. Even if they were to conceive a child, it would take a long time to conceive.

The more powerful the offspring, the longer they needed to conceive! At that time, the children they gave birth to would be even stronger in the future! However, it was precisely because of this that the higher the level of the demon, the more they valued their descendants. For their descendants, they were even willing to pay any price.

For example, the female demon in front of him had been pregnant for more than 50 years. Under normal circumstances, she would have to wait at least 50 years before she could give birth to the child.

Although her injuries were very serious, it was not enough to take her life. However, her child would die in the womb, and this was something she could not accept.

Therefore, she used an ancient spell to forcefully summon the soul of her future child in advance. Although she would lose her life by doing so, a mother's love was always great! Selfless! She was willing to sacrifice herself for this child. At the same time, she wanted to follow her husband, whose corpse was lying beside her.

When she finished chanting the ancient incantation, she also completed the hand seal. She put her hands together and pointed at the sky. Fifty meters above her finger, a magic array that was 100 meters wide suddenly appeared. In the middle of the magic array, an ancient, heavy, and huge stone door suddenly appeared.

The stone door was bright red. On the surface of the stone door, there was a demon with a ferocious smile on the left and an angry demon on the right. The door frame of the stone door was engraved with ancient runes.

The female demon pointed at the stone door and shouted,"Open!"”,Then, the stone door suddenly opened slowly. After the stone door opened, there was a huge black space-time vortex that kept spinning.

Suddenly, a deep blue ray of light shot out from the space-time vortex, shining on the female demon's bulging belly. The female demon grunted on the spot, then said,"Wow!"”He spat out a mouthful of blood.

The blue light lasted for a minute. After the light ended, the stone door slowly closed and retreated into the magic array. The magic array disappeared.

After half a day, after the female demon's tireless efforts, her child was finally born. This child did not cry when he was born. Instead, he was in the arms of the female demon, curiously sizing up this strange world. He looked at the woman in front of him curiously.

The children of high-level demons were not as fragile as human children. They could see and hear everything around them as soon as they were born. Some high-level demon children could even use magic as soon as they were born.

This child was the reincarnation of Chu Feiyang who was struck to death by lightning. Yes! He had reincarnated! At this moment, he was curiously sizing up everything around him. The female demon opposite him also had a loving expression on her face. She looked at the child in her arms and felt that he was so cute. His small face was toot and his cute big eyes were still looking at her. She really couldn't bear to leave him like this! But now that her life was coming to an end, she really had no choice!

The female demon smiled at Chu Feiyang and said,"My poor child!" Mother has let you down! "I really had no choice but to use an archaic secret technique to forcefully summon your soul and come to this world ahead of time!……Cough, cough, cough! We should have been able to meet again after more than 50 years!”

"But now, your father was betrayed by his subordinates. He risked his life to bring us mother and son out of the Demon Realm. After your father brought us to the bottom of the cliff in the human world, he finally died because of his injuries! If nothing unexpected happens, your mother will also follow your father!”

"You have to remember! Your father's name is Sinchai? Baruch was the most outstanding Emperor in the history of the Devil Realm, and also the most powerful Emperor. Was it because of Brook this time? That bastard, Nake, captured your mother and used despicable means to threaten your father. He harmed his own body in exchange for our safety!”

"While your father was hurting himself, he took advantage of that bastard's slackness to save us and severely injured that bastard Brook. He even killed four of Brook's top ten masters, crippled two, and severely injured the remaining four.”

"In the end, your father opened the space-time tunnel with us and came to this world. As for your father's guards, I'm afraid they have been killed by that bastard Brook!”

"Child! I don't care if you understand what I'm saying now! Please remember, remember what I said just now! You must remember this hatred! When you grow up, you must avenge us! Go and take back the throne that originally belonged to you!…………Cough cough cough…"

"You must remember! That's right! Hehehe! I forgot to tell you that I, your mother, took your father's surname after marrying him. My name is Diana. Baruch, my real name is Diana? Sidi."

"And your name is Cindy? Baruch! This is a name that is a combination of your father and my real name!…………Hehehe! Do you like it? My dear son!"

" Cough cough cough! I really can't bear to part with you! My lovely son!" After she finished speaking, she carried Chu Feiyang in front of her and used her face to touch Chu Feiyang's small face. She even rubbed it, and tears still fell from her eyes.

Chu Feiyang didn't know why, but he could understand all of Diana's words. When he saw his mother crying and felt the motherly love that he had never felt since he was young, Chu Feiyang's heart ached. Therefore, he stretched out his cute little hand and wiped Diana's tears on her face.

When Diana saw the little guy's actions and felt her son's concern, she was even more touched. Her tears flowed down like a spring. She could feel her life force weakening. Finally, she made up her mind. She wanted to complete her husband's dying wish. She wanted to cast that forbidden Primordial Devil Curse!

This is my first time writing a book, so I hope that all of you readers will forgive me for my shortcomings. I, Xiaotu, am determined to write this book into a harem novel that is filled with fantasy. Xiaotu can guarantee that the lineup of beautiful women in this book is absolutely powerful! Unprecedented power! The beauty's strength was definitely off the charts! There was no heart-wrenching plot in this novel. The entire novel would be an invincible journey to hunt for beauties, and the protagonist's halo would be activated at all times! Maximum power!

The last request, please recommend!! Please support me! Your support is a huge motivation for me to write!

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