Dream of a national scholar for thousands of years

This book was set in the Eastern Han Dynasty and described the story of Mu Weizhou, an ordinary youth like you and me, who grew up step by step to become a national scholar.

Palace politics, Jianghu storms, golden spears and iron horses, love affairs, adventures in the four seas.。。The special experience gave Mu Weizhou a special understanding of love, life, the world, and the fate of his country. Under the influence of the old and new ideas such as " Only when the mountains are flat and the water is dry can one dare to break off relations with the monarch "," A scholar must be resolute "," The road of the Great Way, the world is for the public ", Mu Weizhou felt the greatness and meanness, justice and evil, wisdom and stupidity of the enlightened world.。。The youths who were everywhere eventually became the unparalleled national scholars who were "unyielding".

There was once a legend, a legend that you and I
