Unlimited Divine Power
44 arrogant

The past i


Chu Yunfeng was wearing the silver Mingguang Armor. He was riding on a horse with a spear and a saber at his waist. A bow pouch hung on the left side of the horse, and a full bag of bows hung on the right side. He rode alone like a white cloud and flew for more than twenty miles.

At the foot of a mountain, he saw Jin Bing resting in the woods by the road.

The 3,000-man army had banners and banners fluttering in the wind. Compared to the Great Song army, the ratio of cavalry was much higher, and it looked majestic.

Seeing Chu Yunfeng, who looked like a general of the Song Dynasty, suddenly appear, many of the Jin soldiers who were resting immediately stood up.

These were the 3,000 troops led by Jin Yahu and Yin Yahu, the two generals under the command of the Jin Kingdom's First Prince, Nien Han. They had originally planned to open a path through mountains and build bridges when they encountered rivers. They were only waiting for Nien Han's 100,000 troops to arrive before advancing together towards the Ying Tian Prefecture.

When Chu Yunfeng arrived, the Jin soldiers immediately reported to the two generals that a Song Dynasty general had arrived.

Jinya Hu and Yinya Hu didn't care. They just stood by the side of the road and sneered at Chu Yunfeng.

If the Great Song could obtain information about the Jin Kingdom army, how could the Jin Kingdom not obtain information about the Great Song?

The Great Song was in dire straits, and there were at most a hundred thousand soldiers guarding the Ying Tian Manor. Only the Vanguard Battalion could come here, but how many soldiers could a Vanguard Battalion bring? Moreover, the Jin Kingdom had won successive victories and had long regarded the Great Song army as useless and not worth paying attention to. These 3,000 soldiers were the elite troops of the First Prince, so how could they be afraid of a mere southerner?

Moreover, this person had appeared alone!

To be honest, Chu Yunfeng was facing three thousand people alone. It was nonsense to say that he didn't feel guilty.

But…how can you catch a tiger cub without venturing into the tiger's den?

Chu Yunfeng tried his best to calm himself down. He approached the 3,000 soldiers of the Jin Kingdom and said sternly,""Golden General, Golden Teeth Hu, Silver Teeth Hu, come out and accept your death!”

The golden soldiers and generals were amused by his words.

Just one person dared to challenge the front line, wasn't it worth it?

Coincidentally, the soldiers had already rested for quite some time, so Jin Ya suddenly raised his saber and ordered the troops to gather.

With a command, the three people stood up from the roadside with a whoosh. With a series of hurried footsteps, they formed a line.

The golden tooth suddenly rode his horse and came to the opposite side of Chu Yunfeng. He pointed his knife at Chu Yunfeng and said,"What is General Song's name? Sign up and die!"

"This general is Chu Yunfeng, the vanguard deputy general of the Northern Expedition Army!”When Chu Yunfeng arrived in front of the 3,000 soldiers, he suppressed the fear in his heart and said indifferently,"And who are you?"

"I am Jin Yahu, the former marshal of the Jin Kingdom's King, Nianhan, and the vanguard of the southern army!”

" You're Jinya Hu…" Chu Yunfeng looked at him, then raised his eyes to look at the generals who were surrounding him." Who's that Yinya Hu?"”

After hearing Chu Yunfeng's question, a general holding an eight-foot-long Snake Spear rode forward and sneered,""This will be Yin Ya Hu, what are you waiting for?”

"Nothing? I just want to kill you!"

Chu Yunfeng smiled and raised his spear. At the same time, he pressed his legs against the horse's belly and the horse immediately galloped forward.

His sudden attack surprised Jinya Hu and Yinya Hu, but they weren't afraid.

They were all mounted generals who had fought for more than ten years. How could they be afraid of fighting the enemy in close combat?

Moreover, there were still three thousand soldiers behind the two of them!

Jinya snorted coldly and stood still. Yinya suddenly shouted, raised his spear, and reined in his horse. He also charged forward. Seeing that he was getting closer to Song Jiang, he immediately thrust his Snake Spear towards Song Jiang's chest.

Chu Yunfeng calmly stabbed out with his steel spear. The two spears collided in the air and made a crisp sound. Yin Ya's Snake Spear was struck by Chu Yunfeng's power and immediately deflected like an electric shock. Chu Yunfeng's great spear didn't change its momentum. It followed the momentum of the Eight-Foot Snake Spear and pierced into Yinya Hu's stomach like lightning.

Silver Tooth suddenly saw that things were not good and hurriedly dodged, but how could he dodge?

He could only watch helplessly as the great spear pierced through his ribs and pierced through him.

The four-meter-long spear was as wide as a palm, and the duck-shaped spearhead pierced a bloody hole.

In just one round, this dignified captain fell miserably under Chu Yunfeng's spear!

Yinya Hu died too quickly, so fast that Jinya Hu and the left and right generals didn't even have time to react. By the time they came back to their senses, Yinya had already been pierced through.

The golden tooth suddenly heard his brother's scream and immediately shivered. He shouted,""General Song, how dare you kill my brother!”

As he spoke, he wielded his broadsword and urged his horse to charge at Chu Yunfeng. His deputies naturally did not dare to be negligent, and they also roared in anger as they spurred their horses to surround Chu Yunfeng.

Chu Yunfeng wasn't afraid at all. Don't look at these guys as chiliarchs or captains, it was actually just their titles that were frightening. In terms of martial arts, they were far inferior to Yue Fei, a part-time martial artist. Even Niu Gao and Wang Gui were one or two levels stronger than them.

As long as those three thousand soldiers didn't surround him, what did he have to fear?

He could take this opportunity to collect a few more kills!

However…in order to lure these three thousand soldiers into the trap, Jinya Hu could not die for the time being. Otherwise, if all the main generals died, perhaps these Jin soldiers would automatically retreat, and Yue Fei's plan would be in vain!

Chu Yunfeng made up his mind. He exerted strength with his arms and picked up the silver tooth that was still hanging on the spearhead. Then, he threw it at the golden tooth that was running in front of him.

Jinya suddenly did not want his brother's corpse to be trampled by the horse's hooves again. He could only pull the reins and reach out his hands to catch the flying corpse. Unfortunately, he didn't expect that this " hidden weapon " actually had such a great strength. The huge impact directly knocked him off his horse, and he immediately fell all over his face.

At this moment, the four deputy generals under Jin Ya Hu arrived.

Chu Yunfeng sneered and stabbed at the first Jin General. He used the same trick again. He knocked away the spear in Jin General's hand with his one-hundred-pound iron spear. The spearhead spun and stabbed into Jin General's throat.

He killed another person!

The three generals behind him turned pale with fright, but Chu Yunfeng didn't give them any time to think. He shook his steel spear, sending out dozens of spear flowers.

When Yue Fei and Chu Yunfeng were sparring, he had used this move to deal with him. It was the so-called " mesmerizing flower ". When these several spears were used, it was very difficult to figure out what was real and what was fake. Chu Yunfeng had only managed to break through Yue Fei's spear technique by using an attack. However, this guy clearly didn't have the ability to do so. He only managed to block two shots before being stabbed to death on the spot.

Two main generals and four deputy generals. Now that one main and two deputy generals had died in the blink of an eye, the Jin army immediately became restless.

Chu Yunfeng knew that if he didn't leave now, he would be baptized by the rain of arrows. He quickly feigned a spear attack to force back the two Jin Army deputy generals who had been killed to the point of being scared out of their wits. Then, he mounted his horse and fled.

The two deputy generals did not dare to let him go. They hurriedly spurred their horses to chase after him. When they saw that they had caught up to Chu Yunfeng, they were about to attack, but Chu Yunfeng suddenly turned around and stabbed another Golden General to death.

The last Jin general was so frightened that he shivered. Chu Yunfeng was about to shoot him when he saw the group of soldiers who had been protecting Jin Yahu chasing after him.

Chu Yunfeng could only sigh regretfully. He didn't have the time to keep the 'experience points' that he was about to get. He could only pull the reins and drive his horse away.

Jinya Hu had just handed over his brother's corpse to his bodyguards to take care of. He was about to mount his horse and lead his troops to Chu Yunfeng to take revenge for his brother's death, but before he could give the order, Chu Yunfeng turned around and ran after killing three of his deputies!

This made the already furious Golden Tooth even more flustered and exasperated. He raised his saber and roared,"Brothers, chase after them! Whoever kills General Song, this marshal will reward himself with a hundred gold!”


Hearing such a generous reward, the three thousand Jin Country soldiers immediately shouted and swarmed towards the direction Chu Yunfeng had escaped.


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