"A story that unfolds in a different world. The original Overlord Flying Squirrel had lost his companion and was waiting for the game to end between the thrones before being transferred to another world...
However, this story was not like that! Anzi’s compatriots didn’t leave at all! What would happen if all the members of Anziulukun were still alive? It was only interesting to play games until the last moment! Everyone was waiting for this thought to come to an end with Flying Squirrel. However, he was accidentally transferred to another world. The moment he realized this fact…
Heroo screamed, Flying Squirrel tried to grasp the situation, and Perlo Loccino pounced on the bubble teapot?……Urbert vented his chuunibyou mentality…Cuiyu became a father? As for Takumi, he... He actually went to worship Buddha!
The throne room was in a mess…
Basic structure:
There are two articles in the whole article that define the main article