To mess up World War II
34 Intense Collision 1

Wei Tianxi


According to the plan of the Japanese base camp and the Kwantung Army, they were not prepared to start a war against the behemoth, the Russians, until they had wiped out the anti-Japanese armed forces in the northeast and achieved a decisive victory in the war of aggression against China. However, Ma Jun seized the opportunity of the Kwantung Army's commander handover ceremony and used his " cheating artifact " to escape the Japanese's vigilance. He operated 10 large-caliber mortars alone to deal a fatal blow to General Ueda Kenyoshi, Hideki Tojo, and others. He forced the Japanese base camp to urgently appoint Nishio Shouzao as the commander of the Kwantung Army and ordered him to complete the Manchurian Suzheng War within three months.

General Nishio's family was not a traditional Japanese samurai. They had become samurai through the purchase of money by wealthy businessmen. Moreover, unlike most other officers, he did not have to go to the " Army Infant School " or the " Army Middle School " since he was young. Instead, he went to the Army University after graduating from middle school. Therefore, he himself was not as radical as Sugiyama, Itagaki Seishiro, and others. When the "226 soldiers" changed, he and the Kwantung Army military police commander Tojo Hideki had a stable position, which was why he was appreciated by the Japanese headquarters and was appointed as the deputy chief of staff of the Army on March 23, 1936.

Who would have thought that just as he returned to the Japanese base camp, before he could even take his position as the vice chief of staff of the army, General Ueda Kenyoshi was assassinated and General Minamijiro became a " vegetable " and returned to the northeast. Although Nishio Shouzao was promoted to a general, he was not too happy because he knew how difficult it would be to complete the order given by the headquarters to complete the Manchurian Suzheng War within three months.

As expected, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Armed Forces that had undergone earth-shaking changes had given him a solid blow not long after Nishio Shouzao took office!

The first was a Japanese troop that was ordered to encircle and suppress the Third Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance Army in the North Manchurian region. With the cooperation of a regiment of the Puppet Manchurian Army, they attacked a base of the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance Army in Bin County. In the eyes of the commander of the attack, the anti-Japanese coalition army, which lacked guns, ammunition, food, and medicine, would definitely be vulnerable in front of the "invincible" Kwantung Army. As long as their troops launched an attack, they would easily defeat them with a "Long Live Charge". (The so-called "Long live charge" was actually a tactic often used by the Japanese army, which was first used during the Russo-Japanese War. In the case that the Japanese army had the advantage in the number of artillery, the Japanese army first covered the artillery fire, then launched the Long Live Charge, and rushed into the Russian position, giving full play to the advantage of the Japanese army's hand-to-hand combat. The Japanese army called it the "handgun sword" and finally used the bayonet to resolve the battle. After the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese army had become very superstitious about the battle of the Banzai Charge and the hand-to-hand combat. They had gradually enriched and perfected the Banzai Charge tactic, which was to add grenade launchers, light machine guns, and even mortars to the assault of the rifle team. They would destroy the enemy's machine gun fire points during the charge, cover the rifle team's charge, and finally end the battle with hand-to-hand combat.

On the battlefield of China in World War II, due to the backward national strength and technology, the various armies did not have heavy artillery or light artillery. When defending against Japan, they generally relied on light and heavy machine gun firepower to defend. The quality of the Chinese army's rifles and the shooting skills of the soldiers were also relatively backward. The weakness of the Chinese army made the Japanese's long live charge tactic once again show its advantage. After the artillery fire covered, the Japanese used grenade launchers, light machine guns, and mortars to cover the riflemen's charge and achieved a certain victory. Because every time they charged, the soldiers would shout "Long live His Majesty the Emperor", so it was called "Long live the charge".)

Sure enough, after the artillery fire was ready, the Japanese officer drew out his katana and pointed it forward. More than a thousand Kwantung Army soldiers and nearly two thousand Manchurian Army soldiers jumped out of the trenches and rushed toward the defense position of the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army. The soldiers of the Third Corps of the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, who were wearing tattered clothes and holding a variety of simple weapons, only fired a few times before throwing down their broken guns and fleeing behind the mountain. Seeing that the soldiers of the Third Corps of the Anti-Japanese Alliance Army were so weak, the officer couldn't help but laugh out loud. The commander of the puppet Manchurian Army and the others beside him flattered him, making the officer even more proud. With a wave of his hand, he led the officers and guards around him to follow the large group of people in the direction of the fleeing soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Alliance Army.

When the Japanese army and the Manchurian Army entered the valley behind the mountain, countless soldiers in Russian military uniforms suddenly appeared on both sides of the mountain. For a moment, artillery shells, grenades, light and heavy machine guns, and rifles were all fired. They did not expect that the Japanese army and the Manchurian Army, who were ambushed by a group of country bumpkins, would suffer heavy casualties under the superior strength and powerful firepower of the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army. The commander of the Japanese army managed to gather a group of soldiers with great difficulty. He wanted to lead the remaining soldiers to launch another " Banzai Charge " and defeat these " country bumpkins " who dared to ambush the " Imperial Army of Japan ". Just as he raised his " samurai sword " and was about to give the order, a large-caliber mortar shell exploded behind him, sending him and his lackeys to meet his " Auntie Amaterasu ".

The " ambush " in the mountains of the Lesser Xing 'an Mountains in Bin County gave General Nishio a tight slap in the face, but it wasn't the only slap. After the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army had achieved the great victory in Hadong under Zhao Shangzhi's careful planning, they had led the main force of the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army to secretly go south without stopping. They had cooperated closely with the First Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army led by Yang Jingyu and adopted the tactic of "surrounding the enemy and attacking the reinforcements". They had won a great victory in Luoshan, north of Changbai Mountain, and wiped out a large group of the Guandong Army and two regiments of the "Puppet Manchurian Army" in one fell swoop. They had returned triumphantly after obtaining a large amount of military supplies!

This made the Kwantung Army and the Japanese base camp angry. After the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese Army had never been destroyed by the enemy. Although thousands of casualties were nothing to the Japanese Army, which was good at using the " human wave tactics " and " long live charge ", it depended on who the enemy was. If the enemy was the Russian army or the other foreign powers, it would be understandable. Now, they were actually wiped out by a group of " mountain people " that they had always looked down on. Where would the face of the Japanese Army, the " strongest army in Asia " go?

Therefore, in order to reduce their guilt, General Nishio Shouzao and his high-ranking officials, according to the testimony of the surviving officers and soldiers, determined that the instigators of these two battles were their "old enemies"-the Russian Far East Border Guards and their accomplices, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance. Moreover, they had evidence and "eyewitnesses" to cover up the shame of defeat. After the Japanese base received the report from General Nishio, they felt that the situation was a bit serious. The Chief of Staff of the Japanese Army, Prince Zaijin of the Imperial Family, was the 16th son of Prince Fushimi Miyakuni. He was the great-uncle of Emperor Shingo and was in charge of the army for the Emperor during the Shingo period. In 1882, he studied at the French Military Academy. He had served in the Japanese Army for a long time. He had participated in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 - 1895 and the Russo-Japanese War. During the Russo-Japanese War, he was promoted to general in 1912 as a cavalry general. In 1916, he was in charge of planning the assassination of Zhang Zuolin and invading the northeast of China. In 1919, he was promoted to marshal. From the end of the September 18th Incident to the full-scale invasion of China, he served as the Chief of Staff of the Japanese Army (1931-1940) and directed the war of aggression against China behind the scenes. He held the commanding power of the Japanese Army and signed every order of the Japanese invasion of China. He played an irreplaceable role in the growth of the Japanese fascist army and the occupation of Chinese territory. He was responsible for Japan's invasion of China and was one of the culprits of the war. In his later years, he was shrewd and shrewd, and no one dared to provoke him in the army. In fact, he became the head of the army. On May 20, 1945, he died of illness before Japan's defeat, thus escaping the punishment of post-war justice.) Urgent request to see the Emperor. After the Emperor learned of the details, he summoned Prime Minister Fumiharu, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ugaki Kazuki, and other important ministers overnight to discuss countermeasures. Finally, they decided on a strategy of "using courtesy before using force."

Early the next morning, Foreign Minister Ugaki Izumi summoned the Russian ambassador to Japan, Melik, and issued him a tough diplomatic note, demanding that Russia must hand over the murderers who had " killed " thousands of Japanese soldiers and compensate for their losses. Otherwise, the " Great Japan Empire " would use force to get them back! Malick, who knew nothing about the incident, was dumbfounded by Kazufuru's accusation. He used diplomatic terms to appease Kazufuru while reporting to Moscow via secret cable. Moscow, who was also unaware of the situation, immediately contacted Marshal Tuchachevsky, who took over from Marshal Vasily Constantinovich Bruchel as the commander of the Russian Far East Military Region, and asked for details. After learning that there was no so-called " Russian border guards attacked the Japanese Kwantung Army," There was no such thing!

This time, the Japanese base was in an uproar! General Sugiyama of the Continental Army, Head of the Combat Division of the General Staff Headquarters, and a group of extreme warmongers immediately refused to do so. They clamored to ask the Emperor to approve the Kwantung Army to start a war against the Soviet Union."If His Majesty the Emperor does not approve the Kwantung Army's request to start a war against the Soviet Union, I will commit suicide outside the Imperial Palace and remonstrate with death!”

This book comes。

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