To mess up World War II
36 Intense Collision 3

Wei Tianxi


Boli was also known as Boli, Pouli, Poli, Boli, etc.

It was a different Chinese transliteration of Jurchen language, meaning "pea", also known as "Boli City" and Khabarovsk. The Boli region is located in Wusuli

On the east bank of the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Amur River, it was originally the home of the Daur tribe of the Heavenly Dynasty. The aquatic products here are extremely rich, and it is rich in producing salmon and husky fish.

Fish and other specialties. With the arrival of immigrants in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, a small fishing port was built by a group of Shandong immigrants.

Commonly known as "Bo Li Tunzi", the official name was "Bo Li". Bolitun guards the mouth of the two rivers. Its geographical location is very advantageous.

They could reach the Sea of Japan by road and reach the Okhotsk Sea by waterway in the east. Controlling this place would effectively control the Far East. Tsar Russia versus Bo Li and Zhou

The border areas had been coveted for a long time. After occupying the Heilong River, the Russian invasion became even more intense. Invader Muravyov and Yi Xin just signed

After the Aihui Pact, the Amur Cossacks began to build houses and churches on the right bank of the Wusuli River in places such as Mount Tulmi and immigrate widely.

, and set up forts and Longsong Cannons. At the same time, this place was named after the 17 th-century Russian invasion of the head of Heilong River, Habarov.


In the spring of 1859, Muravyov continued to actively implement the armed immigration policy in the east of the Wusuli River and established the village of Buse without authorization.

There were 20 new villages and towns such as Yilov Village, Lower Mihalov Village, Earl Village, Prince Village, etc. The more densely populated the residential areas were, the more people moved.

Suohe Village is also set up by land to Xingkai Lake. Russia was only one contract away from officially annexing Bo Li.

In the spring of 1860, the Anglo-French allied forces attacked Beijing, and the Manchu court fled. Russia's diplomatic representative Ignachev pretended to be a "mediator."

On the one hand, he incited the British and French to continue attacking Beijing, while on the other hand, he "helped" Emperor Qi Yixin, who was captured as a temporary negotiating representative before he could escape.

Yi Xin was forced to sign the Beijing treaty with Russia. From then on, more than 400,000 square kilometers of land east of the Wusuli River was occupied by Russia.

。Bo Li no longer belonged to the Qing Dynasty, but to Russia.

The battle plan presented to the base camp by the new Chief of Staff of the Japanese Kwantung Army, Major General Muto Akira, was exactly as Marshal Tuchachevsky had judged.

In that case, he would use the strategy of "creating a diversion" and "luring the tiger away from the mountain". First, the naval fleet attacked the Russian Okhotsk fleet and its mother.

After destroying the Russian fleet in Okhotsk, the Marine Corps would feign an attack on the port and occupy Okhotsk.

His attitude forced Marshal Tuchachevsky to increase his troops from strategic locations such as Boli to Okhotsk. Then, the North Korean garrison will dispatch two divisions

The regiment (a Japanese division and a North Korean servant division) had a total of 40,000 people, together with the aircraft carrier squadron of the coalition fleet.

Attack the strategic military town of Russia in the Far East, where the Russian Pacific Fleet is located, destroy the Russian Pacific Fleet and occupy the city.

At the same time, the main force of the Japanese Kwantung Army, the 2nd, 5th, and 6th Class A Divisions, was formed with 100,000 elite troops of the Manchurian Army.

Under the personal command of the commander of the Kwantung Army, General Nishio Shouzao, the powerful attack regiment broke through the defense lines of the Soviets 'Heilong River and Wusuli River.

It was directed at the largest central city of the Russian Far East, the location of the Russian Far East Military Command, and surrounded the main force of the Russian Far East Military Command in Boli.

East and west of Okhotsk.

Strictly speaking, Major General Muto Akira's plan could not be said to be not rigorous and had great maneuverability. However, because of the Soviet Union and Russia,

Japan was a "blood feud", and the Japanese Kwantung Army was the key target of the Russian Far East Military Region, so the vigilance of the Russian Far East Military Region was still relatively high.

It's high. In particular, there was a so-called "Russian border guards crossing the border to attack the Japanese Kwantung Army" incident for no reason, and Japan also

Taking the opportunity to issue diplomatic notes to the Soviet Union, threatening and blackmailing them, the Soviet Union had to be vigilant to prevent the Japanese army from fighting in Japan and Russia.

They used the same tactic of attacking Lushun Port again.

However, as the saying goes,"a wise man will make a mistake." Marshal Tuchachevsky judged the Japanese raid based on the report of the intelligence personnel.

Like Boli and Vladimir, they ignored Okhotsk. First, he believed that there had always been discord between the Japanese Navy and the Army.

They would not have acted so quickly even if they had cooperated with the ground forces to attack Russia, and they would not have sent out their main fleet to increase the military merits of the ground forces. Second, Okhotsk is far away

It was far from the military center of the Russian Far East. The Japanese would not waste their main forces there. This was also Marshal Tuchachevsky's answer.

The reason why he cursed the Japanese after reporting to the garrison in Okhotsk was because it was beyond his expectations and almost made him lose his composure. i.e.

Even so, the experienced Marshal Tuchachevsky still transferred two mechanized divisions as reserves to reinforce Okhotsk.

The capture of the port also prevented the Japanese army from attacking Shuangchengzi and the Outer Xing 'an Mountains from Okhotsk Port and outflanking their own retreat.

Marshal Tukhachevsky was very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of both sides. In the 1904 Soviet War, the Japanese army relied on their geographical advantage.

, through land (the Korean Peninsula) and sea (sneak attack on the Russian Far East Fleet to seize Lushun), quickly mobilize the army to outflank both sides,

The sea tactics defeated the Russian Far East Army, forcing Tsar Nicholas II to forcibly open the Siberian railway and urgently mobilize the army to reinforce the desert.

The Russian Far East Army barely stopped the decline and finally forced Japan to sign the compromise of the "Port Smouth Convention". now

Although the total strength of the Russian Far East Military Region exceeded that of the Japanese Kwantung Army, and their weapons and equipment were also stronger than their opponents, due to the storage a few months ago,

The largest military warehouse in the Far East of Vladimir was cleaned out by a mysterious force.

He lost his official position and was exiled by Mr. Si to the Central Asian Military Region to be the factory manager of the military factory. He also made the millions of troops of the Russian Far East Military Region lose their lives.

Material supply and logistics. Although in the few months after he took over as the commander of the Far East Military Region, through his own efforts, Mos had been able to get a lot of benefits.

Branch had replenished some supplies for the Far East Military Region, but compared to the actual needs, there was still a considerable gap.

Therefore, Marshal Tuchachevsky formulated a plan based on the strategic situation of both sides.

The specific deployment of troops was still the defensive counterattack style of "light troops in front and main force behind".

. The frontline was mainly composed of several infantry divisions, with several artillery regiments and two T-26 tank regiments as fire support forces.

。Their mission was to rely on fortifications such as bunkers and trenches to fully utilize the firepower of the Russian army after the two sides exchanged fire.

The situation gave the Japanese army a lot of casualties. Then, they took turns to cover, fight while retreating, resist one by one, and wait for an opportunity to lure the main Japanese forces outside of Boli City.

Set up a position in advance, surround and destroy the enemy.

It must be said that Marshal Tuchachevsky, who had experienced the baptism of the First World War and the civil war and was proficient in the battle of the large army, was fighting.

Compared to the commander of the Kwantung Army, General Nishio Shouzao, Major General Muto Akira, and other Japanese officers, he was more skilled. When the leaders of the Kwantung army

After the division and the North Korean troops launched an attack on Boli and Vladimir at the same time as planned, the progress on the battlefield and the changes in the situation

None of them deviated from Marshal Tuchachevsky's prediction. The two divisions dispatched by the North Korean garrison, due to insufficient troops and the North Korean servant army,

The combat effectiveness of the division was relatively weak, so it lost its spirit three days after the attack.

The infantry division fought a tug-of-war in front of the fortifications on the outskirts of Vladimir. Several main divisions of the Kwantung Army fought fiercely with the Soviets for three days

After that, they finally broke through the enemy's defense line. They chased after them all the way until they reached the outskirts of Boli City in just two days. We're about to achieve our goal

The ecstatic Major General Muto Akira proudly reported his victory to the base camp, claiming that he could take down the military town of the Russian Far East within three days.

By the end of August, they would be able to surround the main force of the Russian Far East Military Region!

However, just as General Nishio Shuzo, Major General Muto Akira, and the others thought that victory was in sight, the situation on the battlefield changed.

Suddenly, the four most powerful mechanized divisions of the Soviet Union, who had been lying in ambush on the periphery, suddenly came out from both sides and broke through the Japanese army in half a day.

The hastily built fortifications, together with the Boli garrison, successfully led the hundreds of thousands of Japanese Kwantung Army and the elite of the "Puppet Manchurian Army"

They surrounded the city!

However, it was exactly in line with the old saying in the Chinese Dynasty,"Good people don't live long, while evil people live for a thousand years." Because of the appearance of a person, Tuha had to admit defeat.

Marshal Fevsky's plan to annihilate more than 100,000 of the Japanese Kwantung Army's main force and the elite of the "Puppet Manchurian Army" became a bubble.

For the "number one strategist in Japan", Ishihara Smile!

Ishihara Kanji (Ishiwa Rakanji, January 18, 1889-August 15, 1949), born in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan

Lieutenant General of the Army during the Imperial Era, planner of the Japanese invasion strategy, Japanese military theorist, ideologist, politician, and advocate of militarism.

He was known as the "number one military strategist in Japan". Ishihara believed in the Sunlotus Sect and was a loyal believer of Tanaka Tomoki.

Kana Ishihara was born in 1889 in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, and entered the Japanese Army Sergeant School in 1907. May 27th, 1909

He graduated with the sixth place in the infantry division. (Actually, Ishihara was ranked third, but because of his bad relationship with the teacher, he was ranked sixth.

(5) A silver pocket watch bestowed by the Emperor.) This person liked Napoleon and always answered questions in the most concise language during the exam.

He waited for his classmates to give him the nickname " No. 7." All talented people in the world would have it.

Some are independent. However, from this, it could be seen that Ishihara was very arrogant (the blessing of the True Heaven Dynasty).

In 1918, he graduated from the Japanese Army University in second place (history repeated itself, and he was actually first). April 1920, sent to Hankou

The Japanese army dispatched the command team in China. It took more than a year to inspect Hunan, Sichuan, Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places in China.

Political, economic, and military intelligence formed the strategic idea of "continental expansion" and summed up the method to deal with the warlords of China-"competition".

Bribery and propaganda have greater value."

In 1929, Ishihara, who was then the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, proposed that "solving the Manchurian problem is the only way for Japan to survive." 2 years

Later, in 1931, with Ishihara Kanji, Itagaki Seishiro, Hanaya Masa, and Ida Shintaro as the core, the gambler took a gamble.

He launched the "9.18" Incident (based on his previous understanding of the warlords in China, it should be the psychological basis for his decision) and took over the entire Northeast in one fell swoop.

It laid a solid foundation for Japan's full-scale invasion of China. (That was why Ishihara Kaner considered himself the founding father of Manchuria.)

In 1936, Ishihara presided over the revision of the National Defense National Strategy."Japan's national policy is to become the leader of East Asia.

For this, they must have the strength to eliminate the oppression of the Soviet Union, the United States, and Britain. While replenishing the armaments that can fight against the Soviet Union, the United States, and Britain, especially the aviation forces,

They had to do a good job in stabilizing Riman and the North Branch (North China) and complete the basic work of preparing for a protracted war. (note 'drawn-out') Done

After the preparation of armaments and the preparation for a protracted war, they first began to work actively to force the Soviet Union to give up the plan to attack the Far East as soon as possible. during this period

He tried to maintain a friendly relationship with the United States. After the Soviet Union surrendered, he established a friendly relationship with it, expelled the British power from East Asia, and liberated the people of East Asia.

Clans. Today, Ishihara's strategy was undoubtedly brilliant, and it was also the most dangerous for China, because this strategy accurately grasped the spear.

In the minds of all parties, the Soviet Union's main energy was in Europe. In the Far East, it was seeking stability. The main interests of the United States and Britain were in the South. It was happy to see people there.

The northeast blocked the Soviet Union. However, Jiang Jieshi was more concerned about eliminating dissidents than dealing with the party. The northeast was not his territory in the first place.

It was the same as killing the Northeast Army. This was what he had dreamed of. Therefore, he would not think of taking back the northeast. This can make Japan look good

A stable environment and a longer period of time to manage the northeast would make it a rear base for the full-scale invasion of China in the future.

And his China strategy was mainly to "do a good job in stabilizing Riman and the North Branch (North China), and complete the basic work of preparing for a protracted war."

Oppose expanding the war. In other words, instigating a civil war in the northwest, while building Manchuria, consolidating North China, and blocking the Russians from the south.

Then, they would infiltrate Southeast Asia to obtain the rubber of Malaysia and the oil of Bruneian. At the same time, they would squeeze out the British and strive to reach out to the "Orchid India"(

The Dutch East Indies, now India, would ensure oil, and then engage in the " final war " with the United States.

After reading this, did you feel a chill run down your spine? If the Japanese really followed this path, the "July 7 Incident" would probably be delayed a lot.

China at that time would not be much stronger than it was in 1937, and Japan would definitely be stronger than it was in 1937 (Northeast China was much more powerful than Japan).

Much richer). What would be the outcome of China's war of resistance?

Of course, history was not like that. It was just like the "Longzhong Dui". Although it was wonderful, if the executor was not good, history would not follow your path completely.

It was the same. Although Ishihara's plan was good, Master didn't accept it.

After the full-scale war between China and Japan in 1937, Ishihara repeatedly opposed the expansion of the war between China and Japan, and he had long been on bad terms with Tojo Hideki (

In the end, Ishihara was abandoned by the Japanese military, and Ishihara's plan was naturally restricted.

He went to the high pavilion.

The brilliance of the Ishihara Plan was that he had a deeper understanding of the various forces at that time and a clearer understanding of the complicated situation.

Based on Japan's inherent shortcomings of small land, few people, and lack of materials, he proposed to manage the northeast for a long time with the rich materials in the northeast.

To strengthen Japan's national strength, then block the Soviet Union in the north (active defense), occupy North China in the south (nibbling away at China), and then fight a decisive battle with the United States and the United Kingdom after the strength is sufficient.

。Ishihara's plan seemed to be more brilliant than Japan's actual actions.

However, if we feel that Japan had a slim chance of winning, then we are worrying too much.

This was because, firstly, the Xi'an Incident of 1936 had happened, and the war between the two countries had actually been suspended. Ishihara had attempted to provoke the Chinese.

The idea of war could no longer be realized. Secondly, at that time, China already had the Chinese People's Party, and its ideology was also among the advanced people in China.

With widespread recognition, there would be a political foundation for China to not yield. This was not something that could be conquered by war machines! Third,

At that time, Japan's own warlords and the tycoons (capitalists) behind them could only rely on waging war to solve the crisis they encountered.

War was something that they could not wait for. It was not something that one or two Ishihara people could stop. It could be said that Ishihara wasn't just a member of the Heaven-Defying Dynasty.

They were moving against the tide of war, and they were also going against the tide of war within Japan. And this is Ishihara looking at the world from the standpoint of militarism

historical limitations. In the face of someone who grasped more advanced theories, had sharper vision, and had a longer vision, Ishihara was nothing more than a hamster.

Of course, if this did not happen, it would be because of the enmity between Ishihara and Hideki Tojo that allowed Ishihara to be lucky after the war.

He escaped punishment and finally died of bladder cancer on August 15, 1949 at the age of 60.

It was almost the new year. Tian Xing wished all his readers a happy new year, a long and healthy life, a happy family, and a smooth career! During the Spring Festival," Disturbing World War II " would not stop updating. I also hope that all readers will continue to pay attention to and support this book. When drinking and eating dumplings during the Spring Festival, you should also forget to collect " Disturbing World War II " and read it slowly. Haha!

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