Legend of official career
12 Battle in Zhabei

Tang Shouq


February 6th, 10 am, in the conference room on the third floor of Zhabei County Party Committee…

On a new day, a new meeting was held. The members of the Standing Committee who attended the meeting were: Zhu Weimin, Wang Shimu, Guo Song, Hu Lvbing, Jin Sheng; The invited guests included Wang Biao, Minister of Human Resources and Armed Forces, Nan Shengchun, Executive Vice President of the People's Republic of China, Xie Changhai, President of the People's Court, Cai Rong, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, Wang Chunming, Deputy County Magistrate, and Wang Chunming, Deputy County Magistrate. Wang Hansheng, Zhao Nengjin, Gu Lin, Director of the government office Wang Yulin, Jiang Jun of the Ministry of Human Resources and Armed Forces, and 15 others.

The meeting was hosted by Wang Shimu. Zhu Weimin gave a passionate speech. He said,"Other than Chief Guo, Jiang Jun, and myself, all of you here today have persevered until victory. It is gratifying to see that the foundation of Zhabei is not broken.”The participants clapped excitedly…Zhu Weimin pressed his hands together and said,"Now we have achieved a crucial victory in exterminating the traitors and criminals. We should be happy." However, please always maintain vigilance against corrupt elements and evil forces. This was because anti-corruption was a long-term struggle. In the past revolutionary wars, platoon leaders sacrificed their lives and deputy platoon leaders rose. If the deputy platoon leader died, the first squad leader would go up; if the squad leader and deputy squad leader died, the party members and soldiers would go up. Today, our leaders are not sacrificed, but corrupted. Moreover, it was a bunch of corruption. Many unit leaders were cut off. What should they do? We have already wasted the golden time of the initial stage of reform and opening up. Do we still have to wait for the appointment of the higher-ups and continue to waste the golden time? Therefore, I suggest that we should immediately restore the normal operation of the Party Committee and government machines at all levels. We can't wait for the higher-ups to adjust and appoint personnel. The existing comrades should carry forward the revolutionary spirit of the war years and take the initiative to stand up and share the vacant tasks. Comrades, it is time for the Party and the people to test us!”

" I support Comrade Weimin's suggestion," Wang Shimu was the first to raise his hand. Hence, everyone raised fifteen hands in support.

"Alright, please change Zhu Weimin's suggestion into a decision of the meeting and send it out as soon as possible. Comrade Weimin, please continue…"

"Restoring social order and restoring economic development is a top priority. Fortunately, our government team has not been corrupted. I'm done talking."

"Next, I would like to invite Comrade Guo Song to speak on personnel matters.”

"Comrades, since Comrade Weimin has to attend an extremely important event at 11:30 pm, let's make it short.”Guo Song went straight to the point on his first appearance."Those who agree to restore Wang Chunming's reputation and appoint him as the deputy director of the police station, please raise your hand.”

"Alright, unanimous!"

"Those who agree to let Cai Rong be the deputy director of the police station and the captain of the investigation team, please raise your hand.”

"Alright, unanimous!"

"Those who agree with Comrade Zhao Hongzhu as the deputy captain of the police investigation team, please raise your hand.”

"Alright, unanimous!"

"Comrades, please stand up. Let us send off Zhu Weimin, Wang Shimu, Wang Biao, Wang Chunming, Cai Rong and the other five comrades with a warm applause!”There was a warm applause from the audience. Zhu Weimin shook hands with his comrades one by one and said goodbye. The meeting continued under the leadership of Guo Song...

At 11:20 on February 6th, 1987, a loud military song was flying over the county open-air stadium. On the north side of the square stood all the public security officers and armed police soldiers of Zhabei County. On the south side of the square stood the officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army who were ready to return to the team in triumph. Zhu Weimin, Wang Shimu, Wang Biao, Wang Chunming, Cai Rong, and the others stood in a row on the platform.

"Comrade Supreme Commander, the commander of the Yellow Bridge Warrior Battalion, Lu Yongli, has gathered all the soldiers in the battalion.”

"Please welcome Comrade Battalion Commander Lu to the podium!”"Yes, sir!"

"Reporting to Chief, Zhabei County Police Station has 318 officers, 46 on duty, 3 on sick leave, and 18 missing. A total of 251 people have gathered today.”

"Chief Pan, please come to the podium.”"Yes, sir!"

"Reporting to the chief, the 160 soldiers of the Zhabei County Armed Police Brigade have gathered.”

"Please come to the podium, Captain Li.”"Yes, sir!"

" Comrades," Wang Shimu, the old county head, walked to the microphone and said excitedly,""Zhabei County's Armed Police and Public Security System Oath Ceremony, the ceremony to send off the people's soldiers begins now.”The sound of the punches grew louder and louder, and the crowd on the stands, the square, and the wall could not help but applaud.

"Let's welcome the Commander-in-Chief of the Jiangbei Evasion of Traitors and Triads Operation of Ningjiang Province, Zhabei County Party Committee Standing Committee, the temporary head of the county party committee, the Secretary of the County Political and Law Committee, and the Chief of the Police Department, Comrade Zhu Weimin, to speak.”

"Comrades, with the support of the heroic soldiers of the people, the dark clouds floating over Zhabei last night have been removed. This is a victory for the party and the people of Zhabei! (The audience and the people around them applauded for a long time again.) All the Zhabei police officers: Attention, turn left and salute our heroic soldiers!”

"All members of the Huangqiao Brave Earth Battalion, turn right and salute the villagers of Zhabei, the armed police, and the public security officers!”

"Everyone: salute over, turn right!”

"Everyone: salute over, turn left!”

"Comrades, victory is hard to come by. For today's victory, we have sacrificed Sha Baozhong, Wang Xianjin, and Hu Yong, three good leaders and comrades. Three minutes of silence for the heroes Sha Baozhong, Wang Xianjin, and Hu Yong.”

"Everyone, take off your hats and observe a three-minute silence for the martyrs…"

"Mourning is over. Everyone, put on your hats!”

"Next, let's invite Zhabei County's Deputy Chief Wang Chunming to lead us in the oath.”

" Attention! "Please raise your right hand and take out your oath. All the police officers and armed police officers in Zhabei County swore to the Party and the people that they would always be loyal to the Party, the country, the people and the law. They would always be a firm force to exterminate evil and protect the people. Obey orders, obey the Party's commands, strictly abide by discipline, enforce the law impartially, be honest and upright, fulfill their duties scrupulously, and not be afraid of sacrifice; I am willing to devote myself to the noble cause of the people's public security and work hard to fulfill my oath!”

"The oath ceremony has ended. All the police officers and armed police officers of Zhabei County, stand at attention and turn left.”

At this time, Zhu Weimin led the relevant personnel to shake hands with the soldiers one by one.

"All of the Yellow Bridge Warriors Battalion, stand at attention, forward! Forward! Forward! Prepare to sing…"

"Forward! Forward! Forward! Our team faces the sun and steps on the land of our motherland…"

"First and second teams, listen up, march side by side…"

The soldiers of the Yellow Bridge Warrior Battalion left the stadium and boarded the military vehicles. They sang military songs as they left the Urban area. The people on both sides of the street saw them off. The traffic lights at the intersections were all green…

At 13:30 in the afternoon, in the conference room on the first floor of the police station, Zhu Weimin hosted the first meeting. Political Commissar Zhao Zigang (participating due to illness), Deputy Bureau Chief: Wang Chunming, Pan Xizuo, Cai Rong, the deputy director of the bureau office, Lin Xinyuan, the deputy captain and instructor of the traffic police, Gong Rongmin, as well as the current directors, instructors, deputy directors of the seven police stations, and the director of the Shuangwei Police Station office, Liu Yuhua. The meeting fully listened to the situation reports of each unit and the feedback on the most difficult problems at present. Liu Yuhua, the director of the Shuangwei Police Station Office, said,"There are only four police officers and two joint defense officers left in our station. The rest are f * cking fed to the dogs.”Zhu Weimin looked up at Liu Yuhua and asked,""How many years have you been in the police force?" "Seven years. If you count the police academy, it's been 12 years.”Liu Yuhua replied. "Alright." Zhu Weimin exchanged glances with Zhao Zigang and Pan Xizuo."From now on, Comrade Liu Yuhua will be the director of Shuangwei Police Station.”The participants applauded in support. The meeting arranged for the public security system to carry out a month of "civilized law enforcement, anti-corruption and clean government" self-examination and self-correction activities. All personnel were required not to enter high-end hotels to eat and drink, not to enter karaoke halls and casinos, not to drink during working hours, and not to be the umbrella of the evil forces. The meeting also discussed the division of labor…

At six o'clock in the evening, Sun Fengxia didn't know how to cook. She bought two vegetables and a big bowl of egg fried rice from outside and waited for Zhu Weimin to come home for dinner. Zhu Weimin was really hungry these days. He didn't wash his hands and wolfed down the food. Sun Fengxia was heartbroken and cried. After they finished eating and washing, they went to bed and hugged each other. Zhu Weimin fell asleep in a moment. He was really tired…

At 9:00 a.m. on February 7th, Zhu Weimin met with Wang Shimu and Guo Song to study and exchange jobs. Zhu Weimin said,"During this period of time, County Head Wang still needs to grasp and guide the construction of the county party committee and the lower party committee. The burden on Old Wang's shoulders will not be removed, and it might even increase.”He turned his head and said to the old leader, Guo Song,"The county government needs to start the economy as soon as possible.”Finally, he said," I've started to investigate and visit the entire county during this period of time. The focus is on the reorganization of the public security and judicial teams. I'll also inspect the cadre teams of the various towns and villages. Therefore, he did not report to the two old leaders every day. The two elders were worried about the family matters.”Wang and Guo were deeply moved by his charisma. The three of them held each other's hands tightly. They no longer needed any official courtesy. Everything was said without words…

On the morning of February 8th, Zhu Weimin changed into an old-fashioned military uniform from the 1970s and wore a pair of semi-new liberation shoes as he strolled alone on the street. No one would believe that he was the police chief unless they were familiar with him. Jiang Jun had spent 30 yuan to buy his outfit. As he walked, he looked and listened. Unknowingly, he came to the market and patiently asked about the prices of some vegetables. He asked the seller,"Is the price high?" "There's no other way. These vegetables are all from Santai and Yandu. The cost of buying vegetables is high." "Thank you," Zhu Weimin said politely.”He turned around and walked forward. At this moment, he encountered the industrial and commercial staff charging each stall. He paid attention for a while and understood. The stall was 5 yuan, and the fixed stall was 12 yuan. Sometimes, they gave a ticket, and sometimes they didn't. After the person who collected the stall fee left, he asked the girl who was selling vegetables in front of him,"Is the fee high?" The girl looked at him and said,"There's no way to do more. You have to pay."”"Then, this is a fixed stall. Do you have to pay any other fees?”"You pay 300 yuan a month for a fixed stall. If one wanted to buy a stall, they could find someone in the station and buy one for 500 yuan.”The girl said to him as she calculated the change. "Spending 500 yuan is just a possibility?" Zhu Weimin asked in confusion.”The girl was amused." I didn't know that you were a well-educated person. Let me tell you this. The boss inside will give you an application form after collecting 500 yuan. After you fill it out, go to the brigade and stamp it, then hand it over to the station. Do you understand? "That is, queuing up. If anyone in the stall quits or violates the rules and is cleared, the people in the queue will have hope…"

Zhu Weimin was about to ask a few more questions when he seemed to hear someone making a noise. He looked up in the direction of the sound and saw that the meat seller on the right was quarreling. He walked over unhurriedly as if he was watching a show. A burly man pointed at another fat man with a pockmarked face and said,"You can't be arrogant anymore. Your cousin has already been arrested, you know? What do you mean?" This fellow was at a loss for words. Expel the evil." "I'm warning you. Lu Jiajia is Lu Jiajia, and I, Mazi Lu, am Mazi Lu." I'll only rely on my strength to live my life. If you continue to seek revenge on me, I'll kill your entire family.”Before he could finish, he raised his knife and slashed at the chopping board.”The burly man's eyes widened. I'm looking for you for revenge. Don't say that you'll kill my entire family first. Why don't you kill me first today?”

"Oh my god?" The fat man who called himself Mazi Lu held his head and let out a long cry. Tears rolled down his face like broken pearls. "I don't want to see you tomorrow, or else you'll know what I, Wang Shan Chang, am capable of."”After saying that, he led a few people and left…

Zhu Weimin asked the people in the market what had happened just now, but no one was willing to answer. An old man kindly said to him,"Little brother, are you full? He felt that this matter had to be clarified, so he quickly walked back to the police station. When he entered the door, the guard refused to let him in. The guard smiled and said,""I'm the guard for Bureau Chief Guan." At this moment, Zhao Hongzhu just happened to come out from inside. Seeing this, he was happy. He circled around Zhu Weimin two or three times and was about to speak when Zhu Weimin waved his hand and said,"I was just about to look for you. Call Wang Chunming out to meet me at Yijiangchun Noodle Restaurant.”After saying that, he walked back. Seeing this, Zhao Hongzhu quickly used the phone in the guard room to inform Wang Chunming. Only then did the guard believe that the person was really the director. He was dumbfounded…

In the past few days, there had suddenly been a strong "Zhu Weimin fever" in the North Province, especially in Zhabei. Zhu Weimin was an idol and a hero. Therefore, the guard's " stupor " was imaginable.

At the Yijiang Spring Noodles Restaurant on Renhe Road, east of the police station, Zhu Weimin ate his noodles while telling Wang Chunming and Zhao Hongzhu what he had seen and heard in the market. Zhu Weimin said,"You have to investigate the following questions: 1. Who were the people behind the stall? Was Wang Shan Chang related to this? 2. Investigate Wang Shanchang's social relations and his usual behavior. If there is a problem, immediately control it. 3. Investigate Mazi Lu's social connections and his usual behavior. 4. Regardless of whether or not we find out the results today, you should go to Mazi Lu's house tonight to understand the situation. You can persuade him to be patient for a few days. This matter must be taken seriously. Otherwise, it might cause bloodshed tomorrow. I'm done talking. You guys can go back."

"I know a little about these two people," Wang Chunming said."Lu Mazi's name is Lu Jiagui. He's Lu Jiagui's cousin. Although Lu Jiajia had been arrested this time, he was still considered a person who had not done anything bad in the hearts of the people of Zhabei. In other words, the Lu family had a good reputation in Zhabei, and Lu Mazi had been kind since childhood. Wang Shanchang is the younger brother of Wang Hansheng, the deputy head of the county. He's not a good person and has always been running amok in the village. I wanted to investigate him back then, but you know the situation, so I didn't investigate further.”"Investigate! Investigate it thoroughly!" Zhu Weimin told Zhao Hongzhu,"Find Jiang Jun and ask him to thoroughly investigate Wang Shanchang and his social circle."”

"It's almost 12 o'clock. You guys go back and eat.”

" Petty…" Zhao Hongzhu smiled and left with Wang Chunming.

Zhu Weimin walked out of the noodle shop and went to the Red Star Hotel. Because the girl had returned to report her work, he had no intention of going home. He wanted to sleep on the bed for a while because he was tortured by the crazy girl last night…

At 14 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhu Weimin checked out of the hotel's front desk and left. He suddenly thought of Shuangwei Village, which was the hardest hit area, and decided to break into Shuangwei Market today. After two and a half hours on the gravel road, Zhu Weimin stopped his car in front of a five-star hotel. The boss was an uncle in his sixties. He had a good temperament. He had a big back hair, a square face, and a fair complexion. He was about 1.8 meters tall. He was not fat or short. One could imagine how handsome he was when he was young. Under the boss's guidance, Zhu Weimin parked the car in the backyard of the Agricultural Bank next door and went through the registration procedures. When Zhu Weimin stayed in Zhabei County, he could stay as long as he paid the deposit. Seeing that Shuangwei was stricter than the county, he deliberately said,"How troublesome." Seeing this, the boss said," Three days ago, the government didn't have any special requirements. It was very simple to stay in the hotel. You just had to pay the deposit." However, things were different now. Liu Yuhua had become the director of the police station. The first order was that passengers must register with valid identification. If they violated it, the hostel would be immediately closed down. I heard from a few people from the county town that it's much stricter here than in the city.”After Zhu Weimin put his luggage into the room, he used the hotel's public telephone to call Sun Fengxia's home phone. Gong Cailan picked up the phone. Zhu Weimin simply greeted the two elders and said,"Auntie, I'm doing research in the countryside, so it's not convenient for me to call. When the girl gets home, please tell her that I'll call her when I get back to the city.”

Zhu Weimin walked slowly on the street alone. He saw people coming and going on the street, showing the prosperity of this remote water town. Zhu Weimin spent more than two hours almost walking through the three vertical and two horizontal streets of Shuangwei Market, feeling that the order here was orderly. As the sky darkened, Zhu Weimin was guided to the largest hotel on the street, Sanshui Restaurant. He chose an inconspicuous corner to sit down and ordered two dishes and a bowl of rice. As he ate, he listened to the customers 'words...

"She's really not simple. A girl has such boldness…"

"Zhu Weimin is still the best. He recognized Liu Yuhua at a glance.”

"I heard that it has been upgraded three times in a row…"

"As long as he is a good official, we should support him even if he is promoted five times.”

Just as everyone was talking about each other, the sound of a fight and a woman's cry for help came from the second floor.

"Cao Biao still dares to be in the limelight at this time?”A few people at the table beside him were discussing in low voices." The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Moreover, he's the secretary's brother-in-law. I heard that he has someone in the province.”

" Now, it's time to test that Liu girl."

"Cut the crap. How would she know? Who dares to call the police?”

Zhu Weimin wanted to go upstairs to stop him, but he had a sudden idea and decided to go out and find someone to swear an oath. When he walked out of the door and saw a biker, he immediately took out 10 yuan and whispered to the driver,"This is for you. Hurry up and call the police.”The coachman received the money and stepped onto the bicycle, shouting all the way, Call the police, someone has been killed at Sanshui Hotel.”At the same time, a group of people forced the two men and one woman from the second floor to the center of the lobby on the first floor. Seeing this, the customers put their change on the table and chose the door to leave. The shop owner was a woman in her forties. Seeing this, she begged,"Brother Cao, please have mercy. I'm a small businessman.”"Li Li, go to the side." Cao Biao, who was called Brother Cao, looked quite decent. He said to the two men and the woman,"You guys are courting death. How dare you come to the head of the dragon? Brothers, fight to the death." " Brother Cao, please let them go." The woman, who was in her early twenties, knelt on the ground and begged," Get lost…" Cao Biao kicked the woman and sent her rolling two to three meters on the ground."Cripple this bitch…"

"Stop!" At this moment, a policewoman appeared at the entrance of the hotel with three police officers. Cao Biao was stunned and smiled."Inspector Liu came at the right time. These two kids wanted to kidnap my nanny and were caught red-handed. Please arrest these two people. Brothers, bring the girl back."

" Inspector Liu, save me…" The little girl who was called the nanny shouted anxiously when she saw this.

"Third Sister, it's mutual. What are you begging for?”One of the two men, a young man with a wooden stick in his hand, said contemptuously,"Get up. Today, the three of us are fighting for our dignity. What's there to be afraid of?”Hearing his words, the little girl stood up and walked to the side of another young man, saying,""Second brother, get up." The three siblings stood side by side and glared at Cao Biao. Cao Biao gritted his teeth and said,"Kill them!"”"Cao Biao…" Liu Yuhua said coldly,"Cao Biao, I'm not afraid.""Do you want to test the law by yourself and follow in the footsteps of the Ancient Five?”

"Liu Yuhua, I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise…"

"Otherwise what?"

" If Buddha stands in my way, I will kill Buddha…" Cao Biao roared angrily.

"You three siblings, step back." "Comrades," Liu Yuhua said loudly,"Expel the evil and eliminate the evil for the country and the people.”

Along with 'Expel evil and eliminate evil, for the country and the people.”The sound was repeated as three police officers in police uniforms fought alongside Liu Yuhua. "Cao Biao, are you going to give up or resist until the end?”

"Liu Yuhua, are you not going to give my brother-in-law face? Think about it carefully. My third uncle is from the provincial government.”

"Cao Biao, don't try to intimidate me. No one can save you today. Whoever dares to resist arrest will be executed on the spot!" Zhu Yuhua pulled out her pistol and shouted.

Beside him, Zhu Weimin, who had his arms crossed, nodded in relief. He was not wrong about Liu Yuhua. Liu Yuhua was also a good director.

"Brothers, charge out, or you'll all die.”Cao Biaojie called his accomplices to charge forward hysterically. The eldest of the three siblings saw that the police were a little weak, so he turned around and grabbed the beer bottle on the table and shouted,"We, the three siblings of the Gu family, will advance and retreat together with Inspector Liu!”The three siblings took a few steps back and formed a second human wall. At this time, Zhu Weimin saw a fierce light flash in Cao Biao's eyes, and he shouted in his heart," Not good!" He quickly bumped into Liu Yuhua's left shoulder. Unfortunately, he was still a step too late. Cao Biao suddenly turned his body and threw a seven-inch dagger at Liu Yuhua's chest. Fortunately, Liu Yuhua was knocked away by Zhu Weimin in time, and only the lower part of her left shoulder blade was stabbed by the dagger. Otherwise, she might have died gloriously.

When Zhu Weimin crashed into Liu Yuhua, he pulled out a pistol with his left hand and shot Cao Biao's right arm and left leg."I am the police chief, Zhu Weimin. All of you, squat down and hold your heads with your hands.”Oh my god…Zhu Weimin descended from the sky. This group of fiendish and devilish fellows were instantly scared out of their wits. They obediently squatted down and held their heads. Cao Biao was already paralyzed on the ground with a deathly pale face. Zhu Weimin removed the gun in Liu Yuhua's right hand, who was about to fall, and quickly picked it up with both hands."Tie them all up and ask the Gu brothers to assist the police officers. Sister Gu, follow me to the Five Star Hotel to save Inspector Liu.”He took a few steps and turned around." Immediately call the county bureau to report that the director is injured. Ask the villagers to help and take these bastards to the police station."”After saying that, he quickly ran towards the five-star hotel.

When the hostel owner saw the guest carrying an injured woman in a police uniform, he quickly went up to greet her. Zhu Weimin shouted without stopping," Quick, give me scissors, white wine, boiling water, and a new towel…" Zhu Weimin kicked open the door as if he was at the door of the room and placed the semi-unconscious Liu Yuhua on the bed. He quickly opened his military backpack and took out emergency supplies. "The one who's injured is Inspector Liu, hurry up."”

Zhu Weimin used the scissors sent by the boss to cut Liu Yuhua's sleeves and said to the boss,""Quickly call the hospital to send over some emergency medicine and sutures.”Liu Yuhua's sleeve and left shoulder were all cut off, leaving only her underwear. At this time, Liu Yuhua was a little sober. She nodded gratefully at Zhu Weimin and smiled. Zhu Weimin said," I'm sorry…" He cut open Liu Yuhua's underwear and saw that the seven-inch dagger had already pierced into her flesh. Zhu Weimin took out an anesthetic and immediately injected it, then poured the white wine on the towel to clean the wound around Liu Yuhua. At this moment, a police officer led two female doctors to the door and knocked on it. The Gu family's younger sister let the doctor in and closed the door. The two doctors from the hospital put down the medicine box and saw the dagger on Liu Yuhua's wound. Zhu Weimin said without turning his head,"Don't be afraid. I'm a doctor too.”

"Do you have disposable medical gloves?"

"Yes, here…"

" Alright, clean the area around her wound…"


Zhu Weimin washed his hands with hot water and disinfected his hands with alcohol. He put on a mask and walked to Liu Yuhua. He first prepared the suture needle and thread, then quickly pulled out the dagger. Liu Yuhua instinctively let out a soft moan and blood immediately gushed out.

" Quick, pour the medicine in the green bottle onto the wound…"

The older female doctor skillfully poured the medicine on Zhu Yuhua's wound. When Zhu Weimin saw that it was about time, he said,"Stop. Prepare the dressing and tape.”As he spoke, he sutured the wound. Ten stitches, a total of ten stitches. He raised his head and let out a long breath, then said,"Please help her bandage her wound and give her a shot of Tetanus immediately.”After saying that, he came to the basin of water prepared by the Gu family's younger sister. He took off his gloves and mask and washed his hands. He went to the bag and took out two bottles, one red and one white, and poured half a cup of water. He shook it and blew it with his mouth. After a while, the two doctors finished bandaging the wound. The older female doctor said,"Your suturing technique is too perfect. May I ask which big hospital you're from?”"He's the police chief, Zhu Weimin." The Gu family's sister quickly said.”"The chief knows medicine too? It's divine."

Zhu Weimin walked to Liu Yuhua, took out a piece of clothing from his bag and covered her body. Then he sat in front of the bed and gently opened her mouth with his right hand to put two pills in. He gently and slowly poured some water, but the water and medicine could not enter the esophagus. Zhu Weimin frowned. " Give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation," the elderly doctor said. Zhu Weimin sighed and said,"Director Liu, I'm sorry."”With that, he began to pour water into Liu Yuhua's mouth. The medicine had entered her esophagus, but Zhu Weimin was still worried and poured a few more mouthfuls of water. At this moment, Liu Yuhua opened her almond-shaped eyes slightly and smiled sweetly at him before closing her eyes again. Zhu Weimin thought, Oh no, I was tricked. "Please give her a bottle of water!" he sighed.”

Wang Chunming personally brought three police cars and an ambulance to Shuangwei. The ambulance arrived directly at the hostel. The paramedics came to the room. The leading doctor saw the older female doctor and said,"Director Huang is here personally." Director Huang smiled and looked at Zhu Weimin."Director Zhu is here personally, how can I fall behind? Didn't the famous Director Liu also rush over?”Director Huang paused for a moment before continuing," The injury is rather serious, but Director Zhu has already treated it perfectly. When you go back, just pay attention to changing the medication on time. The suturing shot has been given, and the anti-inflammatory and painkiller drugs have been mixed in the glucose solution. When you go back, you have to take a blood test. I think we should give him some blood. Director Zhu, what do you think?" Just as Zhu Weimin was about to speak, he saw Director Liu's puzzled gaze and explained,"I am Xia Mingyuan's student from the military headquarters. If you have suitable blood plasma, it would be better to have a blood transfusion on the way. If you don't have blood plasma, you can draw my blood immediately. I have type O blood.”"I brought two bags of type O blood plasma.”Director Liu immediately said.

Director Liu immediately called the nurse to tidy up Liu Yuhua's clothes and carried her downstairs on a stretcher. Zhu Weimin also went downstairs after packing his clothes and luggage. At this time, Wang Chunming and the others also came over. "Chief, all suspects are in the car. The interrogation is over.”"Alright, I'll go back immediately." "Who's going to drive for me?" asked Zhu Weimin.”Wang Chunming said,"I'll do it." Zhu Weimin thought for a moment and said,"Hurry back and interrogate him overnight. I'm afraid that there will be more problems if you delay. I'll drive slowly myself." Wang Chunming saluted and turned around. Zhu Weimin suddenly asked,"Have you left any police officers behind?" Wang Chunming stopped and turned around." Leave behind five police academy interns and two police officers. One of them is the vice-captain of the second reconnaissance team, a martial arts soldier. He will temporarily take charge of the work."”Zhu Weimin raised his right thumb…

Zhu Weimin carried his bag and dragged it to the front desk tiredly. The hostel owner waved his hand and took out 50 yuan from the cabinet."I won't take a single cent. The deposit will be returned." Zhu Weimin took out 50 yuan from his double pocket and handed it to him. He said seriously,"Including the house and the damaged door, it's a total of 100 yuan. If it's not enough, you can pay a little.”The boss insisted on not accepting the money. Zhu Weimin said,""Don't make me make a mistake!"

Seeing Zhu Weimin leave the shop, the eldest brother of the Gu family said a few words to his younger brother and sister before catching up with Zhu Weimin."Director Zhu, you're too tired. I'm a transport soldier from Kangzang, can I send you back to the city?”Firstly, it was too tiring. Secondly, he liked these two brothers very much. He was preparing to send someone to understand them tomorrow, so when he heard Boss Gu recommend himself, he was very happy to do it for him.

" Then I'll have to trouble you to send me back to the city…" Zhu Weimin did not stand on ceremony.

The next day, February 9th, at 11 AM, Zhu Weimin arrived at the police chief's office. Just as he sat down, Lin Xinyuan knocked on the door and entered."Bureau Chief, a few leaders of the county party committee came this morning. When they saw that you weren't around, they said that they had gone to the People's Hospital to visit Director Liu. Before they left, County Head Wang tearfully reminded me to remind Bureau Chief to rest more.”" Director Lin," Zhu Weimin said," You have to do two things. First, you have to immediately inform the deputy bureau chiefs and Zhao Hongzhu to come to my place for a meeting and inform Political Commissar Zhao. The second was to find a female comrade to help Chief Liu buy a few clothes and reimburse them with tickets.”"Chief, Political Commissar Zhao is in the office. Chief Wang's wife has already sent some clothes to Chief Liu. I'm going to inform the meeting."

Zhu Weimin walked out of the office and went straight into Zhao Zigang's office." Director Zhu, you're here…" Zhao Zigang was 49 years old this year and had a medium and thin build. He was very puzzled when he saw the director come quietly. "I heard that you were at work, so I came over to ask: "How are you feeling?" Zhao Zigang raised his head and swept away his previous cynicism. He said firmly,"I've been sick for two years. I should be fine." "Oh…" Zhu Weimin looked at him meaningfully and laughed strangely. Zhao Zigang said,"My illness was cured by your two shots last night.”"You have such a keen eye at such a young age. How did you guess that I was pretending to be sick?"”"I'm not guessing. I have another identity: Doctor." Zhu Weimin turned around and walked out of the door,"Uncle Zhao, please come to my office for a meeting."”" Uncle Zhao…" Zhao Zigang was filled with emotions when he was called " Uncle ". The grievances he had suffered for the past two years were swept away. He took out a bag of things from the safe. He had brought it from home this morning and had just put it in. Zhao Zigang straightened his body and walked towards the bureau chief's office.

In Zhu Weimin's office, Zhu Weimin, Zhao Zigang, Wang Chunming, Pan Xizuo, Cai Rong, Zhao Hongzhu, and Lin Xinyuan sat together. Zhu Weimin's first sentence was to welcome the political commissar back to the team after he recovered from his illness. Pan Xizuo nodded with tears in his eyes.”Zhu Weimin's second sentence was,"How's the mission from the noodle shop yesterday?"”Zhao Huanzhu said," 1. Five years ago, Lu Jiagui reported that Wang Shanchang had caught and sold the sick pigs that the farmers threw into the river. At that time, the director of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Lu Jiagui, confiscated Wang Shanchang's stall, so they had a feud. 2. There were four people from the vegetable market management office who sold the stall privately. Director Wang Mian, Deputy Director Li Yue, and Zhu Ziyou, as well as Wang Shanchang, who specialized in extorting and threatening the stall owner, involved three vegetable markets in the county. At present, they had already formed an industrial chain, and their hands had already reached out to the small commodity market. 3. Not only did Lu Jiagui not have any negative behavior, but he was also quite chivalrous. In recent years, he had sponsored three poor and lonely elderly people. 4. Deputy County Head Wang Hansheng is the brother of Wang Shanchang and Wang Mian. Wang Mian and Wang Shanchang are already suspected of being involved in the evil forces. They are brothers with Cao Biao of Shuangwei.”Pan Xizuo and Zhao Zigang looked at each other. Pan Xizuo praised,""Zigang, we can rest assured. Director Wei Min has only been in office for three days and yet he has uncovered a black hole. I'm excited and impressed. It's time to hand over Zi Gang!”Zhao Zigang stood up and solemnly handed over a bag of things. He said,"County Head Lu Jiajia was framed. Cao Bin, the deputy secretary general of the provincial government, Peng Shu from the city, Zhou Zhenghai and Wang Hansheng from the county had secretly fabricated evidence. There was a tape, photos, and testimony in this bag.”" Comrade Wang Xianjin gave me these things late at night before his death," Pan Xizuo said."The day after Wang Xianjin died, I discussed with Old Zhao. In order to protect the evidence, Old Zhao pretended to be sick and was hospitalized.”Zhao Zigang continued,"Comrade Wang Xianjin is Wang Hansheng's fifth uncle, so he picked up the things in the bag by chance. The photos and recordings were the product of mutual distrust and restraint within the gang. The diary was Wang Hansheng's.”

Zhu Weimin stood up and went to his desk to pick up the phone.""How's the investigation going?" "We've already confirmed all the evidence of Wang Hansheng's corruption.”"Alright, report immediately: 1. Lu Jiajia may have been framed; 2. Cao Chen, the deputy secretary general of the provincial government, is suspected of involvement in the underworld. The evidence is with me." "Yes, report immediately."

"Wang Chunming, Cai Rong, Zhao Huanzhu."


"Immediately and secretly arrest Wang Hansheng, Wang Mian, Li Yue, Zhu Ziyou, and Wang Shanzhang!”


" Lin Xinyuan…"" Here!"

"Inform the martial arts soldiers at Shuangwei Police Station: Immediately arrest Shuangwei township party secretary Liu Ping and bring him back.”

"Yes, sir!"

"Zhao Zheng, Chief Pan, the two elders should have gone to the prosecutor's office to settle the relevant procedures! I'll report to County Head Wang."

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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