The Eater of Delicacy is Invincible
1 The World of Food

A crooked


"Lin Su, can you go back by yourself?”

"Don't worry, no problem." The slightly tipsy Lin Su waved his hand and said goodbye to his friend at the bar entrance.

Walking alone on the road home, the road without street lights was dark. Lin Su did not notice the big black hole in front of him.

The drunk him stepped on air and fell into the well.

"Fortunately, I bought insurance." This was the last sentence Lin Su thought of.

That well was like a bottomless pit. Lin Su felt that he had fallen for a long time without stopping.

Suddenly, specks of starlight appeared in the pitch-black surroundings. Lin Su felt as if he was in space.

The extremely low temperature in space quickly deprived Lin Su of his consciousness. His eyes went black and he fainted.


After the rain, in a certain forest, a teenager was lying quietly on the wet ground. The boy's face was haggard, and his thin body could be described as skin and bones. It was as if a strong wind could blow him away.

He only had a rag wrapped around his waist, and the holes on it were not patched up.

At this moment, the young man was no longer breathing. Hunger had taken away his young life.

The youth left silently just like that. His body could very well turn into nourishment to nourish this forest.

Suddenly, a small black hole appeared in the sky above the forest. A bolt of lightning shot out from it and struck the dead youth.

Lin Su was awakened by the strong hunger coming from his stomach. He weakly opened his eyes and looked around. What he saw was not the bar where he drank with his buddies but a forest.

The forest was very dense, but the tree bark had been stripped clean. The bare tree trunks were covered with tooth marks. It seemed that some kind of wild beast that ate tree bark had looted this place.

Looking at the deep teeth marks on the tree trunk, one could imagine how hard the beast had bitten.

The unfamiliar environment made Lin Su a little confused. Last night, he clearly went to the bar to drink. Why did he appear in the wilderness when he opened his eyes?

Although there were countless questions in his heart, Lin Su had no time to think about the answers. The growling in his stomach was like thunder, and the hunger was like a beast that was constantly devouring his consciousness.

"If you don't eat something immediately, you'll starve to death!”

This information appeared in Lin Su's mind with incomparable clarity.

With his weak body, it was difficult to even raise his hand. It was impossible for him to find food by himself. He looked around again, but he could not see any signs of human activity through the forest. The idea of asking for help from others was completely cut off.

Would he starve to death in such a strange place?

Just as Lin Su was in despair, an earthworm drilled out of the ground due to the rain.

As a modern man, Lin Su had never thought of using earthworms as food. However, a strong sense of hunger seemed to suddenly take control of his body. Lin Su's hand involuntarily reached out to the earthworm.

The wriggling earthworms were thrown into his mouth along with some sand, and he instinctively started chewing…

The disgusting taste that he had expected did not appear. If he had not seen the earthworm in his mouth, Lin Su would have thought that he was chewing a crisp bean sprout.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, the precious food immediately turned into energy to nourish Lin Su's body.

"So it's a bean sprout earthworm." Information about this earthworm flashed through Lin Su's mind.

A large amount of memories began to flood into Lin Su's brain. After a period of absent-mindedness, Lin Su finally integrated the original memories of this body.

The poor teenager who had starved to death was an orphan who didn't even have a name. Most of his memories were filled with a sense of hunger that almost made people faint. After fusing with his memories, Lin Su felt as if he had personally experienced a famine that lasted for more than ten years. That kind of shocking feeling was unforgettable for Lin Su, a young man in a peaceful era.

Lin Su skimmed through these memories and found three key words-Acacia, gourmet cells, and war.

These three words made Lin Su understand where he was. This was the world depicted in the comic " Captives of Delicacy."

About 90 years ago, Acacia, one of the strongest food hunters in the human world, discovered a special all-purpose cell called gourmet cell in the body of a gourmet jellyfish in the deep sea.

Gourmet cells had excellent regenerative functions and vitality. If these gourmet cells were successfully combined with other cell tissues, the advantages of the tissues could be extended astonishingly.

The sweet apples would become sweeter, and the delicious beef would become more delicious.

Ever since the Food God Acacia discovered the Gourmet Cell, the level of ingredients in the human world had increased explosively. Humans had also boarded the direct train to the era of satiety.

Ironically, it was precisely because of this that the food war started!

The more intense the light, the more dark shadows would appear.

The neighboring small countries crazily plundered each other's ingredients, and the flames of war gradually spread to the entire world. This global war quickly fell into a stalemate. As a result, countless refugees from defeated countries around the world were displaced.

The youth that Lin Su possessed was a refugee from a defeated country.

"So what if I transmigrated? At least let me be born after the start of the gourmet era. In this chaotic era, let alone enjoying delicious food, I'll be thankful if I can survive!”

Lin Su sighed.

Having suddenly appeared in such a world, Lin Su did not have the time to think about his family, because his stomach was growling and urging him to find food.

Hunger was a very strange feeling. No matter if you were sad or happy, angry or cold, no emotion could suppress the body from expressing hunger.

If one was hungry, one had to eat. Otherwise, life would not be able to survive. This was an eternal truth.

A bean sprout earthworm had only slightly alleviated Lin Su's crisis. If he did not continue to find more food, he would still be unable to escape the threat of death.

"Even if there are wild beasts here, they have been killed by the hungry people. Where can we find food?”

As a young man who had always lived in the city, Lin Su seemed to have no experience of directly obtaining food from nature. The development of science and technology had made people lose their instincts as creatures!

Fortunately, Lin Su had fused with the original memories of this body, which provided him with extremely important help.

Raising his head to look at the trees that had been stripped of their bark, Lin Su could not help but drool from the corner of his mouth.

According to the memories of this body, this was a strange tree species called the potato chip tree. After peeling off its scale-like bark, it was as delicious as crispy potato chips. If the tree was 20 years old, the leaves would become crispy like potato chips.

This hungry young man had come to the forest for these bark potato chips, but he did not expect that this place had already been robbed by hungry people.

He could not count on the potato chip tree anymore. Lin Su could only lock his gaze on the ground full of fallen leaves, hoping to find a few more bean sprout earthworms.

Because of the previous taste, Lin Su no longer rejected this kind of creature.

"Wow, I caught one."

"Aha, another one here."

Lin Su's somewhat funny voice sounded in the quiet forest. In such an environment, he could only cheer himself up like this.

After the rain, the fertile forest soil was indeed a good place to catch earthworms. Not long after, Lin Su had found 16 bean sprout earthworms on the surrounding ground.

Putting these bean sprout earthworms into his mouth, Lin Su nodded his head in enjoyment as he chewed on the bean sprout like texture.

"Bel Grylls would be furious if he knew how delicious earthworms are. If he stir-fried them in garlic, they would be delicious.”

Pfft ~ Her saliva unconsciously flowed down again.

This was not an illusion caused by Lin Su's hunger. These bean sprout earthworms were indeed so delicious.

After eating some food, his stomach finally stopped rumbling. Lin Su also had time to calm down and think about what to do next.

The food war in this world had been going on for nearly 90 years, and the food shortage in some areas was already very serious. Laws and morals collapsed, and theft and food robbery occurred from time to time.

It was precisely because there was no food in the city and no way to make a living that the original owner of this body came to the potato chip tree forest to look for food.

Thinking about his current physical condition and the chaotic environment in the city, Lin Su first gave up the plan to return to the city to make a living. That place was actually another hell on earth.

"We might be able to find some food in this forest, but at the same time, we have to face dangerous beasts that might appear.”

The world of food captives indeed had all kinds of delicious ingredients that made people drool, but many of the ingredients themselves were ferocious beasts that made people afraid.

According to the capture level standards given by the IGO organization, the capture level of lions, tigers, and other wild beasts on Earth were all below 1!

To capture a Level 1 beast, ten professional gun-wielding hunters were needed.

Capturing a Level 5 beast, only by using specialized armored vehicles could they barely resist it.

It could be said that even if the monsters in Ultraman appeared in this world, they were still far from being the top experts in this world.

With Lin Su's current physical condition, any beast below level 1 could easily take his life.

While he still had enough strength, Lin Su started to search the ground of the forest like a groundhog. Today, there were so many bean sprout earthworms because it had just rained. It would be very difficult to find such food tomorrow.

Lin Su was busy until the sun was about to set. He caught a total of 203 bean sprout earthworms. The fertility of this forest could be imagined.

Untying the only piece of cloth covering his waist, Lin Su used it to wrap up all the bean sprouts and earthworms he had caught. He could not eat all the food he had found at once. He had to make plans for his future life.

The afterglow of the sun gradually disappeared, and darkness enveloped the forest of potato chip trees.

Just like that, Lin Su leaned against the trunk of a potato chip tree, naked. The contact between his body and the dry leaves on the ground brought a chill, and his skinny body leaned against the trunk and felt pain.

However, Lin Su, who had fused with his body's original memories, was already completely used to this kind of life.

Because this was what the refugees had to face every day.

"If I really starve to death, I'll definitely be one of the most pathetic transmigrators.”

After thinking for a few seconds, Lin Su quickly fell asleep.

There was no longing for his family, nor was there too much nostalgia for his current situation. All of this was because sleep was the best way to reduce energy consumption!

This sounded really sad, but in order to survive in a situation where there was an extreme lack of food, people had no choice but to choose this method.

It was the happiest thing for refugees in this era to be able to sleep until dawn. Most of them were woken up by hunger in the middle of the night!


For Lin Su, he was undoubtedly lucky, because he was awakened by the morning dew and not because of hunger.

The location of the potato chip tree forest should be considered a tropical area. It was precisely because of this that Lin Su did not freeze to death in his sleep.

Ignoring the dew flowing down his body, Lin Su immediately looked to his side. Fortunately, the rag wrapped around the bean sprout earthworm was still there.

He wiped the dew off his body and rubbed his body hard to get rid of the stiff state. Reaching out for the cloth bag beside him, Lin Su prepared to take out a few bean sprout earthworms for breakfast.

Before Lin Su could make a move, a series of footsteps came from the distance of the forest. Just from the sound of his footsteps, Lin Su knew that the thing that was rushing towards him was definitely not small.

Looking warily in the direction of the sound, Lin Su saw potato chip trees falling to the ground one after another. Before Lin Su could react, the mysterious creature had already forcefully created a passage in the forest and arrived in front of Lin Su.

It was a huge wild boar that was more than two meters tall and nearly 3.5 meters long. It was covered in red body hair and had sharp fangs in its mouth.

"Red…red boar, level 1 beast captured.”Lin Su trembled as he told him the information about the ferocious beast in front of him.

This book comes。

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