Wuxia Becomes a God
33 Forcefully "Save the Beauty"



Seeing the middle-aged scholar getting closer and closer, Chenchen's heart was filled with despair. She never thought that her Martial Uncle Bian Bufu would dare to disobey her master's orders. After today's incident, Huanhuan knew that she would be silenced. It was a pity that she, the proud daughter of the Demon Sect, was ambushed by her Uncle-Master and now she was going to be humiliated.

At this moment, the door creaked open and a tall figure appeared at the door. Chenchen felt as if she had seen her savior. For some reason, for the first time in her life, she asked this stranger for help, regardless of whether the burly man was a match for her uncle."Big brother, save me!"

"You two bastards, what the hell are you doing up in the middle of the night? If you want to die, get lost." The moment the burly man opened his mouth, he shocked the crowd. His words expressed that the burly man's culture and recuperation were very high. It was Jun Wu Shang.

Only then did Jun Wushang size up the two people at the door. From their conversation, Jun Wushang already knew who they were. He saw Huanhuan in yellow clothes, barefooted, with her long black hair like a waterfall and her exquisite facial features. Her temperament was as cold and aloof as the moonlight. However, there was blood at the corner of her mouth and a bloodstain on her chest. She was obviously injured and lying at the door.

Bian Buzhou was tall and thin, dressed like a scholar. Bian Bufu had been on guard ever since Jun Wu Shang appeared. He actually didn't sense any movement in the room at all. Bian Bufu understood that he had encountered an expert.

Jun Wushang spoke again and said to Bian Buzhou,""Brother, you're a man too. How much money can you spend on prostitutes? Now you're trying to humiliate a woman from a good family.”After a pause, he took out another piece of silver and threw it over."This is ten taels of silver. The most famous brothel in the city is only worth this price. This time, he would find a proper job and earn some money. Wouldn't it be better than being arrested by the soldiers?”

Jun Wu Shang's boldness shocked the two of them again. Huanhuan felt that her wound was no longer painful, and her delicate body could not help but tremble as she held back her laughter.

Bian Bufu looked at the white silver ingot on the ground, and his face twitched. He was an expert of the evil cult, but not only was he treated as a rapist by this big guy in front of him, but he had also generously given him ten taels of silver. Bian Bufu felt a surge of hot blood rush to his head, and his left palm struck towards Jun Wu Shang.

"Young Master, be careful!" Chenchen hurriedly shouted.

Jun Wushang raised his right palm and caught it casually. When his palms met, Bian Bufu felt that he had been hit by a carriage and was sent flying. However, Bian Bufu didn't give it to Jun Wu Shang for nothing. He used his feet to borrow the force from the air, and the sleeves of his wide robe slid down, revealing his right hand that was holding a round iron ring with a diameter of about one and a half feet. It was the ultimate skill of the Heavenly Demon Great Art that Bian Bufu was always proud of, the 'Demon Heart Chain' that was second only to Zhu Yuyan.”

Seeing that Bian Bufu had stopped moving, Jun Wu Shang didn't continue to resist. Instead, he activated the Cloud Mist Transformation. His figure flashed and he disappeared from where he was.

With Huanhuan's power, a white and transparent light flashed in the air, and Jun Wu Shang appeared behind Bian Bufu again, holding a scimitar in his hand. Bian Bufu also landed on the ground and stood still.

Tsk... A stream of blood spurted out from Bian Bufu's neck and he fell to the ground.

Huanhuan sat on the ground in a daze. Her face was filled with disbelief. After a while, she recovered and said,"Who exactly are you?"

Jun Wushang waved his right hand casually, and the scimitar disappeared. He didn't reply and came to Huanhuan's side. He grabbed the back of Huanhuan's neck and carried it into the house like a little chick.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Huanhuan struggled non-stop, but she felt a pain in the back of her head and fainted. The only thought in his mind before he fainted was,'It's over! I've just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den."

In a daze, Huanhuan felt that someone had taken off her clothes and put a hand on her back. A comfortable feeling came, and she fell asleep in peace. When Huanhuan woke up again, she found herself lying on a haystack in a shabby house. The wound on her chest had been treated clumsily by someone. She circulated her genuine Qi and found that her wound had completely healed.

Chenchen sat up and saw a big smiley face on the wall. Remember to wear shoes.

Huanhuan shook her head and slowly recalled the feeling of peace last night. Suddenly, she smiled sweetly, like a hundred flowers blooming. "Bad guy, I'll find you."”With a tap of his bare feet, he disappeared in a few leaps.

In the southwest of Jingling Prefecture, the two tributaries of the Yangtze River, the Zhangshui River and the Jushui River, divided a large triangular fertile plain. The two rivers flowed through, watering the fertile fields on both sides, and finally flowing into the river.

The climate here was mild, the soil was fertile, and the products were abundant. The plains where the Pegasus Ranch was located were especially rich in pastures. They were surrounded by mountains and surrounded by more than ten miles of fertile fields. There were only two gorges in the east and west for entry and exit. The situation was dangerous, forming a natural barrier for the ranch.

After passing through the mountain path, they came to the mountain ridge where they could have a bird's eye view of the pasture. They could see that the fields at the foot of the mountain were like blankets of different sizes, forming beautiful patterns that made people feel relaxed and happy.

In the grass field that was filled with pleasing colors, green, green, and black, more than ten lakes of different sizes were attached to it like mirrors. The green lake water and the green grass competed with each other. It was so beautiful that it made the two of them hold their breaths.

No matter how one looked at it, the end of the grassland was a line of mountains that stretched endlessly.

In this fairy-like paradise, there were all kinds of livestock--white sheep, yellow or gray cattle, horses of all colors, all of which were resting and relaxing, adding color to the entire farm.

In the northwest corner, there was a magnificent castle. It was backed by a steep cliff, and in front of it was a winding river. It was even more spectacular.

Along the way, Jun Wu Shang had a better understanding of the Pegasus Farm, which seemed to be aloof from the world.

Liu Xiong, the owner of the Pegasus Farm who built this castle in the first generation, was a general at the end of Jin Dynasty. At that time, Liu Yu replaced Jin and changed the country name to Song, causing the world to split.

In order to avoid the war, Liu Xiong led his men and clansmen south. Ji Lu found this hidden valley by coincidence, so he lived and worked in peace and contentment here and established a ranch.

In the 160 years from the establishment of the farm to the Sui Dynasty's unification of the world, the Pegasus Farm had seven owners, all of whom were inherited by the Liu family and had supreme authority.

The other races were the Liang, Liu, Tao, Wu, Xu, Luo, and other races. After more than a hundred years of reproduction, they constantly moved to the surrounding areas to form nearby towns. As for the two large cities of Ju River, Yuan 'an and Dangyang, more than half of the residents came from the Pegasus Ranch.

Pegasus Farm was also the economic lifeline of this area. It produced high-quality horses and was famous all over the world. However, due to the owner's ancestral teachings, he would never participate in the matters between Jianghu and the imperial court. He kept a low profile and always spoke of business. Therefore, except for the locals and experienced people in Jianghu, few people had heard of Pegasus Farm.

The first owner, Liu Xiong, was a military officer. He knew that the fist was close to him, so he encouraged his people to learn martial arts and spread the martial style. Therefore, everyone in the ranch was brave and good at fighting. They were not afraid of bandits and strong people. They became a force that could ensure the safety of the area and won the respect of the residents of the nearby towns. It was somewhat similar to the effect of Dominating the Mountain Villa on Jingling.

Therefore, when Pegasus Farm needed people, they would recruit new people from the nearby soldiers and rarely ask for help from outsiders.

Looking from the front, Pegasus Mountain City was even more breathtaking.

The city wall was built according to the mountain's terrain. It was built in a steep manner, winding along the terrain. The rocks behind the city are exposed, and it is difficult for birds to cross.

The sky turned dark, and Jun Wu Shang finally arrived at the ranch. With Jun Wu Shang's lightness skill, he arrived at Lu Miaozi's residence at the back of the mountain behind the ranch without alerting anyone.

At this moment, the moon was already high up on the branches. On the main entrance, there was a plaque engraved with the words "Happy Nest". Facing the two pillars at the entrance, there was a couplet written on the wooden plaque,"Happy Nest".”

There was a couplet hanging on the two pillars facing the entrance. It was written on the wooden sign: " In the morning, it is suitable to tune the zither. In the evening, it is suitable to play the zither. The old rain has just arrived, and the new rain has just arrived." The handwriting was elegant and powerful.

"Is Lu Miaozi here?" Jun Wu Shang asked. I, Jun Wushang, am here to visit."

An old voice came from the second floor of the attic,""Esteemed guest, please go upstairs!"

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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