City Skills Life
4 The first encounter with a star

Stealing H


Chu Weiming's black sportswear started to emit distorted steam. It was a sign of his internal energy circulating at a high speed, just like the burning of a candle. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to notice it from afar.

Although he was walking in the wind, his graceful steps were deliberately played down. Ordinary people would only think that his running posture was beautiful and strange, as if he was practicing some special long-distance running exercise. That was why he was not afraid. With the current resolution of the camera, even if he was captured, no one would be able to find out. As for if someone saw it, he might as well just stop and not admit it. Even if he suspected it, there was nothing he could do, right?

"System Notification: Special skill Nine Yang Divine Technique proficiency 1!”

"System Notification: Special skill, Water Subtle Steps, proficiency 1!”

"System Notification: Special skill Nine Yang Divine Technique proficiency 1!”

"System Notification: Special skill, Water Subtle Steps, proficiency 1!”

The woman in dark clothes, a mask, and a pair of large frame sunglasses had already walked quickly to the end of the eighth building. Just one more turn and she would be at the entrance of the ninth building. This was the four corners of the community. Because there was another wide road that could be passed through, almost no one would choose to go there.

Looking up at the corner that she was about to turn, she let out a sigh of relief. It was as if she had survived another disaster. The hot air rose from the gap on her mask and nose to her sunglasses. Because of the warm and even somewhat hot weather, there was no winter fog. Sweat flowed down her body under the dark coat. She twisted her exquisite body uncomfortably and took off her large sun hat, revealing her refreshing and capable bun. The slightly messy hair on her forehead was stained with sweat and stuck to her fair skin.

The moment she let down her guard and turned around the corner, a black shadow flashed past her eyes. She was shocked. When she focused her eyes, she saw a tall young man who was no younger than two years old wearing a mask and a hat.

Chu Weiming joyfully stepped forward, almost forgetting to deliberately hide his speed, because he was just a little bit away from upgrading his Nine Yang Divine Technique to Level Two!

"System Notification: Special skill, Water Subtle Steps, proficiency 1!”

"System Notification: Special skill Nine Yang Divine Technique proficiency 1!”

"System Notification: Special skill Nine Yang Divine Technique has leveled up! Current level: LV2! Proficiency 0/200."

After this prompt, Chu Weiming's entire body underwent a drastic change. An uncontrollable and obvious reddish hot air rushed out of his body. His clothes fluttered without any wind, his hat was shaken off, and his black hair flew in the air. Then, he saw the girl with a bun, who was stunned.

His entire body seemed to be ignited with a ball of intense flames. His feet were extremely graceful, but at this moment, he could not control himself and wanted to crash into the dazed girl!

He couldn't care less about hiding or not. With this girl's figure, she would definitely be paralyzed!


With a low shout, Chu Weiming exerted his strength for the second time. The veins on his forehead were exposed, and the Nine Yang Divine Technique that had advanced to Level Two in his entire body suddenly exploded. There was even the sound of some kind of burning flame. He stepped hard and forced his body to stop half a meter in front of the girl. There were two deep, charred footprints on the road under his feet, accompanied by the cracking of the gravel. The hot air blew away the sweat on the girl's forehead. She felt a flame stop the moment it rushed towards her. A masked face appeared in front of him. This person's body was still burning with faint red flames, just like the legendary internal energy!

"Ah!" Before she could even scream out loud.

Chu Weiming quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"Don't scream!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she spat out a mouthful of hot blood. Even her mask was torn open, and the bright red blood almost sprayed all over the girl with the bun. This was the blood clot caused by the internal injuries caused by forcefully circulating her cultivation. Chu Weiming wanted to die. Why was he so unlucky? Not only was he discovered, but he also suffered internal injuries! He couldn't escape!

Zhao Liying felt that she was really unlucky. As a celebrity, she worked hard every day. It was not easy for her to have a vacation and avoid all the reporters to return to the hidden "home" that she had specially rented. She actually met a black-clothed masked man. This guy did not seem to be an ordinary person. His entire body was like a self-igniting fire. Oh my god! It's too scary. Who did I offend? I've acted in two TV shows, but when have I ever seen such a terrifying scene? It was hundreds of times more realistic than the special effects! He seemed to have a side ache or something. He almost spat out blood all over the baby. It was really too scary! Could it be some high-tech reality show?

Zhao Liying, whose mouth was covered and covered in blood, looked pitifully at Chu Weiming, her two big eyes almost teared up.

"Don't scream. I won't hurt you.”Chu Weiming let go of his hand and took two steps back. For a moment, he felt a sharp pain in his five internal organs. He half-knelt on the ground and didn't even have the strength to move. He thought speechlessly, What sin have I committed!

" System Notification: Special skill Nine Yang Divine Technique proficiency 50.”

"System Notification: Special skill, Water Subtle Steps, proficiency 50. Skill level increased. Current level: LV2. Proficiency: 18/200.”

Chu Weiming sighed. It could be considered a blessing in disguise, but what should he do about the current situation? Did this girl kill him to silence him? That was impossible.

Zhao Liying trembled as she looked at the two holes under her feet. She carefully glanced at Chu Weiming and asked quietly.

"Big brother, did you transmigrate?"

" Wear your head." Chu Weiming rolled his eyes at her and touched his bloody face. Presumably, she couldn't see her own face clearly either. He picked up the dark red mask from the ground and continued to put it on, ignoring the stench." You can go."”

Then, Chu Weiming hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground and started to circulate his martial arts. Scorching hot air currents rose from his body, carrying a faint red light. Because he was anxious to recover his mobility, he did not hesitate to fully activate the Nine Yang Divine Technique.

"Me?" Zhao Liying looked at the masked young man who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. His body was emitting a mysterious red light and scorching heat. Seeing that he did not do anything to her, she calmed down. At this moment, she was no longer afraid. Instead, she was extremely curious.

He had lived for nearly twenty years, but he had never seen such an unbelievable supernatural phenomenon. Was this qigong? How was it possible for him to appear in front of her so openly and ask her to leave? She had a feeling that she would miss out on a whole new world if she walked away.

She quietly approached Chu Weiming and carefully observed this young man. His hair was as black as ink, and the skin that was exposed was 100 points fairer than her own skin! This degree was like a newborn baby. It was as if there was a sparkling white light. It did not look like normal human skin at all!

This book comes。

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