The villain behind Conan
  • The villain behind Conan

  • Jun
  • 50Chs|10Score

Dark Conan female protagonist’s cool writing, not without brain, not torturing heart, quality guaranteed. As the Lord of the Dark World in his previous life, Li Feng brought the " undercover system " to the world of Conan and became Gin.

Were there spies who wanted to kill him? Li Feng smiled faintly.

Sleeping with the business queen? The Flower of the Police Department shot the witness? The undefeated Queen of Justice deliberately lost the lawsuit? The Tsundere Queen always scammed Conan? A female FBI agent killed her companion? The mysterious Absinthe had another identity? Princess Didan was willing to sink…

"Don’t be surprised. They are all spies that I developed and only serve me.”

[Killing Angel Plan: Nine Holy Angels, Nine Fallen Angels. The Goddess of others is his sharpest spear.]

Danger lurked everywhere? Being used as a weapon?

That was just what happened to Gin in the past. His goal was to turn the tables and become the villain behind the scenes in the world of Conan.
