Dragon Ball: The Different Broli
4 First Arrived on Earth



In the five years on the uninhabited planet, Broli had been training himself all the time. The gravity of his bracelet and the gravity of the ring had allowed Broli to adapt to the 10,000 times gravity (the 100 times gravity bracelet used in the ring also had 100 times gravity). Now, Broli was training outside with 11,000 times gravity.

In the past five years, due to the fact that he was a legendary Super Saiyan, his strength had doubled every year. At this moment, he could probably compete with a Super Three. This made him extremely excited about his strength.

After the excitement, Broli thought of the possibility of going to Earth. The thought of Earth made him happy. He could finally go and see Sun Wukong, as well as his women, Buma and Number 18. He could finally see the two of you. Wait for me to come. Thinking of this, Broli laughed out loud.

He did as he thought. He looked at the planet that had accompanied him for five years. Haha, goodbye.

With a swoosh, Broli disappeared from this uninhabited planet. At this moment, in a forest on Earth, Broli appeared. Looking at the black bear that pounced at him, Broli laughed and killed the black bear with a punch. Hehe, in the past, eating bear paws was illegal. Hehe, now I eat one and throw one away. He could not help but laugh again.

After eating his fill, Broli wanted to meet Sun Wukong, the main character of the Dragon Ball. At this time, it was the 23rd World's Number One Martial Arts Convention. The southeast island was very lively because of the upcoming martial arts convention.

Broli felt the air and found that a lot of the seemingly powerful air was gathered in the southeast. Broli immediately teleported over. When he arrived, he realized that the 23rd Martial Arts Conference was being held here. Broli wanted to see Kakarot's strength, so he went to register and waited to see Kakarot, Booma, and the others.

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