My path in life
30 a big-character poster



The political campaign to criticize Lin and Kong had already begun. The newspapers and radio stations published critical articles one after another, and many critical columns were re-established inside and outside the gates of many factories. Apart from the two editorials copied from the newspaper, the critical column at the entrance of our factory was not a campaign at all.

Many of the senior brothers and sisters in the workshop had been transferred away by the relevant departments of the head office and the factory department. There were fewer and fewer skilled workers in the workshop. The factory was already showing signs that it might not be able to complete the production task. Even our modeling department is in the same situation. A 40-person task could only be completed by 24 people. No matter how hard we work, we can't complete the task.

In the spring of this year, we were promoted from apprentices to first-class workers. His salary had been raised from 22.50 yuan per month as an apprentice allowance to 33.50 yuan per month as a mechanic. Their skill level was higher than that of the apprentices. However, the number of people who could work had decreased. When I and a few other members of the Youth League in the workshop model room saw this, we had an idea that was similar to worrying about the country and the people.

During that time, the newspaper often showed people who went against the trend and their deeds inspired us. We talked about these things together every day, and suddenly a bold idea sprouted. The six members of the Komsomolets gathered together and discussed for several nights in their spare time. Combined with the completion of the tasks given to us by the factory, the technical workers in the workshop were constantly transferred out to do other work unrelated to production. More and more people were transferred out of production positions, and the factory department was becoming more and more bloated. There were already problems such as overmanpower. After repeated discussions, they wrote a poster of nearly 2,000 words.

The title of the article was " A poster to the factory leader ". The article had several main contents. It requested the factory leader to face up to the serious situation in the factory and quickly take measures to change the current passive situation of production with the motivation of criticizing the forest and the hole. It also requested the rapid reform of the work style of the factory department and the relevant departments to seriously serve the grassroots and promote the workshop to better grasp the revolution and promote production. Finally, we express our willingness to actively participate in the movement of criticizing Lin and Kong under the correct leadership of the factory party committee, do our job well, and strive to be the successor of the cause of Communism. The final signature of the poster was a part of the members of the Gongqing League in the model section of the Third Company of Wuye Machine Repair Factory.

When we took a break at noon in the factory, we gathered together and copied the big-character poster with a brush. During the lunch break, when there were fewer people outside, we took the big-character poster out and pasted it on the big criticism column in front of the basketball court next to the factory. After this matter was done, not only did we not feel relaxed, but we also felt an even stronger sense of fear.

No one knew what the leaders of the factory thought of this poster. If we wrote a poster for the leaders of the factory, what would we do if they angered us and arrested us all and labeled us as counter-revolutions?

When we were putting up posters at the entrance of the factory, no one saw it, right? Thinking of the last signature of the poster, we wrote that it was a part of the model section of the members of the Kongqing League, and felt very calm in our hearts, as if we were deceiving ourselves and imagining that others could not find out. It was written on the poster and it was already posted at the entrance of the factory.

"Moreover, what we wrote in the big-character poster was the actual situation. We didn't put any labels on it. After all, it wasn't famous. If you want to investigate, go ahead. Even if they found out, it was nothing. At most, they would just do what they did.

During that period of time, we truly felt it. What did it mean to feel like sitting on a carpet of needles and living in fear all day long?

In this way, we spent day after day in uneasiness. In these very difficult days, except for the work assigned to us by the section chief, no one came to the model room to look for us, including the factory, even the leaders and cadres of the workshop. Many people in the factory and the head office had already seen it. Some even took photos of the poster before the column.

This made us feel even more scared. We didn't know when this kind of anxious time would come to an end. Once we see a cadre-like stranger outside coming to the model room to look for the section chief, Master Yang, to do something, we are especially nervous. We are always afraid that it has something to do with us. Who knows if they are sent by the superiors to deal with us?

A few days later, I was working in the model room when my phone suddenly rang. Master Yang picked up the phone and answered two sentences. He turned around and shouted,"Little Stone, Secretary Liu of the factory's Party Committee wants you to go to his office immediately.”

When he heard this, he felt as if a heavy bomb had been dropped on his head. He was immediately like a duck listening to thunder. He was scared out of his wits. His mind instantly went blank, and his ears buzzed. I replied in a trembling voice,"I know."”

The few members of the Youth League who were writing the big-character poster together suddenly surrounded me in the middle, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Those people were even more confused than me. They were like disturbed bees as they said in a panic,"The critical moment has arrived. What should we do?”

But it's true. During this period of time, we can only worry about it. What should we do at the critical moment? This problem had never been seriously discussed together. Now that something had happened, I had messed up the rules. This was not a joke. One had to know that in those years, the factory party secretary was not someone who could be seen by anyone.

But I can also see that those senior brothers and sisters are even more nervous than me and can't come up with a good idea.

At this point, I could only pretend to be calm and boldly comfort them."Calm down, gentlemen, calm down, ladies. Everyone, calm down. Guys, calm down when you encounter something. Don't panic. Since Secretary Liu of the Party Committee of the factory only called my name, it means that your target has not been exposed. Then I'll go and check it out first. Everyone, don't be nervous. At this point, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's useless to be afraid. It was a blessing, not a curse, and a curse could not be avoided. Even if his head fell off, wouldn't it be a bowl-sized scar? Don't worry, I will never betray you. No matter what it is, we can discuss it after I return. If I don't come back today, then the problem will be serious. I'll leave now. Goodbye, comrades."

Before he could finish his words, he shook hands with his companions and said goodbye. He turned around and left the model room with the posture of a strong man who would never return. He strode toward the factory office.

The distance from the model room to the factory was less than 100 meters. What should he do? What does Secretary Liu want to ask me? How should I answer his question? Before he could think of what to do, he had already arrived at the entrance of the factory department. Forget it, he didn't want to think about it anymore. He couldn't think of any good ideas now. It was also a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that could not be avoided. No matter what, he would fight back. No matter what happens, I will never betray anyone else. I will fight to the end. In any case, it was a life. Don't be afraid of anything.

When I arrived at the office of the Party Secretary of the factory, I stood at the door and shouted,"Report!"

Someone inside answered,"Come in."”

I pushed the door open and walked in with fear. I saw that in this office, in addition to Secretary Liu of the factory's Party Committee, there were also the secretary of the factory's Youth League Committee, the secretary of the head office's Youth League Committee, and the head of the factory's political work section.

Secretary Liu sized me up and nodded. He smiled at me and said,"Kid, do you know what you've done?”

Seeing Secretary Liu's kind smile, my heart was already in a mess, but on the surface, I still forced myself to be calm. I pretended to be very calm and replied calmly,"I know, I know. I'm very clear about it and I've already prepared it. I've already come to this office today and have no intention of going back. I have no complaints."

Who knew that as soon as I finished speaking, everyone in the office laughed except for me. When the leaders laughed like this, I felt even more uncertain. My mental defenses began to crumble.

At this time, the head office's Youth League Secretary took out a notebook from his shirt pocket, unscrewed the pen cap in his hand, and nodded at me with a smile and a friendly tone. He said slowly and softly,"Can you explain in detail your motives and thoughts for writing that big-character poster?”

His question was very soft, but I felt like I was struck by lightning. On the way from the workshop section to the factory department, the few lines of defense that I had just set up in my mind collapsed in an instant. I could only feel my body continuously falling into a bottomless abyss. I just couldn't reach the bottom. In order to find a balance in my mental defense line, I couldn't care so much at this moment.

Therefore, I steeled my heart, straightened my body, stood in the middle of the office, and shouted excitedly,"That's right, I don't deny that I wrote that poster. Since I dared to write it and posted it on the factory department's big criticism column, it means that I've already considered the consequences. The higher-ups can do whatever they want to me. It's up to you. It doesn't matter if you fire me, arrest me, sentence me, or go to jail. Anyway, if you want to deal with it, just deal with me. It has nothing to do with anyone else. However, what I want to say is that since we want to talk about this matter, it's best to go to the security department next door. It's more appropriate there. If we talk about this matter in the security department, I'll be more or less assured. I really don't have any confidence in discussing this matter in this office. To be honest, I can't even feel anything right now.”

At this time, Secretary Liu laughed even harder. A cigarette slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. He picked up the cigarette that had fallen to the ground with one hand and said to the others in the office with a smile,"Stop teasing him. Look at how scared this child is. He's already talking nonsense. If you continue to tease him, he might not even be able to eat lunch. It's time for you to voice your opinions.”

The head office's Youth League Secretary stopped smiling and said seriously,"We've all read the posters, and the basic impression is not bad. You talked about your concerns about the current movement and production situation, and also put forward suggestions to the factory leaders that should be improved. The only flaw is that some words seem to have not been said in depth, and some problems have not been raised to the rational height. It's more of a matter of fact. I suggest you make some changes. The Youth League Committee of the head office is preparing to issue a call throughout the company, asking all the youth league members in the company to learn from you.”

Upon hearing this, the huge stone that had been weighing down on my heart for a long time suddenly disappeared. At this moment, I felt unusually relaxed and happy. I couldn't help but blurt out the truth, making everyone in the office laugh."Don't, don't, don't. If you want to praise someone, you can't just praise me. Everyone should be praised together.”

The political work section chief of the factory stood up at this moment and walked in front of me. He patted my shoulder and said in a calm tone,"Actually, we already knew that you didn't write it alone. But you are definitely there. And we can say with certainty that you are the mastermind. That is why you have come to this office today.”

"Why?" How did you know that this poster was not written by one person, but by a group of people?”

The secretary of the factory's Youth League Committee stood at the side and could not help but laugh."Is there a need to ask? First, this poster is signed by a member of the Third Company Model Workshop, not your name. According to our understanding of you, if you wrote it, you would definitely write your name directly at the end because you have always been a bold person. Second, you made a request without any hesitation the moment you entered the door. If you want to deal with it, you have to deal with it alone. It has nothing to do with anyone else. This further proves your character in dealing with people. At the same time, it also proves that the person who wrote this poster was not you alone. Thirdly, your articles often appear on the factory's bulletin board. Many of the word structures in the big-character posters are too similar to the style of your articles. You must be the writer. However, the words that were copied on the paper were definitely not written by you. We could tell that it was not written by you. It also shows that you are part of the group. It was not done by you alone. However, we all admire you very much. Until now, you still haven't told us who exactly participated in writing this big-character poster.”

At this time, the head office's Youth League Committee Secretary interjected very humorously,"The Youth League Committee of the head office is preparing to issue a call throughout the company, asking all the youth league members in the company to learn from you. You have to tell us the truth. We believe that you won't take the credit of others for yourself, right?”

At this moment, Secretary Liu of the factory's Party Committee smiled at me and said loudly,"Little Rock, you brat, are you really muddle-headed or are you pretending to be muddle-headed? Why didn't he understand? Why are you still standing there in a daze? Go back quickly and bring your senior brothers and sisters here. We want to see them and praise them, okay?”

"Of course you can. If it's a bad thing, I'll take care of it alone. If there's a good thing, it should be everyone's.”

I replied happily. I turned around and jumped out of the factory's Party Secretary's office. I ran all the way back to the model room.

In the model room, the few members of the Youth League who wrote the big-character poster with me were still worried about me. In fact, they were more worried about themselves. They must be worried and afraid, but they couldn't know if I would betray them.

Yes, I went to the factory's Party Secretary's office for such a long time, but they couldn't get a phone call or any news. They didn't know what kind of situation I was facing. Under the circumstances of the political movement at that time, could they not be afraid of their own fate?

The few of them were busy with their work while staring at the door of the model room from time to time. He observed all the movements at the door of the model room.

As soon as I stepped into the model room, I was immediately surrounded by them."How's the situation?"

"Nothing much," I replied excitedly."If anything really happened, I really wouldn't be able to come back."”

Then, I briefly described what I had experienced in the office of the Party Secretary of the factory. At the end, I said excitedly,"You must come with me to the office of the Party Secretary of the factory immediately. The leaders of the head office's Youth League Committee, the factory's Youth League Committee, and Secretary Liu want to meet you in person and praise you.”

When we arrived at the office of Secretary Liu of the factory Party Committee, there were more people here. The company commander, instructor, deputy instructor, all members of the Party branch, the head of the trade union, and the members of the Youth League branch were all here.

The head office, the secretary of the factory's Youth League Committee, and the secretary of the factory's Party Committee, Liu, praised us in front of everyone and made a very high evaluation. He called on all the employees and members of the Youth League to learn from us and carry forward the so-called "fearless revolutionary spirit of the Proletarian class" at that time.

From then on, our Third Company's Deputy Instructor Lin always summarized this matter as the achievements of the League Branch and the Union under his leadership every time he did a summary work. He kept talking about it all day long and repeatedly publicized it. Wherever he went, he would promote it. I only have this little achievement in front of me. I don't know when it became his.

This kind of person can really be considered a human. Back then, when we posted the big-character posters for many days, he saw them. He definitely read it more than once. If he supported us, why didn't he express his support for us at that time?

In the past half a month, we never expected Assistant Instructor Lin to take the initiative to say a word of encouragement to us. At that time, even if they nodded and gave us a hand signal, it would be the greatest form of support and encouragement for us.

Two months after the big poster incident, we were resting in the model room at noon. Assistant Instructor Lin called me to the workshop office. He said that he had an important mission for me.

Please look at the next section of "Off-campus Counselor"

This book comes。

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