My path in life
8 Job allocation



Job allocation

After we arrived at the Fifth Metals Machine Repair Factory, we still stayed in a dormitory in the factory and studied hard for several days. Besides studying the rules and regulations of the factory, we were also asked to write a personal summary of the re-education we received in the countryside for the past two years. We were asked to seriously summarize the situation of the re-education of the poor and middle-aged farmers in the countryside.

The monitor of Class 7 and I went to the labor and salary department of the factory to give our opinions. We repeatedly explained that we had already written the personal summary of going to the countryside to receive re-education in Huayang Training Class. Why did we still have to write it? The answer from the factory's labor department was very simple: "In Hua Yang class, the personal summary you wrote was written by the construction company. Now it's the repair shop that wants you to write it. You must obey the factory's arrangements. No one is allowed to disobey.”

Then, the staff member who received us said harshly,"I heard that some of you are really unwilling to write. Then, we won't force you. The simplest way was to return to where he had grown old. I guarantee that I can do that."

Forget it. It was better not to say anything. If he did, it would cause trouble. Forget it, how can our arms win over our thighs? Wasn't it just a summary? Then write it. Anyway, those things had been written in Hua Yang Training Class. Now, he just had to rely on his brain's memory to write them slowly. Anyway, we have already entered the factory and haven't been assigned to the workshop team yet. Isn't it just writing a summary? There's no clear deadline for handing in the paper, so we'll just slowly dawdle.

Two weeks later, a staff member from the labor and salary department of the factory came straight to our dormitory and asked us to hand in the summary immediately. We immediately panicked. These days, because there was nothing to do, everyone was busy traveling around. As for the summary, many people didn't finish it. What should he hand over now? Hence, he decided to do it. They all requested for a few more days. The staff member said bluntly,"You've been given two weeks. It's your business if you haven't finished writing it. I'm only responsible for collecting your conclusions. As for how it was written…I don't care. Regardless of whether he finished writing or not. Now, immediately, hand them over one by one. If you're unwilling to hand it over, then don't bother." There was no other way. Then hand it over. That's why. In less than three minutes. We all handed in the unfinished summary. However, there were also some that were finished. But not much.

It was only later that we understood the whole story. Our brothers and sisters had spent a lot of effort to write those written personal conclusions, but no one had read them at all. I'm afraid no one would study the specific contents of the written materials. As for the written materials we wrote, the relevant personnel in the factory only selected a few of them. Those with better handwriting and pleasing handwriting would check who wrote them. Pick a few people from our 40-plus people and transfer them to work in the factory office. The rest were assigned to the Third Company Forging Workshop.

This period of study was quite difficult. Many people in the factory came to visit us, especially the friends and acquaintances of our new workers 'parents. They came to our dormitory to ask about our well-being and talk about everything. The most talked about topics were which workshop we new workers would be assigned to in the future, what kind of work we would be assigned to, what kind of work we would do, what kind of work was easy, what kind of work was dirty and tiring, what kind of work was easy and dignified, and so on. These discussions are buzzing in our ears every day, filling our heads.

Yes, no matter who it was, they all wanted to be assigned a decent job. To be able to be assigned a better job is indeed a dream come true for us new workers.

One afternoon, the military representative of the factory stood at the gate of the factory and called me to his office. He closed the door and pointed to a wooden chair with his finger. He nodded and gestured for me to sit down. Then he went straight to the point."I want you to follow your mother as an apprentice and learn to be an accountant. What do you think?”

I thought about it seriously and replied very sincerely,"My mother is an accountant in this factory. If I were to be an apprentice with my mother, I would definitely learn to be a cashier first. The mother and son are in the same finance department in the factory. People will gossip about them. Even if there are no problems at work, I'm afraid it will attract a lot of special attention. As far as I know, according to the relevant regulations of financial management, even if I wanted to be an accountant, it was impossible for me to be in the same department as my mother. Besides, the system would never allow it: In a large factory with thousands of people, in the finance department, the mother was the accountant and the son was the cashier. Definitely not. Logically speaking, I should have avoided it."

The military representative nodded and smiled."Good boy, looks like you've grown up. Fine, you don't have to be an accountant.”

I replied," When I first entered the factory, I wanted to be a worker. I've learned about it over the past few days. The food ration of workers is much higher than that of the cadres. He would be able to produce at least ten kilograms of rations a month.”

The military representative laughed even more." Brat, you must have been scared of hunger when you were an educated youth. Then you can be a worker. But what kind of worker do you want to be? What kind of work do you want to do?”

"I really don't know." He really hadn't thought about it. I can do whatever the leaders want me to do, as long as it's not as tiring as when I was an educated youth.”

Two days later, my mother came to find me after lunch and told me something. She mentioned that the military representative told her about the contents of my conversation with the military representative. My mother said that she agreed with my opinion. At the same time, she also mentioned that the military representative took the initiative to ask her for her opinion and asked her what kind of job her son liked. Her mother said that her son liked to use wood to make pistols since he was young and play with his younger brothers. The military representative said,"Alright, then let your son be a wood model worker."”……

I had never heard of the term " wood molder ". I didn't know what a wood molder was at that time, but it sounded quite interesting.

He casually said to his mother,"Okay, I'm willing to do it."”

"Don't tell anyone about this," his mother instructed. I don't want it to affect me badly."

"Understood," I replied.

My mother also told me,"Your batch of people will basically be assigned to the Third Company (casting workshop). This matter is already fixed on the board."”

Back at the dormitory, the students who came to the factory with us were discussing animatedly. Many people asked me,"We saw the military representative looking for you everywhere just now. Do you know which workshop we will be assigned to?"”I told them the news I got from my mother: Our batch of people are basically assigned to the forging workshop. Soon, we will hold a general meeting to announce it.

As soon as he finished speaking, all of his friends ran to the large workshop to take a look at the environment. There were many workers and masters in the workshop who were working nervously. Our sudden visit to the workshop immediately attracted the attention of all the masters in the workshop. Many people took the initiative to greet us and said,"Looks like you're all new here. We'll be working in the same workshop in the future. Everyone had to help each other. Support each other." This made us feel more intimate.

Not long after, the military representative found me in his office and told me,"It has been confirmed that you will be working as a wooden model worker in the wooden model section of the forging workshop. You'll probably be happy."

"Of course I'm happy," I replied immediately.”

The military representative immediately interrupted me," Don't just think about making yourself happy. You have to go back to the dormitory immediately. Inform your little brothers to gather immediately. I want to give you a lecture. Announce your work assignments. Then, we'll all go to the workshop for a meeting."

I immediately turned around and walked out of the military representative's office. I jogged all the way back to the dormitory.

As soon as he entered, he was surrounded by his friends."Why is the military representative looking for you?"

I said,"The military representative ordered us to gather immediately. The leader wants to give a speech and announce our work distribution." Everyone, hurry up and gather. The military representative will be here soon.”

More than 40 of our educated youth students lined up neatly in four rows on an open space in the machine repair factory. After the formation was completed, the military representative came to the front of the queue and nodded with satisfaction. He loudly issued the command,"Attention, please."”Two neat and powerful swishing sounds came from the formation.

The military representative happily said," Comrades, welcome to our machine repair workshop. From today onwards, you will be officially incorporated into the production workshop. Except for three people who will be assigned to the department, the rest will be assigned to the Third Company, which is the casting workshop. From your formation today, I can see that you have all undergone rigorous training and are completely capable of completing the tasks and work you will be responsible for in the future. Now, the comrades whose names I have called, step forward. Wu Weiying, Wang Xiaoming, Tang Zhihua, step forward.”Two girls and a boy stood out.

At this moment, three middle-aged men in washed white work clothes appeared at the end of the line.

The military representative raised his voice again and said,"The Company Commander and instructor of Third Company are here to take you to the workshop. Now, Company Commander Lou of Third Company will speak to you.”

A middle-sized veteran waved at us. With a Shandong accent, he said loudly," Comrades, we very much welcome you to our company. From today onwards, we are all comrades of the same company and workshop. We will have time to talk in the future. Now, everyone will immediately follow us to the workshop for a meeting. After the meeting, everyone will go to the platoon. Now on my signal, turn right and march.”

More than 40 of us educated youth students neatly formed a four-way column and followed the company commander and instructor to the door of the workshop. Then, they automatically formed two columns in an orderly manner and walked into the workshop neatly, arriving at the venue of the workshop's meeting.

When our team of more than 40 educated youth students appeared at the venue of the workshop meeting, the entire workshop immediately caused a strong sensation. The company commander shouted,"Everyone, quiet down. Quiet down. The meeting will begin now. The first segment of the meeting: "Now, everyone can see that the factory has suddenly added more than 40 young people to the workshop. Everyone is quite happy, right? " Now, please be quiet. I will announce the name list of these young people and the teams they will be assigned to." As the names of the new workers and the teams sounded in their ears, the team leaders held our hands tightly and pulled us to sit in a circle, as if they were afraid that we would suddenly grow wings and fly away.

The conference was still going on. The company commander, deputy company commander, and instructor all spoke a lot at the meeting. The team leaders pulled us and whispered to each other. At this time, I also came to the model section to report to the section chief and the team leaders.

"You're the son of our factory's accountant, right?" the chief said with a smile. We've long heard that you're coming. When you were an educated youth in the countryside, you learned from Dazhai to build irrigation works and get injured in the tunnel. It didn't leave any impact, right?"

I replied gratefully," That injury has already healed. It doesn't affect me much now. Thank you." From now on, you are all my masters. If I do anything wrong, please feel free to criticize me.”

Just like that, my apprenticeship began.

On the first morning of the shift, the shift held a simple but grand welcome party. Everyone introduced themselves. The section chief and team leader repeatedly expressed their sincere welcome to us new workers in their speeches at the meeting. At the same time, we new workers were assigned to our respective masters according to the requirements of the factory.

Everyone in the factory felt very mysterious about the production technology of the model section. All the workers and cadres were used to this name. They called the place where we wooden moldsmen worked as the model room. For the convenience of future descriptions, I also wrote our workshop as a model room.

Please look at the next section of "Today's Tools"

This book comes。

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