The legend of life I yearn for, salted fish
1 Delicious Buddha jumps over the wall

Flying Fis


Buddha jumps over the wall, also known as Mantanxiang and Fushou Quan, was a famous local dish in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. According to legend, it was developed by Zheng Chunfa, the owner of Fuzhou Juchun Garden Restaurant, during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. The Buddha Jumps Over The Wall Soup is rich in nutrients. It can promote growth, maintain beauty, delay aging, and enhance immunity. It is a good tonic.

The process of making this delicacy was very complicated. There were more than ten kinds of ingredients for the Buddha Jumps Over The Wall Soup, such as abalone, sea cucumber, fish lips, yak skin glue, pleuron mushrooms, tendons, flower mushrooms, cuttlefish, scallops, quail eggs, and so on. In order to fully reflect the taste and characteristics of each ingredient, he had to first make these dozens of ingredients into a dish separately. Then, he had to gather them together, add the soup stock and Shaoxing wine, and simmer them for more than ten hours. Only then would the taste truly reach its mellow characteristic. [1]

In 1965 and 1980, Fuzhou cuisine, which was mainly made of Buddha jumps over the wall, caused a sensation in Guangzhou Nanyuan and Hong Kong respectively, and set off a fever of Buddha jumps over the wall all over the world. The restaurants opened by overseas Chinese from all over the world often used the Buddha Jumps Over The Wall Cuisine, which they claimed to be authentic, to attract customers. 'Buddha jumps over the wall' had also received Prince Sihanouk, US President Regan, Queen Elizabeth of the Ying Nation, and other heads of state.

Saying 1

Buddha jumps

Buddha jumps

The original name of Buddha Jumps Over The Wall was "Fushou Quan". In the twenty-fifth year of Guangxu (1899), an official of Fuzhou's official money bureau invited Zhou Lian, the governor of Fujian Province. In order to curry favor with Zhou Lian, he ordered his wife to cook it personally. He used Shaoxing wine jar to hold more than 20 kinds of raw and auxiliary materials such as chicken, duck, mutton, pork belly, pigeon eggs and seafood. He stewed it and named it Fushou Quan. After Zhou Lian tasted it, she was full of praise. When asked about the name of the dish, the official said that the dish took the meaning of "good luck and longevity" and was named "longevity".

Later, Zheng Chunfa, the yamen chef, learned how to cook this dish and improved it. The taste was better than the previous one. When Zheng Chunfa opened the "Spring Gathering Garden" restaurant, this dish caused a sensation in Rong city. Once, a group of literati came to taste this dish. When all the blessings and longevity were served, the fragrance of meat filled the air. One of the scholars was intoxicated and triggered a poetic mood. He immediately recited," When the altar opens, the fragrance of meat wafts in all directions. When the Buddha hears that he has abandoned Zen, he jumps over the wall." At the same time, in Fuzhou dialect, the pronunciation of "Fu Shou Quan" and "Buddha jumps over the wall" was similar. From then on, the meaning of the poem "Buddha jumps over the wall" became the name of this dish, which has a history of more than 100 years.

Saying 2

According to Fujian customs, on the third day after the new daughter-in-law got married, she had to personally cook and show off her cooking skills to serve her in-laws and gain their appreciation. Legend has it that a rich girl was spoiled and did not know how to cook. She was very sad on the eve of her marriage. Her mother took out all the delicacies at home and made them into various dishes. She wrapped them in lotus leaves and told her how to cook them. Who knew that this young lady had forgotten the cooking method. In a moment of desperation, she poured all the vegetables into a Shao wine jar, covered it with lotus leaves, and placed it on the stove. The next day, the fragrance wafted out, and the whole family praised the dishes. This was the origin of the "Buddha Jumps Over The Wall" dish that was made of "eighteen dishes cooked in one pot".

Cai Tianfu's Buddha jumps over the wall

Cai Tianfu's Buddha jumps over the wall

Saying 3

A group of beggars carried earthen pots and jars around every day to beg for food. They poured all kinds of leftovers together and cooked them. It was steaming hot and fragrant. The monk smelled it and could not resist the temptation of the fragrance. He jumped over the wall and ate heartily. There is a poem to prove it: "The fragrance of the wine spreads to the neighbors, and the Buddha hears that he has abandoned Zen and jumped over the wall."”

other claims

It was said that Xuan Quan, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, passed by Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian, on his way to Shaolin Temple in Fujian. He stayed in a hotel and happened to pass by the Gui family's house to entertain the guests with "altar full of incense". The eminent monk drooled when he smelled it. He immediately abandoned his years of Buddhist cultivation and jumped over the wall to enjoy the "altar full of incense". That was how the Buddha Jumps Over The Wall got its name.

First, the 18 ingredients were fried, stir-fried, boiled, and deep-fried into various flavors with the characteristics of frying, stir-frying, boiling, and deep-frying. Then, they were placed layer by layer in a large Shaoxing wine jar. An appropriate amount of soup and Shaoxing wine was poured into it to make the soup, wine, and vegetables fully blend. Then, the jar was sealed with lotus leaves and covered tightly. It was heated over the fire. He was also very particular about the fire. He needed to choose white charcoal that was solid and did not smoke. He first boiled it over a strong fire, then slowly simmered it over a gentle fire for five or six hours before it was done. [4]

traditional producing method

1. The shark's fin was washed with water to remove the sand, and it was arranged on a bamboo grill (sound bi is a bamboo steaming tool, either round or square). It was placed into a boiling water pot and added 30 grams of onion, 15 grams of ginger, and 100 grams of Shao wine to boil for 10 minutes. The fishy smell was taken out, and the onions and ginger were picked out. The juice was not used. The grill was taken out and placed in a bowl. The pork fat was placed on the shark's fin, and 50 grams of Shao wine was added. It was steamed on the steamer for 2 hours. The fat was picked out and the juice was removed.

Buddha jumps

Buddha jumps

2. The fish lips were cut into pieces that were 2 cm long and 4.5 cm wide. They were placed in a boiling water pot. 30 grams of scallion, 100 grams of Shao wine, and 15 grams of ginger slices were added. They were boiled for 10 minutes to remove the fishy smell. Then, the scallion and ginger were removed.

3. The golden abalone was put into a steamer, steamed over high heat, and then taken out. After washing, each piece was cut into two pieces, and a cross-shaped knife was placed on it. Then, it was placed into a small basin, and 250 grams of bone soup and 15 grams of Shao wine were added. Then, it was placed into a steamer and steamed for 30 minutes. Then, it was removed from the steamed juice. The pigeon eggs were cooked and shelled. [5]

4. Chickens and ducks were chopped off their heads, necks, and feet. The pork trotters were peeled off, plucked clean, and washed. The lamb's elbow was scraped clean. The above four ingredients were cut into 12 pieces, and together with the clean duck gizzard, they were boiled in a pot of boiling water for a while, and the blood was removed. The pork belly was washed inside out and boiled twice. After removing the turbid taste, it was cut into 12 pieces and placed in the pot. 250 grams of soup and 85 grams of Shao wine were added to boil. The soup was not needed.

5. He washed the water-soaked sea cucumbers and cut each into two pieces. The pork tendons were washed and cut into 2-inch long sections. Add 150 grams of water to the clean ham tendon, steam it for 30 minutes on the steamer, remove the steamed juice, and cut it into slices about 1 cm thick. The winter bamboo shoots were placed in a pot of boiling water and scooped out. Each bamboo shoot was cut into four pieces and gently patted flat. The pot was placed on the fire. When the cooked pork fat was 70% hot, the pigeon eggs and winter bamboo shoots were fried for about 2 minutes. Then, he put the fish belly into the pot and fried it until his hands could break. He poured it into a colander to drain the oil, then soaked it in clear water and cut it into pieces that were 4.5 centimeters long and 2.5 centimeters wide.

6. 50 grams of remaining oil was left in the pot. When it was 70% hot, 35 grams of green onion and 45 grams of ginger slices were stir-fried in the pot. Then, chicken, duck, sheep's elbow, pig's trotter tip, duck gizzard and pig's stomach were stir-fried a few times. 75 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of gourmet powder, 75 grams of rock sugar, 2150 grams of Shao wine, 500 grams of bone soup and cassia were added. After covering and boiling for 20 minutes, the green onion, ginger and cassia were picked up. The ingredients were scooped out from the pot and placed in a basin. The soup was ready to be used.

7. Wash a Shaoxing wine jar, add 500 grams of water, heat it on a low fire, pour the water in the jar, put a small bamboo grill at the bottom of the jar, first put the cooked chicken, duck, sheep, elbow, pig's trotter tip, duck gizzard, pig's stomach, flower winter mushroom, winter bamboo shoots, then wrap the shark's fin, ham slices, dried scallops, abalone slices into a rectangular shape with gauze, put them on the chicken, duck and other ingredients, then pour the soup of the cooked chicken, duck and other ingredients, cover the jar with lotus leaves, and press a small bowl upside down. After filling it, he placed the wine jar on the charcoal stove and simmered it for 2 hours on a low fire. Then, he opened the lid and quickly put the sea cucumber, tendon, fish lips, and fish high belly into the jar. He immediately sealed the jar mouth and simmered it for another hour before taking it out. When serving, he poured the jar mouth vegetables into a large basin, opened the gauze bag, and placed the pigeon eggs on the top. At the same time, there was a plate of radish, a plate of ham mixed with bean sprouts, a plate of stir-fried bean sprouts with winter mushrooms, a plate of oil and spicy mustard, as well as silver thread rolls and sesame seed cakes. [6]

home-cooked cooking method

1. First, he placed the ginger slices on the bottom of the jar.

2. Then, he placed the winter bamboo shoots on top.

3. Then, he placed the mushrooms on the ground.

4. Then, he added the cooked chicken.

5. At the same time, he added the prawn meat.

6. He put in the jade pillars.

7. Then, he added the quail eggs.

8. Then, he placed it into the wide belly.

9. He spread the shark's fins and spread them out flat.

10. A small abalone was placed on top.

11. Scoop half of the Huadiao wine into the jar.

12. The stir-fry spoon was put on fire and poured into the soup.

13. He poured in the other half of the Huadiao wine and boiled it.

14. Season with a little salt.

15. Then, he sprinkled a little pepper.

16. Scoop the soup into the pot.

17. He closed the lid of the jar.

18. He wrapped the jar with plastic wrap.

19. He had to seal the jar tightly.

20. Place the sealed jar into the cage.

21. He covered the lid and steamed it over medium heat for two hours.

22. After steaming it, he took it out and cut the plastic wrap with scissors.

23. Put a plate under the jar and serve it on the table. [7]

Other production methods

1. He blanched all the main ingredients with ginger juice and Shao wine.

2. He placed all the main ingredients into the stew pot. (If you're using live abalone, don't release it yet)

3. The soup was seasoned with chicken powder, pepper, and chicken juice, and poured into the cup.

4. Seal the cup well and steam it for 2 hours. (If you are using live abalone, put it in at the end, cover it, and steam it for up to 10 minutes.)

raw material value

Shark's Fin (Dried): Shark's fin is rich in colloid, refreshing and smooth. It is a high-quality food with high protein, low sugar and low fat. Shark's fin contains lipid-lowering, anti-hardening, and anticoagulated ingredients, and has a preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases. Shark's fin was rich in colloid, which was beneficial to nourish and soften the skin and mucus membrane. It was a very good beauty food. Shark's fin tastes sweet and salty. It is mild in nature. It can permeate dampness, circulate water, stimulate appetite, clear phlegm, eliminate siltation, nourish the five internal organs, increase waist strength, and increase deficiency and consumption. [9]

Abalone: Abalone is rich in protein, as well as many nutrients such as calcium, iron, iodines, and vitamins. It has the functions of nourishing yin, clearing heat, replenishing essence, and improving eyesight.

Fresh abalone

Fresh abalone

Pheasant: Pheasant meat has a much higher content of calcium, phosphorus, and iron than normal meat. It is also rich in protein and fatty acid. It is a good diet supplement for people with leukemia and weak constitution. Pheasant meat also had the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, increasing appetite, and stopping diarrhea. Pheasant meat had the special effect of dispelling phlegm and nourishing the brain. It could cure phlegm and prevent Alzheimer's disease. It was a precious product among wild animals. Chinese medicine believed that pheasant meat was mild and sweet. It has the effect of replenishing the middle, replenishing qi, strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea. It is suitable for people with spleen and stomach qi deficiency, diarrhea, weak body after illness, loss of appetite and frequent urination. Chicken: The meat of the chicken is tender, delicious, and nutritious. It has the effect of nourishing the body. The protein content in chicken meat was very high, and the digestion rate was high. It was easy to be absorbed and used by the human body, which could enhance physical strength and strengthen the body. Chicken meat contained Phospholiptides, which played an important role in the growth and development of the human body. It was one of the important sources of fat and Phospholiptides in the diet of the Chinese people. Chicken meat had a very good dietotherapy effect on malnutrition, fear of cold, fatigue, irregular menstruation, leukemia, weakness, etc. Chinese medicine also believed that chicken had the effect of warming the middle and replenishing qi, replenishing the deficiency and filling the essence, strengthening the spleen and stomach, activating the blood vessels, and strengthening the bones and muscles. [10]

Scallops: Scallops contain protein, fat, vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron, calcium, and other nutrients. Scallops are rich in Glutamate and taste extremely fresh. Compared to fresh scallops, the fishy smell is greatly reduced. the scallop has that effect of nourishing yin, tonify the kidney, and regulating the stomach

Fresh pheasants

Fresh pheasants

Yes, it can treat dizziness, dry throat, thirst, consummation, hemoptysis, weakness of the spleen and stomach, etc. Eating it often helps to lower blood pressure, lower gallbladder, and strengthen the body. According to records, dried scallops also had anti-cancer effects, softened blood vessels, and prevented hardening of arteries. [11]

Ham: Ham has a bright color, red and white, lean meat is fragrant, salty and sweet, fat meat is fragrant but not greasy, delicious, and various nutrients are easily absorbed by the human body. It has the functions of nourishing the stomach, promoting the production of saliva, nourishing the kidney, strengthening the yang, strengthening the bone marrow, strengthening the foot, healing the wound, and so on. [12]

Bamboo shoots: Bamboo shoots are rich in B vitamins and niotic acid and other signature nutrients. They have the characteristics of low fat, low sugar, and high nutritional fiber. They can absorb a large amount of oil to increase the taste. Therefore, if obese people often ate bamboo shoots, the fat that they ate during each meal would be absorbed by it, reducing the absorption and accumulation of fat by the digestive tract, thus achieving the goal of weight loss. Moreover, bamboo shoots also contained a lot of fiber, which not only could promote intestinal squirming, eliminate food accumulation, prevent constipation, but also be a good weight loss product for obese people and reduce diseases related to high fat. In addition, because bamboo shoots were rich in nibic acid and nutritional fiber, they could promote intestinal wriggling, help digestion, eliminate food accumulation, and prevent constipation, so they had a certain effect of preventing digestive tract tumors. [13]

Bird's nest: also known as swallow's nest, it is a nest made by tropical swiftlets on the edge of the cliff with food digested in their bodies mixed with saliva. Since ancient times, it has been regarded as a high-grade treasure. Its nutritional value and economic value are very high. Its effects are to nourish yin and moisten dryness, replenish qi, treat deficiency, consumption, cough, phlegm, asthma, hemoptysis, etc. It can also make women stay young forever. It has anti-wrinkle and beauty effects. [14]

[Sea cucumber: acidic polyose. Currently, it is the most effective sea cucumber in preventing plaque and repairing old heart disease. It can suppress cancer cells, suppress the formation of protein protein, Ribose, and Nucleic acid. It has the effect of improving immunity and resisting cancer.]

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