The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
12 Chapter 12: Tao Gongzu’s Three Losses to Cao Mengde of Xuzhou and Lu Bu

Tang 57


Just as Cao Cao was fleeing in panic, a large army arrived from the south. It was Xiahou Dun who led the army to rescue and intercept Lu Bu. Fight till dusk

At the end of the day, it rained heavily, and the troops were scattered. Cao Cao returned to his camp and rewarded Dian Wei with a large sum of money and made him a commander.

Lu Bu went to the camp and consulted with Chen Gong. "There is a rich man named Tian in Puyang City, with thousands of servants. He is the greatest man in the county.

He sent a secret letter to Cao Cao's camp, saying,"Marquis Lu Wen is cruel and heartless, and the people are very resentful. Now I want to move my troops to Liyang, only to have a high place.

Yuan Shun is in the city. I'll be the spy. If Cao Cao comes, lure them into the city, set fire to the four gates, and set up an ambush outside. Although Cao Cao has

How can a man of great talent escape here?”Lu Bu listened to his plan and secretly told Tian to send people directly to Cao Cao's camp. Cao Cao, because he had just been defeated, was now

After hesitating for a while, he suddenly reported that the Tian family had arrived and presented a secret letter saying: "Lu Bu has gone to Liyang, and the city is empty. I hope you can come quickly and be my spy. city

A white flag with the word 'righteousness' written on it was the secret code.”Cao Cao was overjoyed and said,"The angel sent me to get Puyang.”Reward the visitor, one side

Pack up the troops. Liu Ye said,"Although I have no plans, the prince of Chen has many. I'm afraid there's a trick in it, so I have to be careful. If you want to leave, you should divide it into three parts.

The army is divided into three teams: two teams ambush outside the city to meet, one team into the city, can be used.”Cao Cao listened to his advice and divided his army into three teams to attack Puyang.

Cao Cao went to see the city first. He saw flags all over the city. On the corner of the west gate, there was a white flag with the word "righteousness". He was secretly happy. This day the noon tablet,

When the city gate opened, two generals led their troops out to battle. Hou Cheng led the army in front and Gao Shun led the army behind. Cao Cao immediately sent Dian Wei to attack Hou Cheng. Hou Cheng arrived at the enemy

However, returning to Ma Wang City…Wei rushed to the side of the suspension bridge. Gao Shun could not stop them and retreated into the city. There are soldiers taking advantage of the situation

He came to see Cao Cao and told him that he was an emissary of the Tian family. He presented a secret letter to Cao Cao. "Tonight at the beginning of the night," said Yue,"the gong on the wall will sound as a signal, and you may enter.

Soldiers. I'll offer it to you." Cao Cao had Xiahou Dun on the left, Cao Hong on the right, and himself with Xiahou Yuan, Li Dian, Yue Jin, and Dian Wei.

The four generals led their troops into the city. Li Dian said,"My lord is outside the city. Let us go in first.”Cao Cao shouted,"If I don't go myself, who will?

Willing to move forward!" So he led his troops straight in.

It was the first watch of the night, and the moon had not yet risen. The sound of shells being blown on the west gate was heard. Suddenly, a shout sounded, the torches on the gate burned wildly, and the city gate was wide open.

The drawbridge was lowered. Cao Cao rode in first. When they reached the provincial government, they saw no one on the road. Cao Cao knew this was a trick and quickly pulled his horse back and shouted,

"Retreat!" A cannon was fired from the state government, and flames burst out from the four gates. The golden drums sounded in unison, and the shouts were like rivers and seas boiling. Turn in the east lane

Out of Zhang Liao, Zang Ba came out of the west lane and attacked from both sides. Cao Cao fled to the north gate. Hao Meng and Cao Xing appeared on the side of the road and killed another group of people. Cao hurried away

At the south gate, Gao Shun and Hou Cheng stopped them. Dian Wei angrily gritted his teeth and charged out. Gao Shun and Hou Cheng walked out of the city. Dian Wei rushed to the drawbridge,

He turned around and disappeared from Cao Cao's sight. He turned around and charged into the city again, bumping into Li Dian at the gate. "Where is the lord?" Dian Wei asked. Dian said,"I also

I can't find it." "You stay outside the city and urge the reinforcements. I will go in and find my lord.”Li Dian went. Dian Wei killed his way into the city.

Then he rushed out of the moat and bumped into Yue Jin. "Where is my lord?" asked the king. "I went back and forth twice," said Wei,"but I found nothing.”

"Let's kill our way to the Savior," said Jin. When the two of them reached the gate, the cannons on the city wall rolled down, and Le Jin's horse could not enter. Dian Wei burst into flames, and

They killed their way in and searched everywhere.

When Cao Cao saw that Dian Wei had gone out, he was stopped from leaving the south gate. Turning to the north gate, I saw Lu in the fire.

Lu Bu rode forward with his halberd in hand. Cao Cao covered his face with his hand, whipped his horse and galloped past. Lu Bu rode up from behind and struck Cao Cao's helmet with his halberd.

"Where is Cao Cao?" Cao Cao pointed back and said,"That's him on the yellow horse.”When Lu Bu heard this, he abandoned Cao Cao and galloped forward.

Hurry up. Cao Cao turned his horse around and fled to the east gate. He met Dian Wei. Wei Zhong protected Cao Cao and killed a bloody path. When he reached the city gate, the flames were fierce.

Sheng, the city pushed down firewood, the ground was full of fire, Wei with a halberd to push aside, flying horse smoke suddenly fire first out. Cao Cao followed suit. Fang dao door

On the side of the road, a beam of fire fell from the city gate and hit the back of Cao Cao's horse. The horse fell to the ground. Hand joists push the ground

The hair and beard on his arms were all burned. Dian Wei rode back to save him, just as Xiahou Yuan arrived. The two of them rescued Cao Cao and rushed out of the fire.

Cao Cao rode on Yuan's horse, and Dian Wei cut a road and fled. It was not until dawn that Cao Cao returned to camp.

The generals bowed and greeted him. Cao Cao looked up and smiled."I will definitely take revenge for falling into an ordinary person's trap!”Guo Jia said,"We can make plans quickly.

Send it." Cao Cao said,"Now I will beat him at his own game, and tell him that I have been burned and that I am dead. Lu Bu will certainly lead his troops to attack. I've laid an ambush on Maling Mountain

In the middle of the river, when the enemy's troops were halfway across the river, they attacked them, and Lu Bu could be captured.”"That's a good plan," said Wang Ying. So he ordered the soldiers to mourn for Cao Cao and lie about Cao Cao.

He died. Someone had come to Puyang to report to Lu Bu that Cao Cao had been burned and died in the camp. Lu Bu followed him and led his army to Maling Mountain.

Come on. When they reached Cao Cao's camp, a drum sounded and an ambush was set up. Lu Bu fought to the death and escaped, losing many men. Defeated and returned to Puyang, will you hold on?

Go out.

That year locusts suddenly appeared and ate up all the crops and rice. In the Kanto region, each grain is worth 50 strings of money, and the people eat each other. Cao Cao's army

When the food was exhausted, he led his troops back to Juancheng to live temporarily. Lu Bu also led his troops out of the city to camp in Shanyang to eat. Therefore, the two places temporarily stopped fighting.

Tao Qian was sixty-three years old when he was in Xuzhou. He suddenly fell ill and looked very serious. He asked Mi Zhu and Chen Deng to discuss the matter. Zhu said:

"The Cao army left only because Lu Bu attacked Yanzhou. Now because of the famine, the army will stop fighting, and the next spring will come again. The governor wanted to give up his position to Liu Xuan twice.

At that time, the governor was still strong, so Liu Bei refused to accept it. Now that he was seriously ill, he could give it to him at this time. Liu Bei refused.”Modest

He was very happy and sent someone to Xiaopei to invite Liu Bei to discuss military affairs. Liu Bei led Guan Yu and Zhang Yu to Xuzhou with dozens of cavalry. Tao Qian invited Liu Bei into his bedroom. Xuan

When he had finished greeting him, Zhang Qian said,"I have invited you to come for no other reason. It's just that I'm in critical condition and can't be saved sooner or later. I hope you will take pity on me

The city of the Han Dynasty is very important. If you accept the seal of Xuzhou, I can die in peace!”"You have two sons," said Liu Bei."Why don't you teach them?”Qian

"Shang, the eldest son, and Ying, the second son," said the man."Their talents are not worthy of appointment. After my death, I hope you will teach me not to let me take charge of the state affairs.”Liu Bei

"How can I bear such a great responsibility?”"I will recommend a man to be your assistant," said Yu Qian. He is from Beihai, surnamed Sun, named Qian, word

Duke Huan. This person can be used as an agent." Then he said to Mi Zhu,"Liu Gong is a man of great talent in the world. You should do good to him.”Liu Bei always made excuses,

Tao Qian pointed his finger at his heart and died. After the mourning ceremony, the soldiers took the tablets and seals and handed them to Liu Bei. Liu Bei refused firmly. The next day, the people of Xuzhou crowded the government.

"If you do not take charge of this county, we will not be able to live in peace.”Guan Yu and Zhang Yu also repeatedly advised him. Xuande agreed.

Sun Quan was in charge of the affairs of Xuzhou, with Sun Qian and Mi Zhu as his assistants and Chen Deng as his tent officer. Take all the horses of Xiaopei into the city and put them on the list to pacify the people. While arranging the funeral

Things. Liu Bei and the soldiers, big and small, all mourned for him. After a large memorial ceremony, they were buried on the Yellow River. Tao Qian sent a memorial to the court.

When Cao Cao was in Juancheng, he learned that Tao Qian had died and that Liu Xuande was the herdsman of Xuzhou. He said angrily,"I haven't taken revenge yet. You don't have to waste half an arrow to sit still.

Prefecture! I will kill Liu Bei first, and then kill Liu Qian's body to avenge my father!”He immediately issued an order to attack Xuzhou on a certain day. Xun Yu remonstrated

He replied,"In the past, Emperor Gaozu defended Guanzhong and Emperor Guangwu occupied Hanoi. Both of them were deeply rooted and consolidated to control the world. They advanced enough to defeat the enemy and retreated enough to hold on. Therefore, although

In the face of difficulties, he finally succeeded in the great cause. Ming Gong was originally the first to serve Yanzhou, and the Yellow River and Jishui are the important places in the world, which is also the former Guanzhong and Hanoi. now if

If you take Xuzhou, you will not be able to use more troops. If you leave less troops, Lu Bu will take advantage of the weakness to invade Xuzhou. In this way, there will be no Yanzhou. If you can't get Xuzhou, I'll make sure that the public security department returns.

What? Now, although Tao Qian is dead, Liu Bei has been guarding it. Now that the people of Xuzhou have submitted to Liu Bei, they will certainly help Liu Bei fight to the death. Ming Gong abandoned Yanzhou and took Xu

State, is to abandon the big and for the small, to abandon the root and seek the end, to stabilize and easy to danger. I hope you will think about it carefully." Cao Cao said,"This year's famine is short of provisions.

It's not a good idea to sit here and guard." Xun Yu said,"It would be better to attack Chen eastward and let the army go to Runan and Yingchuan. He Yi and Huang, the remaining members of the Yellow Turban Party

Liu Shao and others plundered the prefectures and counties. They had a lot of gold, silk, food and other thieves, and they were easy to defeat. If the enemy is defeated, we will take their food and support the three armies. The court will

Joy, the people are happy, this is to comply with God's will.”

Cao Cao was very happy and agreed. He left Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren to guard Juancheng and other places, and led his troops to attack Chen first, then Ru and Ying. Yellow Turban

He ordered strong bows and crossbows to stop them, and ordered Dian Wei to go out. He Yi ordered the vice-marshal to go out to fight. Within three rounds, he was stabbed by Dian Wei's halberd under his horse. Cao Cao leads the crowd

He took advantage of the momentum to rush past the camp at the foot of Yangshan Mountain. The next day, Huang Shao personally led the army to come. In the circle of the battle array, a general went out on foot, wearing a yellow turban and a green coat.

Holding an iron cudgel in his hand, he shouted,"I am He Man, the Sky-Intercepting Yaksha! Who dares to fight me?" Seeing this, Cao Hong shouted and flew down.

The horse raised his sword and walked out. Two rounds of fighting in front of the formation, forty to fifty rounds, the outcome was indistinguishable. Cao Hong pretended to be defeated and fled. He Man rushed over. Hong Yongtuo

The back of the knife slashed at Ji, turned around, and slashed at He Man, killing her with another slash. Li Dian took advantage of the situation and rode straight into the enemy's formation. Huang Shao had no time to prepare himself,

He was captured alive by Li Dian. Cao Cao's army killed the rebels and seized countless gold, silk and grain. He Yi's power is lonely, leading hundreds of cavalry to flee Ge.

Po. As he was walking, an army came out from behind the mountain. He was the first strong man, eight feet tall, with a waist of ten girths. He held a big knife in his hand and intercepted him.

The road. He Yi raised his spear to meet him, but in one exchange, he was caught by the strong man. The rest of the people were busy, dismounted and tied up, and were driven into Ge by the strong men.

In the dock. Dian Wei pursued He Yi to Gebei, where the strong men led their troops to meet him. "Are you also a Yellow Turban thief?" said Dian Wei.”The warrior said,

"I captured hundreds of Yellow Turban cavalry in the dock!”"Why don't you offer it?" asked Wei. The warrior said,"If you win the sword in your hand,

I'll give it to you!" Wei was furious and charged forward with his halberds. The two of them went from morning to noon, neither winning nor losing, and each took a short rest. Not for a moment, then

The strong men went out to fight again, and Dian Wei also went out. The battle continued until dusk, when they stopped because their horses were tired. Dian Wei's troops flew to report to Cao Cao. Cao was

Surprised, he quickly led the crowd to see. The next day, the strong men went out to fight again. Cao Cao was secretly delighted to see this man's majestic appearance. He handed him over to Dian Wei.

He pretended to be defeated. Wei accepted the order to fight. After thirty rounds of fighting, he was defeated and returned to the array. The strong men rushed to the array gate and shot back with bows and crossbows. Cao Cao hastily led his troops to retreat.

Li Mi sent people to dig a pit and secretly set up a hook. The next day, he ordered Dian Wei to lead more than 100 cavalry out. The warrior laughed and said,"How dare a defeated general go back?

Come!" So he galloped to fight. After a few rounds of fighting, Dian Wei turned around and fled. The strong man only looked forward and rushed forward. He didn't guard against the fall of the man and the horse.

In the pit, he was hooked and tied to Cao Cao. Cao Cao went down from the tent and shouted at the soldiers to retreat. He personally untied the soldiers and quickly took their clothes. He ordered them to sit down and asked them where they came from.

Name. "I am from Qiao County, Qiao State. My name is Xu Chu, and my name is Zhong Kang. When the enemy attacked, hundreds of people gathered in the clan.

Build a strong wall in the dock to resist the enemy. One day, when the enemy came, I ordered everyone to take more stones to prepare. I personally threw stones to attack them, and none of them hit the enemy.

So he retreated. Another day the enemy came, there was no food in the dock, so he made peace with the enemy and agreed to exchange cattle for rice. When the rice was delivered, the bandits drove the cattle outside the dock.

They all ran back, holding two oxtails in my hands and walking backward for more than a hundred paces. The thief was frightened and did not dare to take the cow and run away. So keep it safe

Things." Cao Cao said,"I have heard of your name for a long time. Will you surrender?”"That's what I meant," said Chu. So he summoned hundreds of clansmen

He surrendered. Cao Cao appointed Xu Chu as a lieutenant and rewarded him generously. He then killed He Yi and Huang Shao. Ruzhou and Yingzhou were all pacified.

When Cao Cao returned to the army, Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun received him and said that they had recently reported: The soldiers of Xue Lan and Li Feng of Yanzhou went out to plunder and plunder.

If the enemy is empty, we can lead the victorious army to attack it, and we can defeat it at the first drum. Cao Cao then led his army straight to Shangzhou. Xue Lan and Li Feng caught them off guard and could only lead their troops.

They left the city to fight. Xu Chu said,"I would like to take these two men as a gift for meeting you.”Cao Cao was very happy and ordered him to go to war. Li Feng asked him to draw a halberd,

He came forward to welcome them. The two horses met, and Xu Chu killed Li Feng under his horse. Xue Lan hurried back to the formation, but Li Dian stopped her by the suspension bridge. Xue Lan dared not reply.

After the city was built, he led his army to Juye and fled. However, Lu Qian's flying horse rushed over and shot an arrow under his horse. The army was scattered. Cao Cao recaptured Yanzhou, Cheng Yu

He led the army, with Yu Jin and Lu Qian as the rear. When the army reached Puyang, Lu Bu wanted to lead his troops out to meet him, but Chen Gong advised him: "You can't fight. Waiting for the Generals

After the gathering." "Who am I afraid of?" said Lu Bu. So he did not listen to Liu Gong's words, led his troops out of the array, raised his halberd and cursed. Xu Chu left. Dou

Twenty rounds, no winner. Cao Cao said,"Lu Bu cannot be defeated by one man.”So he sent Dian Wei to help, and the two generals attacked from both sides. On the left was Xiahou Dun.

Xiahou Yuan, Li Dian and Yue Jin on the right side arrived together, and the six generals attacked Lu Bu together. Lu Bu couldn't stop him and turned his horse back to the city. Tian's family on the city wall, see cloth

When he returned, he ordered the drawbridge to be pulled up. "Open the door!" Bu shouted. "I have surrendered to General Cao," said Lady Tian.”Lu Bu cursed and led the army.

He fled to Dingtao. Chen Gong quickly opened the east gate and escorted Lu Bu and his children out of the city. Cao Cao then captured Puyang and forgave Tian's old sins. Liu Ye said,

"Lu Bu is a fierce tiger.”Cao Cao ordered Liu Ye and others to guard Puyang, while he led his army to Dingtao. Shi Lvbu

He, Zhang Miao and Zhang Chao were all in the city. Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, Zang Ba and Hou Cheng had not returned from their patrol of the sea to collect food. Cao Cao's army reached Dingtao and did not fight for days.

He led the army back forty miles and went to camp. It was the time when the wheat in Jijun was ripe. Cao Cao immediately ordered the army to cut wheat for food. The spy reported to Lu Bu, who led his army to catch up. nearly

Cao Cao's camp saw a lush forest on his left. He was afraid that there would be an ambush and turned back. When Cao Cao learned that Lu Bu's army had returned, he said to his generals,"There is an ambush in the forest

It's just a war. Put more flags in the forest to make it suspicious. There is a long dike to the west of the stockade. There is no water. We can ambush all the elite soldiers. Tomorrow Lu Bu will come to burn the forest,

The army behind the dike was cut off, and Lu Bu could be captured.”So only fifty drummers were left in the camp to beat drums. Captured men and women from the village and left them in the village

He shouted. Most of the elite soldiers lay in ambush on the embankment. Lu Bu reported to Chen Gong. "Cao Cao is full of tricks. Do not underestimate him.”"I'll use fire," replied Lu Bu.

Attack and break the ambush." So he left Chen Gong and Gao Shun to guard the city. The next day, Lu Bu led his army to attack. From a distance, he saw a flag in the forest. He led his troops forward and attacked on all sides.

The fire was set, but no one was there. Just as he was about to jump into the camp, he heard the sound of drums. Just as he was feeling puzzled, suddenly a large army came out from behind the camp. Lu Bu rode his horse.

"An empty city is hard to hold," said the man."It is better to leave quickly.”So he and Gao Shun protected Lu Bu's old and young, abandoned Dingtao and fled. Cao Cao led the victorious army and killed

Entering the city, the momentum was like splitting bamboo. Zhang Chao committed suicide and Zhang Miao went to Yuan Shu. All the territory east of the Yellow River was captured by Cao Cao. Peace and repair the city, no

Under the words.

Lu Bu was on his way when he met his generals, who had all turned back. Chen Gong has also been searched. Lu Bu replied,"Although our army is small, we can defeat Cao Cao.”So I lead again

The army came. [hip, hip, hip] Victory and defeat are common in military strategists, And it is hard to tell whether they will roll up their armor and come back. I don't know how Lu Bu won or lost, but I'll explain it later.

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