The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
15 Chapter 15: Taishi Ci Fighting Sun Bofu and Yan Baihu

Tang 57


Zhang Fei drew his sword and was about to commit suicide when Liu Bei grabbed it and threw it on the ground."The ancients said,'Brothers are like hands and feet, wives are like

Clothes. If the clothes are torn, they can still be sewn up. If the hands and feet are broken, how can they be reattached?'The three of us became sworn brothers in the peach garden. We don't want to live together, but we want to die together. now although

Losing the city and family, how could he bear to let his brothers die? Besides, the city is not mine to begin with. Although my family has been captured, Lu Bu will not murder them.

He plotted to save him. Brother, it's a momentary mistake. Why do you want to die so quickly?”With that, he cried. Guan Yu and Zhang Yu were moved to tears.

When Yuan Shu learned that Lu Bu had attacked Xuzhou, he sent someone to Lu Bu at night and promised him 50,000 bushels of grain, 500 horses, and 10,000 taels of gold and silver.

Liang and 1,000 pieces of colored satin were sent to attack Liu Bei. Lu Bu was very happy and ordered Gao Shun to lead 50,000 troops to attack Liu Bei's rear. When Liu Bei heard this, he rode on the rainy day

He withdrew his troops and abandoned Xuyi to escape. He wanted to attack Guangling eastward. By the time Gao Shun's army arrived, Liu Bei had already left. Gao Shun met Ji Ling and asked for what he had promised.

Things. "Go back to your army," said the spirit,"and let me see my lord.”Gao Shun said goodbye to Ji Ling and returned to the army. When he saw Lu Bu, he told Ji Ling's words in detail. cloth

Just as he was hesitating, a letter from Yuan Shu came. The meaning of the letter is: "Although Gao Shun came, Liu Bei was not removed; When we catch Liu Bei, we'll be able to use

I'll give you what you promised." Lu Bu scolded Yuan Shu for breaking his promise and wanted to send troops to attack him. "No," said Chen Gong. Yuan Shu occupied Shouchun, with many troops and abundant food.

You can underestimate the enemy. It is better to ask Liu Bei to return to Xiaopei and let him be my wing. One day, Liu Bei will be the vanguard. At that time, we will first capture Yuan Shu, then Yuan Shu.

Shao, you can dominate the world." Hearing this, Lu Bu sent a letter to welcome Liu Bei back. Liu Bei led his army east to attack Guangling, but was robbed by Yuan Shu.

Most of the soldiers in the camp were killed. On his way back, he met Lu Bu's messenger, who presented him with a letter. Liu Bei was overjoyed. "Lu Bu is a man of no justice," said Guan Yu and Zhang Yu.

You can't believe it." Liu Bei said,"Since he treats me with such kindness, why should I doubt him?”So he came to Xuzhou. Lu Bu was afraid that Xuande would be confused, so he ordered Liu Bei to leave first.

The family was sent back. Lady Gan and Lady Mi went to see Liu Bei and told him in detail that Lu Bu had ordered his soldiers to guard the gate of the mansion. He forbade them from entering, and often sent his concubines to see them off.

There is no shortage of things. Liu Bei said to Guan Yu and Zhang Yu,"I know that Lu Bu will not harm my family.”So he went into the city to apologize to Lu Bu. Zhang Fei Hates Lu

Lu Bu refused to go with her and went to Xiaopei with her sister-in-law. Liu Bei went in to see Lu Bu and thanked him. Lu Bu said,"I do not intend to take the city, but your brother.

Zhang Fei is here to drink and kill people. I'm afraid something will happen, so I came to guard it.”"I have long wanted to give way to you, brother," said Liu Bei.”I pretend to give in to Xuan

Virtue. Liu Bei refused and returned to Xiaopei to live in Zha. Guan and Zhang felt indignant. Liu Bei said,"I will bow down and wait for the right time.

It's a struggle for life." Lu Bu sent grain, rice, satin and silk. From then on, the two families made peace.

Yuan Shu held a banquet for his soldiers in Shouchun. It was reported that Sun Ce had attacked Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, and returned after winning. Yuan Shu summoned Sun Ce, who bowed in the hall.

Down. After greeting and consoling him, he let him sit down and drink. It turned out that after Sun Ce's father died, he retired to Jiangnan and treated the wise and corporal with courtesy. Later, because of Tao Qian and Ce

His mother's uncle, Wu Jing, the prefect of Danyang, was not on good terms with him. Sun Ce moved his mother and family to Qu 'a, and himself went to Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu loved him very much and often sighed:

"If I have a son like Sun Lang, what regret will I have when I die?”Therefore, he was appointed as a lieutenant of Huaiyi and led his troops to attack Zulang, the commander of Jingxian County, and won. I see your strategy and courage,

He also sent people to attack Lu Kang, and now he has won and returned.

When the feast was over, Sun Ce returned to his camp. When he saw Yuan Shu's courtesy at the banquet, he was very proud. He felt depressed in his heart and walked to the courtyard to see the moon. Because I miss my father and grandson

Such a hero, I am now reduced to this, unconsciously burst into tears. Suddenly a man came in from outside and laughed."Why is Bo Fu like this?

When your father was alive, he used me a lot. Now you have something you can't decide, why don't you ask me? Why don't you cry?”Sun Ce looked at him and saw that he was a native of Danyang.

His surname is Zhu, his name is Zhi, and his word is Junli. He is Sun Jian's former official. Ce stopped crying and invited him to sit down, saying,"I weep for my father's sake.

Ear." "Why didn't you tell Yuan Gonglu that you were going to Jiangdong to borrow troops to save Wu Jing under the guise of a great cause?" said Wang Zhi.

Huh?" As they were discussing this, a man suddenly came in and said,"I know what you are planning. I have 100 strong men under me to help Bofu.

" Sun Ce looked at the man and saw that he was Yuan Shu, a counselor from Xiyang, Runan County. His surname was Lu, his name was Fan, and his word was Ziheng. Sun Ce was very happy and invited him to sit down and discuss with him.

"I'm afraid Yuan Gong won't lend us troops," said Lu Fan.”"I have a jade seal left behind by my late father," replied Sun Ce."I think it is a good quality.”Li Fan said:

"I've been getting highway money for a long time! With this as a hostage, I will definitely send troops." The three of them had already decided. The next day, Sun Ce went to see Yuan Shu. He cried and bowed to Yuan Shu.

"I couldn't avenge my father, and now my uncle Wu Jing is being forced by the governor of Yangzhou, Liu Yao. Sun Ce's mother and family are all in Qu 'a and will be killed.

Sun Ce dared to borrow thousands of brave soldiers to cross the river to rescue his relatives. I'm afraid you won't believe me. My dead father left me a jade seal. I'm afraid I'll take it as a hostage.”I've heard that there's jade in the art

When he saw the seal, he was overjoyed and said,"I don't want your jade seal. I'll leave it here for now." I'll lend you three thousand troops and five hundred horses. ping

You can come back soon after you decide. Your position is low and it is difficult for you to hold power. I recommend you to be a lieutenant and a general who can defeat the enemy. It will be convenient for you to lead the army on a certain day.

Alright." Sun Ce thanked him and led his army, including Zhu Zhi, Lu Fan, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, etc., to choose a day to raise an army.

When they reached Liyang, they saw an army coming. The person in the lead was elegant and beautiful. When he saw Sun Ce, he dismounted and bowed. Look at it

The man was from Shucheng, Lujiang. His surname was Zhou, his name was Yu, and his word was Gongjin. It turned out that when Sun Jian attacked Dong Zhuo, he moved his family to Shucheng. Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were the same.

When he was young, he became very close friends and became brothers. Sun Ce was two months older than Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu served Sun Ce as his brother. Zhou Yu's uncle Zhou Shang is the prefect of Danyang. I'm going to visit him now.

Dear, I met Sun Ce here. Sun Ce was very happy to see Zhou Yu and told him his true feelings. "I am willing to give you a dog and a horse," said Zhou Yu,"and we will work together to achieve great things.”Ce Xi

"If I have you, Duke Jin, the great event will be in harmony.”So he let him meet Zhu Zhi, Lu Fan and others. Zhou Yu said to Ce,"My brother wishes to accomplish great things.

Do you know that there are two Zhang in Jiangdong?" "What are the two?" asked Sun Ce. Zhou Yu replied,"One of them is Zhang Zhao of Pengcheng. One is Guangling

Zhang Hong, also known as Zi Gang. Both of them have the ability to govern the world, so they live in seclusion here to avoid chaos. Why don't you betroth him?" Sun Ce was very happy and immediately ordered him to do so.

People with gifts to visit, all refused to come. Sun Ce personally went to his home, talked with him very happy, tried his best to invite him, the two agreed. Sun Ce then worshiped Zhang Zhao as the leader

He used to be the governor of Yangzhou and was stationed in Shouchun. Yuan Shu drove him across the Yangtze River to garrison, so he came to Qu 'a. When they heard that Sun Ce's army had arrived, they gathered a crowd to discuss the matter.

Zhang Ying, one of the generals, said,"I have an army stationed at Niuzhu. Even if I have a million men, I can't get close.”Before he finished, someone shouted from the tent.

"I am willing to be the vanguard," said the old man. Everyone looked at him. It was Taishi Ci, a native of Huang County, Donglai County. After Ci solved the siege of Beihai, he came to see

Liu Yao, Liu Yao stayed in the tent. When he heard that Sun Ce had arrived, he was willing to be the vanguard. "You are too young to be a general," said Yao.

Only listen to my orders." Taishi Ci was unhappy and retreated. Zhang Ying led his troops to Niuzhu and stored 100,000 grain in the mansion. Sun Ce led his troops to attack.

Yuan Ying went out to meet him, and the two armies met on Niuzhu Beach. Sun Ce went out, Zhang Ying scolded, Huang Gai went out to fight Zhang Ying. After a few rounds, suddenly Zhang Ying

The army was in chaos and reported that someone had set fire to the camp. Zhang Ying hurried back to the army. Sun Ce led his army forward and attacked. Zhang Ying abandoned Niu Zhu, looking forward to

He fled deep into the mountains. It turned out that the ones who set the fire behind the stockade were only two strong soldiers: One of them was from Shouchun, Jiujiang, surnamed Jiang, named Qin, also known as Gongyi.

One of them was from Xiacai, Jiujiang. His surname was Zhou, his name was Tai, and his word was Youping. Both of them were in turmoil, gathered people in Yangzi River, robbed for a living; long

Lieutenant. He collected food and military equipment from Niuzhu Mansion Pavilion and more than 4,000 surrendered soldiers, so he marched into Shenting. Zhang Ying was defeated and returned to Liu Yao. Liu Yao was furious.

I want to kill him. Counselors Zuo Rong and Xue Li advised him to resign and let him station troops in Lingling City to resist the enemy. Liu Yao himself led his troops to the south of Shenting Ridge and camped there. Sun Ce camped on the north side of Shenting Ridge.

The next camp. "Is there a temple of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty near the mountains?" he asked the natives.”"There is a temple on the ridge," said the local. Ce said,"I dreamed of light at night

He said,"The gods help me, and I have nothing to fear.”So he put on his spear and mounted his horse. He led Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai and ten others.

Three cavalry, out of the village up the ridge, to the temple to burn incense. When he had dismounted and paid his respects, Sun Ce knelt forward and said: "If Sun Ce can establish a career in Jiangdong, he will be revived.

Therefore, the foundation of the father should be rebuilt and the temple should be sacrificed in four seasons.”After praying, he went out of the temple and mounted his horse. He looked back at his generals and said: "I want to cross the ridge and explore

Liu Yao's stockade." All the generals thought it was impossible. Sun Ce did not listen, so he went up the ridge and looked south at the village forest. A small army lying in ambush reported to Liu Yao.

"This must be Sun Ce's plan to lure the enemy away. We must not pursue him.”"If we don't arrest Sun Ce now, when will we?" said Taishi Ci enthusiastically.”

Without waiting for Liu Yao's order, he put on his armor and mounted his horse. He took his spear out of the camp and shouted: "Those who are brave, follow me!" the generals

Move. Only one of the generals said,"Taishi Ci is truly a fierce general! I can help!" They rode together on horseback. The generals laughed.

Sun Ce watched for a long time before returning to his horse. Just as they were crossing the ridge, they heard a shout from the ridge,"Sun Ce, don't leave!" I turn my head and look back

When he arrived, he saw two horses flying down the ridge. Sun Ce led the thirteen horsemen to spread out. Sun Ce stood at the foot of the ridge with his spear and horse. Taishi Ci shouted,

"Is that Sun Ce?" "Who are you?" asked Sun Ce. "I am Taishi Ci of Donglai, and I have come to arrest Sun Ce.”policy

"I'm the only one," he said with a smile. If you two come together and take me on, I'm not afraid of you! If I'm afraid of you, it's not Sun Xinfu!" Ci said,

"Even if everyone comes, I'm not afraid!”He galloped straight at Sun Ce. Sun Ce came to meet him with his spear. The two horses met and fought fifty rounds.

It was a draw. Cheng Pu and the others were secretly amazed. Sun Ci saw that Sun Ce's marksmanship was flawless, so he pretended to lose and led Sun Ce to come. Mercy

Instead of going up the ridge by the old road, I turned around the back of the mountain. Sun Ce hurried over and shouted,"You're not a good man!”"This fellow," he said to himself in a benevolent heart.

There were twelve followers, and I alone captured him alive and ate him. Lead the way again, and let this guy find no place to get off.

Hand." So they fought and fled. Ce was willing to give up and rushed all the way to Pingchuan. Cidou rode back to fight again, and it was another fifty rounds. policy and one

When the spear was pulled away, Li Ci dodged and caught the spear. Sun Ci also shot away with his spear, and Sun Ce also dodged and caught the spear. The two of them only managed to drag the horse and both of them fell off the horse.

Come on. No one knew where the horse had gone. The two of them abandoned their guns and started fighting, their battle robes torn to shreds. Ce's hands moved quickly and grabbed Taishi Ci's back.

The short halberd on the horse's head, Ci also pulled out the helmet on Ce's head. Sun Ce came to stab Sun Ci with his halberd, and Sun Ci covered himself with his helmet. Suddenly a shout came from behind. It was Liu Yao.

There were about a thousand reinforcements. Sun Ce was in a panic when Cheng Pu and twelve other cavalry rushed to the scene. Only then did Ce and Ci let go. Kindness in the army

A horse picked up a spear and rode back. Sun Ce's horse was collected by Cheng Pu, and Sun Ce also took his spear and mounted it. Liu Yao's army of more than 1,000, and Cheng

Zhang Pu and the other twelve cavalry fought in a chaotic battle and killed their way to the foot of Shenting Ridge. At the sound of the shout, Zhou Yu led his troops to the scene. Liu Yao himself led his army down the ridge.

It was almost dusk, and the wind and rain came suddenly. Both sides withdrew their troops. The next day, Sun Ce led his army to Liu Yao's camp, and Liu Yao led his army out to meet him. Two circles

Sun Ce held Taishi Ci's small halberd in front of the formation and ordered the soldiers to shout,"If Taishi Ci hadn't walked so fast, he would have been stabbed to death.

It's time!" Taishi Ci also put Sun Ce's helmet in front of the battle line and ordered the soldiers to shout,"Sun Ce's head is already here!" The two armies shouted,

While praising victory, the other side praised strength. Taishi Ci went out to fight with Sun Ce. Sun Ce was about to go out. "No need, my lord," said Cheng Pu.

I'll capture him myself." When Cheng Pu came out to the front of the battle, Taishi Ci said,""You are no match for me, you only taught Sun Ce to ride!”Cheng Puda

He was furious and took out his spear to attack Taishi Ci. The two horses clashed and fought for thirty rounds. Liu Yao quickly sounded the bell and withdrew his troops. Taishi Ci said,"I was just about to arrest him

Thief general, why did you withdraw your troops?" Liu Yao replied,"It was reported that Zhou Yu led his troops to attack Qu 'a. Chen Wu, a native of Songzi, Lujiang, was there to assist him.

Zhou Yu went in. My family's foundation has been lost. I can't stay long. Go to Moling quickly, meet Xue Li, Zuo Rong's army, hurry to meet.”Taishi CI

Following Liu Yao's retreat, Sun Ce did not chase after him, but withdrew his troops. Zhang Zhao, the chief historian, said,"The enemy has been attacked by Zhou Yu and has taken Qu 'a. They have no desire to fight.

Tonight is the perfect time to raid the camp." Sun Ce agreed. That night, the army was divided into five roads and marched forward. Liu Yao's army was defeated and scattered. too

Shi Ci couldn't do it alone, so he led a dozen cavalry to Jingxian overnight.

Sun Ce was assisted by Chen Wu. He was seven feet tall, with a yellow face and red eyes. He looked strange. Sun Ce loved him very much and appointed him as a school.

He was sent as the vanguard to attack Xue Zha. Liu Wu led a dozen cavalry into the array, beheaded more than 50 people. Xue Zha closed the door and did not dare to come out. Ce Zhenggong

In the city, someone suddenly reported that Liu Yao had joined forces with Zuo Rong to capture Niuzhu. Sun Ce was furious and led his army to Niuzhu. Liu Yao and Zuo Rong went out.

Facing the enemy. Sun Ce said,"I am here now. Why don't you surrender?”A man behind Liu Yao took out his spear and rode out. It was Yu Mi, one of Liu Yao's generals.

After three rounds of fighting, he was captured alive by Ce and returned to the battle. Fan Yao's general Fan Neng was captured by Mi. I'll rush you with my spear. The spear had just reached the back of the policy

"Someone's plotting against us!" the soldiers in the formation shouted.”Sun Ce turned around and saw Fan Neng's horse coming. He shouted loudly.

Thunder. Fan Neng was shocked and fell off his horse. He died with his head broken. Sun Ce went to the gate and threw Yu Mi down, who had been held to death. a moment

From then on, people called Sun Ce "Little Overlord". On that day, Liu Yao's army was defeated and most of his men surrendered to Sun Ce. policy

More than 10,000 heads were beheaded. Liu Yao and Zuo Rong fled to Yuzhang to join Liu Biao. Sun Ce returned to attack Moling again. He personally went to the moat and summoned Xue Li to surrender.

He surrendered. A cold arrow was secretly shot from the city wall, hitting Sun Ce's left leg. Sun Ce fell off his horse. The generals rushed to rescue him, pulled out the arrow, and applied the golden wound medicine to Sun Ce.

Sun Ce ordered the army to pretend that the general had been shot dead. The army mourned. The camp was taken down and the army rose together. When the funeral heard that Sun Ce was dead, he mobilized the army in the city that night.

He and his generals Zhang Ying and Chen Heng rushed out of the city to pursue them. Suddenly, an ambush was set up. Sun Ce took the lead and shouted,"Sun Lang is here.

This!" All the soldiers were surprised, threw away their guns and bowed to the ground. Sun Ce ordered Liu Xiu to kill a man. Zhang Ying turned his horse back and was stabbed to death by Chen Wu.

Chen Heng was killed by Jiang Qin's arrow. Xue Li died in the army. Sun Ce entered Moling, pacified the people, and moved his troops to Jingxian County to arrest Taishi Ci.

Now Taishi Ci had gathered more than two thousand strong men and his army, and was about to take revenge on Liu Yao. Sun Ce and Zhou Yu discussed capturing Tai alive.

Shi Ci's plan. Zhou Yu ordered the army to attack the county from three sides, leaving only the east gate to escape. Twenty-five li from the city, an army was ambushed on each of the three roads.

If the men and horses were tired, they would definitely be captured. It turned out that most of the soldiers Taishi Ci recruited were from the mountains and were not well-disciplined. Jingxian City Head, Suffering Not Too Much

Sun Ce led his army over. Taishi Ci was running away when the army behind him stopped after thirty miles. Taishi Ci had walked fifty li, and his men and horses were exhausted.

A shout suddenly sounded from the reeds. Taishi Ci was eager to leave, but the horse was tripped and capsized. Taishi Ci was captured alive and thrown to the big family.

Stronghold. Sun Ce knew that Xie had arrived at Taishi Ci's camp, so he personally went out of the camp to shout at the soldiers to disperse, untied himself, put on his brocade robe, and asked Xie Xie to enter the camp.

"I know Ziyi is a real man. Liu Yao was a stupid man who could not be appointed as a general, which led to his defeat.”Sun Ci saw that Sun Ce treated him very well, so he asked to surrender.

Sun Ce took Zhang Ci's hand and said with a smile,"If you had captured me during the battle at Shenting, would you have harmed me?”"I don't know," said Ci with a smile. policy

Laughing, he asked to enter the tent, invited him to sit down, and gave a banquet to entertain him. "Liu Jun has just been defeated," said Ci. I want to go myself and tidy up the rest,

To help you. Can you believe it?" "This is my wish," said Sun Ce. Today I have made an appointment with you: I hope you will come tomorrow at noon.

Return it." Li Ci agreed and left. "Taishi Ci will certainly not come back.”Ce said,"You are a man of faith, and will not betray him.

It's me." Everyone did not believe it. The next day, he set up a fishing pole at the camp gate to wait for the sun. Just before noon, Taishi Ci led more than 1,000 people to the camp. Sun Ceda

Happy. Everyone admired Sun Ce's ability to understand people. So Sun Ce gathered tens of thousands of troops and captured Jiangdong to appease the people and sympathize with the people. Countless people surrendered. The people of Jiangdong

He addressed Ce as Sun Lang. But when they heard that Sun Lang's army had arrived, they were frightened and fled. When Sun Ce's army arrived, he did not allow a single person to plunder. Even chickens and dogs were not alarmed.

The people were very happy and brought cattle and wine to the camp to comfort the army. Sun Ce replied with gold and silk, and cheers filled the air. Liu Yao's old army, willing to join the army to listen to orders, do not want to do so.

The soldiers were rewarded and returned to farming. The people of Jiangnan all praise him. From then on, the army was very strong. Sun Ce then welcomed his mother, uncle and younger brothers back to Qu'a and sent his younger brother Sun Quan.

He and Zhou Tai guarded Xuancheng. Sun Ce led his troops south to capture Wujun.

At that time, Yan Baihu, who claimed to be King De of Dongwu, occupied Wujun and sent his generals to guard Wucheng and Jiaxing. When White Tiger heard that Ce's army had arrived, he ordered

His younger brother Yan Yu sent troops to meet at Fengqiao. He rode on the bridge with his sword. Someone reported that he had entered the central army, and Sun Ce was about to go out. Zhang Hong remonstrated,"My lord

The general is the life of the three armies, and should not underestimate the enemy. I hope General will have some self-respect." Sun Ce thanked him and said,"Your words are like stone and stone. But I'm afraid we're not close

If you risk arrows and stones, the soldiers will not obey orders.”Then he sent Han Dang out. By the time Han Dang reached the bridge, Jiang Qin and Chen Wu had already set sail from the river in a small boat.

The thieves retreated into the city.

Sun Ce divided his troops and attacked by land and water to surround Wu City. He was trapped for three days, and no one went out to fight. Sun Ce led the army to the gate of Chang to surrender. A member of the city

The deputy general held the guard beam with his left hand and pointed at the city wall with his right hand. Taishi Ci took his bow and arrow from his horse and said to the general,""Watch me shoot

This guy's left hand!" Before he could finish speaking, the bowstring shot out and hit the general's left hand, nailing it to the guard beam.

All the people who saw it on the city wall cheered. Everyone saved this person and went down the city. The White Tiger was alarmed."How can we fight against such a man in their army?" he said.

Hu!" So they discussed peace. The next day, he sent Yan Yu out of the city to see Sun Ce. Sun Ce asked the carriage to enter the palace to drink. When the wine was drunk, he asked the carriage,"What is your order?

What do you want, brother?" "I want to divide Jiangdong equally with you, General," said Wang Yu.”"How dare you, a rat, be equal to me?" said Sun Ce angrily.”Order to behead Yan

The sedan chair. Zhang Yu pulled out his sword and stood up. He used his flying sword to cut the man down. The man fell to the ground and cut off his head. He sent someone to send him into the city. The White Tiger thought he couldn't win and abandoned the city.

And left. Sun Ce sent troops to pursue, Huang Gai captured Jiaxing, Taishi Ci captured Wucheng, several states were pacified. The white tiger fled to Yuhang and looted on the way.

He was killed and defeated by the local Ling Cao and his fellow countrymen, and fled to Kuaiji. Ling Cao and his son came to meet Sun Ce. Sun Ce appointed Ling Cao as a lieutenant and led the army together.

Crossing the river. Yan Baihu gathered bandits and distributed them at Xijin Ferry. Cheng Pu fought with them and defeated them again. He rushed to Kuaiji overnight. The Governor of Kuaiji

Wang Lang, want to lead troops to rescue the white tiger. Suddenly a man came out and said,"No. Sun Ce used a benevolent army, but White Tiger was a tyrannical army. He should capture White Tiger when he returned.

To Sun Ce." Wang Lang looked at him and saw that he was from Yuyao, Kuaiji County. His surname was Yu, his name was Fan, and his word was Zhongxiang. He was now a county official. Wang Lang angrily scolded him and sighed.

And out. Li Lang then led his troops to join the white tiger and set up an army in the wild of Shanyin. The two armies faced each other in a circle. Sun Ce rode out and said to Wang Lang,"I am Xingren

Righteous soldiers, to appease Zhejiang, why do you help the enemy?”"You're too childish," said Wang Lang. You've got Wujun, and you're trying to annex our territory! this

F * ck, avenge the Yan family!" Sun Ce was furious and was about to fight when Taishi Ci came out. Wang Lang rode his horse and brandished his sword. He fought with Ci for a few rounds.

Zhou Ting, the general, rushed out to help Sun Ce. Sun Ce was in the middle of the battle, and his flying horse caught Zhou Ting. The two drums shook as they fought fiercely. Huwanglang

There was chaos behind the formation, and a large army came from behind. Zhou Lang was shocked and hurried back to meet him. It turned out to be Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu leading the army to attack.

Later, Wang Lang was outnumbered. He and White Tiger and Zhou Ting fought a bloody road and ran into the city. They pulled up the suspension bridge and closed the gate. Sun Ceda

The army took advantage of the situation to rush to the city. The army was divided and attacked from all sides.

In the city, Wang Lang saw Sun Ce attacking the city in a hurry and wanted to send troops to fight to the death again. "Sun Ce's army is very strong," said Yan Baihu."You can only

We should dig deep trenches and build high fortifications, hold fast to the walls and not go out. In less than a month, the enemy's army ran out of food. Naturally, they retreated. At that time, we can take advantage of the opportunity to cover up the enemy without fighting.

Yes." Wang Lang followed his advice and held fast to Kuaiji City. Sun Ce attacked for several days without success, so he discussed with his generals. sun

"Wang Lang is holding fast to the city," said Jing."It will be difficult to take it all at once. Most of the money and food in Kuaiji were stored in Chadu. It's dozens of miles away from here. It's better to use troops.

First occupy the enemy's territory: this is the so-called attack unprepared, surprise.”"Uncle," said Sun Ce,"you are very clever. You are enough to break the thief.”Immediately give the order

He lit fires at the gates of the city, set up false banners, set up a diversion, and withdrew the siege to the south that night. Zhou Yu said,"When the lord's army is together, Wang Lang will certainly be

If you go out of the city to catch up with them, you can defeat them with surprise soldiers.”"I'm ready to go now," said Sun Ce."We can only take the city tonight.”So he ordered the army to set out. but

Wang Lang heard that Sun Ce's army had retreated and led his men to the watchtower to watch. Seeing the smoke and fire rising from the city, the flags were not mixed, and the heart was slow.

Why did he have to go and check on blasphemy? I'll order my troops and General Zhou to pursue them." "Chadu is where we store our grain," said Wang Lang."We must be on guard. You lead the army first

Alright, I'll follow." White Tiger and Zhou Ting led 5,000 troops out of the city to pursue. At the beginning of the first watch, more than twenty miles from the city, suddenly a shadow appeared in the dense forest.

The drums sounded, and the torches lit up. The white tiger was shocked and turned back. One of the generals stopped him. In the fire, he saw that it was Sun Ce. Zhou Ting

He brandished his saber to meet him, but was stabbed to death by Ce. The rest surrendered. The white tiger killed a bloody road and fled to Yuhang. When Wang Lang heard that the front army had been defeated, he did not

He dared to enter the city and led his men to flee all over the sea. Sun Ce returned to the army and seized the city to stabilize the people. In less than a day, I saw

One of them brought Yan Baihu's head to Sun Ce's army. Sun Ce looked at the man, who was eight feet tall, with a square face and a wide mouth. Asked his name, it was Kuaiji.

Yuyao people, surnamed Dong, named Xi, the word Yuan Dynasty. Sun Ce was very happy and appointed him as the commander of another department. From then on, the east road was pacified, and Uncle Sun Jing was ordered to guard it.

Wang Zhi served as prefect of Wujun and withdrew his troops back to Jiangdong. When Sun Quan and Zhou Tai were guarding Xuancheng, the bandits suddenly attacked from all sides. The time is deeper,

Before he could reach the enemy, Yuwen Tai took Sun Quan and mounted his horse. Dozens of thieves came to cut with knives. Yuwen Tai walked naked, holding a knife to kill thieves, killing more than a dozen people. subsequently

One of the bandits jumped on his horse and went straight for Zhou Tai with his spear. Zhou Tai grabbed his spear and dragged him off his horse. He seized the spear and horse and killed a bloody road. Rescue Sun Quan. Will be far away

Heavy. Zhou Tai's body was shot twelve times, the wound was swollen, and his life was in danger. Sun Ce was shocked to hear this. Dong Xi, one of his subordinates, said,"I have been a prime minister with pirates."

He was shot several times and found a doctor recommended by Yu Fan, a virtuous county official in Kuaiji. After half a month, he recovered.”Ce said,"Is Yu Fan not Yu Zhongxiang?

Huh?" "Yes," said Xi. "He is a wise man. I'll use it." So he sent Zhang Zhao and Dong Xi to invite Yu Fan. rolled

When he arrived, Sun Ce treated him with courtesy and appointed him as Cao Cao, so he told him about his intention to seek medical treatment. "This man is from Qiao County, Pei County. His surname is Hua and his name is Tuo.

Character transformation. He's really a miracle doctor. I'll bring him here." In less than a day, he was led to the capital. Sun Ce saw the man, with a young face and white hair, floating in the air, like a child.

His appearance. So he was treated as a guest of honor and asked to see Zhou Tai's wound. "It's easy," said Tuo. He was given medicine and recovered after a month. Sun Ce was very happy.

On one hand, he made friends with Cao Cao, and on the other hand, he sent a letter to Yuan Shu to get the jade seal. Yuan Shu secretly had the intention of claiming to be emperor, so he wrote back and refused to return the letter. hurry

More than 30 people, including General Yang, Commander-in-Chief Zhang Xun, Ji Ling and Qiao Rui, and General Lei Bo and Chen Fen, were gathered together to discuss the matter."Sun Ce lent it to me

The army and horses rose up, and today we have all the land in the east of the river. It is very rude to ask for the seal instead of thinking about the root. What should we do?" long

General Shi Yang said,"Sun Ce holds the dangerous Yangtze River, and his troops are strong and his rations are abundant. Now we should attack Liu Bei first to repay the previous attack for no reason.

It is not too late to take Sun Ce. I have a plan to let Liu Bei be captured on the same day.”[Title: I didn't go to River East to seek tigers and leopards, but came to Xu County.]

Fighting Flood Dragon. I don't know what his plan is, but I'll explain it later.

This book comes。

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