The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
23 Chapter Twenty-Three: Mi Zhengping Scolded Thief Imperial Physician Ji with Naked Clothes and Was Punished for Poisoning

Tang 57


Cao Cao wanted to kill Liu Dai and Wang Zhong. Kong Rong remonstrated, saying,"These two men are no match for Liu Bei. If we kill them, we will lose the morale of our soldiers.

Heart." Cao Cao then pardoned his death penalty and dismissed his rank and salary. He wanted to attack Liu Bei himself. Kong Rong said,"It is now the middle of winter, and the weather is cold. We cannot send troops.

It's not too late next spring. You can first send people to appease Zhang Xiu and Liu Biao, and then attack Xuzhou.”Cao Cao agreed and sent Liu Ye to persuade Zhang.

Embroidered. When Fan Ye arrived in Xiangcheng, he met Jia Xu first and told him about Cao Cao's great virtue. Jia Xu then left Xiao Ye at home. The next day, he went to see Zhang Xiu and told him that Cao Cao had sent Liu Ye.

The matter of appeasement. While they were discussing the matter, they suddenly reported that Yuan Shao had sent an envoy. Zhang Xiu ordered him to enter. The messenger presented the letter. Zhang Xiu looked at it and saw that it was also the intention of appeasement. Xu

He asked the messenger,"What is the result of the recent attack on Cao Cao?”The messenger replied,"In the middle of winter and in the cold of the month, we will stop fighting. Now, the general and Jing

Liu Biao of the state has the demeanor of a national scholar, so he came to ask for help.”Xu laughed and said,"You can go back to me and tell me that your brother is still not tolerated.

How can we tolerate the scholars of the country?" He tore the letter in his face and shouted at the messenger to retreat.

Zhang Xiu said,"Yuan is now strong and Cao is weak. Now you have destroyed the letter and reprimanded the envoy. If Yuan Shao comes, what should we do?”"It would be better to follow Cao Cao," said Xu.

F * ck." "Cao Cao and I were enemies," said Zhang Xiu."How can we be compatible?”"There are three advantages in following Cao Cao.

Conquering the world, should follow the same principle; Yuan Shao is strong and powerful. If I follow him because I am young, he will certainly not regard me as important. Although Cao Cao is weak, he will be happy to get me, so he should follow him.

Second, Cao Cao's ambition to dominate the world, must put aside personal resentment, in order to show kindness to the four seas, should follow the third. I hope the general will not doubt it." Xiu Congqi

After saying this, he asked Liu Ye to meet him. Fan Ye praised Cao Cao's virtue and said,"If the Prime Minister remembers the old grudge, how can he send me to make friends with you?”Xiuda

In my heart." So he granted Zhang Xiu the title of General Yang Wu and Jia Xu the title of Envoy of Zhijinwu.

Cao Cao immediately ordered Zhang Xiu to write a letter to appease Liu Biao. Jia Xu said,"Liu Jingsheng likes to make friends with famous people. Now he must have a famous scholar to persuade him."

Then you can surrender." Cao Cao asked Xun You,"Who can go?”"Kong Wenju is worthy of his office," said Shen You.”Cao Cao agreed. Youchu

When he saw Kong Rong, he said,"The Prime Minister wishes to find a man of literary reputation to be selected as a candidate for the position of Minister. Can you do this?" "My friend," said Rong

Zhang Heng word Zhengping, his talent is ten times more than me. This person should be around the emperor, not only can guard against pedestrians. I should recommend him to the emperor." so

Carry forward the foundation of the country, seek advice from the emperor, and all kinds of scholars will come. Your Majesty is wise and wise, inheriting the foundation of the country, encountering bad luck, working hard and modesty day by day; The gods descended from the mountains, strange

The men went out together. I saw Mi Heng, a scholar in Pingyuan, who was twenty-four years old. His word was Zhengping. He was honest and honest, and his talent was outstanding. I've just started to dabble in art and literature, and I've seen it in the hall

What the eyes see, they recite, what the ears hear, they do not forget; Nature and Tao, thinking as if there is a god; Yang Hongyang's plan is to calm the world.

It is not surprising that he has the ability to judge things with a scale. Loyalty, fruit and integrity, ambition to bear frost and snow, see good and hate evil as enemies; Any seat is upright, Shi Yu is fierce

I'm afraid I can't surpass him. A hundred birds of prey are not as good as an osprey. If Zhang Heng was appointed to the court, he would certainly be able to see a lot. Yue Fei's eloquence and eloquence are full of anger.

He praised him. Recently, Lu Cui and Yan Xiang were also promoted to Taiwan Lang because of their extraordinary talents. Zhang Heng should be compared with him. Like a dragon leaping across the sky, flapping its wings in the clouds,

The voice is purple and faint, and the hanging light is like a rainbow. It is enough to show off the talents of the nearby departments and increase the solemnity of the four gates. Juntian wide music, there must be a strange beautiful scenery; Dishihuang

When you live, you must store extraordinary treasures. People like Heng are rare. The appearance of Chu and Yang 'a is the most beautiful, which is the favorite of those who are in charge of performing arts. Flying Rabbit.

It is the most urgent thing for Zhang Liang and Zhang Le to do. How dare we not report to the court? Your Majesty is very cautious in selecting talents. You must try your best. Please order

Zhang Heng was summoned in brown clothes. If you don't have any good words, we'll be guilty of lying to your face.”The emperor read the memorial and handed it over to Cao Cao. Cao Cao sent for Zhang Heng. ceremony

Cao Cao did not order him to sit down. Mi Heng looked up to the sky and sighed, saying,"Heaven and earth may be vast, but why is there no one?”"I have dozens of men under me," said Cao Cao.

What do you mean by no one is a hero of the world?" "I'd like to hear it," said Zhang Heng. "Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu," said Cao Cao."They are wise and far-sighted.

Even Xiao He and Chen Ping could not catch up with him. Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, Li Dian, Yue Jin, brave and unstoppable, even Cen Peng, Ma Wu can not compare. Lu Qian,

Man Chong was engaged, Yu Jin and Xu Huang were the vanguard. Xiahou Dun was a genius in the world, and Cao Zixiao was a lucky general in the world. How can there be no one?" Heng Xiao

"You are wrong, sir," said the man. I know all these people: Xun Yu can be sent to mourn and visit the sick, Xun You can be sent to guard the tomb, Cheng Yu can be sent.

Close the door, close the door, Guo Jia can make Bai Ci recite Fu, Zhang Liao can make him beat drums and sound gold, Xu Chu can make him herd cattle and horses, Yue Jin can make him take the form and read it aloud.

Zhao, Li Dian can be sent to send letters, Lv Qian can be sent to sharpen the knife and cast the sword, Man Chong can be sent to drink wine and eat grain, Yu Jin can be sent to build walls with wooden boards on his back.

You can let him slaughter pigs and dogs. Xiahou Dun was called General of Perfect Body, and Cao Zixiao called him Governor of Yao Qian. The rest were clothes racks, rice bags, wine barrels,

Flesh bag ears!" "What can you do?" said Cao Cao angrily. Zhang Heng replied,"Astronomy and geography are all the same. There is nothing that the three religions and nine schools of thought do not know.

Behead him. Cao Cao said,"I am short of a drummer. I will appoint Mi Heng to serve in the morning and evening feasts.”Zhang Heng did not refuse and left.

"This man speaks rudely. Why don't you kill him?”Cao Cao said,"This man has a false reputation. Kill him today, the world

You must think I can't hold anything. He thought he was capable, so he made him a drummer to humiliate him.”The next day, Cao Cao held a banquet in the provincial hall and ordered the officials to beat drums.

Beat the drum. The old official said,"When you beat the drum, you must change your clothes.”Zhang Heng put on his old clothes and went in. So he beat the drum and played "Yuyang Three Laos." The syllables are wonderful, deep

deep in the abyss there is the sound of metal and stone. When the guests heard this, they all shed tears. "Why don't you change your clothes?" shouted the attendants. Zhang Heng took off his old rags in front of him,

He stood naked, revealing his entire body. The guests all covered their faces. Zhang Heng slowly put on his trousers, his face unchanged. Cao Cao rebuked him,"How can you be so arrogant in court?

Rude?" "It is rude to deceive the sovereign and to deceive the sovereign," said Zhang Heng. I only show my parents 'bodies to show my pure body!”Cao Cao said,"You are pure

White, who is dirty?" "You do not know the wise and the foolish," said Heng,"because your eyes are turbid. If you don't read poetry and books, your mouth will be turbid. If you don't listen to honest advice, it's just like that.

Turbid, do not understand ancient and modern, is the body is turbid; If you can't tolerate the vassals, it's a dirty heart. If you always harbor the idea of usurping the throne, it's a dirty heart! I am a famous man in the world,

To appoint him as a drummer is like despising Confucius in public goods and slandering Mencius in the warehouse! Want to achieve the cause of hegemony, but so despise people?”

At that time, Kong Rong was present. He was afraid that Cao Cao would kill Zhang Heng, so he calmly said: "Mi Heng's crime is the same as Xu Mi's, he's not worthy of creating a king's dream.”I hold my fingers in my hands

He said,"You are to go to Jingzhou as an envoy. If Liu Biao comes to surrender, I will appoint you as a minister.”Zhang Heng refused to go. Cao Cao instructed them to prepare three horses and ordered them to prepare two.

When he arrived, he dismounted and went in to see them. Everyone sat upright. Zhang Heng burst into tears. Xun Yu asked,"Why are you weeping?" He said,"I'll go to the coffin."

Why aren't you crying?" "We are all dead bodies," said the crowd,"but you are a headless mad ghost!”He said,"I am a minister of the Han Dynasty.

As Cao Man's henchmen, how can they be headless?" They wanted to kill him. Xun Yu quickly stopped him, saying,"You are but a rat and a sparrow. What is the point of having to sweat a knife?”Zhang Heng said:

"I'm a mouse sparrow, and I still have humanity.”The crowd dispersed in anger.

When Zhang Heng arrived in Jingzhou, he saw Liu Biao. Although he praised Liu Biao's virtue, he was actually mocking him. Liu Biao was not happy and ordered him to go to Jiangxia to see Huang Zu. Someone asked Biao,"Mi Heng

Why don't you kill him?" "Mi Heng has humiliated Cao Cao many times. If Cao Cao does not kill him, I am afraid he will lose his popularity. So he sent me,

Kill him with my hand, and let me suffer the reputation of a wise man. I'll send him to see Huang Zu now, so Cao Cao can know that I know him.”Everyone praised him. Yuan Shao

He also sent messengers. "Yuan Benchu has sent messengers, and Cao Mengde has sent Mi Heng here. What should we do?" asked Liu Biao.”engaged in the middle

Han Song, the general, said,"Now the two are at loggerheads. If you want to do something, you can take this opportunity to defeat them. If not, I will choose the best and follow.

That's right. Now Cao Cao is good at using troops, and most of the wise and capable people have surrendered. He will certainly attack Yuan Shao first, and then move his troops to Jiangdong. I'm afraid you can't resist him. mo RUO

If you surrender Jingzhou to Cao Cao, Cao Cao will treat you very well.”"Go to the capital for now," said Liu Biao,"and observe what is going on there. Then we can discuss further.”Yan Song said:

"The monarch and his subjects have their own positions. Yan Song now serve the general, although go through fire and water, but also obey the general's orders. If the general can obey the emperor and Cao Cao,

Yan Song can do this, if still hesitant, Yan Song to the capital, the emperor gave Yan Song an official position, then Yan Song as the emperor's minister, no longer for the general to die.”table

"Go and see first," said the man. I have another idea."

It is a small merit, but I am given this position again. Mi Heng has no reputation, and the Prime Minister sent him away without asking. Why?”Cao Cao said,"Mi Heng has insulted me too much, so he has borrowed Liu's help.

Why ask?" So he sent Han Song back to Jingzhou to persuade Liu Biao.

"General, I have failed you," he cried."How can I fail you?”Kuai Liang said,"Before I left, I had already said this.”Liu Biao then pardoned him.

It was reported that Huang Zu had beheaded Mi Heng. When the above table asked why, Mi Heng replied: "Huang Zu and Mi Heng drank together and were both drunk. Zu asked Heng,'You are in Xu

Who are they? Zhang Heng said,"The eldest son is Kong Wenju, and the younger son is Yang Dezu. Other than these two, there is no one else. Zu said,'Just like me

How is it? Zhang Heng said,'You are like a god in a temple. Although you have been sacrificed, it is a pity that you have no effect.'Zu said angrily,"You treat me like a wooden puppet.

Yay! So he killed him. When Liu Biao heard of Zhang Heng's death, he sighed and ordered him to be buried on the edge of Parrot Island. a poem

He sighed and said,"Huang Zu's talent is not comparable to that of his elders. Mi Heng's pearl is like a broken river. Now I've come to Parrot Island, where only the merciless blue water flows.”meanwhile Cao

Cao Cao knew that Mi Heng had been harmed, so he laughed and said,"A pedantic scholar with a sword in his mouth has committed suicide!”Seeing that Liu Biao had not come to surrender, he wanted to send troops to punish him. Xun Yu dissuaded

Be prepared, and the Yangtze River and Han River will be swept away." Cao Cao listened.

After Liu Xuande left, Dong Cheng discussed with Wang Zifu and others day and night, but could not find a solution. In the fifth year of Jian 'an, on New Year's Day, he went to congratulate Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's arrogance and arrogance became more and more serious, and he became ill from anger. The emperor knew that his uncle was ill and ordered him to go with the imperial physician to treat him. The doctor was from Luoyang. His surname was Ji and his name was

Tai, the word said flat, people call him Jiping, was a famous doctor at that time. Chen Ping went to Dong Cheng's house to take medicine for treatment, and did not leave him day and night. I often see Dong Cheng sighing

He sighed and did not dare to ask.

It was the Lantern Festival. Zhang Jiping took his leave and left. Zhang Cheng asked him to stay. The two of them drank together. After drinking for more than a minute, he felt sleepy and went to sleep with his clothes on. Hubao Wang

Zifu and other four people arrived, Wang Cheng came out to receive them. "Great things are done," said Fu. "I'd like to hear what you have to say," said Cheng. "Liu Biao has joined forces," said the host.

Yuan Shao raised an army of 500,000 men and divided them into ten groups to attack. Ma Teng colluded with Han Sui and mobilized 720,000 Xiliang troops to attack from the north. The end of Cao Cao

The army of Xuchang was mobilized and divided to meet the enemy. The city was empty. If you gather five servants, you can get more than a thousand people. Take advantage of tonight's banquet in the mansion to celebrate and reward Yuan

At night, the army surrounded the mansion and rushed in to kill him. We can't miss this opportunity!" Cheng was overjoyed and called his servants to pack up their weapons.

Spears, horses, dates, they all met in front of the inner gate and attacked at the same time. At the second watch of the night, all the soldiers arrived. Dong Cheng carried a sword and walked straight.

When he entered, he saw Cao Cao holding a banquet in the back hall and shouted,"F * ck you, don't run!" The sword slashed down and he fell down casually. Suddenly I woke up, it was a dream of Nanke.

He kept cursing "f * cking thief".

Never forget the Han Dynasty. I have been seeing my uncle sigh for days, but I dare not ask. I just said in my dream that I have seen the truth. I hope you don't hide it from me. If it's useful

In this place, even if you destroy nine families, you will not regret it!”"I'm afraid you don't mean it," cried Cheng, covering his face.”Chen Ping then bit off a finger and swore. Cheng

So he took out his belt and issued an edict, ordering him to look at him. He added,"Now that Liu Bei and Ma Teng have gone their separate ways, there is nothing we can do.

Shi, because of this, he became ill." "I don't need your help, gentlemen," said Chen Ping. The life of a scoundrel is in my hands." Zhang Cheng asked why. ping

"Cao Cao's rebels often suffer from head wind, and the pain goes deep into their bones. As soon as he opened his mouth, he called me to treat him. If summoned sooner or later, with only one dose of poison

But if you're dead, why bother raising your weapons?" "If this is the case, it is all thanks to you that the Han Dynasty can be saved," said Cheng.”At that time, Jiping resigned and returned home.

Cheng was secretly happy. He walked into the back hall and suddenly saw his servant Qin Qingtong and his concubine Yun Ying whispering in the dark. He Cheng was furious and called his men to arrest him.

Kill him. His wife advised him to avoid death, each of them with forty sticks on their backs, and locked Qingtong in a cold room. Qingtong held a grudge, broke the iron lock at night, and jumped over the wall.

After leaving, he went straight into Cao Cao's house and told him that he had a secret matter. Cao Cao called him into a secret room and asked him. Qing Tong said,"Wang Zifu, Wu Zilan, Zhong Ji."

Wu Shuo, Ma Teng and the other two were discussing secrets in the Lord's Mansion. They must be plotting against the Prime Minister. The head of the family took out a piece of white silk. I don't know what was written on it.

Recently, Yoshihira bit his finger and swore. I also saw it.”Cao Cao hid Qing Tong in his mansion. Dong Cheng only said that he had fled to another place and did not chase after him.

Soon after.

The next day, Cao Cao pretended to have a headache and called Ji Ping to take medicine. "This thief ought to be put to rest," said Chen Ping. He hid poison in his house. To lie down

On the bed, he ordered Wang Ping to take medicine. "This disease can be cured with one dose," said Chen Ping.”He taught him to take the medicine pot and fry it in front of him. The medicine is half dry, the light is dark

Poison, personally delivered. Cao Cao knew that there was poison in his heart, so he deliberately delayed and refused to accept it. "Take it when you are hot, and you will recover if you sweat less.”Cao Cao stood up and said,

"Since you have read Confucian books, you must know etiquette. If the monarch is ill, he should drink the medicine first. If the father is ill, he should drink the medicine first. You are my confidant

Why don't you try it first and then advance?" "Medicine is used to cure diseases," said Chen Ping."Why should anyone taste it?”Knowing that the secret had been leaked, Chen Ping strode forward and grabbed Cao Cao.

Then pour it into the ear. Cao Cao pushed the medicine to the ground, and the bricks cracked.

Before Cao Cao could say anything, the people around him had captured Ji Ping. "I am not ill," said Cao Cao."I am only testing you. You really have the intention to harm me!" then

He summoned twenty strong jailers to interrogate him in the back garden. Cao Cao sat down in the pavilion and tied Chen Ping to the ground. Ji Ping's face is calm and fearless.

Cowardly. Cao Cao smiled and said,"I guess you are a doctor. How dare you poison me? Someone must have instigated you to come. Name the person and I'll forgive you

You." "You are a traitor who deceives the king and deceives the king. The whole world wants to kill you, not just me.”Cao Cao asked again and again. pacify one's anger

"I wanted to kill you," said the man."Who sent me here? If we don't succeed today, we'll just die!" Cao Cao was furious and ordered the jailer to beat him up. Hit two

At that time, the skin opened and the flesh cracked, and the blood flowed all over the steps. Cao Cao was afraid that he would be killed and could not testify, so he ordered the jailer to drag him away to a quiet place and temporarily rest.

He ordered a banquet to be held the next day and invited all the ministers to drink. Only Dong Cheng pleaded illness and did not come. Wang Zifu and others were afraid that Cao Cao would be suspicious, so they had to go together. fuck

"Bring him to me!" After a while, he saw a long cangue nailed to Ji Ping and dragged him to the foot of the steps. Cao Cao said,"None of the officials know that this man has joined forces.

Evil party, want to betray the court, plot to kill Cao Mou; Today, the heavens are defeated. Please listen to what they say." Cao Cao ordered him to beat him up first. He fainted on the ground and sprayed water on him.

Noodles. Ji Ping woke up, opened his eyes and gnashed his teeth, cursing: "F * ck you! If you don't kill me, when will you?" Cao Cao said,"There are six conspirators

People. Seven people with you?" Ping cursed. Wang Zifu and the other three looked at each other as if they were sitting on pins and needles. He taught them to fight while they fought.

Spit. Ping had no intention of begging for mercy. Cao Cao saw that he did not surrender, and asked him to lead him away.

After the banquet was over, Cao Cao only left Wang Zifu and other four people to hold a banquet at night. The four of them were scared out of their wits and could only wait. Cao Cao replied,"I would not have kept you.

I have something to ask you. What are you discussing with Dong Cheng?”Tsze-fu replied,"We have not discussed anything.”"White silk," said Cao Cao

What is written in it?" Xiao Zifu and others are taboo. Cao Cao summoned Qingtong to testify. Tsze-fu said,"Where have you come from?”Qing Tong said,

"You avoided everyone and the six of you drew together. How can you refuse?”Tsze-fu said,"This thief committed adultery with a concubine of the state uncle. He was accused and framed.

Master, don't listen to me." "Who else could have poisoned Jiping but Dong Cheng?" said Cao Cao.”Zifu and others said they didn't know. "Tonight," said Cao Cao.

Surrender oneself, still can forgive, if wait until the matter comes to light, actually very difficult to tolerate!”Xiao Zifu and others said that there was no such thing. Cao Cao ordered his men to arrest the four prisoners.


The next day, he led everyone to visit Dong Cheng's family. Zhang Cheng had no choice but to go out to meet him. "Why did you not come to the banquet at night?" asked Cao Cao.”Zhang Cheng said:

"I'm not fully recovered yet. I don't dare to come out." Cao Cao said,"This is a worry for the country.”Zhang Cheng was surprised. Cao Cao replied,"Your Majesty, I know that you have done well.

Huh?" "I don't know," said Cheng. "How can you not know?" said Cao Cao with a sneer.”"Bring him to me," he called to his attendants,"and tell him that he is ill.”Cheng

There is no place to move. After a while, twenty jailers pushed Jiping to the bottom of the steps. "Cao Cao is a traitor!" Ji Ping cursed. Cao Cao pointed to him and said,"This man

I've captured four of them, including Wang Zifu, and I've captured Tingwei. There's still one person who hasn't been captured." Then he asked Ping,"Who sent you to give me the medicine?"

Me? Quickly use it!" "I have been sent here by an angel to kill the traitor," said Chen Ping.”Cao Cao was angry and ordered him to be beaten. There is no place for punishment. I look at him from my seat,

His heart felt like it was being cut by a knife. Cao Cao asked Ping,"You have ten fingers, but now you only have nine.”Ping replied,"I chew it as an oath, and swear to kill the kingdom.

Thief!" Cao Cao asked him to fetch a knife and cut off his nine fingers at the foot of the steps."I'll cut it off and teach you how to make an oath!" "There's still a mouth to talk about," said Ping.

If you can swallow a thief, you can curse a thief with your tongue!" Cao Cao ordered his tongue to be cut off. "Don't do it yet," said Chen Ping. I can't endure the punishment now, so I have to confess. may

Release me!" "What's the problem?" asked Cao Cao. So he ordered him to be untied. He rose to his feet and bowed to the watchtower, saying,"I cannot exterminate the rebels for the country.

It's fate!" When he was done, he crashed into the steps and died. Cao Cao ordered them to divide their limbs and give orders. It was the first month of the fifth year of Jian 'an. The historian once wrote,"The Han Dynasty

There was no improvement, and the medical country was praised for its peace. He vowed to get rid of the treacherous party and sacrifice his life to repay the sage. The words of capital punishment were fierce, and the atmosphere of death was like life. Where my fingers are wet,

Qianqiu, you have a different name."

When Cao Cao saw that Ji Ping was dead, he asked his attendants to lead Qin Qingtong to him. "Do you know him, Uncle?" asked Cao Cao.”Zhang Cheng was furious and said,

"The escaped slave is here, so he should be killed!" Cao Cao said,"He is the first to accuse me of rebellion. Now he has come to testify. Who dares to kill him?”"What is it, Prime Minister?" asked Cheng.

Is that why you heard the escaped slave speak?" Cao Cao said,"I have captured Wang Zifu and the others, and they have all confessed to me. Do you still deny it?”Immediately call for the attendants

He was arrested and ordered to go straight into Dong Cheng's bedroom with his entourage. He found Dong Cheng's clothes, belt, edict and righteousness. Cao Cao saw this and laughed,"How dare you, a scoundrel!”then

"Dong Cheng's whole family, all of them, are to be imprisoned, and not a single one of them shall escape.”Cao Cao returned to his mansion and presented the edict to his advisors for discussion.

The emperor re-established a new monarch. True: Several lines of imperial edicts have become false hopes, and a piece of alliance letter has caused disaster. I don't know what happened to Emperor Xian's life, but I'll explain it later.

It was solved.

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