The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
27 Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Beauty Beard Duke rode alone for thousands of miles, killing six generals at the five passes of the Marquis of Hanshou

Tang 57


Among Cao Cao's generals, except Zhang Liao, only Xu Huang and Yun Chang were close to each other. The rest were also respectful. Only Cai Yang was not convinced.

Guan Yu, therefore, heard that he had left today and wanted to go after him. Cao Cao said,"He who does not forget his former master, and who comes and goes with understanding, is a true man. All of you shall serve

Yes." So he ordered Cai Yang to retreat and not let him go. Cheng Yu said,"The Prime Minister has treated me very well, but now he has gone away without saying a word. He has been talking nonsense, and has taken the liberty

It is a great sin to blaspheme the power of the king. If you let him go back to Yuan Shao, you will be adding wings to a tiger. It would be better to chase and kill him to prevent future troubles.”Cao Cao said:

"I've already promised you in the past. How can I break my promise? They each serve their own master. Don't pursue them." Then he said to Zhang Liao,"You have a golden seal on your head.

You can go and ask him to stay first. When I see him off, you can give him a robe for the travel expenses and let him remember it the day after tomorrow.”Zhang Liao accepted the order and rode alone.

Go. Cao Cao followed with dozens of cavalry.

Guan Yu was riding a red rabbit horse, which traveled thousands of miles a day. He couldn't catch up. So he wanted to escort the chariots and horses, but he did not dare to let go of his horse, so he held the bridle and walked slowly.

Suddenly he heard someone behind him shout,"Chief Yun, hold on!"”He turned around and saw Zhang Liao riding his horse. Guan Yu taught the chariots and weapons to the attendants, and only cared about them.

Looking at the road ahead, he reined in the red rabbit horse, pressed the green dragon knife, and asked: "Could it be that Wen Yuan wants to chase me back?" "No," said Liao.

That's right. The Prime Minister knew that his brother had gone on a long journey and wanted to see him off. He specially sent me to ask him to stay in Taijia. He had no other intention.”Guan Yu replied,"The Prime Minister's cavalry

Come, I'm willing to fight to the death!" So he rode on the bridge and looked at the scene. Seeing Cao Cao galloping towards them with dozens of cavalry, Xu Chu and Xu Xu were behind him.

Huang, Yu Jin, Li Dianzhi and others. Cao Cao saw Guan Yu riding on a horse on the bridge with his sword across his face. He ordered his generals to rein in the horses and arrange them to the left and right. Guan Yu sees everyone

Only when they had no weapons in their hands did they feel at ease. Cao Cao said,"Why is it so fast that I am going on a long journey?" Guan Yu bowed to his horse and replied,"I have reported to you before.

He passed by the Prime Minister. Now the old monarch is in Hebei, not because I am not in a hurry to leave. Many times to visit the government, can not see, so bow to the letter farewell, seal gold hanging seal, accept

Return to Prime Minister. I hope Prime Minister will not forget what you said in the past." Cao Cao said,"I want to win the trust of the world. How can I go back on my words? I'm afraid the general will be tired on the way

I'll use it, and I'll send you the money." One of them took a plate of gold from his horse. Guan Yu replied,"I have received many favors, and I have more than enough to spare. stay here

Gold to reward the soldiers." Cao Cao said,"I am only offering you a small reward for your service. Why should you refuse?”Guan Yu replied,"It's just a little trouble. It's not worth it.

I'm sorry." Cao Cao smiled and said,"I am a righteous man of the world. It is a pity that I am not blessed enough to stay with you. I'm wearing a brocade robe to show my sincerity." Ling Yijiang

He dismounted from his horse and walked over with a robe in his hands. Yun Chang was afraid that there would be other changes, so he did not dare to dismount. He picked up a brocade robe with the tip of the Green Dragon Knife and draped it over his body. He reined in his horse and turned around to say,

"Thanks to the Prime Minister's gift of a robe, we will meet again in the future.”So he went down the bridge and looked North. Xu Chu said,"This man is too rude. Why not

Capture him?" Cao Cao said,"He is one man and one horse, and we have dozens of men. How can we not be suspicious? Since I've spoken, I can't pursue it." Cao Cao introduced himself

The generals returned to the city and sighed on the road.

I don't like Cao Cao's return. Guan Yu came to drive the chariot. After walking about thirty miles, he saw nothing. Cloud-head panicked and galloped his horse around to look for him.

That's right. Suddenly he saw a man at the top of the mountain shouting,"General Guan, hold on!"”Yun Changju looked over and saw a young man in a yellow turban and brocade clothes holding a spear.

Riding on the horse, a head hung from the horse's neck, he led over a hundred infantry and galloped over. "Who are you?" asked the duke. The young man abandoned his spear

The horse bowed to the ground. Yun Chang was afraid that it was a trick, so he reined in his horse and asked with a knife: "Hero, please tell me your name." "I am from Xiangyang,

His surname is Liao, his name is Hua, and his character is Jian. Because of the chaos of the world, he wandered the Jianghu and gathered more than 500 people to plunder for a living. Coincidentally, my companion Du Yuan went down the mountain to patrol.

Sentry, mistakenly robbed the two ladies up the mountain. I asked my entourage and knew that it was the wife of Uncle Liu of the Han Dynasty. I heard that the general was escorting her here. I wanted to see her off immediately.

Come down the mountain. Du Yuan spoke rudely and was killed by me. Now I offer my head to the general to apologize." "Where is the Second Mistress?" asked Guan Yu. technology

"He is in the mountains now," replied the man. Guan Yu ordered them to hurry down the mountain. Before long, more than a hundred people surrounded the chariot. Guan Yu dismounted, stopped his sword, and crossed his hands.

She greeted her in front of the carriage, saying,"Are you frightened, sister-in-law?”"If General Liao hadn't saved me," said the Second Mistress,"I would have been humiliated by Du Yuan.”Guan Yu asked.

"How did Liao Hua come to save her?" asked the attendants.”"Du Yuanjie has gone up the mountain," said the attendants."He wants to marry one of Liao Hua's wives. Liao Hua

Asked the reason, very good worship respect, Du Yuan did not listen, has been killed by Liao Hua.”When Guan Yu heard this, he thanked Liao Hua. Liao Hua wants to use his subordinates

Someone sent Guan Yu off. Guan Yu thought that this man was after all a remnant of the Yellow Turbans and could not be his companion, so he declined. Liao Hua bowed again and gave him gold and silk, but Guan Yu did not.

Accept. Liao Hua took his leave and led his companions into the valley. Guan Yu told his two sisters-in-law about Cao Cao's gift of robes and urged them to move forward. to

At night, he went to a village to rest. The villa owner came out to meet him. His beard and hair were all white. He asked: "General, what is your name?" Guan Yu saluted him and said,"I

I am Liu Xuande's younger brother." "Could it be Guan Yu, who slew Yan Liang and Wen Chou?" asked the old man.”"That's right," said Duke Huan. old man

He was very happy and asked to go to the village. "There are two ladies in the carriage," said Guan Yu.”The old man called his wife and daughter out to welcome him. The Second Mistress came to the thatched cottage,

Guan Yu stood beside the two ladies with his hands crossed. The old man asked the duke to sit down. The duke said,"Your sister-in-law is above. How dare you sit down?"”The old man asked his wife and daughter to invite two

The lady went into the inner room to entertain Guan Yu, and she herself entertained Guan Yu in the thatched cottage. Guan Yu asked the old man's name. "My name is Hu Hua," said the old man. at the time of Emperor Huan

He served as a counselor and retired to his hometown. Now there is a child named Hu Ban, working under Wang Zhi, the prefect of Rongyang. If General passes by here, I

I have a book for you." Guan Yu agreed. After breakfast the next day, he invited his sister-in-law to get on the bus, took Hu Hua's letter, and left.

He came to Luoyang. Go forward to a pass called Dongling Pass. The general surnamed Kong, named Xiu, led 500 soldiers to guard the ridge. That day, Guan Yu escorted

When the chariot reached the ridge, the soldiers reported to Kong Xiu, who came out of the pass to meet him. Guan Yu dismounted and saluted Kong Xiu. "Where are you going, general?" asked Liu Xiu. public

"I bid farewell to the Prime Minister and went to Hebei to look for my brother.”"Yuan Shao of Hopei is the Prime Minister's rival," said Liu Xiu. General, there must be a deputy here.

A physiognomy degree?" "Because of the urgency of the expedition," replied the Duke of Jin,"we have not been able to capture them.”"I have no qualifications," said Xiu."I will send someone to report to the Prime Minister.

You can let them pass." Guan Yu said,"When I go to report, you will delay my journey.”"The law has bound me," said Liu Xiu."I have no choice but to do so.”Guan

"You won't allow me to pass through," said the Duke of Jin.”"If you want to go," said Xiu,"leave the young and the old as hostages.”Guan Yu was furious and raised his sword to kill Kong.

Xiu. Liu Xiu retreated into the pass, beat the drum and gathered his troops. He put on his armor and mounted his horse. He rushed down the pass and shouted: "Do you dare to go over?" Guan Yu agreed to withdraw the chariot

With weapons, he rode on his horse with a knife in his hand. He didn't say anything and went straight for Kong Xiu. Liu Xiu came to meet him with his spear. Two horses met, only one close, where the steel knife rose, Kong Xiu's body was dead.

He rode down. The army fled. "Don't run," said Guan Yu. I killed Kong Xiu because I had no choice. It has nothing to do with you. Lend me your army

I sent a message to Prime Minister Cao, saying that Kong Xiu wanted to kill me, so I killed him.”All the soldiers bowed in front of the horses.

Guan Yu immediately asked the two ladies to pass through the pass in chariots and horses and set out for Luoyang. A soldier had already reported this to Han Fu, the prefect of Luoyang. Han Fu hurriedly gathered a crowd to discuss business

Talk. Meng Tan, the general of the teeth, said,"Since you have no Prime Minister's degree, you are in private. If we don't stop them, we'll be punished." "Guan Yu is brave," said Han Fu.

Wang Meng, Yan Liang and Wen Chou were killed by him. Now we can't fight him with force. We just need to plan to capture him.”"I have a plan," said Meng Tan."First, I'll take the antlers.

Stop the pass, wait for him to arrive, the general will lead the army to fight with him, pretend to be defeated to lure him to chase, you can use secret arrows to shoot him. If I fall off my horse,

If you capture Xu Du, you will be rewarded." After the discussion, someone declared that the bus had arrived. Han Fu drew his bow and inserted an arrow, leading a thousand men and horses.

They went to the pass and asked,"Who are you?”Guan Yu immediately bowed and said,"I am Guan Yu, Marquis of Hanshou Pavilion.”han Fu

On the ground, he specifically cross-examined the spies who came and went. If you don't have a diploma, you're on the run." "I have killed Kong Xiu of Dongling," said Guan Yu angrily. you also

Do you want to die?" "Who will help me capture him?" asked Han Fu.”Meng Tan rode out and took Guan Yu with his two sabers. Guan Yu agreed to withdraw his chariot and weapons.

The horse came to meet him. Meng Tan fought three rounds and turned his horse back. Guan Yu rushed over. Meng Tan only hoped to lure Guan Yu, but he didn't want Guan Yu to be so fast.

When he caught up with him, he cut him in half with a knife. Guan Yu reined in his horse and returned. Han Fu stood at the door and shot an arrow with all his might. It hit Guan Yu on the left.

Arms. Guan Yu pulled out the arrow from his mouth, but the blood did not stop. He galloped straight to Han Fu and scattered the army. Han Fu fled in a hurry. Guan Yu raised his hand and cut off his sword.

Guan Yu cut off some silk and tied up the arrow wound. On the way, he was afraid that someone would plot against him, so he did not dare to stay long. That night, he ran to the water pass. The gatekeeper is a native of Bingzhou,

His surname is Bian, his name is Xi, and he is good at using a meteor hammer. He was originally a remnant of the Yellow Turbans. Later, he defected to Cao Cao and was transferred to guard the pass. When I heard that Guan Yu was coming, I thought,

Now that I've returned to Imperial Uncle, it shows my loyalty!" Guan Yu told the story of killing Kong Xiu and Han Fu. Bian Xi said,"General, it is right to kill him. I see Cheng

Prime Minister, please convey my heartfelt message." Guan Yu was very happy. He mounted his horse and crossed the water pass with him. They dismounted in front of Zhenguo Temple. The monks rang the bell and came out to meet him. the original

Zhenguo Temple is the incense courtyard in front of Emperor Ming of Han Dynasty. There are more than 30 monks in this temple. There was a monk in the house, who was a fellow countryman of Guan Yu. His Dharma name was Pujing.

Pujing knew what Guan Yu meant and went forward to greet him."General, how many years have you been away from Pudong?" Guan Yu said,"It will be twenty years.

Yes." "Do you still recognize me?" asked Pujing.”"I've been away from home for many years," said the Duke."I don't know him.”Pujing said,"My family and

General's house is only separated by a river." Bian Xi saw Pujing narrate the feelings of his hometown, worried that there would be a leak, so he scolded him: "I would like to invite the general to go

At a banquet, you monk, why do you have to say so much?" "Not so," said Guan Yu. When villagers meet, how can they not reminisce about old times?”Pujing invites Abbot Guan Gong

Waiting for tea. "My two ladies are in the carriage," said Guan Yu.”Pujing taught him to bring tea to his wife first, and then invited Guan Yu into the room.

Zhang. Pujing raised his sword and looked at Guan Yu. After the meeting, he ordered his men to follow him with knives.

Bian Xi invited Guan Yu to a banquet in the Hall of Law. Guan Yu said,"Is it good or bad that you have invited me?”Bian Xi hasn't returned yet

Guan Yu had already seen a man with a knife and axe in the clothes on the wall. He shouted at Bian Xi: "I treat you as a good person. How dare you do this!”Governor Bian Xi

"Left and right!" he shouted. Guan Yu pulled out his sword and cut down the people around him. Bian Xi went down the hall and ran around the corridor. Guan Yu abandoned him.

The sword rushed forward with a big knife. Bian Xi secretly took out a flying hammer and threw it at Guan Yu. Guan Yu cut the hammer with his knife and drove the general into the palace. He cut Bian Xi in two with one blow.

He turned to look at his sister-in-law. There were soldiers surrounding them. When they saw Guan Yu, they ran around. Guan Yu drove them away, and thanked Pu Jing, saying,"If it weren't for me

Master has already been killed by this thief." Pujing said,"This place is not suitable for me. I will pack up my clothes and go to other places to travel. We shall meet again,

General, take care." Guan Yu thanked him and escorted the chariot to Xingyang. Wang Zhi, the prefect of Xingyang, was in-laws with Han Fu. smell

After Guan Yu killed Han Fu, they discussed the matter of killing Guan Yu, so they sent people to guard the pass. When Guan Yu arrived, Wang Zhi came out of the pass and greeted him with a smile. Guan

The public accused him of finding his brother. "The general has been driving on the road," said Zhi."My lady is tired from the carriage. Please go into the city and rest in the inn for the night.

It's not too late to get on the road." Guan Yu saw that Wang Zhi was very attentive, so he invited his two sisters-in-law into the city. The inn and the post station were all laid out in a proper manner. Wang Zhi invited you to a banquet,

Cao Cao refused to go, and Cao Zhi sent someone to send the banquet to the post station. Guan Yu had a hard time on the road, so he asked his two sisters-in-law to rest in the main room after dinner. Let the followers

He rested and fed his horses. Guan Yu also took off his armor and rested. Wang Zhi secretly summoned Hu Ban to listen to his orders."I betrayed the Prime Minister and fled.

He also killed the prefect and the general school guarding the pass on the road. The death penalty was not light. This man is brave and difficult to defeat. One thousand soldiers surround the inn, one for each of you.

Torches, wait until the third watch, set fire together; No matter who it was, they would all be burned to death! I'll also lead the army to support him." Hu Ban accepted the order and nodded.

The soldiers were recruited, and they secretly carried dry firewood and kindling to the front of the post station and agreed on a time to raise the matter.

"I've heard of Guan Yunchang for a long time," thought Hu Ban,"but I don't know what he looks like. I'll try to see him.”When he arrived at the post station, he asked the post station official:

"Where is General Guan?" "Yes," replied the man who was reading in the main hall.”Hu Ban sneaked to the front of the hall and saw Guan Yu holding his beard in his left hand.

I lean on a few tables to read. When Ban saw this, he exclaimed,"What a celestial being!”When the Duke of Jin asked who it was, Hu Ban came in and bowed to him, saying,"He is the prefect of Xingyang.

Hu Ban." "Is he the son of Hu Hua, who is outside the capital?" said Guan Yu.”"That's right," said Ban. The king called for his entourage in his luggage.

He took the letter and handed it to the class. When he had finished reading it, he sighed,"I nearly killed a loyal minister by mistake.”So he secretly told him,"Wang Zhi has an unkind heart and wants to harm you.

He ordered people to surround the post station on all sides and agreed to set fire to it in the third watch. Now I will go first to open the city gate, and the general will quickly pack up and leave the city.”

Guan Yu was shocked. He put on his armor and mounted his horse. He invited his two sisters-in-law to get on the horse and left the inn. As expected, he saw the soldiers waiting with torches. Guan Yu is anxious

When he arrived at the city, he saw that the city gate was already open. Guan Yu hurried out of the city. Hu Ban also went to set fire to it. Guan Yu had only walked a few miles when his back caught fire.

Light up, and the horses will come. "Don't go, Guan!" Wang Zhi shouted.”Guan Yu reined in his horse and cursed,"You're a fool! I have nothing with you

How can you set me on fire?" Wang Zhi rode on his horse and ran straight to Guan Yu. Guan Yu cut him in half with a knife. men and horses

Dispel them. Guan Yu urged the chariots and horses to move quickly. On the way, he was very moved by the Hu Ban.

When they reached the border of Huazhou, someone reported to Liu Yan. Wang Yan led dozens of cavalry out of the city to meet. Guan Yu immediately bowed and said,"Prefect!

How have you been?" "Where are you going now?" asked Yan Yan. "I bid farewell to the Prime Minister and went to look for my brother," said the Duke of Jin.”"Liu Bei is in Yuan

Yuan Shao is the prime minister's enemy. How can he let you go?”"I have said before that I will certainly come," said Duke Huan. "The Yellow River is now at its crossing," said Yan.

The pass is narrow, Xiahou Dun's general Qin Qi is guarding, I'm afraid you can't pass through.”"What will the prefect do to deal with the ships?”Wang Yan said:

"Although there are ships, I don't dare to deal with them." "When I had killed Yan Liang and Wen Chou, I had helped you to relieve your distress. Today I ask for a ferry

Why not?" "I am afraid that Xiahou Dun will find out and punish me," said Yan Yan.”Guan Yu knew that Liu Yan was a useless man, so he hurried his carriage.

Go forward. When they reached the Yellow River ferry, Qin Qi led the army out and asked,""Who are you?" "I am Guan Yu, Marquis of the Pavilion of Hanshou.”Qi

"Where do you want to go now?" "I'm going to Hebei to find my brother Liu Xuande," said Guan Yu."I've come to borrow the ferry.”"The Prime Minister's official documents," replied Qi.

Where are you?" "I am not under the Prime Minister's command," said the Duke of Jin."What official business do I have?”"I have been ordered by General Xiahou to guard the pass.

Even if you grow wings, you won't be able to fly over!" "Do you know that I cut down those who tried to stop me?" said Guan Yu.”"You can only kill

Do you dare to kill me?" "How do you compare yourself to Yan Liang and Wen Chou?" said Guan Yu angrily.”Qin Qi was furious, she rode her horse and took out her knife.

Guan Yu. The two horses crossed each other. After only one round, Guan Yu raised his sword and Qin Qi's head fell off. "The man who was with me is dead," said Guan Yu."The rest need not flee in alarm.

Prepare the boats and send me across the river." The soldiers hurried to shore. Guan Yu asked his sister-in-law to get on the boat and cross the river. Crossing the Yellow River is Yuan Shao's land

Fang. Guan Yu passed through five passes and killed six generals. Later, a poem lamented,"Hanging the seal and sealing the gold, I bid farewell to the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty. I look for my brother and look far away on the long journey."

The horse rode a red rabbit thousands of miles away, the knife Yan Qinglong out of the five passes. Loyalty and righteousness rushed to the universe, and heroes shook the country from then on. Alone, I should be invincible when I cut down my generals,

I've left my inscription in calligraphy since ancient times."

Guan Yu sighed from his horse, saying,"I didn't want to kill anyone on the way, but I had no choice. If Cao Cao knows about this, he'll think I'm ungrateful.

Yes." As he was walking, he suddenly saw a rider coming from the north and shouted,"Young Master Yun!" Guan Yu reined in his horse and saw that it was Sun Qian. Guan Gong

"How have you been since we parted in Runan?”"Liu Pi and Gong have taken Runan since the general returned," said Liu Qian.

He sent me to Hebei to make friends with Yuan Shao and asked Liu Bei to plan a plan to defeat Cao Cao. I didn't expect the soldiers in Hebei to be jealous of each other. Tian Feng is still in prison;

Wang Shou was dismissed from office, Shen Pei and Guo Tu fought for power respectively. Yuan Shao was suspicious and could not preside over the affairs of the state. I discussed with Uncle Liu and asked to get away first.

Plan. Now my uncle has gone to Runan to meet Liu Pi. I'm afraid the general doesn't know and will come to Yuan Shao's place instead. Perhaps he will be killed. I'll send someone to meet you on the road.

In the future. I'm glad to see you here. General, you can quickly go to Runan to meet with Uncle.”Guan Yu told Sun Qian to pay his respects to his wife. His wife asked him what was going on.

Sun Qianbei said that Yuan Shao wanted to kill the emperor's uncle twice, and now he was lucky enough to escape to Runan. You can meet me here. The Second Mistress covered her face.

Tears. Guan Yu did as he was told. He did not go north of the Yellow River, but went straight to Runan. As he was walking, a cloud of dust rose behind him, and a group of people rushed over.

"Don't go," shouted Xiahou Dun.”The six generals who blocked the pass were killed in vain, and an army blocked the road and fought again. After all, how can Guan Yu escape?

I'll explain it later.

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