The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
29 Chapter 29: The Little Overlord Beheaded Yu Ji in a Rage, Sitting in Jiangdong with Green Eyes

Tang 57


Now Sun Ce has conquered Jiangdong and has a good army and sufficient food. In the fourth year of Jian 'an, he attacked Lujiang and defeated Liu Xun. He sent Yu Fan to Yuzhang.

Governor Hua Xin surrendered. From then on, Zhang was sent to Xuchang to report the victory. Cao Cao knew that Sun Ce was strong and powerful. He sighed and said,"Lion

It's hard to compete with him!" So Cao Ren's daughter was betrothed to Sun Kuang, Sun Ce's younger brother, and the two families married. Zhang was left in Xuchang. Sun Ce asked to be the chief secretary

Cao Cao did not allow horses. Sun Ce hated him and often wanted to attack Xudu. So Xu Gong, the prefect of Wujun, secretly sent an envoy to Xudu to write a letter to Cao Cao.

Fuck. "Sun Ce was valiant and brave, similar to Xiang Ji. The court should show its glory and favor to the outside world and summon him to the capital. We can't let them live in other towns, because

A future trouble." The messenger crossed the river with a letter, but was captured by the soldiers guarding the river and sent to Sun Ce. Sun Ce read the letter and was furious. He killed the messenger and sent someone to pretend to ask for help.

Xu Gong discussed the matter. When the tribute arrived, Sun Ce took out a letter and showed it to him. Sun Ce scolded: "You want to send me to death!" He ordered the warriors to strangle him. The tribute family fled.

Scatter. There are three family guests, want to avenge Xu Gong, but regret not convenient. One day, Sun Ce led his army to hunt in the Western Hills of Dantu.

Lu, Sun Ce let his horse go up the mountain to chase him. As they were rushing, they saw three people standing in the forest with bows and spears. The horse asked,"You

For whom?" "He is Han Dang's soldier," replied the old man. Shoot the deer here." Sun Ce raised his reins and was about to go when a man with a spear stabbed Sun Ce's left leg.

Sun Ce was shocked and quickly took his sword and cut it off from his horse. The blade suddenly fell, leaving only the target in his hand. One of them had already shot an arrow at Sun Ce.

Cheeks. Sun Ce pulled out the bow and shot the arrow in his face. He took out his bow and shot back at the person who shot the arrow. The arrow fell face down. The two men raised their guns and pointed at Sun Ce, shouting,

"We are guests of Xu Gong's family. We are here to avenge our master!”Sun Ce had no other weapons, only a bow to resist, while resisting and fleeing. Will the two fight to the death?

Retreat. Sun Ce was shot several times and his horse was injured. Just when the situation was critical, Cheng Pu led several people to come. "Kill the thief!" Sun Ce shouted. "Cheng Pu leads the crowd

The Northern Qi army went to the capital and cut Xu Gong's family into meat paste. When he saw Sun Ce, his face was covered in blood and he was seriously injured. He cut his arms with a knife and wrapped his wounds to save him.

He returned to Wu to recuperate. Later, there was a poem praising the three guests of the Xu family, saying,"The wise and brave Sun Lang is the best in the river, and he is trapped in danger in the mountains. The three of them can die

It's not surprising that you're willing to sacrifice yourself." Sun Ce was wounded and returned home. He sent someone to ask Hua Lun to treat him. I didn't think that Hua Tuo had gone to the Central Plains.

There is only one disciple in Wu, ordered him to cure. "The arrowhead is poisoned, and the poison has gone to the bone," said the servant. You have to rest for a hundred days before you can be safe. like a raging

The sores are difficult to treat." Sun Ce was the most impatient person, hoping that he could recover on the same day. After resting for more than twenty days, I suddenly heard that Zhang Hong had

When the messenger returned from Xuchang, Sun Ce called him and asked him. The messenger said,"Cao Cao is very afraid of you. The strategists under his tent also respected him, except Guo Jia.

I'm convinced." "What did Guo Jia say?" asked Sun Ce. The messenger did not dare to say anything. Sun Ce was furious and insisted on questioning him. The messenger had no choice but to tell the truth.

He once told Cao Cao that his lord was not to be feared: Light and unprepared, impatient and less resourceful, this is the courage of an ordinary man, one day will certainly die in the hands of villains.”

Sun Ce was furious at this, and said,"How dare a common man think of me? I swear to take Xuchang!" So he did not wait for the wound to heal, ready to discuss sending troops. Zhang Zhaojian

"The doctor warned you not to move for a hundred days. Why, in a moment of anger, do you despise your own body of gold?”While they were talking, they suddenly heard that Yuan Shao had sent an envoy to Chen.

Wang Zhen arrived. Sun Ce called him in and asked. Li Zhen told them in detail that Yuan Shao wanted to ally with Wu to attack Cao Cao together. Sun Ce was very happy and gathered his generals on the tower that day.

As for the immortal, he passed by downstairs today, and the generals wanted to go and worship him.”Sun Ce got up and leaned against the railing to watch. He saw a man wearing a crane cloak and holding a knife in his hand.

He stood on the road with a cane, and the people burned incense and knelt down on the road to worship. "What kind of demon is this?" said Sun Ce angrily. Quickly capture him!" The attendants told him:

"This person's surname is Yu, and his name is Ji. He lives in the east and travels to Wu Hui. He uses talisman water to save people from all kinds of diseases. The world calls him a god

Immortals should not be defiled." "Bring him here at once!" he shouted. Violators will be beheaded!"

The people around him had no choice but to go downstairs and escort Yuji upstairs. "How dare you stir up the hearts of the people?" shouted Sun Ce.”Yu Ji said:

"I am a Taoist priest from Langya Palace. When Emperor Shun went into the mountains to collect herbs, I obtained a divine book on the Yangqu Spring. It is called Taiping Qingling Dao.

There are more than 100 volumes, all of which are prescriptions for treating diseases. When I got it, I only wanted to promote enlightenment on behalf of heaven and save thousands of people. I didn't take anything from others. How could I get it?

Instigate people?" Sun Ce said,"You don't take anything from people. Where do you get clothes and food? You are the Yellow Turban Zhang Jiao and the like. If you don't kill him now,

It will definitely be a future trouble!" He ordered his men to kill him. Zhang Zhao remonstrated,"Taoist Yu has been in Jiangdong for decades and has done no wrong. He cannot be killed.”policy

"What is the difference between killing a demon like him and slaughtering pigs and dogs?”All the officials tried their best to remonstrate, and Chen Zhen also advised them. Sun Ce was still angry and ordered him to be imprisoned for the time being.

In the middle. All the officials dispersed. Chen Zhen returned to his post house to rest. When Sun Ce returned to the mansion, there was a rumor that Sun Ce's mother, Lady Wu, knew about it. husband

Sun Ce was summoned into the back hall and told,"I heard that you were going to be put in prison by the immortals. This person has cured many people's diseases, and the army and the people admire him.

Harm." "This is a devil," said Sun Ce."He can use sorcery to confuse the people. We must get rid of him.”Madam repeatedly persuaded. "Mother, do not

Listen to the nonsense of outsiders, children have their own place. So he went out and called the jailer to fetch Yu Ji and ask him. It turned out that the jailers all respected and trusted Ji. When Ji was in prison, he died.

He took off his shackles, and when Sun Ce called for him, he came out with his shackles. Sun Ce visited and learned that he was furious and severely reprimanded the prison officials. He still put Yu Ji in prison. Zhang Zhao and

Dozens of people, one by one, wrote a letter to beg Sun Ce to save them from the gods. "You are all scholars," said Sun Ce."Why are you not sensible? In the past, I was stabbed in Jiaozhou

Shi Zhangjin believed in heresy, played the zither and burned incense. He often wrapped his head with a red handkerchief and claimed to be able to help the army. Later, he was killed by the enemy. these

It's useless. You don't realize it. I want to kill Yu Ji because I want to prohibit evil and wake up the confusion.”

Lu Fan replied,"I have always known that Taoist priests can pray for wind and rain. Now there is a drought, why not let him pray for rain to atone for his sins?”Ce said,"I

Let's see what this demon will do." So he ordered Yu Ji to be taken out of prison, opened his shackles, and let him go to the altar to pray for rain. Ji accepted the order and immediately took a bath and changed his clothes.

He took a rope and tied himself to the hot sun. The common people watched, filling the streets and blocking the alleys. Yu Ji said to the crowd,"I ask for three feet of sweet rain to save the people.

But I'll still die." "If it works, my lord will certainly admire it.”Yu Ji said,"I am afraid I cannot do this.

Run!" After a while, Sun Ce personally came to the altar and ordered,""If it doesn't rain at noon, it will be burned to death.”He ordered people to pile up firewood to serve him. will

At noon, a strong wind blew. Where the wind passed, the dark clouds gradually converged. Ce said,"It was nearly noon, and there were dark clouds in the sky, but no rain.

It's a demon!" He ordered Yu Ji, the general around him, to carry a pile of firewood on his shoulders and light a fire around him. The flames rose with the wind. Suddenly, a black smoke shot into the sky.

There was a loud sound, thunder and lightning, and heavy rain. In an instant, the street became a river, the stream was full, and there was a sweet rain of three feet. Yu Ji lies on his back

On the pile of firewood, he shouted loudly, the clouds stopped raining, and the sun appeared again. So all the officials and the people helped Yu Ji down from the firewood pile and untied the rope.

He bowed again and thanked him. Sun Ce saw that the officials and the people were kneeling in the water, regardless of their clothes, so he flew into a rage and shouted: "Rain is the essence of heaven and earth

It's destined that the demon will take advantage of it. How can you be so confused?”He drew his sword and ordered his men to kill Yu Ji quickly. All the officials tried their best to remonstrate, and Sun Ce said angrily:

"You all want to rebel with Yu Ji!”The officials did not dare to speak again. Sun Ce ordered the warrior to cut off Yu Ji's head and fall to the ground. I only see a blue

The anger went to the northeast. Sun Ce ordered his body to be put in the market to punish the crime of evil.

That night the wind and rain blew, and at dawn Yu Ji's body was gone. The guard reported to Sun Ce. Sun Ce was furious and wanted to kill the soldier guarding the corpse. suddenly

He saw a man walking slowly from the front of the hall. When he looked at him, he saw that it was Yu Ji. Sun Ce flew into a rage and was about to draw his sword to cut him down when he suddenly fainted on the ground. about

He was sent to his bedroom for emergency treatment and woke up after a long time. Mrs. Wu came to visit Sun Ce and said to Sun Ce: "My son killed an immortal, so he brought this disaster.”Ce Xiao

"When I was a child, I went out with my father to war, and I killed people as if they were hemp. How could I have done any harm? Now that I've killed the demon, I'm putting an end to the disaster. How can I do it for me?

Disaster?" "It's because you don't believe it," said his wife. Now we can do something good to eliminate it." Ce said,"My fate is in Heaven, and the devil will decide.

It can't be a disaster. Why bother?" Mrs. Wang expected that he would not believe it, so she ordered the people around her to secretly cultivate good deeds and solve the problem. At the second watch of the night, Sun Ce was lying in his room.

At home, suddenly a cold wind blew, and the lights went out and came back to life. Under the shadow of the lamp, see auspicious standing in front of the bed. "I have sworn to slay the devil," cried Ce.

To pacify the world! Since you're a Yin Ghost, how dare you come near me!" He took the sword by the bed and threw it at the man, but it suddenly disappeared. When Mrs. Wu heard this, she reincarnated.

Sorrow. Sun Ce then took advantage of his illness and forced himself to appease his mother. His mother said to Sun Ce,"The sage said,'The virtue of ghosts and gods is very great!'again

He said,'Pray to the gods above and below.' Ghosts and spirits must be believed. You killed Mr. Wang. Isn't there retribution? I've already ordered people to hold a ceremony

In the county's Yuqing Temple, you can go to pray, naturally safe.”

Sun Ce did not dare to disobey his mother's order, so he reluctantly took a sedan chair to Yuqing Temple. The Taoist priest came in and asked Sun Ce to burn incense. Sun Ce burned incense but did not thank him. Huxiang burner

The smoke did not disperse and formed a canopy, on which Yu Ji sat. Sun Ce was furious and cursed him. He ran away from the temple and saw Ji standing in the temple again.

He threw it, and one of them fell to the ground. Everyone looked at him and saw that he was a small soldier who had killed Yu Ji the day before yesterday. He was cut in the head by a sword and bled to death from all seven orifices.

Sun Ce ordered him to be carried out and buried. When he came out of the temple, he saw Ji walk into the temple gate. "This temple is also a place where demons are hidden.”So he sat in the temple

He went forward and ordered 500 warriors to tear it down. The warrior went up to the house to take off the tiles, but he saw Ji standing on the roof and throwing the tiles to the ground. Ce was furious and ordered

The Taoist priest was expelled from the temple and set fire to the temple. At the place where the fire started, he saw Ji standing in the fire. Sun Ce returned to the mansion in a rage and saw Ji Li again.

In front of the mansion. Sun Ce did not enter the mansion, but followed Yuan Shao to mobilize the army, set up a camp outside the city, summoned the generals to discuss, and planned to help Yuan Shao attack Cao Cao.

"Our lord's body is in disarray," said the generals. It's not too late to send troops when the situation is better." That night Sun Ce stayed in the camp and saw

Yu Ji came with his hair loose. Sun Ce shouted in the tent. The next day, Lady Wu sent an order to summon Sun Ce back to the mansion. Sun Ce went back to see his mother. Mrs.

Seeing how haggard Sun Ce was, he wept and said,"My son has lost his form.”Sun Ce took out the mirror and looked at himself. As expected, he saw that his face was very thin and thin. He was surprised and looked to his left.

"Why am I so haggard?" said the right.”Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Ji standing in the mirror. Ce slapped the mirror and shouted, his wound bursting open.

He fell to the ground. His wife helped him into the bedroom. After a while he woke up and sighed,"I can't come back to life.”

Then he summoned Zhang Zhao and his brothers, as well as his brother Sun Quan, to the bed and told them: "The world is in chaos. With the people of Wu and Yue, the people of the three rivers

If it's solid, it can do something. Zibu and the others are lucky to be good friends with my brother." Then he took the seal and gave it to Sun Quan, saying,"If you take the army of Jiangdong, you will have to fight in two formations.

In the past, I fought with the world for power. You are not as good as me. I'm not as good as you. You should think of your father and brother's business

If it's difficult, you should plan for it yourself!" Sun Quan cried and bowed to accept the seal. Sun Ce told his mother,"My days are over, and I cannot serve my loving mother. Now, I'll give you the seal

He gave it to his younger brother and hoped that his mother would teach him day and night. Father and brother are old friends. Don't be careless." His mother wept,"I fear that your brother is too young to take up important tasks.

How is it?" "I am ten times more talented than you," said Sun Ce."I am worthy of great office. If you can't decide on internal affairs, you can ask Zhang Zhao. If you can't decide on external affairs, you can ask Zhou.

Zhou Yu. It's a pity that Zhou Yu is not here and can't tell him face to face!”Then he called to his brothers and said,"After my death, you will assist Zhongmou. among the people

Those who dare to have second thoughts will be killed by everyone. Blood relatives rebelled and could not be buried in their ancestral graves.”The brothers accepted the appointment with tears. And called his wife, Mrs. Qiao,

He said,"I am unfortunate to be separated from you halfway. You must be filial to your aunt. Sooner or later, your sister will come to see you. You can ask her to send you to Zhou Lang and help me with all her heart.

Brother, don't let me down.”With that, he closed his eyes and died. He was only 26 years old. Later generations had a poem praising him, saying,"Fighting alone in the southeast

Earth was known as the little tyrant. Planning is like a tiger crouching, decision-making is like an eagle flying. Wei town Sanjiang Jing, famous for the fragrance of the four seas. On his deathbed, he left behind a great event, dedicated to his thoughts.

It belongs to Zhou Lang."

After Sun Ce's death, Sun Quan fell to his bed crying. "This is not the time for you to weep, General," said Zhang Zhao. We should take care of the funeral at the same time and manage the military affairs at the same time.

Something big." Sun Quan stopped crying. Zhang Zhao ordered Sun Jing to attend to the funeral and asked Sun Quan to go out of the hall to receive civil and military officials to pay homage and congratulate him. Sun Quan was born with a big head

Mouth, blue eyes, purple beard. Once upon a time, Liu Wan, an emissary of the Han Dynasty, entered the State of Wu and met the brothers of the Sun family. He said to others: "I've seen the Sun brothers all over the world.

He is very outstanding, but his salary and fortune are not finished. Only Zhong Mou's appearance is strange and strange, and his bones are extraordinary. He is a symbol of great nobility, and he has lived a long life. No one can compare with him.


At that time, Sun Quan was in charge of the affairs of Jiangdong by Sun Ce's will. Before the matter was settled, it was reported that Zhou Yu had led his troops back to Wu from Baqiu. Sun Quan said:

"Gongjin has returned. I don't have to worry anymore." It turned out that Zhou Yu was guarding Baqiu. When he heard that Sun Ce had been injured by an arrow, he came back to greet him. Arriving in Wu

The county magistrate heard that Sun Ce had died, so he came to the funeral at night. Zhou Yu wept and bowed before Sun Ce's coffin. Mrs. Wu went out and told him the words of her will.

Zhou Yu bowed to the ground and said,"If you dare not follow the example of dogs and horses, you will be killed!”After a while, Sun Quan entered the palace. After Zhou Yu paid his respects, Sun Quan said,

"I hope that you won't forget my late brother's last words." Zhou Yu kowtowed and said,"I will pour my liver and brain on the earth to repay you for your kindness.”"I have inherited your kindness," said Sun Quan.

Ye, what are you going to do to defend it?" "Since ancient times," said Zhou Yu,"those who get help prosper, and those who lose help perish. For today's plan, we must find a wise and far-sighted person to do it.

Then Jiangdong can be pacified." "My late brother's last words were,'I entrust the internal affairs to you, and the external affairs to you, Duke Jin.”"Tsze-bu," said Zhou.

A wise man is worthy of a great responsibility. Zhou Yu is not talented, I am afraid to bear the heavy responsibility of relying on him, I hope to recommend a person to assist the general.”Sun Quan asked who it was. Zhou Yu said:

"Surname Lu, name Su, word Zijing, from Linhuai Dongchuan. This man has a military strategy in mind and a secret plan in his heart. He lost his father in his early years and served his mother very filial.

His family was very rich, and he once gave money to help the poor. When Zhou Yu was the chief of Juchao County, he led hundreds of people through Linhuai River. Because he was short of food, he heard that Lu Su's family had two granaries.

Three thousand bushels of rice each, so he went to ask for help. Wang Su pointed to a granary and gave it to him. He was so generous. He likes fencing, riding and archery all his life and lives in Qu 'a. progenitor

His mother died and was buried in Dongcheng. His friend Liu Ziyang wanted to invite him to Chaohu to surrender Zheng Bao, but Wang Su hesitated and did not go. Now, my lord, you can summon him quickly." right

He was very happy and immediately sent Zhou Yu to ask for employment.

Zhou Yu was ordered to go in person. After seeing Wang Su finish the ceremony, he told Sun Quan in detail about his admiration for Sun Quan. "Recently Liu Ziyang has invited me to Chaohu," said Su.

Yes." "Ma Yuan once said to Emperor Guangwu, In today's world, not only do the monarch choose his subjects, but the subjects also choose the monarch. Now, my grandson, the general, is treating you with courtesy.

Scholars are rare in the world. You don't have to think of other ways. Just come with me to Wu.”

Wang Su listened to his advice and went with Zhou Yu to see Sun Quan. Sun Quan respected him very much and talked with him all day long. One day, all the officials left.

Lu Su was left to drink with him, and he slept with him in the evening. In the middle of the night, Sun Quan said to Su,"The Han Dynasty is in danger and the four quarters are in turmoil. To inherit my father and brother

I want to do the things of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin. What will you teach me?”"The Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty wanted to serve the righteous Emperor, but he did not succeed.

It's a disaster. Now Cao Cao can compare with Xiang Yu. How can you compare with Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin? Su privately predicted that the Han Dynasty could not be revived, and Cao Cao could not be killed.

Abolish. For the general's sake, the only way is to stand in the east of the Yangtze River and observe the situation of the world. Now, taking advantage of the many affairs in the north, we will suppress Huang Zu and attack Liu Biao to reach the Yangtze River.

The place where he reached was occupied, and then he established the title of emperor and planned to conquer the world. This is the cause of Gaozu." Sun Quan was very happy to hear this. He put on his clothes and stood up to apologize. next day

He gave Lu Su a generous gift and gave clothes, curtains and other things to Lu Su's mother.

Wang Su also recommended a man to see Sun Quan: This man is erudite and talented. He is very filial to his mother. Fu surnamed Zhuge, named Jin, word Ziyu, Langya Nanyang people

The letter broke off relations with Yuan Shao. When Cao Cao heard of Sun Ce's death, he wanted to attack Jiangnan. Zhang Hong, the Imperial Censor, remonstrated, saying,"If you take advantage of a person's funeral to attack him, then

It is not a righteous act. If you can't win, you will abandon your friendship and become enemies. It's better to treat him well." Cao Cao agreed with his words, so he immediately petitioned Sun Quan to be appointed General and concurrently serve as the commander.

He was appointed prefect of Kuaiji, and Zhang was appointed commander of Kuaiji and sent to Jiangdong with the seal. Sun Quan was very happy. When Zhang Hong returned to Wu, he ordered him to be the same as Zhang Zhao.

Political affairs. Zhang recommended another man to Sun Quan: This man's surname is Gu Yong, character sigh, is Zhonglang Cai Yong's disciple; He is a man of few words,

He doesn't drink, he's strict and upright. Sun Quan appointed him as the prefect and acted as the prefect. From then on, Sun Quan's power shocked Jiangdong and won the hearts of the people. Let's talk about Chen Zhen's return to Yuan

"Sun Ce is dead, and Sun Quan will succeed him. Cao Cao granted him the title of general and made him a foreign envoy.”Yuan Shao was furious and raised an army in Jizhou.

More than 700,000 troops from Qingzhou, Youzhou and Bingzhou came to attack Xuchang again. The war in the south of the Yangtze River was at rest, and the war in the north of Hebei was revived.

I don't know how to win or lose, but I'll explain it later.

This book comes。

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