The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
32 Chapter Thirty-Two: Seizing Jizhou, Yuan Shang Strives to Decide on Zhang River, Xu You’s Plan

Tang 57


After Yuan Shang killed Shi Huan, he was proud of his bravery. Without waiting for Yuan Tan's army to arrive, he led tens of thousands of troops out of Liyang and joined Cao Cao's vanguard.

Welcome. Zhang Liao took the lead, and Yuan Shang came to fight with his spear. Within three rounds, he could not block the enemy and was defeated and fled. Zhang Liao took advantage of the situation to attack,

Yuan Shang could not do anything about it, so he hurried back to Jizhou.

When Yuan Shao heard that Yuan Shang had been defeated, he was shocked again. His old illness relapsed, and he vomited blood several times before fainting on the ground. Lady Liu hurried into the bedroom to save him,

His illness was getting worse. Lady Liu asked Shen Pei and Feng Ji to go to Yuan Shao's bed to discuss the future. Yuan Shao could only point his finger and could not speak. Liu Fu

The man said,"Will you be able to carry on the line?" Shao nodded. Shen Pei wrote his will in front of the bed. Shao turned around and shouted, spitting blood again.

And died. Later generations have a poem saying: "Generations of public officials establish great names, young people's will be vertical and horizontal." I have recruited three thousand heroes in vain, but there are millions of heroes

Soldiers. If you can't do it with sheep skin and tiger skin, you can't do it with phoenix hair and chicken gall. More pity a kind of sad place, home disaster in vain to delay two brothers.”Yuan Shao is dead,

Shen Pei and others presided over the funeral. Mrs. Liu killed all five of Yuan Shao's favorite concubines. I'm afraid his soul will meet Shao again in the underworld

When he saw him, he shaved his hair, stabbed his face, and dismembered his body. He was so jealous. Yuan Shang was afraid that his favorite concubine's family would harm him, so he arrested and killed them all. Examination and matching,

Feng Ji appointed Yuan Shang as the general of the Great Sima, concurrently serving as the herdsman of Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou and Bingzhou, and sent messengers to report the funeral. By this time Yuan Tan had left Qingzhou.

Knowing that his father had died, he consulted with Guo Tu and Xin Ping. "When the lord is not in Jizhou, Shen Pei and Feng Ji will certainly make him their lord. Dangsu

Alright." Xin Ping said,"Shen and Feng will certainly have a plan in mind. If we hurry now, we will definitely suffer." Yuan Tan said,"What should we do then?

Like?" "We can station our troops outside the city and observe the movements of the enemy," said Guo Tu. I'll go and see for myself." Yuan Tan did as he was told. Guo Tu then entered Jizhou and went to see Yuan Shao.

Shang. When the ceremony was over, Shang asked,"Why don't you come, brother?”"I am ill in the army and cannot see you," replied Tu.”"I accept my father's gift," said Shang.

He left his will to make me king and his brother a general of chariots and horses. At present, Cao Cao's army is pressing the border. Please be the vanguard, and I will send troops to meet you.”

"There is no one in the army to discuss a good plan. I would like to ask Shen Zhengnan and Feng Yuantu to assist me.”"I also want to rely on these two men to make it early," said Shang.

How can we leave if we plan too late?" "Then let one of the two go," said Tu.”As a last resort, he ordered the two men to pick.

Draw lots, and the one who wins will leave. Feng Ji picked it up, and Yuan Shang immediately ordered Feng Ji to take the seal and go to Yuan Tan's army with Guo Tu. Ji followed Tu to Tan's army and met Tan.

Wu sick, heart uneasy, presented the seal ribbon. Yuan Tan was furious and wanted to kill Feng Ji. "Cao Cao's army is pressing the border," said Guo Tu."We'll leave Feng alone for now.

Here is the record, to calm the heart. After Cao Cao was defeated, it would not be too late to come back and fight for Jizhou.”

Yuan Tan listened to his advice. So he took the camp and marched forward to Liyang to meet Cao Cao's army. Yuan Tan sent General Wang Zhao to fight, and Cao Cao sent Xu Huang to meet him.

Enemies. The two generals fought for a few rounds before Xu Huang killed Wang Zhao under his horse. Cao Cao's army took advantage of the situation to attack, and Yuan Tan's army was defeated. Yuan Tan collected the defeated army and entered Liyang,

He sent someone to Yuan Shang for help. After discussing with Shen Pei, he only sent more than 5,000 troops to help. Cao Cao found out that the rescue army had arrived and sent Yue Jin and Li Dian to lead them.

The army caught up on the way and surrounded them on both sides. Yuan Tan learned that Shang had only sent 5,000 troops and was killed halfway. He was furious and called Feng Ji to blame him.

Curse. "Please allow me to write a letter to my lord, asking him to come to the rescue himself," said Ji.”Yuan Tan immediately ordered Ji to write a letter and send someone to Jizhou to send Yuan Shang and Yuan Shen.

Li Pei discussed it together. "Guo Tu is very resourceful," replied Pei."The reason why he left without arguing was because Cao Cao's army was in the territory. If Cao Cao is defeated now, he will certainly come to fight for Jizhou.

It is better not to send reinforcements and use Cao Cao's strength to get rid of them.”Yuan Shang listened to his advice and refused to send troops. When the messenger returned, Yuan Tan was furious and immediately beheaded Feng Ji.

They want to surrender to Cao Cao. A spy had already reported to Yuan Shang. Shang and Shen Pei discussed the matter and said,"If Tan surrenders to Cao Cao and attacks with all his might, Jizhou will be in danger.”is

He left Shen Pei and General Su You to defend Jizhou, and personally led an army to Liyang to rescue Yuan Tan. He asked who in the army dared to be the vanguard. General Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang

The two brothers are willing to go. Yuan Shang sent 30,000 troops as the vanguard to reach Liyang first. Yuan Tan was very happy to hear that Yuan Shang had come in person, so he stopped the proposal to surrender Cao Cao. tan

The army was stationed in the city, and the army was stationed outside the city, forming a corner.

In less than a day, Yuan Xi and Gao Gan led their troops outside the city and stationed troops in three places. Every day they sent troops to confront Cao Cao. I've been defeated many times, and I've led my troops many times

The army pursued to Jizhou, where Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang entered the city and held fast. Murong Xi and his army camped thirty miles away from the city, bluffing. Cao Cao's army could not attack for days. Guo

Jia Jin said,"The Yuan family deposed the elder and established the younger. The power of the brothers was combined and they formed their own cliques. When they were in a hurry, they helped each other. When they were in a hurry, they fought with each other.

It is better to send troops south to Jingzhou to attack Liu Biao and wait for the Yuan brothers to change. After the formation of the enemy, we can attack it, and we can settle it at one stroke.”Virtuous

After hearing this, he ordered Jia Xu to be the prefect of Liyang. Cao Hong led his troops to guard Guandu. Cao Cao led his army to Jingzhou.

Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang heard that Cao Cao's army had retreated, so they congratulated each other. Yuan Xi and Gao Gan left. Yuan Tan, together with Guo Tu and Xin Ping, said,"I

As the eldest son, he could not inherit his father's business. He was born to his stepmother, but he inherited the title. I'm really unwilling." The picture said,"My lord, you may command the city of soldiers.

In addition, just invite Xianfu, Shen Pei to drink, ambush knife axemen to kill them, the event is set.”Yuan Tan listened to his advice. Coincidentally, Wang Xiu came from Qingzhou

When he came back, Yuan Tan told him the plan. "A brother is a right-hand man," said Xiu. Now I fight with others, cut off their right hand, and say I will win.

How can you get it? If you abandon your brothers and don't get close to them, who in the world will get close to them? Those slanderers drive a wedge between flesh and blood in order to gain instant benefits. I hope you won't listen to them.

Yes." Yuan Tan was furious and ordered Wang Xiu to retreat. He sent someone to ask Yuan Shang for help. I'm still discussing it with Shen Pei. "This must be Guo Tu's plan. if the Lord

If you go, you will certainly encounter evil schemes. It is better to take advantage of the situation to attack them.”Yuan Shang did as he was told, put on his armor, mounted his horse, and led fifty thousand troops out of the city. Yuan Tan saw Yuan Shang leading his army

When he came, he knew that the matter had been leaked, so he put on his clothes and mounted his horse to fight with Shang. Yuan Shang saw Yuan Tan cursing. "You poisoned your father to death and usurped his title," said Tan.

Wei, you're here to kill me again!" The two of them fought and Yuan Tan was defeated. Yuan Shang personally braved arrows and stones to fight and kill.

Yuan Tan led the defeated army to Pingyuan, and Yuan Shang withdrew his troops. Yuan Tan and Guo Tu discussed the matter again and ordered Cen Bi to lead the army. Still leading his own army

Out of Jizhou. The two formations faced each other in a circle, and the drums and drums looked at each other. Cen Bi came out of the battle array to curse, but Shang wanted to fight himself. General Lv Kuang rode his horse and waved his sword to fight Cen Bi. second

Before the battle began, Kuang killed Cen Bi under his horse. Yuan Tan's army was defeated again and fled to Pingyuan again. Shen Pei advised Yuan Shang to advance and pursued Yuan Shang to Pingyuan. Can Tan resist?

He retreated into the plain and held fast. The city was besieged on three sides. Yuan Tan and Guo Tu discussed the matter. The picture said,"The city is short of food.

Sharp, the situation is not the same. In my opinion, we can send people to surrender to Cao Cao and let Cao Cao lead the army to attack Jizhou. Shang Shang will certainly return to the rescue. General, lead your troops to attack them from both sides. It's okay.

To occupy Jizhou is to make progress." Yuan Tan listened to his advice and asked,"Who can be the envoy?”"Xin Pi, the younger brother of Xin Ping, was called Zuo.

Send 3,000 troops to escort Wang Pi out of the country. At that time, Cao Cao's army was stationed in Xiping to attack Liu Biao. Liu Biao sent Liu Bei to lead the vanguard to meet Cao Cao.

That's right. Before they could fight, Xin Pi arrived at Cao Cao's camp. When he saw that Cao Cao had finished the ceremony, Cao Cao asked him why he had come. Pi told him in detail what Yuan Tan wanted and presented the letter. fuck

After reading the book, he left Xin Pi in the camp to gather civil and military officials to discuss. Cheng Yu said,"Yuan Tan was attacked by Yuan Shang in a hurry and had no choice but to surrender.

I'll believe it." Lu Qian and Man Chong also said,"Since the Prime Minister has led his troops here, how can he abandon the memorial and help Tan?”Xun You said,"The three princes

It's not good. In my humble opinion, the world is in trouble, and Liu Biao is sitting between the Yangtze River and the Han River, not daring to show his feet. It can be seen that he has no ambition in the four directions.

That's it. The Yuan family occupied four states and had hundreds of thousands of soldiers. If the two of them lived in harmony and maintained their achievements together, the world would be unpredictable. Now I ride my brother

When they attacked each other, they were at their wits 'end and surrendered to us. We led our troops to destroy Yuan Shang first, and then observed the changes in Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan. The world was stable. This opportunity must not be missed

Yes." Cao Cao was very happy and invited Xin Pi to drink with him."Is Yuan Tan's surrender real or fake? Yuan Shang's army is sure to win

Huh?" "Do not ask whether it is true or false," replied Pi,"but only whether it is true or false. Yuan's family suffered years of defeat, the army was exhausted, and his advisers were killed.

In the country, brothers slander each other, the country is divided into two; In addition, famine has come, natural disasters and hardship: Whether wise or foolish, everyone knows that it will fall apart. This is God's will.

This is the time to destroy the Yuan family. Now Ming Gong led his troops to attack Ye City. If Yuan Shang did not return to rescue him, he would lose his nest. If he returns to the rescue, Yuan Tan will attack him from behind. To show the public

The power of the wind blows the tired people like the wind sweeping away the autumn leaves. If you don't want to do this, you can attack Jingzhou. Jingzhou is a rich and happy place. The country is peaceful and the people are obedient.

Don't shake it. Besides, there is no greater disaster in the four directions than in Hebei. After Hebei was pacified, hegemony was achieved. I hope you will consider it carefully." Cao Cao was overjoyed and said,

"I hate that I met Xin Zuozhi so late!”On the same day, he returned to Jizhou. Liu Bei was afraid that Cao Cao would have a plan, so he did not pursue Cao Cao and led his troops back to Jingzhou.


When Yuan Shang learned that Cao Cao's army had crossed the Yellow River, he quickly led his army back to Ye City and ordered Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to hold up the rear. When Yuan Tan saw that Yuan Shang had retreated, he raised a large army on the plain.

The military horses arrived soon after. After traveling for less than ten miles, a cannon was fired and the two armies charged out. Lu Kuang on the left, Lu Xiang on the right, the two brothers intercept.

He lives in Yuantan. Yuan Tan reined in his horse and said to the two generals,"When my father was alive, I did not treat you unkindly. Why do you follow my brother and be forced to do so?”two generals

Hearing this, he dismounted and surrendered to Yuan Tan. "Don't surrender me," said Tan."You can surrender Cao Chengxiang.”The two generals followed Yuan Tan back to camp. When Cao Cao's army arrived, Tan Tan led two troops.

I'm going to see Cao Cao. Cao Cao was very happy and took his daughter Xu Tan as his wife. He asked Lv Kuang and Lv Xiang to be matchmakers. Yuan Tan asked Cao Cao to attack Jizhou. Cao Cao said,"Now is the time for food.

The grass is not connected, and it is hard to transport it. We crossed the Yellow River and blocked the Qi River from flowing into the White Gully to open the grain road, and then we marched.”He ordered Yuan Tan to live in Pingyuan for the time being. control

The army retreated to Liyang, where Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang were granted marquises and followed the army.

Guo Tu said to Yuan Tan,"I am afraid Cao Cao did not mean it by betrothing his daughter to him. Now he has rewarded Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang and taken them to the army. This is a prison.

the hearts of the people north of the Yellow River. You'll be my disaster in the future. You can engrave two seals of the general and secretly send them to the two Lü brothers, so that they can be inside. Waiting to be broken

Yuan Shang, you can take this opportunity to plot against him." Yuan Tan listened to his advice and carved two seals of the general and secretly gave them to the two Lü brothers. After the two Lü received the seal, they went straight to report it to Cao Cao.

Fuck. Cao Cao laughed and said,"The one who secretly sent the seal was hoping that you would be his helpers. After I defeat Yuan Shang, I will go to the palace to take my orders. You shall take it

I have my own ideas." From then on, Cao Cao had the intention of killing Yuan Tan.

Yuan Shang discussed with Shen Pei,"Cao Cao's army is now transporting grain into Baigou. They will certainly attack Jizhou. What should we do?”"Yes," replied Pei

He sent an edict to Wu 'an County Chief Yin Kai to garrison Maocheng and open up the grain transportation road of Shangdang County. He ordered Juhu, the son of Jushou, to guard Handan and support him from afar. My lord, can you advance and pacify the enemy?

Yuan Yuan, attack Yuan Tan. We'll destroy Yuan Tan first, then Cao Cao." Yuan Shang was very happy and left Shen Pei and Chen Lin to guard Jizhou. He also sent Ma Yan and Zhang Wei to guard Jizhou.

The generals would be the vanguard and attack the plains overnight.

Yuan Tan knew that Yuan Shang's army was approaching and told Cao Cao that he was anxious. Cao Cao said,"This time I will certainly take Jizhou.”Just then, Xu You came from Xuchang.

When he heard that Yuan Shang was attacking Yuan Tan again, he went in to see Cao Cao and said,"The Prime Minister is sitting here, waiting for the thunder to strike and kill Yuan Shu and Yuan Shu.”Cao Cao smiled and said,"I am sure

Yes." So he ordered Cao Hong to attack Ye City first, and Cao Cao himself led an army to attack Yin Kai. When the army arrived at the border, Li Kai led the army to meet. Cao Cao

"Where is Xu Zhongkang?" Xu Chu responded and rode straight to Yin Kai. Xu Kai was caught off guard and was killed by Xu Chu.

The rest fled. Cao Cao summoned them all to surrender and immediately led his troops to attack Handan. Ju Hu marched to meet him. Zhang Liao rode out and fought with Hu. We can't fight three rounds,

Li Hu was defeated, and Li Liao chased after him. The two horses were not far from each other. Zhang Liao quickly took out his bow and shot at them. The two horses fell off the horse. Cao Cao commanded his troops to attack, and everyone fled.


So Cao Cao led his army to Jizhou. Cao Hong was near the city. Cao Cao ordered the three armies to build earth hills around the city and secretly dig tunnels to attack.

Shen Pei designed to stick to the city, the law is very strict, the east gate guard Feng Li, because drunk patrol mistakes, Shen Pei severely reprimanded him. Feng Li was resentful and sneaked out.

The city surrendered to Cao Cao. Cao Cao asked how to break through the city. Li said,"The earth is thick inside the gate. We can dig a tunnel in.”Cao Cao ordered Feng Li to lead three hundred strong men.

At night, they dug a tunnel and entered. After Feng Li surrendered, Shen Pei personally went to the city every night to inspect the army. That night at the Gate Pavilion, I looked

I see no lights outside the city. "Feng Li will certainly lead his troops into the city through the tunnel.”Urgently call elite soldiers to transport stones to attack the gate, the gate closed, Feng Li

And three hundred strong men, all died in the earth. Cao Cao failed this battle, so he abandoned the tunnel plan and retreated to the Huan River to wait for Yuan Shang's return.

Soldiers. Yuan Shang attacked Pingyuan. When he heard that Cao Cao had defeated Yin Kai and Juhu, and that his army was besieging Jizhou, he withdrew his troops and returned to the rescue. "Yes," said Ma Yan.

If we go by the main road, Cao Cao will certainly have an ambush. We can take a small road from the Western Hills out of Fushui Pass to attack Cao Cao's camp, which will certainly relieve the siege.”Still listen to his words, since

He led the army to advance and ordered Ma Yan and Zhang Wei to cover the rear. A spy went to report to Cao Cao. Cao Cao said,"If he comes from the main road, I will avoid him.

He said: If we come from the path of the Western Hills, we can capture him in one battle. I expect Yuan Shang to raise a fire as a signal and order the city to meet him. I can divide my forces to attack

Yes." So the allocation of troops has been decided. Yuan Shang left the border of the Fu River and headed east to Yangping. He camped at Yangping Pavilion, seventeen li from Jizhou, on one side.

By the river. He ordered the soldiers to pile up firewood and hay and burn them at night as a sign. He sent Li Fu, the chief clerk, to pretend to be the commander of Cao Cao's army and go to the city.

"Open the door!" Shen Pei recognized Li Fu's voice and let him into the city, saying,"Yuan Shang has already deployed his troops at Yangping Pavilion, waiting to be picked up.

If the soldiers in the city come out, they will also raise fire as a sign.”Pei Pei taught the city to pile up grass and set fire to pass on news. "There's no food in the city," said Fu."We can start moving.

The old, weak, disabled soldiers and women will come out to surrender. If they are not on guard, I will lead my troops to attack them after the people.”I'll listen to him.

The next day, a white flag was raised on the city wall, and on it was written," The people of Jizhou surrender.”Cao Cao said,"This is because there is no food in the city, and the old and weak are forced to go out.

If we surrender, there will be troops coming out later." Cao Cao ordered Zhang Liao and Xu Huang to lead 3,000 troops each and lie in ambush on both sides. Cao Cao rode to the city on his horse and spread his banner.

As expected, the city gate was opened, and the people came out with white flags in their hands, old and young. As soon as the people left the city, the soldiers in the city suddenly rushed out. Cao teaches the red flag

In one move, Zhang Liao and Xu Huang's two armies came out to kill, and the soldiers in the city had to retreat. Cao Cao galloped to the drawbridge.

Like rain, the arrow hit Cao Cao's helmet and penetrated the top of his head. All the generals returned to the battle array for emergency treatment. Cao Cao changed his clothes and changed his horse. He led his troops to attack Yuan Shang's camp. Yuan Shang himself met the enemy. when

The two armies fought and Yuan Shang was defeated. Yuan Shang led his defeated troops to retreat to the Western Hills and ordered his men to seize Ma Yan and Zhang Wei's troops.

Come on. They did not know that Cao Cao had sent Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to appease the two generals. The two generals followed the two Lü's to surrender, and Cao Cao also made them marquises. Attack on the same day

In the Western Hills, he first sent Erlu, Ma Yan and Zhang to cut off Yuan Shang's grain road. Shang Qing knew that the Western Hills could not be defended, so he fled to Lankou at night. The camp has not yet been set up, four

The fire below rose together, and the ambush came out in unison. The soldiers did not have time to wear armor, and the horses did not have time to saddle. Shang's army was defeated and retreated 50 miles. He was at his wit's end and had to be sent back.

Yin Kui, governor of Yuzhou, went to Cao Cao's camp to ask for surrender. Cao Cao pretended to agree, but sent Zhang Liao and Xu Huang to rob the camp overnight. He threw away all his seals, ribbons, and clothes

The armor and baggage fled to Zhongshan. Cao Cao returned to attack Jizhou. Xu You suggested,"Why don't we flood the Zhanghe?”Cao Ran

It was estimated that the army would first dig a trench outside the city, with a circumference of forty miles. On the city wall, Shen Pei saw Cao Cao's army digging a trench outside the city, but the trench was very shallow. With the dark

"I want to open up the Zhanghe River to flood the city," he said with a smile. The moat is deep enough to be filled, but what's the use of it being so shallow?”So he was not on guard. Night Cao

Cao Cao sent ten times the number of soldiers to dig together. By daybreak, the city was twenty feet wide and deep. He led the Zhangshui to pour water into the city. The water in the city was several feet deep. In addition to the lack of food, the army

The soldiers starved to death. Outside the city, Xin Pi took Yuan Shang's seal and clothes with a spear to appease the people in the city. Shen Pei was furious and took Xin Pi's family home.

More than 80 people were killed on the city wall and their heads were thrown down. Xin Pi wept and wept. Shen Rong, Shen Pei's nephew, has always been close to Xin Pi.

When Wang Pi's family was killed, he was very angry, so he secretly wrote a letter to offer the gate, tied it to an arrow, and shot it down the city. The soldiers picked it up and presented it to Xin Pi. Xin Pi presented the letter.

Fuck. Cao Cao first ordered: If you enter Jizhou, don't kill the Yuan family. Soldiers and civilians who surrender are exempted from death penalty. The next morning, Shen Rong opened the west gate.

At the gate, Cao Cao's army was released. Xin Pi galloped into the city first, followed by his generals, and entered Jizhou. Shen Pei was on the southeast tower when he saw Cao Cao's army entering the city.

In the middle of the battle, he led several cavalry down the city to fight to the death, just to meet Xu Huang to exchange horses. Xu Huang captured Shen Pei alive and tied him up and brought him out of the city. On the way, he met Xin Pi, who gritted his teeth.

He whipped his head and said,"Thief, you have killed me! I'll die today!" "Xin Pi, you traitor! You led Cao Cao to break my Jizhou, I hate not killing you

You too!" Xu Huang was released from exile and sent to Cao Cao. "Do you know the man who received me at Xianmen?" said Cao Cao.”"I don't know," replied Pei. "This is your nephew," said Cao Cao.

This is what Shen Rong offered." "My son," said Pei angrily,"is not good enough, and has come to this.”Cao Cao said,"I went to the city yesterday. Why are there so many arrows?

Huh?" "It's a pity that you're too young," said Pei Pei. Young Master Hen!" Cao Cao said,"You are loyal to the Yuan family, and you must do so. Will you surrender to me now?" Pei said:

"No surrender! Xin Pi wept and bowed to the ground, saying,"More than eighty of my family members have been killed by this thief. I hope the Prime Minister will kill him to avenge this.

Hate!" "I was a subject of the Yuan family in life, and a ghost of the Yuan family in death," said Pei."I am not like you, who are slanderers, flatterers, and thieves. Kill me quickly!" To teach and guide

Go out. When he was about to be executed, he rebuked the executioner, saying,"My lord is in the north, and he will not let me die facing south.”So he knelt to the North and stretched his neck to the edge of the sword. descendants

There is a poem that says,"There are many famous people in Hopei. Who can compare with Shen Zhengnan? He was ordered to preside over the funeral according to the age of darkness, and his heart was like the ancient ginseng. Loyalty, outspoken, honest, capable, ambitious

Greed. Before his death, he still faced North, and all the people who surrendered were ashamed.”After Shen Pei's death, Cao Cao pitied his loyalty and ordered him to be buried in the north of the city.

"You wrote a denunciation for me, but I can do it. Why did you insult my grandfather?" "The arrow is on the string," replied Lin."It must be fired.

Ear." The people around him advised Cao Cao to kill him, but Cao Cao pitied his talent and pardoned him and appointed him as an official.

Cao Pi, Cao Cao's eldest son, was eighteen years old. When Pi was born, there was a cloud of purple and purple, round as a car.

Cover the house with a lid and cover it all day long. The man who had expected the Qi of Heaven secretly said to Cao Cao,"This is the Qi of the Son of Heaven. Ling Sigui is indescribable!" Eight years old

He is good at writing articles, has leisure talent, is good at riding and shooting, and likes fencing. At that time, Cao Cao defeated Jizhou and did not follow his father in the army. Instead, he led the army with him.

He went straight to Yuan Shao's house, dismounted, drew his sword and entered. "The Prime Minister has ordered that no one is allowed to enter Shao's mansion.”Don't shout back, lift

The sword entered the back hall. When he saw the two women hugging each other and crying, he did not go forward to kill them. [Original title: Four generations of dukes and marquises have become a dream, and a family of flesh and blood has suffered.]

Disaster. I don't know how his life is, but I'll explain it later.

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