The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
9 Chapter 9: Lu Bu Aiding the Violent Minister Li Jue Listening to Jia Xu

Tang 57


The person who knocked Dong Zhuo down was Li Ru. Li Ru helped Dong Zhuo up and sat him down in the Academy. Dong Zhuo said,"Why do you

Come here?" "I was just at the gate of the mansion when I learned that the Grand Tutor had gone into the back garden in a rage. I went to ask Lu Bu about it. So he hurried over and met Lu Bu running away.

He said,"The Grand Preceptor wants to kill me!" Wang Ru hurriedly rushed into the garden to persuade, unexpectedly accidentally bumped into the grace phase. Death penalty! Death penalty!" Dong Zhuo said,"They are not to be resisted.

Thief! Playing with my beloved Ji, I swear I'll definitely kill her!" Confucius said,"Your kindness is different. Once upon a time, King Zhuang of Chu cut off the meeting of the crown prince and did not play with Jiang Xiong, who loved his concubine.

Later, he was besieged by the Qin army and was rescued by the Qin army. Now Diao Chan is just a woman, and Lu Bu is a confidant of the Grand Master. If Grand Preceptor

When the opportunity presented itself, he gave the cicada to Lu Bu. Lu Bu was grateful for his great kindness and would certainly repay the Taishi with his life. Grand Preceptor, please reconsider." Dong Zhuo was deep in thought for a long time. Then he said,"What you say is true.

Yes, I will think about it." Wang Ru thanked him and left. Dong Zhuo went into the back hall and called Diao Chan."Why are you having an affair with Lu Bu?" he asked.”The cicada cried and said,

"I was looking at flowers in the back garden when Lu Bu suddenly arrived. When I was about to run away, Lu Bu said,'I am the son of the Grand Master. Why should I run away?'Holding a halberd, I'm here

Phoenix Pavilion. I saw that he had a bad heart and was afraid that he would force me to do so. I wanted to throw myself into the lotus pond, but this guy hugged me. Between life and death, I got the Grand Preceptor

Come, you saved my life." Dong Zhuo said,"I will give you to Lu Bu. What do you think?”Diao Chan was greatly alarmed and cried,"I have already served a noble.

I would rather die than be humiliated if I suddenly want to give it to my servant!”So he took the sword between the walls and tried to commit suicide. Dong Zhuo hastily seized his sword and hugged him."I'm just playing," he said.

You!" Diao Chan fell into Dong Zhuo's arms, covered her face and cried: "This must be Li Ru's plan! Lu Ru and Lu Bu have a good relationship, so he set up this plan, but he did not pity Lu Bu.

The Grand Master's face and face are worth my life. I'll eat his flesh alive!" "How can I bear to abandon you?" said Dong Zhuo. The cicada said,"Though I have been pitied by the Grand Master,

I love you, but I'm afraid you can't live here for long and will be killed by Lu Bu.”Dong Zhuo said,"Tomorrow I'll go with you back to the dock and enjoy it together.

I'm worried." The cicada stopped crying and thanked him.

The next day Li Ru went to see him and said,"Today is a good day. You can give Diao Chan to Lu Bu.”Dong Zhuo said,"We are father and son.

It's not convenient to give it to him. I just don't blame him. You can convey my meaning and comfort him with good words.”Confucius said,"The Grand Master is not a woman.

Confused." Dong Zhuo's face changed, and he said,"Will your wife marry Lu Bu? Don't say anything more about Diao Chan. If you say anything, you'll be beheaded!”Li Ru came out and looked up at the sky.

He sighed and said,"We have all died at the hands of women!”Later generations read to this point. There is a poem that says: "Situ's clever calculation is supported by a red skirt." t have to

There is no need to use troops to fight. Three battles in the tiger prison in vain laborious, triumphant song played in Fengyi Pavilion.”

Dong Zhuo ordered the army to return to the dock on the same day, and all the officials bowed to see him off. Diao Chan was in the carriage when she saw Lu Bu in the crowd from a distance, looking into the carriage. Marten

The cicada covered its face, as if crying bitterly. The carriage had been transported away, and Lu Bu was sitting on the hill with his reins relaxed. He looked at the dust of the carriage and sighed with regret. Suddenly I heard something behind me

One of them asked,"Why did Marquis Wen leave with the Grand Preceptor, and stay here looking at him and sighing?”Lü Bu looked at him and saw that it was Situ Wang Yun. After meeting,

"I have been ill recently, and have been shut in, and have not been able to see you for a long time," said Wang Yun. Today, the Grand Tutor is returning to the dock, I can only help him

I went out to see you off because of illness, but I was happy to see you. General, why are you sighing here?”"I am your daughter," replied Lu Bu. Wang Yun pretended to be surprised and said:

"Have you not told the general many times?" "The old thief has been favored for a long time," said Lu Bu.”"I can't believe it," said Wang Yun, pretending to be surprised.”cloth

He told Gao Yun everything that had happened before. Wang Yun fell on his back and said nothing for a long time. After a long time, he said: "I didn't expect Grand Preceptor to do such a beastly thing!”due to

"Let's go to my humble abode to discuss it," said he, taking Lu Bu's hand.”Lu Bu followed Gao Yun back. Gao Yun invited him into the secret room and entertained him with wine. And we meet again at Fengyi Pavilion

Tell me in detail. "The Grand Tutor has raped my daughter and taken the General's wife. He is a laughingstock to the world. He laughed at the Grand Master and his generals.

Jun Er! However, Wang Yun's old and incompetent people are not worth mentioning. It's a pity that the general, a hero of the world, is also insulted like this!”Lu Bu's anger soared to the heavens,

He slammed the table and shouted. "I am speechless," said Yun hastily."Please calm down, General.”"I swear I will kill this old thief to avenge my shame," said Lu Bu.”Urgent

He covered his mouth and said,"General, don't say anything. I'm afraid you'll implicate me.”"A real man lives between heaven and earth," said Lu Bu."How can he be depressed and live among men for long?

Down!" "Your talents are beyond the control of Grand Tutor Dong," said Dong Yun.”"I want to kill him," said Lu Bu,"but it must be between father and son.

Huh?" "If it hadn't been for you, I would have been mistaken," said Lu Bu.”Wang Yun saw that he had made up his mind and said: "General, if you support the Han Dynasty,

He is a loyal minister, famous in history and passed down for hundreds of generations. If you help Dong Zhuo, you will betray me. It will be recorded in history books and will be notorious for thousands of years.”Bubi

"I have made up my mind," he said, bowing down to him.”"But I'm afraid it might not work out," said Wang Yun."It'll be a disaster.”Bu pulled out his knife and stabbed.

I swear I'll bleed on my arm. Gao Yun knelt down and thanked him, saying,"The sacrifice of the Han Dynasty was not beheaded. It was all given by the general. Don't leak it! If you have a plan, you'll be prime minister

Report." Lu Bu agreed and left. Gao Yun immediately asked Sun Rui, a servant, and Huang Wan, a lieutenant, to discuss the matter. "My lord has just recovered from his illness," said Rui.

You can send a good speaker to the dock to ask Dong Zhuo to discuss the matter. On the other hand, he handed the secret edict of the emperor to Lu Bu and ordered him to ambush the armored soldiers inside the court gate and lead Dong Zhuo into the palace.

Kill him. That's the best policy." "Who dares to go?" asked Deng Wan. "Li Su, commander of Lu Bu's cavalry, was not promoted because of Dong Zhuo.

He was very resentful. If you let him go, I won't doubt it." "Very well," said Wang Yun. Please let Lu Bu discuss it together. "You advised me before," replied Lu Bu.

It was the same man who killed Ding Jianyang. If you don't leave now, I'll kill him first." He sent someone to secretly invite Wang Su to come. Lu Bu replied,"You said that I had sent you to kill Ding.

Jianyang defected to Dong Zhuo. Now Dong Zhuo deceives the emperor and mistreats the people. His crimes are so great that people and gods are angry. You can pass the emperor's edict to the dock and announce it

Dong Zhuo entered the court, ambushed and killed him, supported the Han Dynasty, and became loyal ministers together. What do you think?" "I've been wanting to get rid of him for a long time," said Su."But I'm sorry I didn't.

It's just about being of the same mind. Now the general is like this, this is God's gift, Wang Su how dare to have second thoughts!”So he broke his arrow and swore an oath. "If you can do this," said Yun.

Why worry about not being able to be an official?"

The next day, Li Su led more than a dozen cavalry to the dock. It was reported that the emperor had an edict, and Dong Zhuo ordered him to be summoned. Li Su went in to pay his respects. "Son of Heaven," said Dong Zhuo

What decree?" "The Son of Heaven has just recovered from his illness," said Wang Su."He wishes to meet with his civil and military officials in the Hall of Weiyang to discuss the abdication of the throne to the Grand Master.”Zhuo

"What does Wang Yun think of this?" "Minister Wang has ordered the construction of the Altar for Receiving Meditation. We are waiting for your arrival.”Dong Zhuo was overjoyed and said,

"I dreamed of a dragon covering my body at night. The time is not to be lost!" He ordered his trusted generals, Li Wei, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, Fan Chou,

The four of them led 3,000 flying bear troops to guard the dock, and they themselves returned to the capital on the same day. He turned to Li Su and said,"I am the Emperor, and you should be the King of Gold.”

Wang Su bowed and thanked him. Dong Zhuo went in to bid farewell to his mother. His mother, who was in her nineties, asked,"Where is my son going?”Dong Zhuo said,"I am going to accept the Han.

Chan, mother will become the Empress Dowager sooner or later!" "My heart has been trembling lately," said his mother,"and I fear it is not a good omen.”Dong Zhuo said,"I will be the mother of the country.

I didn't expect this!" So he said goodbye to his mother and left. When he left, he said to Diao Chan,"I am the Son of Heaven, and I will make you the Imperial Concubine.”Diao Chan already knows

Inside, he pretended to be happy and thanked him.

Dong Zhuo went out of the dock and got into the car. The front was blocked and the back was surrounded. He looked at Chang 'an. After walking less than thirty miles, the car suddenly broke a wheel. Dong Zhuo got out of the car and boarded it.

Horses. After another ten li, the horse roared and cut off its bridle. Dong Zhuo asked Su,"The wheels of a chariot are broken, and the reins of a horse are broken.

What?" "It is a sign that the Grand Master is going to inherit the throne of the Han Dynasty and replace the old with a new one. He will ride on a jade chariot and a golden saddle.”Dong Zhuo was very happy and believed his words. time

One day, just as he was marching, a strong wind suddenly blew, and a dark fog covered the sky. "What is this omen?" asked Dong Zhuo. "My lord ascended the throne," said Wang Su.

There must be red light and purple fog to strengthen the power of heaven.”Dong Zhuo was delighted and did not suspect anything. After arriving outside the city, all the officials came out to meet him. Only Li Ru was sick

At home, I can't go out to meet you. Dong Zhuo went to the prime minister's house, and Lu Bu went to congratulate him. Dong Zhuo said,"I will ascend the throne, and you will be in charge of the army.”Bubai

After thanking him, he went to his tent to rest. That night, a dozen children were singing in the suburbs, and the wind blew their voices into the tent. The song says,"How green is the thousand-mile grass?

Ten days of divination, no life!" The song was mournful. Dong Zhuo asked Li Su,"What good or bad luck does the nursery rhyme suggest?”"I am only talking about Lady Liu," said Su.

The destruction of the Dong family."

The next morning, Dong Zhuo entered the court with his entourage. Suddenly he saw a man in a blue robe and a white scarf holding a long pole tied with cloth.

Each wrote a "mouth" character. "What does this Taoist mean?" asked Dong Zhuo.”"He is ill in the heart," said Wang Su. Call the soldiers to drive away. Zhuo

When he entered the court, the ministers dressed in court clothes and greeted him on the road. Li Su held a sword in his hand and supported the carriage. When they reached the North Ye Gate, the soldiers were all blocked outside the gate.

More than 20 people in the royal car came in together. Dong Zhuo saw Wang Yun and others standing at the gate of the palace with swords in their hands. He asked Wang Su in surprise,"What do you mean by holding a sword?" su

No, push the cart straight in. Wang Yun shouted,"The rebels are here. Where are the warriors?”More than a hundred people came out from both sides, holding halberds and spears to stab

That's right. Dong Zhuo's chest armor could not enter, injured his arm and fell off the car, shouting: "Where is my son Fengxian?" Lu Bu came out from behind the carriage and said sternly,"There is an order to attack.

Thief!" A drum pierced straight into the throat, Li Su had already cut off his head in his hand. Lu Bu held the halberd in his left hand and took the imperial edict from his right pocket. He shouted,"I'm ordered to attack

Rich man. Who knew that God's will was selfless, and the dock was destroyed.”

Lu Bu cried out,"It was Li Ru who helped Dong Zhuo in his tyranny. Who can capture him?" Li Su agreed to go. Suddenly I hear the morning

A shout came from outside the door, and someone reported that Li Ru's servant had tied Li Ru up and brought him to the court. Wang Yun ordered him to be tied up and sent to the market to be beheaded. He also took Dong Zhuo's body and gave orders to the public.

Quzhou. Dong Zhuo's body was fat. The soldiers who looked at the body put a fire in his navel as a lamp, and the grease flowed all over the ground. The people who passed by did not throw their heads with their hands and trample on them with their feet.

Corpse. Wang Yun also ordered Lu Bu, Huangfu Song and Li Su to lead 50,000 troops to the dock to confiscate Dong Zhuo's property and population.

When Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, and Fan Chou heard of Dong Zhuo's death and Lu Bu's arrival, they led the Flying Bear Army to Liangzhou.

When Lu Bu arrived at the dock, he first captured Diao Chan. Huangfu Song ordered the release of all the good children hidden in the dock. As long as they are Dong Zhuo's relatives, there is no distinction.

Old and young, all killed. His mother was also killed. Dong Zhuo's younger brother Dong Man and nephew Dong Huang both beheaded and issued orders. Collect the savings in the dock, dozens of gold

Ten thousand, millions of platinum, silk, jewelry, utensils, food, countless. Report to Wang Yun. Wang Yun then rewarded the soldiers and held a banquet in the capital.

In the capital hall, all the officials were summoned to drink wine and celebrate.

While they were drinking, a man came to report,"Dong Zhuo's body was exposed in the market. Suddenly a man fell over his body and wept bitterly.”"Dong Zhuo," said Yun angrily.

After being killed, all the scholars and people praised and congratulated him. Who is this person, only dare to cry!”"Bring him to me," he called out to the warrior. Soon he was captured. All officials meet

When he saw this, he was shocked and frightened. It turned out that the man was none other than Cai Yong, the servant. Wang Yun scolded him."Dong Zhuo, the traitor, will be executed today.

It was a great blessing. You are a minister of the Han Dynasty, but you are not crying for the national day, but for the thief, why?”Cai Yong pleaded guilty and said,"Though I have no talent, I know what is right.

Will you betray your country and go to Dong Zhuo? Because of the feeling of knowing the situation for a moment, unconsciously cried for him, knowing that he had committed a great sin. I hope you will forgive me: if I can cut off my head and feet,

It is Cai Yong's great fortune to let him continue to write the history of the Han Dynasty to atone for his sins.”All the officials cherished Cai Yong's talent and tried their best to save him. Taifu Ma Riyu also secretly said to Gao Yun:

"Bo Pi is a rare talent. If he continues to write the history of the Han Dynasty, it will be a great event. Moreover, his filial piety has always been very prominent, if he is killed immediately, I am afraid he will lose popularity.”Yun

"Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not kill Sima Qian, but later sent him to write history books. As a result, slanderous books were circulated in later generations. Now that the country's fortune is declining and the government is in disorder, we can't

Let the sycophants write to the young lord's side, so that we will be exposed to their slander.”Li Riyu retreated without saying anything and privately said to the officials: "Wang Yunqi has no descendants

Ah! Good people are the rules of the country, and production is the code of the country. How can the destruction of the discipline and the abolition of the code last long?" Now Wang Yun doesn't listen to Ma Ri's advice

He ordered Cai Yong to be hanged in prison. At that time, all the scholar-bureaucrats who heard it shed tears. Later generations commented that Cai Yong wept for Dong Zhuo, which was naturally wrong.

Gao Yunzhi killed him, which was too much. A poem lamented,"Dong Zhuo's autocracy and his wanton inhumanity, Why did the attendants perish? At that time Zhuge Long was lying in bed,

How can you be willing to serve the rebels?" Li Wei, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou fled to Shaanxi and sent people to Chang 'an to ask for pardon. Wang Yun

"Dong Zhuo's despotism was aided by these four men. Although the whole world is pardoned now, only these four people will not be pardoned.”The messenger reported to Li Wei. Li Jue said:

"If you can't beg for forgiveness, you can escape.”Jia Xu, the adviser, said,"If you abandon your army and go alone, a pavilion chief will be able to tie you up. it is better

He lured the people of Shaanxi and his army into Chang 'an to avenge Dong Zhuo. If things succeed, I will serve the court and rectify the world. If I can't win, I won't run away.

Too late." Li Wei and others agreed with his words, so they spread rumors in Xiliangzhou: "Wang Yun wants to cleanse the people of this place!”Everyone was frightened. Then it was raised again

He said,"It is no good to die in vain. Will you follow me to rebel?”Everyone is willing to obey. So he gathered more than 100,000 people, divided into four roads, killed and fled to Chang 'an.

On the way, he met Niu Fu, the son-in-law of Dong Zhuo, who led 5,000 troops to avenge his father-in-law. Li Wei joined forces with Niu Fu and let him be the vanguard. four people

They set off one after another. When Wang Yun heard that Xiliang soldiers were coming, he consulted with Lu Bu. "Don't worry, Situ," said Lu Bu. How can you count these rats?"

So he led Li Su out of the enemy. Wang Su was the first to fight, and just as he met Niu Fu, he started a massacre. Niu Fu could not resist the enemy and was defeated. not

At the second watch of the night, Niu Fu took advantage of Wang Su's lack of vigilance and came to rob the camp. Lu Su's army fled in disorder and fled for more than thirty miles. More than half of his army was defeated. He came to see Lu Bu.

Lu Bu was furious."How can you dampen my spirit?”So he killed Li Su and hung his head in front of the army gate. The next day, Lu Bu marched against Niu Fu. To measure the cattle and assist them

When the enemy captured Lu Bu, he was defeated and fled. That night Niu Fu called his confidant Hu Chier to discuss: "Lu Bu is valiant and invincible.

Li Ru hid the gold and pearls from Li Jue and the other three, and then abandoned the army with three or five of his followers.”Hu Chi 'er agreed. That night, I packed up the gold beads and threw them away.

He set up camp and fled, followed by three or four people. When he was about to cross a river, Chier wanted to get the gold bead, so he killed Niu Fu and presented his head to Lu Bu. Bu asked.

Then the servant came forward and said,"Hu Chier murdered Niu Fu and stole his gold and silver treasures.”Lu Bu was furious and wanted to kill Chi 'er. Lead the troops forward, welcome them

He rode Li Wei's horse. Without waiting for him to get into formation, Lu Bu raised his halberd and galloped his horse, commanding the army to charge forward. Li Wei's army could not resist and retreated more than fifty times.

After a mile, he camped down the mountain and asked Guo Si, Zhang Ji and Fan Chou to discuss it together."Although Lu Bu is brave, he has no strategy and is not worth worrying about. I lead the army

Guard the mouth of the valley and lure him to fight every day. General Guo can lead the army to attack the rear, imitate Peng Yue's method of disturbing Chu, sound the bell to attack, beat the drum to stop.

Lu Bu led his army down the mountain, and Li Jue led his army to fight. Lu Bu charged forward angrily, and Li Jue retreated up the mountain. Arrows and rocks rain down on the mountain,

Lu Bu's army could not advance. Suddenly a report came that Guo Si was coming from behind the formation. Lu Bu hurried back to fight. The sound of drums was heard, and Guo Si's army had retreated. Bu was about to withdraw his troops. Gong

At the sound of the noise, Li Wei's army came again. Before the enemy could attack, Guo Si led his army to attack from behind. When Lu Bu arrived, he beat the drum and withdrew his troops.

This made Lu Bu angry. This continued for several days, but he could not fight or stop. Just as he was feeling angry, a pegasus suddenly reported, saying that Zhang

Ji, Fan Chou two armies, finally invaded Chang 'an, the capital is in danger. Lu Bu quickly led his troops back, and Li Wei and Guo Si attacked from behind. Bu has no heart for love

In the battle, he only cared about running and losing many people. When they reached Chang 'an City. The rebel soldiers gathered like clouds and gathered like rain to surround and pacify the city. Lu Bu's army fought with them.

It's good. The soldiers were afraid of Lu Bu's violence, and many of them surrendered to the rebels. Lu Bu was very worried.

He rushed left and right, but could not stop him. He led hundreds of cavalry to the gate of the green lock and shouted to Wang Yun: "The situation is urgent! Please get on the horse and go through the pass together.

Go, don't plot against Liangce." "It is my wish," said Wang Yun,"to be blessed by the spirit of the state and to have the country at peace. If you can't help it, I'll give you my life

He died. I don't want to escape in the face of danger. Please thank all the officials in the east of the country for me and work hard to think of the country!”Lu Bu repeatedly advised Wang Yun, but Wang Yun just

He refused to go. Soon, the flames of each gate soared to the sky. Lu Bu had to abandon his family and lead more than a hundred cavalry to flee to Yuan Shu.

Li Wei and Guo Si indulged their troops in looting. Minister Zhong Fu, Minister Lu Kui, Dahonglu Zhou Huan, City Gate Lieutenant Cui Lie, Yue Cavalry Lieutenant

Wang Qi died in the national disaster. The rebel soldiers surrounded the inner court, and the courtiers asked the emperor to go to Xuanping Gate to stop the rebellion. When Li Wei and the others saw Huang Gai, they agreed to stop.

Shi, shout "Long live". Emperor Xian leaned against the tower and asked,"Why have you come to Chang 'an without waiting for a petition?”Li Jue, Guo Siyang

"Grand Preceptor Dong is a minister of the state, and he was murdered by Wang Yun for no reason. We have come to avenge him, and we dare not rebel. See the King

If you allow it, I will retreat." Wang Yun, who was beside Emperor Wu at that time, heard these words and said: "I was thinking for the sake of the country. Your Majesty, you can't.

Cherish the minister, so that the country will be harmed. Please come down to see the two thieves." The emperor hesitated and could not bear it. Wang Yun jumped down from Xuanping Gate Tower and shouted: "Your Majesty!

Allow me to do so!" Li Jue and Guo Si drew their swords and shouted,"What crime has Grand Preceptor Dong committed to be killed?”"The sins of the traitor, Dong," said Yun,"are as wide as the sky and as wide as the earth.

Innumerable words! The day he was killed. Chang 'an scholars and people are celebrating each other, haven't you heard?”"The Grand Preceptor is guilty," said Li Jue and Guo Si.

What crime is it that you refuse to forgive?" "What are you talking about, traitor?" Wang Yun cursed. I, Wang Yun, will die today!" The two thieves raised their hands and captured the king.

Wang Yun killed him downstairs. The historian has a poem praising it: "Wang Yunyun's plan, treacherous minister Dong Zhuo Xiu. The heart is full of hatred for the country, and the eyebrows are locked in the temple. heroic spirit

Even the sky, loyalty through the bullfight. To this day, the soul and the soul still surround the Phoenix Tower.”

After killing Wang Yun, the bandits sent people to kill Wang Yun's clan, old and young. The people shed tears. Li Jue, Guo

Guo Si thought for a moment and said,"Since we are here, if we don't kill the Son of Heaven, when will we do it?”He shouted with his sword and rushed in. It was: Giant

Li Kui pleaded guilty and the disaster subsided, and the disaster came again with the rebels. I don't know what happened to Emperor Xian's life, but I'll explain it later.

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