Ethereal Divine Spell
7 battle

smoke ring


The neatly arranged rain of blades and spears shone with a cold light, as if they were a team that stretched to the end of the sky, extending into the distance like waves.

Amid the long and dull sound of the horn, the general on horseback ran back and forth between the gaps and the front of the army, shouting at his soldiers. The mages chanted the incantations they were most familiar with, trying to gather the magic elements around their bodies. The priests behind the array knelt on the ground, closed their eyes, and made strange gestures with their hands as they prayed to their gods.

The sky of the Kuge Prairie seemed to be affected by the tense and blood-boiling atmosphere on the ground. The sound of wind and thunder could be vaguely heard in the clear sky. The entire sky seemed to be about to collapse at any moment, appearing unusually heavy. Even the magical elements in the air could feel the oppressive atmosphere and became restless. They all fled into the sky…

Reger led his deputy general and his personal guards as they rode their warhorses and stood quietly in the middle of the formation, looking at the distant army of the Tell Empire. The few deputies beside him were making the final tactical plans for the upcoming battle.

Judging from the banners and the distribution of the formations, the Ter Army numbered between 700,000 and 800,000. Judging from the number of people, this should be a probing attack, but Reger did not think so. According to the intelligence sent back by the spies, the commander of the Ter Empire army this time was the younger brother of the king of Ter, a man who was good at fighting. He would choose this moment! The second batch of Arthurs 'reinforcements had just arrived at the camp and had yet to fully integrate with the soldiers of the central army!! They had to suspect that he had other motives for launching this probing attack.

For example, when the two armies were in the midst of a fierce battle, the Ter Empire's army suddenly charged into the back of the Arsus Empire's army from behind!! They didn't need too many people, about 200,000, no, just 100,000, and they would become the nightmare of the Arthurs army.

Thinking of this, Reger could not help but smile smugly. He was extremely satisfied with his previous arrangements.

Before setting up the formation, he specially ordered the 15th and 16th legions that had arrived with the second batch of reinforcements to set up a square formation behind the camp to prevent the Ter Army from being attacked from both sides like last time, which would lead to a crushing defeat for the army. Although Reger had ordered the army to set up a square formation with their backs against the camp, reducing the chances of the Ter army successfully launching a sneak attack from behind to the minimum, he still had to be extremely careful. If the Ter army saw that they had no chance to attack the main army and turned to attack the main camp, it would also cause their morale to fall.

Either way, Reger did not want to see this happen. From the moment he hid the letter of appointment from King Arthurs, his actions had pushed him to the forefront. If he lost this war, he would have no choice but to die.

"Your Excellency the Duke, should we follow the example of the Teer people and send a troop to sneak attack them from behind?”A lieutenant's voice interrupted Reger's thoughts.

After a long discussion, the few deputies beside Reger came up with a plan to use the enemy's method to attack the enemy.

This was because the location of the battle was clearly advantageous to their side. As long as they could form a pincer attack on the Ter Army, then the Ter Army's defeat would not be far away. Even if the Ter Army had indeed sent troops to sneak up on them, the 400,000 soldiers who had been stationed there would definitely have no problem delaying their advance. Moreover, with the necessary support from the main camp, it was entirely possible to stop these ambushers.

Reger heard the deputy general's words and turned his head to look at them. Then, he turned his head to look in the direction of the camp behind him. Finally, he sat up straight and narrowed his eyes to look at the formation of the Tell army in the distance. He shook his head in denial.

"Why? Your Excellency, as long as we can form a pincer attack from both sides and let the 15th and 16th legions behind the camp hold back the Ter army that has circled around us, then we can completely let these ignorant Ter people in front of us experience the power of the Empire! Moreover, they only have 700,000 men, while we have 100,000 men. Moreover, we can receive reinforcements from the main camp at any time!”The deputy general who had proposed the plan to Reger could not believe that such a perfect plan was so easily rejected by the commander.

"Do you know what is most important in war?”Reger glanced at the lieutenants around him and continued,"Duke Rolick once told me that war is fought with the right timing, the right place, and the right people. Tactics are just a method to maximize these three things.

Here, the land under our feet does not belong to us. Don't forget, a few months ago, this was the border of the Tell Empire. To us, this place was still very unfamiliar. If you want to ambush your opponent, the prerequisite is that the terrain is not on our side. Do you think that the soldiers who had struggled to find a way out in the mountains would still have the strength to fight when they reached the rear of the Ter army?”

Reger's words made the surrounding deputies lower their heads. Only now did they realize why they were only a deputy general while Reger was the commander.

Reger did not care about what they were thinking. He did not have the time to care about their thoughts because his attention was now focused on the 17th Legion, the 10,000-man army that had broken away from the formation. From the imposing manner of this 10,000-man army, Reger understood that this was a killing machine personally trained by the man who made people feel uneasy. It was the super killing machine known as the Mad Battle Team.

Under the mocking gazes of the other soldiers and generals, a 10,000-man army slowly walked out from the 17th legion led by Rolina. They marched towards the Ter army with neat and powerful steps. After the 10,000-man army completely left the phalanx formation of the Arthurs army, they advanced a few more steps before stopping. Then, a young man wearing a mage robe but no hat walked out of the team and stood at the front of the team.

Although they couldn't hear what he was saying due to the distance, it looked like he was giving a lecture to the team and mobilizing them before the battle. But a mage! On the Rostocker Continent, those who wore magic robes were usually Magicians, especially on the battlefield. Wearing the wrong clothes would result in severe punishment!! The scene of him standing in front of a large group of warriors and lecturing them looked a little ridiculous.

Luo Lina didn't smile. Ever since she witnessed that man's methods, she had never smiled. She knew very well how strong that man was and how strong the 10,000-man army he trained was. She couldn't smile. At this moment, she was still troubled over whether to give up or to keep her promise. She knew that she shouldn't be distracted at this moment. As a commander, this was a dangerous signal, but she couldn't control her thoughts. Every time she thought of her grandfather's loving and stern face, the handsome noble who was not far away from her, the man who had the power to destroy the world, and the " magic " that killed 200,000 Ter soldiers with one blow, her heart would tremble unconsciously.

Remember what I said. I will take control of the world, including you…

These were the words that Feng Yingkuang had whispered into her ear in the camp. Although his voice was very soft, Luo Lina could feel the suffocating pressure in his words, as well as his absolute confidence.

Luo Lina shook her head and threw away the annoying question in her heart. She focused her attention on the upcoming battle. Luo Lina could only wait for the moment when Windshadow Craze lost his patience. She could only wait for him to raise this question again. If she still had not made a decision by then, she would leave everything to God!

Luo Lina, who had put down the burden in her heart, immediately felt the strange gazes of the people around her. She followed their gazes and saw Windshadow Kuang floating in the air. He had taken off his hat and was wearing a magic robe.

After a wave of magical elements stirred, Windshadow Kuang's voice traveled over with the wind. Rolina knew that this was the effect of wind magic. When she turned around to ask her teacher, she was surprised to find that Fasiuri was not beside her.

" Warriors of the Mad Battle Team, listen up. I would rather fight with you than fight with millions of soldiers…"

Thump! Thump!

It was the sound of soldiers hitting the ground with the end of their long-handled weapons. Accompanied by this sound was the flying dust.

"Let everyone remember our bravery! We are…"

Dong dong dong! Thump! Thump! Thump! Dong dong dong!

Amidst the rapid and rhythmic shouts of the soldiers, Feng Yingkuang's words made everyone's blood boil.

Feng Yingkuang raised his right hand and pointed at the formation of the Tell Army behind him." Do you know what is waiting for us there? Is it the scum of the Tell Empire, the army of 720,000 enemies? No! Neither! That was undying! Defeat them! Undying! It belongs to you!"

Windshadow Kuang's magic robe shattered as he finished speaking. He pulled out the long sword from his waist and pointed it at the soldier in front of him.

"Ha! Hah! Ha!"

"Fight for life and the honor of being a soldier!”

"For life and the honor of being a soldier!”

The shouts of 10,000 people sounded so small on the vast grassland, but the aura they emitted was so shocking.

"Fight for the undying that belongs to us!”

"For the undying that belongs to us!"

With the help of wind magic, the shouts of the 10,000 soldiers spread far and wide across the entire Arthurs army formation.

"He is a genius of war." This was the only thing Reger said after hearing Windshade Craze's words, but there was something else he did not say in his heart. Therefore, I must kill you!

Luo Lina could clearly feel the emotional changes of the people around her.

The originally dull troops now emitted an unimaginable aura. The originally confused and nervous soldiers were now replaced by a fanatical emotion. From their slightly bloodshot eyes, they revealed the signal to fight. The warhorses under the cavalrymen seemed to have felt the blood-boiling atmosphere as they raised their forelegs and neighed loudly...

In Luo Lina's eyes, Windshadow Craze was so tall, so majestic, so outstanding, and so perfect. More importantly, it was so intoxicating…

A gust of wind suddenly blew past the front of the two sides. The fire elements in the sky seemed to be attracted by something and rushed towards this " Mad Team ". Following that, a long and steady chant that revealed a trace of age spread far away from the 10,000-man army.

" Red flames that are more dazzling than the starry sky and hotter than the sun, please listen to my most devout call…Flames that fall from the sky, please follow my guidance and burn all the evil and darkness in front of me with your brilliant red flames! Flame Star!"

As the chanting ended, a dark red color suddenly appeared in the sky above Arthurs 'phalanx formation, as if the entire sky had been set on fire. Immediately after, a huge fireball wrapped around a similarly huge rock flew towards the formation of the Teer Empire army.

The Battle of the Kuge Prairie, or the opening song of the second battle between Arthurs and Ter, was lit up by the fire magic forbidden spell, Flame Star…

The flaming star that flew from the sky dragged a long trail of flames as it rapidly fell towards the formation of the Ter army. In an instant, flashes representing various Nature Spells flashed continuously in the formation of the Terre army. Countless magical energies were controlled by their master's will and quickly rushed towards the huge flaming star. However, something that made Ter's mages panic happened. The flaming star that was hit by countless magical energy did not show any signs of dissipating. Instead, after this round of attacks, the flaming star became even larger.

"That's a forbidden spell! That was the Forbidden Spell, Flaming Star! Everyone, quickly gather your magic power and set up a barrier! Hurry!"

Some of the Magicians in the Terre army finally recognized that the fireball that was getting closer and closer to them was a fire forbidden spell!! Flaming Star.

Under the fear of the mages and soldiers in the Ter army, the mages with higher positions took the lead in chanting the incantation of the defensive barrier. Having experienced many battles, they knew very well that if they lost their cool and panicked at this time, they would die even faster. More and more mages began to chant the incantation of the defensive barrier that they were best at. Gradually, the generals who knew magic also injected their magic power into the barrier beside them.

Because everyone's magic power was not unified, and the magic elements of each element could only be combined with the magic elements of the same element, that is to say, two or more defensive barriers of the same element could be combined into a larger and stronger new barrier. However, along with this fusion, there was an even more intense rejection. When fusion and repulsion appeared on the defensive barrier at the same time, there would inevitably be a portion, and a large portion, of the soldiers who could not be protected by the barrier.

The final result of all this was that these soldiers who could not receive effective protection had been mercilessly abandoned.

A huge explosion sounded the moment the Flaming Star came into contact with the defensive barrier. The terrifying sound wave covered the screams of the soldiers before they died. Even the soldiers of Arthurs standing in the distance were dizzy from the huge sound wave caused by the explosion. After the sound wave, a scorching wave of air slammed into the defensive barrier protecting the Mad Battle Team at the front of the Arthurs Formation. It then continued to charge at the 100,000-strong Arthurs Formation behind the Mad Battle Team.

Because each of the Arthurs army had two large teams of mages, the blast did not cause any casualties to the Arthurs soldiers. However, there were still a few soldiers standing in the front row whose skin was exposed to the blast.

After the sand and dust that were brought up by the airwave flew past, the barrier around the Mad Team slowly disappeared, and the violent sandstorm slowly calmed down. The ten thousand soldiers that gradually appeared were still as determined as before, and their surging momentum did not change at all. They looked at the commander floating in the air with fanatical and excited eyes, waiting for his order to immediately charge forward.

Wind Shadow Craze swept his gaze across the Mad Battle Team members in front of him. He could see the surging fighting spirit in their eyes, and he could see their bloodthirsty expressions. This was exactly what he wanted. He slowly landed on the ground, raised the longsword in his hand high, and slowly turned around. A chilling killing intent and a powerful aura suddenly surged out from behind him.

The change in the commander also led to the change in every soldier in the Mad Battle Team. Their gazes became more fanatical, their emotions became more excited, and the killing intent around their bodies became more and more intense.

Suddenly, Wind Shadow Craze raised his longsword high above his head and slashed down fiercely. At the same time, he roared loudly with his extremely infectious voice!!

"When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win!”

Behind him, the 10,000 soldiers of the Mad Battle Team also roared along with him!!

"When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win!”

"For life! Kill!"

"For life! Kill!"

"For the glory of being a soldier! Kill!"

"For the glory of being a soldier! Kill!"

The shouts of the ten thousand people shook the heavens and earth, as if nothing in the world could stop them from advancing. Everything in the world would be destroyed by their surging and fanatical fighting spirit, and even all the demon gods in the world would lower their high heads in front of these terrifying and admirable soldiers.

An even more excited, high-spirited, and inspiring roar came out of Windshadow Kuang's mouth,""For our undying! Kill!"

"For our undying! Kill!"

This was the roar of ten thousand people.

"For our undying! Kill!"

This was the shout of the 100,000 soldiers of Arthurs who had completely fallen into a frenzy.

"Defeat them! Undying! It will belong to you! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill…"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill…"

Windshadow moved, the long-handled saber in his right hand once again raised high above his head, and he charged towards the Ter army formation with large strides.

The Mad Battle Team also moved. They raised their weapons and gripped their shields tightly. The fanatical soldiers followed their invincible and great commander as they crazily charged towards the formation of the Ter Army.

Then, the 100,000 soldiers of the Arthurs Empire began to move without the command of their commander. Their boiling blood, strong fighting spirit, human instincts, and the glory of the soldiers were all encouraging them.

Forward, forward, and forward!

Thus, they started moving. Walking slowly, striding forward, running forward, running forward in big steps, running forward crazily. They followed the Mad Battle Team at the very front of their team, and they followed the actual commander of this battle, Windshadow Mad, as they ran forward in a frenzy…

Although the power of the Forbidden Spell was great, it was still somewhat powerless against the 700,000 Ter soldiers. The attack range of Flaming Star only covered the area where the 50,000 soldiers of Ter Army were standing. In addition to the defensive barrier, the damage of Flaming Star was less than 50,000 people. However, the visual and mental impact of the Forbidden Spell on the Ter Army was too great. Moreover, no one could guarantee that another Flaming Star would not smash into their heads during their battle.

When Windshadow Craze led his Mad Battle Team towards the Ter Army, the chaotic front line of the Ter Army did not manage to effectively intercept them from a distance.

The mages of Ter's army were still desperately trying to hold up the defensive barrier. The archers in front of the formation only shot a few scattered arrows under the command of their commander, because the aura and pressure that erupted from the collective charge of 100,000 soldiers was extremely terrifying.

The first to come into contact with the Ter Army was Windshadow Craze, who was at the front of the entire team. Because of his speed advantage, he left the Mad Battle Team behind him by a distance. It was just like the martial technique he used when he first descended on this continent more than a month ago. It was swift and direct, without any delay. The only purpose of this martial technique was to kill the enemy quickly and effectively. Even though he was holding a long-handled saber that he was not familiar with, it did not affect the efficiency of his killing technique. Searching for a target, striking, killing the target, retracting the blade, searching for the next target…

The corpses and broken limbs of Ter's soldiers flew into the sky along with Wind Shadow's long-handled sword. The screams of the soldiers before they died and the warm blood that sprayed on his body seemed to have become the catalyst for his bloodlust. The path paved with the corpses of Ter's soldiers was filled with bizarre-shaped severed limbs, making people feel nauseous.

However, what terrified the soldiers of Ter more was Windshadow Kuang. He was like a god of death, using his sword to reap lives without pause or hesitation. He ignored the sharp weapons that were stabbing at him.

But even so, from the moment he charged into the formation of the Ter army, his body and his armor were not damaged at all...

Luo Lina, who was riding on a horse and advancing with the army, had a pair of beautiful eyes. With her current cultivation, she could clearly see Feng Yingkuang's movements in the distance.

As a general, Feng Yingkuang easily received the worship and fanaticism of the soldiers. He had also proven with his actions that he was creating the great achievements that a hero must have. He was like a god-like existence, a God of War who had all the halos.

No matter how strong and conceited a woman was, she still had the thought of being cared for and loved in her bones, just like how men were born with the impulse to protect women.

Luo Lina was not an emotionless animal. She was a woman, a very healthy and normal woman. It was just that she had learned how to hide her feelings when she was very young. In fact, she still longed for a strong arm to rest on.

Lucian Dre, the heir of the Dre family, the first count of the Arthurs Empire, the commander of the 14th legion of the Arthurs Empire, and the owner of the light orange combat aura. All of these gave Rolina the impression that he was powerful. Coupled with his handsome appearance, it was easy for Rolina, who was not familiar with relationships, to think that he was the one she was looking for. He was the man who could provide her with a strong arm to rely on.

But now, Luo Lina knew that she was wrong. The man who was like a god of war in the distance, the man who killed 200,000 Ter soldiers for him, the man who led the 100,000 soldiers of the Arthurs Empire to win this war, was the man who was the best for him. Even though he was like a demon, even though he didn't like her…

The Mad Battle Team followed in the footsteps of Wind Shadow and became the first Arthurs army to fight against Ter's army. Although there were only 10,000 of them, they were as strong as 100,000 of them. Their strong will, their vigor to fight to the death, their heroic spirit to risk their lives far surpassed the still somewhat chaotic Ter army in front of them. As soon as the two sides came into contact, the first line of defense of the Ter army collapsed like the weakest piece of paper.

However, no matter how brave they were, there were only 10,000 people. Facing the 700,000 Ter army, the Mad Battle Team was blocked by the enemy and quickly stopped in their tracks. At this moment, the battle had truly begun.

"A man should be ruthless! Benevolence and service cannot coexist!"

"A man should kill without mercy! The eternal karma lies in killing people…"

"A man's job is to kill in the battlefield, with the courage of a bear and the eyes of a wolf! If you are born a man, you will kill him. Don't teach a man to wrap a woman's heart with his body! Men never care about their own lives, even if their enemies died, they would smile at each other!”

They shouted the words that their most respected commander had taught them, raised the sharp weapons in their hands, and fiercely and crazily slashed at the enemies in front of them.

For the sake of their lives, they had to kill. If they didn't kill the enemy, they wouldn't be able to return to their home in Kulun, and they wouldn't be able to see their loved ones.

For the glory of being soldiers, they had to kill. If they did not kill the enemy, they would not be able to protect the empire behind them. Their parents, wives, and children would be trampled and trampled by the enemy's cavalry.

For the sake of their immortality, they had to kill. If they did not kill their enemies, they would be forgotten by the world in a hundred years. They would also be ashamed to face their ancestors in the afterlife.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill…"

The collision of steel and power, the burning of life and blood, the persistence of youth and faith, the understanding of dedication and faith, all of these made them become fanatical, crazy, reckless, and had no other choice.

Raising the weapons in their hands, killing the enemy, or being killed by the enemy…

The Mad Battle Team's pace of advancement became more and more difficult. There were too many enemies, so their space to move was getting smaller and smaller. The dense number of Ter soldiers in front of them seemed to be an insurmountable barrier, but they did not retreat at all. They did not have the slightest fear.

There was no reason for them to retreat, and there was no time for them to be timid. When their companions in front fell, the soldiers behind them took a step forward and continued fighting. The weapon in his hand was broken. He picked up the enemy's weapon and continued to fight. His body was pierced by the enemy's sharp weapon. He gritted his teeth and pierced through the enemy's body to die with them...

Crazy battles, crazy killings, crazy deaths.

The bravery and fearlessness of the Mad Battle Team deeply shocked everyone present. Every Tyr, every Arthurs…

"Set up the formation! Tian Qing Defense Array! Set up the formation!"

A high-pitched shout came from the Mad Battle Team. While everyone was confused, the soldiers of the Mad Battle Team quickly took action.

The Mad Battle Team split up into teams of 100.

The sword-shield wielder in the team quickly moved to the edge of the team and raised the medium-sized round wooden shield in his right hand. The edges of the shields interlocked without leaving a gap. The remaining sword-shield wielders in the team also raised the shield in their right hand in the middle of the team, and the edges of the shields were also interlocked. Very quickly, defensive shield formations that looked like turtle shells appeared in the formation of the Tell army. The only opening for the shield formation to attack was under the feet of the soldiers. However, there were countless spears and swords there…

Feng Yingkuang did not stop for even a moment before charging towards the center of the formation. Wherever he passed by, he left behind a bloody path that was like hell. His target was the command flag in the middle of the formation.

Feng Yingkuang did not care about the massacre behind him at all. Before the battle, he had told his soldiers that he would do anything to complete the mission and win the war. When necessary, he would use them as bait and abandon them.

The 7,000 years of war on Earth had taught him a truth: To shoot a man, you must shoot a horse first. To capture a thief, you must capture the king first.

This was exactly what he wanted to do now. Moreover, he was only a hundred steps away from the commander's flag…

This book comes。

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