Marriage Mirror
19 Another dream

Ziyan, Zhe


In the misty white fog, a strong wind blew from nowhere, and his legs seemed to be moving forward on their own. The further he walked, the more obvious the white light in the distance became. However, it was also indistinct. It was an unreal white light that had an unreal illusion, as if that light shadow was just an illusion.

Whether it was an illusion or not, he stretched out his hand to grab the light, and the strong wind stopped roaring.

The fog was still so thick, and the thing in his hand was still faintly glowing with an illusory white light.

He focused his gaze. He was holding a small mirror in his hand. Around the mirror were misty white feathers, and on the transparent mirror, a beautiful face appeared, attracting his gaze.

She was so stunning that he could not shift his gaze away. She was sleeping quietly in the mirror like water without waves. The white chrysanthemums surrounding her made her snow-white skin look even more clean and transparent.

A trace of pain crept across his heart, causing him to frown slightly. As if infected by his heartache, the peerless beauty in the mirror turned into a wisp of white smoke and disappeared without a trace.

" Don't…" He suddenly opened his eyes, and his outstretched hand only caught air again." It's a dream again."”

Who was she? Why did she often appear in his dreams?

The man in the mirror? A dead man in the mirror…

So long, so long, the road seemed endless.

No matter how many times she fell, she still got up and continued walking. She did not know where she was going, but her legs moved forward automatically. She walked in this white fog, not knowing where her goal was, and of course, not knowing where the starting point was.

Slowly, she saw a little light, as if it was calling her. She quickly ran over and ran for a long time before she slowly approached the light.

She reached out her hand and quickly grabbed the light that was about to fly away. In an instant, a dazzling white light shot out. She closed her eyes in time to avoid being blinded by the light.

Although she did not see the light, she could feel the intensity of the light. It even passed through her eyelids and her skin.

She was about to melt into the light, but even so, she did not loosen her grip on the light. She would rather die than let go.

After running for so long, she wanted to find out what it was even if she had to die.

She would not let go even if she died!

She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up in shock. She was sweating all over and was panting slightly.

"Was that a dream?" But why did she feel so tired? His legs seemed to be about to break.

This was not the first time this strange thing had happened. She had been having the same dream since a while ago. In the dream, she kept walking, walking, and walking forward without end. Every time she walked until her legs were about to break and she fainted, she would wake up from the dream. However, when she woke up, she really felt that her legs were about to break.

She remembered that ever since her father told her that story, she began to have this strange dream.

Because it was a long time ago, she only remembered that some genius ancestor possessed a Demonic Mirror, which caused the Ling Family to be almost exterminated.

Ever since her father told her about it when he was drunk, she began to have the same dream from time to time. She dreamed that she was running in the white fog. It had been twelve years since she started running as a little girl.

It was really infuriating. That was indeed a demonic mirror. She was just curious to hear if her father would say anything after he was drunk. Who knew that her father would talk nonsense and cause her to start having strange dreams at a young age. She was really unlucky.

However, on the day she turned seventeen, the dream had a strange development. She actually caught that light spot.

However, this progress was better than not having it. She only felt that she had been melted and nothing else.

Eh? What was this?

She pulled open her clothes and saw a strange thing on her chest." When did this thing appear?”There was also an invisible string tied around her neck!

She took it out and looked at it carefully. It was a very exquisitely made palm-sized mirror. The mirror was surrounded by carvings that looked like feathers and smoke. It was made of a very special material that she had never seen or touched before. Its surface was like transparent black jade, and one could tell at a glance that it was of extraordinary value.

He flipped it over and looked at its back. There were strange words written on it! Illusionary Mirror. It was really a strange mirror. Logically speaking, she should not be able to understand it, but she could see what it wrote at a glance. Could it be that she had extraordinary abilities?

How did this mirror end up on her? She remembered that she had never even seen this thing before! Moreover, she was very sure that she did not have this when she went to bed last night.

"Ah!" She suddenly screamed and looked at the mirror in her hand as if she had discovered something shocking. "I'm so tired that I have dark circles under my eyes!"

Heavens! Her life was really too bitter.

She stroked the mirror and muttered,"Ai, Ling Huanhuan, your life is so bitter!"”No wonder she had dark circles under her eyes. After she was done with this work, she must have a good rest.

Her face in the mirror suddenly became blurry. She focused her gaze and saw another man's face in the mirror. The man seemed to be saying something. As he spoke, he stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth, and then…

"Miss Ling, are you dead asleep?”


Dust was kicked up violently. The new door of her room lay quietly on the ground, officially announcing the end of her life. The murderer was the bearded Rakshasa! Ling Lui was her father who was so rude that no one could compare to him.

Sigh, even the dust was so little. One could only imagine how new her new door was.

"Didn't I say I was going on a business trip today? Why are you still sleeping? Are you trying to tire your father to death?”The huge Ling Lui sat down on the chair and casually picked up the snacks on the table to eat. As he ate, he did not forget to think about his daughter who was still sitting on the bed and staring at him in a daze.

"You! You're already seventeen years old. Why do you still need an old man like me to invite you? It's not like you don't know that today's situation is special. How can I have the leisure to wait for your Eldest Miss to wake up? You were the one who said that you wanted to open this shop, and you were the one who became the boss in name. Why didn't you be more proactive? You always threw your work to an old and frail…old…cough, cough!”

Ling Lui pounded his chest and coughed hard in sadness. He wanted to cough out the snack stuck in his throat, or else he would punch it into his stomach. He was about to die…

"Heavens! This is amazing." Ling Tianhuan looked at his father in surprise, then looked down at the mirror in his hand.

She had just seen her father choking in the mirror, and now it was happening right in front of her, and it was exactly the same.

Who cares how it came about, she was definitely going to get this illusion mirror!

"Hey! How am I supposed to go up if I don't get a stool?”Ling Tian Huan was dressed in white, standing beside a coffin, staring at these stupid workers in front of him unhappily.

How annoying. She didn't expect that her seventeenth birthday would be the anniversary of her death…To be more precise, it was the day she would be lying in a coffin in someone else's place.

Two years ago, she had persuaded her dear father to open a " Extraordinary Funeral Hall " with a playful attitude. Other than helping those who did not like trouble to arrange the funeral venue, it also included looking for graves, writing obituaries to send to relatives and friends, and providing filial sons and daughters to cry at the graves. The scene was huge, and the sounds of grief were endless. It really made the future generations feel proud.

Such an anti-custom shop, not only did people not say that they were cursing others to death, but their business was surprisingly good. However, this was also because their extraordinary funerals were more magnificent than any other, and the prices were reasonable, which was why their business was so prosperous.

Now, she finally knew that everyone was so lazy and cared so much about their reputation.

However, her father's work was getting weirder and weirder. Now, he actually wanted her to help a girl who faked her death and escaped from her marriage lie in a coffin and then send her to the cemetery.

Logically speaking, he was the one who took the job, so he should be the one lying in the coffin. Although she only needed to slip out before she was buried alive, and it was easier for her to lie down than to walk a few miles under the sun, who would want to lie in a coffin on her birthday!

What was going on? Did it take so long to move a stool?

"Shi Tou, come here." She curled her finger at the shop assistant closest to her with a furious expression. She believed that everyone could see that she was very unhappy at the moment. Whoever wanted to die could provoke her, and she would definitely let that person get what he wanted.

Stone, who had been called out, walked over obediently. Under her signal, he used his bitter face as a stool for her to climb into the coffin.

Sigh, being stepped on by a woman, he could forget about holding his head high and sticking out his chest in this lifetime.

"Whoever dares to nail the coffin or bury me alive, be careful that I will turn into a malicious ghost and come back to take revenge on you!”She warned fiercely, afraid that her seventeenth birthday would become her death anniversary.

"Boss, don't worry, we won't dare to do that.”The workers promised solemnly. Although their boss was beautiful and flawless, he was also very scary when he was ruthless. They didn't want to die.

"All of you, swear an oath." Her cold and beautiful eyes swept across everyone. She only wanted to seek peace of mind.

" Uh…" Everyone looked at each other hesitantly.


She warned coldly. Everyone immediately raised their hands and swore a heavy oath.

"Very good."

She lay down in the coffin with satisfaction. Immediately, two ladies came forward and covered her with blooming white chrysanthemums, making her look like she was immersed in a sea of flowers.

The scene in front of him was so beautiful that it made people drool. The silent Ling Huan was as beautiful as a glass doll, simply mesmerizing. It was hard to imagine how a man with a full beard like Ling Lui could have such a beautiful daughter. Could it be that he had secretly hugged someone else's daughter more than ten years ago?

"Please, don't drool.”Ling Tian Huan, who had her eyes closed, coldly threw out two sentences. Her beautiful eyes were still covered by long eyelashes that were like feather fans.

The two girls covered their mouths and chuckled. This Miss Ling was just so special. The moment she opened her mouth, her words would ruin her image.

“浀浀!”Ling Lui's voice was like thunder. If one were to listen closely, they might have been deafened by his voice.

"Please don't let my father come over to test my hearing.”After enduring her father's thunderous voice for seventeen years, it was a miracle that she wasn't deaf. Fortunately, he didn't spit on her. It was really a great fortune among misfortune.

"Cut the crap. Are you going to hand it over or not?”

"Young Master Lu, aren't you making things difficult for me? My daughter is already dead, how can I hand her over to you? Please have pity on this white-haired man, okay?”

A large funeral procession was stopped the moment they left the city. The two parties were in a stalemate, neither side willing to give way to the other.

"Pfft! If I pity you, who will pity me?" The other party seemed very impatient and immediately started fighting after a few words.

Ling Tian Huan, who was lying comfortably in the coffin, snorted a few times. She turned around and was about to continue sleeping when she was knocked unconscious by something.

After all, it was a heavy coffin. No matter how it was sent flying, it would not fly too far. The lid of the coffin was slightly opened, and an unfamiliar man stood on one side.

"Stinky brat, stay away from that coffin!”The two parties hurriedly chased after him, both wanting to snatch the 'corpse' in the coffin first.

The man slammed the lid of the coffin back into its original position with one palm. With one hand, he picked up the rope that had fallen off and swung it a few times. The rope tied the coffin tightly again. With one hand, he pulled the rope and swung it a few more times. The heavy coffin immediately began to spin. A long whip that looked like a black snake had appeared in the man's hand. He raised his hand and whipped up a cloud of dust.

When the two parties broke through the dust that filled the sky, the man and the coffin were long gone. Of course, Ling Tianhuan, who was lying in the coffin, also disappeared.

On the clear stream, there were a few waterfalls that looked like silver threads. The transparent water that flowed down stirred up a lot of water and formed a small white fog.

Beside the stream, a man was sitting on an open coffin, looking down at the person lying in front of him.

Just like in his dream, he actually met such a person, a beautiful woman lying in a coffin.

She was so clean and flawless, her skin was as intoxicating as wine brewed from red flowers, and her slightly furrowed eyebrows seemed to be enduring a trace of pain, making people feel extremely pitiful.

That weak breath let him know that she was still alive. What was the situation that made her lie in the coffin? If he didn't take her away, would she be sleeping in the dark and damp underground?

His fingers gently slid across her warm cheeks, her eyebrows, her eyes, her nose, but stopped on her seductive red lips.

"Such beauty should have been mine long ago.”He leaned over slightly, his thin lips touching hers like a butterfly. His forehead was pressed against hers, and his deep eyes met the eyes that were sealed by the feather fan. The corners of his lips curled up into a faint smile. He opened his mouth and held her tightly shut lips, kissing them slowly and longingly.

Her taste was as sweet and alluring as he had imagined. If she wasn't unconscious, he would definitely be more satisfied.


The person under his lips seemed to have been woken up by his harassment. He slightly moved away from her lips and looked at the beautiful woman who was about to wake up at a close distance.

Her feather-fan-like eyelashes moved, and then, as he expected, they moved upward.

The moment Ling Tian Huan opened his eyes, he was immediately met with that pair of deep black eyes.

Her eyes were clear and her heart was straightforward, but there was a trace of pain. The feeling she gave him was still that speechless heartache.

What was this? Eyes? Why did she see a pair of eyes the moment she woke up? And there was also a kind of bottomless darkness?

Her stunning appearance and innocent and pure eyes made him feel as if he had seen a person who should only appear in his dreams.

She gently opened her seductive mouth." May I ask where the latrine is?”

He frowned slightly, wondering if he had heard wrong. The first thing she asked was not who he was, nor was she scared to hide, but where the toilet was.

She pushed him away and sat up, looking around anxiously. She seemed to have slept for a long time just now. She really didn't expect the coffin to be such a good "bed". If she wasn't in a hurry to urinate, she might have slept comfortably until she died.

"What can be tolerated, what can't be tolerated, please make way.”She got up, pressed one hand on his shoulder, and jumped out of the coffin that almost put her to sleep. She looked left and right before rushing into the bushes not far away.

The convenience was a major event in life. Even turtles and lizards couldn't bear it, let alone her, who was born as the spirit of all creatures!

After settling the unbearable " life event ", she sat on a rock beside her in boredom and took out the illusory mirror that she had obtained out of nowhere.

Her face appeared in the mirror. She casually smoothed her hair. She did not want to become a crazy woman.

Suddenly, the mirror blurred again. With her first experience, she naturally understood what it was trying to tell her, so she held her breath and stared at it.

In the mirror, a man was lying on the bed covered in blood. That was all.

Wow! This was clearly just to keep him in suspense! If she could find a stranger lying in a pool of blood, she would be a god.

She stared at the mirror, hoping that it would reveal more information. But after looking at it for a long time, she only saw that she was getting more and more unhappy.

"Stingy." If she knew more, she would die!

She pursed her lips and kept the mirror in her clothes. She stood up and walked out, but she could not help but complain about the mirror that had just appeared.

Either he showed up once and let her see as much as she wanted, or he didn't want anything at all. It was really immoral to keep her in suspense. If it had a life, it would definitely go to hell. It was too evil!

"What are you mumbling about?”

The man who had been looking at her only asked when she got closer. Looking at her, it seemed that she was a little different from what he had expected.

She looked up and was immediately shocked. She walked backward until she tripped over a stone.

"Who are you?" And where was this place? Daddy! Wasn't she in the funeral procession? Why was this place completely different from the route she had planned? She did not remember any forest or stream, and there was a waterfall behind him. This meant that she was very far from home. At least, she was sure that there were no such things near the town where she grew up.

Could she be…

"Qi, Jing Yue Qi." He didn't waste any time and answered her question in a very generous manner.

"Jing Yue Qi?" I've never heard of anyone with the surname Jing.

Eh? Wasn't he the strange man she saw in the mirror? He was lying in a pool of blood, which meant…

"I was buried alive. I was really buried alive by those people!”In other words, she was dead. Otherwise, why would she see a dead person? Where was this place in the Heaven Realm?

"Are you dreaming?" It seemed that she had a habit of talking to herself. She had to change that.

"You can still dream after you die?" Indeed. Otherwise, how could she not know how she came here and even met someone who was also dead?

He squatted in front of her and somewhat understood her resentment at the moment. If she really thought that way, he would not stop her, at least not now.

"What's your name?"

"Ling Xinghuan, but I probably won't have this name after reincarnation!”Farewell, her great mother had racked her brains to give her a maiden name, but she had only used it for seventeen years.

Wu! Mother, your daughter has let you down. It was all her daughter's fault. She did not teach her father well, so he buried her alive.

"It's not your turn to reincarnate yet." He wouldn't let her die so soon. She couldn't die until she figured out the question in her heart.

"Eh?" It wasn't her turn yet, so to say…" I'm so evil that I can't reincarnate?”Although she liked to bully others, she was also quite respectful to the elderly, friendly to her relatives, did not steal or rob, charged fairly, went to bed early and got up early…

"As long as you answer my questions properly, I promise to let you be reborn.”The fact that she would appear in his dream might really have something to do with that incident.

She looked at him, her beautiful eyes rolling around. It was true that she had never seen him before. She believed that no one would forget such an outstanding and charming man.

Since they were just strangers, there was no need for her to believe his words. Perhaps what appeared in the illusion mirror was in the future. In other words, he was not dead yet, and of course, she was not dead yet. It hurts! Her forehead hurt as if she had hit a hard and cold wall. At most, she had been kidnapped. She was definitely not dead.

"Young Master Jingyue, right?" If she wasn't mistaken," Jingyue " should be a compound surname. Seeing that he didn't react, she was probably right." Do you know why I'm here?”This question was a little idiotic, but she could only ask him.

Anyway, it wouldn't hurt to ask. It would be a waste not to ask.

Didn't you think you were dead?" He asked coldly, his eyes never leaving her beautiful and ever-changing face.

Was this person mocking her for being stupid? "I might have hit my head, that's why…Oh!”She felt that her forehead was swollen and there was a sharp pain. She really hit her head.

He took out a clean handkerchief and dipped it in water. He pushed her hair aside and gently applied a cold compress on her.

"Gently, gently." It hurts!

"Don't be so long-winded." He had already tried his best to be gentle, but she still dared to look at him with a resentful expression. She really did not know what was good for her.

"I'm just honestly reflecting my most primitive reaction.”It was pain!

If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't see where she was hurt and how badly she was hurt, she wouldn't have used his hands to torture herself! She didn't know who had caused her to bump into the coffin. There were only a few people carrying the coffin, so they were the most suspicious. However, she was here, and Jing Yue Qi was also a great suspect.

"You know why I'm here, right?”Her intuition told her that it had something to do with him. Otherwise, why would she see him the moment she opened her eyes?

"What do you think?" He threw the question back at her, suddenly wondering how she would answer.

"I said you kidnapped me."

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