How to pass the time of Qinghuan
40 fifteen days

Xiaoyu, Ha


She filled the teapot with water and turned on the fire. Xie Zhiyun lazily opened the kitchen cabinet, took out the last bowl of instant noodles, and slowly opened the seasoning bag.

How many days had it been?

She had returned to the headquarters from Japan and stayed at the headquarters for a week. Adding on the week she had returned to Taiwan, it should have been fifteen days!

She hadn't seen Guo Liang for fifteen days.

Fifteen days ago, when she returned to the headquarters alone, it could be said that she was completely disheartened and had no interest in life. She did not feel the slightest bit of excitement about the recognition of the headquarters and the various rewards and rewards they gave her.

She felt as if her heart had been swept by a machine gun. She wasn't sad about Guo Liang's ruthlessness. Even if she had no experience, she could tell if he was sincere or not. She also felt helpless and sad in his eyes in the cafe.

If what they said in the elevator was to let them have an intimate partner on the road to hell, then after the danger signal was removed, his attitude should have changed. Why did he have to pretend to be polite and affectionate to her along the way?

It was precisely because she knew that he was not pretending that she was so angry. He did not know how much her heart ached when he acted out that scene.

In the elevator, he had vowed that he would never leave them. No matter what happened in the hour they went back to their rooms, he should not have chosen to fly alone.

Wasn't marriage the most thorough way for a man and a woman to give themselves up? Wasn't marriage a place where two hearts could rely on each other for the rest of their lives?

If he could change his mind in just sixty minutes, what else could she believe? What were they looking forward to? She had always thought that their tacit understanding was unparalleled and even entrusted the rest of her life to him.

She was determined to treat this mission as a warning, the unfinished wedding as a joke, and her love with Guo Liang as a wet dream. Then, she threw everything she had with him back to yesterday.

After she voluntarily submitted her application to the higher-ups to go on a mission in the Middle East and was rejected, she planned to use her vacation to travel around the world. However, the headquarters arranged a few disguise courses at this time and asked her to stay behind to assist the professor. Fortunately, she did not insist on refusing. Otherwise, she would have missed Lan Jieshi returning to the headquarters, and it was very likely that she would miss Guo Liang forever.

Lan Jieshi asked her about her cooperation with Guo Liang with concern. She endured the pain and gave him a few perfunctory words out of friendship. Unexpectedly, the white-eyed Lan Jieshi began to talk endlessly about his experience in the United States. When he mentioned Guo Liang, how they had teamed up to kill the Iron Faced Twins, and how he kept praising him for his quick reaction and loyalty…She suddenly understood.

It was all her fault for being too surprised and agitated at that time. She was too eager to protect her hurt feelings and proud self-esteem, so she could not think and could not calmly ask him why.

Compared to Guo Liang's strong desire to protect her, she seemed much more selfish. She only cared about her own wounds and neglected his intentions.

However, knowing that she had been sacrificed for their great friendship, the anger in her chest burned even more. He looked down on her so much that he refused to let her face the difficulties together.

She thought that she had made her feelings clear enough in the elevator of the Millennium Building. She would rather die with him than live. She didn't expect that he would still choose to leave her alone and live a life of wondering if he had ever loved her.

She was angry at him for not being romantic, and she was angry that they did not have a tacit understanding. Not only did he let her down, but he also threw away her deep love for him.

She still could not forgive him!

The funny thing was that even though he thought this way, he rushed back to Taiwan as fast as he could.

Of course, she knew that Guo Liang was capable, but if she didn't stay in her place in Taibei, it wouldn't be easy to find her. Subconsciously, she was very worried that he would miss her.

Don't think that she did this because she missed him, and don't even think that she would reconcile with him. She returned to Taiwan because she was unwilling to let him off so easily. She wanted to give herself a chance to vent her anger. She wanted to hear how he was going to argue for her, and then she would scold him without batting an eyelid. Then, she would kick him into the freshwater river to join the trash.

This was her perfect revenge plan. Cool, right?

However…it had been a week since she rushed back. He had been waiting day and night, left and right, until he was almost moldy. Yet, this damned Guo Liang had not even shown up.

Could it be that she had misunderstood his thoughts? Could it be that he didn't want to let her go to America with him not because he wanted to protect her, but because he regretted his impulsive action in the elevator and took the opportunity to escape?

The sharp sound of the flute pulled her back to reality. She twisted the gas stove and poured the boiling water into the bowl of noodles.

"Good! She would wait for his last day. If he did not appear tomorrow, she swore that he would never find her!”

Her determination was like instant noodles meeting hot water, swelling rapidly.

With a little trick, he silently opened the two door locks of Xie Zhiyun's residence. Guo Liang gently pushed the door and entered. As soon as he entered the house, he breathed in her unique sweet scent in the air, which actually made him feel a long-lost throb.

In the darkness, he first found the kitchen in the dark. When he took out a bottle of cold beer from the refrigerator, his eyes had almost adapted to the extremely weak light in the house.

Guo Liang tried to use the coldness of the beer to cool down the palpitations he had after rushing all the way here after getting off the plane. Thinking that he and Xie Zhiyun were only a foot away from each other at this time, and it only took a few seconds to see each other, he was really relieved in his heart. He could finally repay his longing for many days.

After joining forces with Lan Jieshi to defeat the Iron Faced Twins, he learned from the headquarters that Xie Zhiyun had not left.

He should have flown back to his wife's side without delay to apologize, but he couldn't stand Liu Shaowei's repeated pleas to look for him, so he braced himself and agreed to stay for an extra week to help him do a thorough search in the United States.

What was frustrating was that he had sacrificed the most precious time of his life just to find a Chinese girl, and the result was nothing. Not only was Liu Shaowei disappointed, but even he himself was so depressed that he wanted to jump over Nicaragua Falls.

One week-seven days! As he searched for her without stopping, he endured endless longing and worry. Because Xie Zhiyun was likely to reach any place he couldn't find in these seven days, it was more likely that she would completely give up on him and have a new love... The long 168 hours was enough for anything to happen. Who knew if he would ruin his life's happiness because of the loyalty of these seven days?

It turned out that his decision to go to the United States alone was the biggest risk of his life.

In the past week, whenever he thought of Xie Zhiyun's hateful eyes, he didn't know how many cells were scared to death and how much cold sweat he had. It wasn't until he confirmed that Xie Zhiyun was still here that he really put down the big stone that had been hanging in his heart for a long time.

Speaking of which, he had already made a decision in his heart, even if Xie Zhiyun was not at the headquarters or in Taiwan.

Even if he had to go to the ends of the earth, even if he had to turn the entire world upside down, he had to find her.

The heavens had taken pity on him, allowing him to sit in front of her bed and once again look at her beautiful face and slightly uneasy eyebrows.

It seemed that she must have had a hard time these days. She was dumped for no reason. She must hate him, right?

Everything was in the past. Since he had returned to her side alive, his heart and his person would belong to her completely from now on. He would make it up to her well and do his best to give her happiness.

As he thought about it, he lowered his head and prepared to kiss her. Just as his lips touched her lips, he was pushed away. Before he could recover, Xie Zhiyun suddenly sat up and raised her hand to slap him.

The crisp sound echoed in the quiet night.

"Scorpion! It's me." Guo Liang caressed his burning cheeks and shouted, lest she accidentally kill her husband and regret it.

Xie Zhiyun lit up the bedside lamp, crossed her arms in front of her chest, and looked domineering.

"Of course I know it's you. Otherwise, why would I have hit you so hard?”She had finally caught him. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"When did you wake up?" The heart of a woman was truly the most poisonous. He had finally learned his lesson.

"Just when you opened the fridge to enjoy the beer.”Fortunately, she had guessed that it was him." You're really daring to trespass in the middle of the night.”

"There's no other way. The flight arrived late. And…if I were to ring the doorbell openly, would you open the door?”he confessed.

"At least you know your limits." She was unforgiving.

"You've already hit him. Your anger should have subsided, right?”Taking a slap in exchange for happiness for the rest of his life was still worth it.

He was not angry, but the fire in his heart burned even more brightly. She was worried about him here every day, but he was still handsome and handsome, adding a sense of sexiness.

"Angry? Did I say I was angry?" He said he wasn't angry, but his expression was murderous.

Humph! Rascal! He even dared to pretend that nothing had happened. He lowered his head casually and thought of her as a family member, as if she was born to be kissed by him. I've never seen a fierce woman before. Today, I'll let him broaden his horizons.

"Scorpion, don't be like this. I had no choice!”If he didn't love her too deeply and had a choice, he wouldn't have been willing to do this.

"Including the fact that you had no choice but to swear to marry me before you died?”He could come and go as he pleased. How could he be so disrespectful when he loved someone? Was he teasing her?

"I know that you don't really want to marry me, and you've never been serious about it. At that time, you proposed to me because you thought we were dead. If it were any other girl by your side, you would have proposed to him?”

"No!" He had already done what he had done. It was an irreparable fact that he had hurt her. Other than trying to make up for it, he should not argue anymore. However, he could not let her misunderstand his deep love for her. "I'm serious. I've never promised anything as seriously as I promised to love you for the rest of my life. Scorpion, you can not forgive me, but you must not misunderstand me.”

His words were like the sweet spring in the desert, nourishing Xie Zhiyun's heart.

Strictly speaking, the two of them were not even in a relationship. She couldn't help but question the oath she had made under the fear and despair of accidentally touching the line of death.

She knew the truth that she loved him. She had been looking forward to that unwritten wedding, but what about Guo Liang?

Forget about love, he had never even said that he liked her. In addition, he would rather take risks alone than accompany her, which made her even less confident.

At this moment, Guo Liang's words undoubtedly gave her a huge reassurance.

"What's the use of just saying nice things? If Liu Shaowei is in trouble later, who knows if you won't abandon me and run to help him again?”What was so difficult to discuss that she actually had to fight with a grown man for his affection? Moreover, she was very jealous.

Guo Liang was surprised to hear Liu Shaowei's name.

"You already know." It was most likely Lan Jieshi.

"Don't think that you're the only one who has life-and-death friends.”she said proudly.

"Since you already know the whole story, I don't have to say anything more. I promise, this is the only time. In the future, let alone a second lieutenant, even if the headquarters awarded me eighteen gold medals in a row, I would never leave without saying goodbye again. Can you be magnanimous and forgive me for being muddle-headed for a moment?”He solemnly promised.

"It's too late." Don't think that by pretending to be pitiful and saying a few sweet words, she would forget the pain of lovesickness and open her arms to welcome him back.

"Why not? Aren't you already married to me?" He did not believe that anyone had the ability to capture her heart in such a short time.

"I was supposed to marry you, but you left me for America for no reason. This irresponsible attitude is equivalent to giving up.”How could there be such a cheap thing in the world?

"It's alright." They could still remarry after a divorce, not to mention that their first marriage had been canceled.

"We can get married again."

"Get married again?" To think that he said it so easily. He was really thick-skinned. "Sure. Once you leave my house, you can marry whoever you want. No one can control you.”

"You mustn't! Have you forgotten? Even the computer has compared our handprints and said that we are a perfect match. How can you ignore me?”

Recalling the scene of that day, Xie Zhiyun couldn't help but feel a trace of sweetness.

"Are you crazy? You believe what the game console says?”She retorted," Besides, it's been so long. Who can remember what was written on it? What evidence do you have?”

Guo Liang hurriedly took out a piece of paper from his wallet.

"The evidence is here." He opened the treasured love analysis paper.

Xie Zhiyun looked at the piece of paper filled with dense Japanese and was incredibly stunned.

"You actually kept it." She was greatly moved. It was just a joking fortune-telling paper, but he was actually so serious.

Seeing that the fence she built seemed to be shaking, Guo Liang took the opportunity to chase after her.

"Not only do I keep it with me, but I also intend to carry out the orders of the higher-ups.”He said from the bottom of his heart,"In this life, I will never marry another woman except you."”

When Xie Zhiyun heard this, her chest suddenly beat like a deer, and all her determination to punish him collapsed.

" You…" That stinky Guo Liang knew how to soften her heart.

"Scorpion." He stepped forward and held her hand." Forgive me for being silly, okay?”

In fact, she had already forgiven him a long time ago. Her anger had also disappeared the moment she saw him. However, when she thought about how he did not cherish her because it was too easy to get him, her willpower told her to continue.

"No!" She broke free from his hand." My heart is locked.”

Seeing how stubborn she was, Guo Liang also became anxious.

"Heart locked?" He had opened all kinds of locks from all kinds of brands, big and small, but he had never opened the heart lock. An invisible and intangible heart lock. How complicated was the human heart? Even if they had a tacit understanding, it was impossible to completely guess her thoughts. She was clearly making things difficult for him.

Sigh, since he was determined to love her for the rest of his life, why not give in to her? In front of him, he couldn't fight with strength, only with wisdom.

"Then how can I get the key?”If a woman really wanted to argue, Zhuge Liang would probably sigh in his next life.

" Key…" She suddenly stopped.

Right? How can I get the key? She had made up this problem at the last minute. She had not set any keys at all.

"Tell me, as long as you can tell me, I will find it even if I have to risk my life.”He had always believed that there was nothing difficult in the world.

Seeing his confident look, Xie Zhiyun suddenly had a thought in her mind.

"Those two password necklaces." she said.

How could he understand how reluctant she was to return the password necklace to the headquarters? That was the token of love for Cat Girl and her marriage. If it wasn't for his capricious feelings, she would at least ask the headquarters to keep it as a souvenir.

"What?" Guo Liang thought he had heard wrong. He subconsciously put his hand into his pocket to make sure that the item was still there.

"The password necklace for our cooperative mission is the only key to unlocking my heart.”She had already returned the necklace and the information to the headquarters. According to the procedures of the headquarters, after the mission was completed, all related items would be destroyed.

The two necklaces were no exception.

Something that no longer existed in this world, no matter how hard he tried, how could he take it out? She had made this request to make things difficult for him, but in fact, she was just testing his reaction, testing his sincerity towards her, and at the same time, weakening his spirit so that he would owe her forever.

"Scorpion, you were the one who returned the necklace to the headquarters. You should know what happened to them as well as I do.”He looked troubled.

"You said it yourself just now. As long as I can say it, you can take it out.”Wasn't this joke too big? If he knew that it was impossible to back out, wouldn't she be alone again? What should he do? Should he change his words?

"This is simply making things difficult for you. Can't you replace it with something else?”He tried to bargain.

"No!" She couldn't change. At the very least, she had to make things difficult for him for a while. Otherwise, she would appear to have no personality. Didn't he also say that men would not cherish women who were too easy to get? "If you are really sincere, you will naturally have a way.”

"What if I never get it out and can't think of a way?”he asked with a worried expression.

"Very simple, that means we are not fated!”Of course, she would not let the situation develop to that extent.

"What if…I take it out?”He probed.

Xie Zhiyun smiled and shook her head with certainty.

"No, I can't!"

Xie Zhiyun stared at the deserted room and couldn't help but regret driving Guo Liang away this morning. With him around and more people to carry the burden, at least time would not be so difficult to pass.

As she thought about it, suddenly-

Eh? Since when did she reject renting a house and live alone for so many years?

It was only Guo Liang's first time here last night, and she had actually changed.

Fickle, really too fickle! Women!

It was almost noon, and the sky had just brightened when Guo Liang left. Coupled with the difficult problem she had posed, he probably wouldn't appear until tonight.

After a night of fooling around and taking a nap, she decided to put aside her annoying matters for the time being and go out for lunch.

As soon as he opened the door, a large bouquet of red roses appeared. She took a closer look and saw a head poking out from behind the bouquet.

"Good morning!" Guo Liang raised the bouquet high to greet her.

"Why are you still here? Didn't you…" Did he think of a solution so quickly, or did he send flowers to hand over the book without putting in any effort?

"I found the key!" He continued," That's why I'm here to give it a try. Please make way!" He hugged the flowers and walked past her. He stepped into the room and placed the flowers on the armchair. "Don't underestimate these 99 flowers. They're quite heavy.”It turned out that romance also had weight.

He shook his arm and took the initiative to pour a cup of water on the coffee table. He drank it all in one gulp." I've never seen a grown man walking on the street with such a big bouquet of flowers. Just now, the passers-by were pointing at me. I really felt a little uncomfortable.”

She closed the door, walked to the sofa, and glanced at the roses.

"Is this the key you said you found?”To think that he was usually so smart and had such an old-fashioned way of wooing girls.

"What do you think? Ninety-nine roses means that I hope our love will last forever. Do you like it?”

"I'm sorry. If there's nothing else, I'm going out to eat.”Normally, if he was willing to bring her nine roses, she would definitely be moved to tears, let alone ninety-nine roses. However, this time, the situation was special, and the flower offensive was ineffective.

"It means you don't like it!" Guo Liang sighed and changed his tone." It's okay. I've prepared something else.”He slowly took out a diamond ring from his pocket and twirled it in front of her eyes." What about this? Do you like it?" He looked very funny.

" En-" Xie Zhiyun cooperated with him and looked at the diamond ring carefully. "It's big enough and pure enough. Unfortunately…it doesn't match my lock!”After saying that, she walked towards the door.

"Slow down! It's okay if you're not satisfied with the flowers and diamond ring. I've prepared other things.”Guo Liang stopped her.

Xie Zhiyun didn't push him away angrily." Little Zhuge, stop fooling around, okay? I'm starving!”It would be a waste to continue reading. Unless it was a password necklace that resurrected from the dead, she would not retract her order so quickly.

"Wait a little longer. I just need to see one more thing. Maybe after watching it, we can have a big meal and celebrate!”Guo Liang pleaded.

"Alright then! Take it out. What is it this time?”She looked at him reluctantly.

Guo Liang smiled without saying a word. He only flashed two glittering necklaces.

"A password necklace?" She exclaimed. How was this possible? "Don't tell me you just bought two ready-made ones on the street?”Perhaps he was lucky enough to encounter the exact same thing.

"Miss, you underestimate me.”He shook the necklace." Look carefully. It's a genuine password necklace.”Now she knew how powerful he was!

She carefully took the necklace and held it in her palm. She could confirm it with a glance.

"How did you get it?" she asked in disbelief.

Even if it was made according to the original, it would not be so fast. She was convinced by him.

"Before you returned to the headquarters, I had already contacted the higher-ups of the headquarters and threatened them to leave the necklace for me no matter what. Before returning to Taiwan, I flew back to the headquarters to get the necklace before coming to find you.”He told the truth.

"After all this, your troubled look last night was all an act. The necklace was already on you.”

She was worried that she would stump him. "Alright! You sinister and cunning fellow. In the end, you're still teasing me.”She was surprised and angry, not knowing whether to hit him or kiss him.

"What sinister and cunning! I've put in a lot of effort. If you really want to blame someone, you can only blame our tacit understanding. Isn't that right?" Guo Liang corrected her.

That was true.

Xie Zhiyun rolled her eyes at him." Why didn't you take it out directly? You're beating around the bush and deliberately mystifying things." Not honest at all.

"I want to take it out, but when I think about the proposal, how lame would it be without flowers and rings?”He took the opportunity to hug her. "My dear wife, can you forgive me for saving the necklace?”He blew into her ear and asked softly.

Xie Zhiyun's heartbeat was disrupted by his breath, and her whole body was numb.

"Alright…alright!" She gently pushed his head away.

"What about the second marriage?" He leaned over again, and this time, he kissed her fair neck.

"Don't even think about it!" She moistened her lips and forced herself to speak.

His hands began to move restlessly around her body.

"Please, do it while I still remember the oath.”

"No!" Xie Zhiyun's body seemed to be out of her control.

"Hmm…alright." His patience had reached its peak. He quickly kissed her lips." Then, let's go to the bridal chamber first!”

He picked her up by the waist and kissed her passionately and eagerly as he walked. Only when he reached the edge of the bed did he lay her flat on the bed and then lay on top of her.


Her protest was swallowed by his mouth. He wrapped his steel-like arms around her and smiled wickedly." It's too late!”As he spoke, he forced her lips open and used his tongue to push open her tightly shut white teeth, quickly entering her mouth. Their tongues intertwined, and his hands kept moving around her body…

Guo Liang was satisfied with the sweaty and sleepy Xie Zhiyun. There was a happy smile on his face... The two password necklaces had slipped on the carpet at some point and combined into a complete heart shape. There was a row of delicate English letters on it.


I love you one more day than forever!

This book comes。

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