A transformation story from an American drama
40 Which cost more, the flying sword or the F-35?

Eight Clou


Other than buying furniture and appliances that had nothing to do with the club's theme, they also contacted a renovation company to renovate the place. Rather than saying that they were setting up a club, it was more like setting up a place in the school for eating, drinking, and having fun.

If this was a high school in China, they wouldn't even have to think about it. However, in this capitalist country, as long as they had money, everything was not a problem.

While they were busy with their work during the break, Damon also came over, saying that he wanted to join the club. Although Alice wanted to chase him away, she couldn't stand the guy shamelessly sticking around with the women, which made Alice very annoyed.

However, Damon's taste was not bad. He gave a lot of suggestions on how to renovate the place.

Although Alice hated this guy, she still adopted his renovation plan-mainly because she couldn't think of a better plan.

During this process, Alice found an opportunity to ask him in a low voice,""Were you the one who attacked Vicky Donovan at the bonfire party last night?”

"Why would you suspect me? Am I that kind of person?" Damon expressed that it wasn't him.

"Haha." Alice did not believe him. He was that kind of person. Unlike Stefan, who was kind at times and evil at times, Damon was always in the middle of good and evil. He would occasionally do good things because he was in a good mood, but he would also do bad things because he was in a bad mood.

Seeing that Alice didn't believe him, Damon emphasized again,""I swear, I really didn't do that.”

"Then do you know who did it?"

"Maybe." Damon sounded uncertain.

"Who is it?" Alice asked.

"A vampire named Anna is also in the town now. If it wasn't you who attacked that woman, then it was Anna.”Damon didn't accuse his brother. He knew that Alice knew Stefan very well, so it was useless to blame him. However, he remembered what Anna had told him when he met her yesterday. Anna planned to save her mother from the cellar of the old church and wanted to cooperate with him.

Until now, Damon still thought that Catherine Pierce was trapped in the cellar. He didn't know that Catherine and his brother Stefan were having an affair right under his nose. He didn't agree to Anna's cooperation directly. He said that he would consider it. In fact, he was inclined to cooperate. He missed Catherine too much.

As for why he sold Anna's information in front of Alice, it was just a whim of his. He had no clear purpose, and he had no malice towards Anna. He just thought so and did it. That was all. He had always been a person who did things without considering the consequences. In the original time and space, he dared to face the first generation vampires in order to protect Elena, but he would also break the neck of Elena's younger brother Jeremy because he was in a bad mood. He was such a contradictory person.


Even if the rich Alice spent money to get the renovators to work day and night, it would still take a week for the renovation to be completed. After they purchased enough items and confirmed the renovation plan, they continued to live their campus life as usual. They could only use this place next week.

After returning home for lunch, Alice and Elena did not take a nap. They called Nadia, who was next door, and the three of them drove to the forest in the suburbs of the town to play with magic flying swords.

The magic flying sword was not only a weapon, it was also a very interesting sport. Flying was the dream of humans, so humans invented airplanes. However, those things were too big and could not be used by ordinary people. With the magic flying sword, it was different. They could fly whenever they wanted. Even Alice, the inventor of the magic flying sword, had fallen in love with the outdoor exercise of flying on a sword.

When she was flying on the sword, she could find some flaws in the flying sword and improve them. For example, Elena said that it was unsafe to fly like this, and the wind would easily mess up her hair. After pondering for a while, Alice simply added a new spell to the magic flying sword, so that when the flying sword carried people, it would automatically open a shield, which could protect the people inside from falling down and also block the wind blowing in front. Considering the problem of air resistance, Alice also made the shield into an oval water droplet shape on the other side of the sharp cone facing the front. This could effectively reduce the impact of air resistance on flight power.

Alice spent more than ten minutes to modify the flying swords. The three women felt very safe when they flew, and they could boldly increase their flying speed in the air.

Nadia experimented with the fastest speed of the flying sword. Its speed broke through the sound barrier and reached supersonic speed. At supersonic speed, a sonic boom cloud appeared. This was a phenomenon that would only appear when objects in the atmosphere broke through the speed of sound.

The speed was quite fast, but it was a pity that the noise was a little loud. The friction between the magic shield and the air produced a huge noise. This noise was deafening. If there was glass around, the sound of supersonic flying could directly shatter the glass.

In order to avoid disturbing the people, Nadia only tried her fastest speed before slowing down.

The fact that a small magic flying sword could move people at supersonic speeds made them very excited.

"How much is the cost of the supersonic fighter jet developed by the military? I feel that the cost of a magic flying sword is much cheaper than this.”After flying for a while, they landed to rest. Elena asked as she stroked the magic flying sword lovingly.

" The F-35 fighter jet produced by the boeing company in December 2006 costs 250 million US dollars. If we convert it, the current listing price of one ounce of pure silver is 14.82 US dollars. 250 million divided by 14.82 is about 17 million ounces, which is 4.8 tons of pure silver. Each ton of pure silver can produce 30 grams of mithril, and 4.8 tons can produce 144 grams of mithril. The three magic flying swords I made last night used a total of 500 grams of mithril, each 166.67 grams. Therefore, my magic flying sword is slightly more expensive than the F-35 supersonic fighter jet, which is equivalent to about 300 million US dollars.”Alice said.

As soon as she said this, Nadia and Elena immediately looked at her as if they were looking at an alien. Although this kind of math problem was not difficult, it was not something that could be calculated by mental arithmetic. How did she do it?

At the same time, they also lamented the cost of the flying sword. The cost of this thing was even higher than the F-35 supersonic fighter jet. This was only the cost of materials and not the cost of production.


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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