The Archmage of Ten Thousand Worlds, starting with Harry Potter
23 Charming and studying hard

Dragon and


In reality, unlike what Ye Ting had imagined, Orianna's appearance still caused a commotion.

After all, as a figurine, she was too exquisite and beautiful.

Ye Ting's three roommates wanted to take a closer look at her. Michael Corner even wanted to play with her in his hands, but he refused without hesitation. Orianna shyly crawled under Ye Ting's cloak and into the pocket of his shirt, only revealing her head to " observe in secret."

From then on, Ye Ting became the most popular student in Ravenclaw, both boys and girls.

The boys lined up, wanting to see Orianna with their own eyes. The girls were attracted by his appearance and the cute Fei Ju.

So he was always surrounded by people, both in the Ravenclaw common room and at the dining table, chattering tirelessly.

However, there were exceptions. Hermione would move with him most of the time, in the name of studying together, while Zhang Qiu would always go back and forth between his original friends. However, these two girls did not annoy him.

There was another person, the beautiful female prefect Penello, who did not look at him.

Although she did not hide her feelings for him, she would never do something that would make him feel disgusted.

Because of the long-term harassment, Ye Ting could only keep a cold face in most cases in order to make strangers retreat.

The result of this was that he was portrayed as a cold and aloof image in most people's eyes. The boys and girls finally stopped coming close to him. However, contrary to expectations, Ye Ting's popularity among the girls grew.

These girls even called him " Prince Charming " and " Charming."

He did not know if these people had Stockholm syndrome or masochism.

As for the boys, so far, only three of his roommates had truly made friends with him.

Especially after learning that he was Muggle-born in an orphanage, the Slytherin boys began to consciously reject him.

"You're nothing but a Mudblood.”Draco Malfoy had said of him to his face, and the result was that he had been hung upside down from the ceiling of the corridor by the Fuchsia Charm for an entire class, only to be rescued by Professor Snape, who had arrived after class.

Ravenclaw was deducted ten points for this, but no one blamed it on Ye Ting. The young Gryffindor wizards were even more fond of him.

However, for Ye Ting, this welcome or resistance was meaningless. His biggest goal was to study magic besides studying the " plot ".

In fact, to the professors, Ye Ting was definitely a good student. Whether it was Transfiguration, Charms, or Potions, he could perfectly complete the teacher's tasks. Any questions in class would not be difficult for him.

Of course, there was also the famous Miss Know-it-all, the inseparable top students who were deeply loved by the teachers. Ravenclaw's House points had never risen so fast.

They were also regular customers of Madam Pince's. After class, the two of them would always go to the library together to continue studying. Zhang Qiu would also study with them until they finished their homework.

For Ye Ting, this kind of study reminded him of his high school days, which made him feel nostalgic.

He had always been a person who could control his temper and learn. When the content of his studies was not the boring high school curriculum, but rather interesting magic, he wished he could spend all his time on it.

Even Hermione was ashamed of her enthusiasm for learning. Coupled with his own talent for learning, Ye Ting's learning progress quickly reached a higher level.

Of course, his learning process was not without obstacles.

In his opinion, the writing of technical and academic books in the Magic World was rather unreasonable.

All authors were quite casual when writing books. They would spend a lot of gorgeous but useless words to describe the book. They would even include a lot of psychological descriptions and records of their own actions. This made people feel that this was not a magic book, but an autobiography of the author.

In addition, the masters of the magic world were also quite casual about the choice of professional vocabulary. In their academic circles, there was no such thing as scientific names. Most academic terms were based on convention.

For the same magic, different authors would describe it differently, and it was quite random, often confusing.

They didn't have professional names or academic terms. As a result, Ye Ting often had to spend a long time organizing the knowledge after reading the book. This was because he had to eliminate 80% of the useless rhetoric and running accounts. He also had to compare the places mentioned in other books that might be repeated. This was because it was often the case that two books mentioned the same spell, but used different names and descriptions.

Then, he would record his results in more " professional " and concise words.

It had been less than a week since school started, but he had already filled half of his notebook with notes.

He believed that the notes he wrote using academic papers and the professional vocabulary system he built were more concise and effective than these magic books.

He reckoned that when he had completed his enrollment goal of reading all the books in the Ravenclaw common room library and the Hogwarts library in seven years, the notes he had taken would be enough to cover most of the knowledge systems of the Wizarding world.

This book comes。

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