Entertainment: Since 2004
2 Stage 04, Dormitory 402

Cute Pomel


Jiang Shuying was still a young girl, so she had read a lot of campus romance novels.

She didn't expect that she, Jiang Shuying, would encounter such an encounter that appeared in comics and novels.

Zhang Fang, hmm, not bad."The teacher from the performing arts department who was doing the registration said after confirming the notice,""The tuition is 3200 yuan, plus 300 yuan for accommodation. The total is 3500 yuan."

It was 2004 now, not 2019 in the future, so the tuition fee was only 3200 yuan. In this era, it was already very expensive.

Zhang Fang also understood. He had already made preparations before coming and paid the tuition fees.

"Jiang Shuying, the tuition fee is 3200 yuan, and the accommodation fee is 400 yuan.”Jiang Shuying was stunned when the teacher told her about his tuition and accommodation fees.

"No, Teacher, why is my personality different from this student's?”

"His accommodation fee is 300 yuan, and mine is 400 yuan?”As a new student, he knew that he was different from others and was in the same faculty. Of course, he had to ask clearly.

"Oh, it's like this. This year's performance department's first-year female dormitory is a new dormitory building. It has changed from the original six to four rooms. At the same time, air conditioning has been installed.”

"The extra 100 yuan is because you live in an air-conditioned dormitory." Jiang Shuying finally understood the teacher's explanation.

"Air-conditioned dormitory?" Knowing this, Zhang Fang was even more concerned.

"Teacher, I also want to live in an air-conditioned dormitory.”After 15 years, Zhang Fang was used to having air-conditioning, so of course he couldn't live without it.

"You can stay in an air-conditioned dormitory, but you guys have a choice.”

"If no one takes the initiative to stay in the air-conditioned dormitory, we will follow the arrangement of the old dormitory, which is 300 yuan. However, if someone wanted to stay in a better place, they would have to pay an additional 100 yuan.”The teacher was also very easy to talk to. He just needed Zhang Fang to pay the money.

After paying 100 yuan, the teacher handed the key to the dormitory and their school canteen meal cards to Zhang Fang and Jiang Shuying respectively.

"Hehe, since we're classmates now, shouldn't Student Zhang Fang help the female student carry her luggage?!”Jiang Shuying asked Zhang Fang with a smile.

Zhang Fang only had one suitcase. Overall, it was relatively easy.

"What a joke. They're all precious children of their parents. Why would they help you carry your luggage?”

"…" Jiang Shuying's mouth was wide open. She couldn't believe her ears.

She thought that Zhang Fang would be a gentleman and help her carry her luggage.

In the end, he didn't expect her to reject him so quickly.

Seeing Zhang Fang leave without looking back, Jiang Shuying opened her mouth and was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"I…ugh, so embarrassing. Jiang Shuying, you're so embarrassing.”Jiang Shuying, who had been rejected, felt extremely embarrassed.

Feeling embarrassed, Jiang Shuying dragged her luggage and ran to their dormitory.

Zhang Fang wandered around for a while and soon found their dormitory.

This was a new dormitory area. After Zhang Fang arrived, he went to find the dormitory number 402.

"Yeeha, the last friend of our dormitory has arrived.”As soon as Zhang Fang entered, he saw three boys here. One of them was a little delicate and looked pretty good. He was comparable to the young hunks in the future. Yes, this was not an exaggeration.

If Zhang Fang had not heard about Chen He, he would never have believed that this guy was the school hunk during his university days. With that cheap look of his?

In his previous life, it was all hearsay. Some people admitted it, but it was just a joke.

But now, when Zhang Fang saw Chen He, he had no choice but to admit it.

Although he wasn't super handsome, he was still a little handsome.

In addition to his slim figure, he did look a little handsome.

Coincidentally, the year 2004 was the era when the non-mainstream was ready to run rampant. It was not too much for a fresh and fresh girl like Chen He to be chosen as the school hunk.

"My name is Chen He. I was born in November 1985. Currently, I'm the second oldest among the three of us.”Chen He showed his signature smile and introduced himself to Zhang Fang.

"Hello, Zhang Fang, August 1986.”After Zhang Fang introduced them, Chen He said excitedly,""Quick, call me big brother. I'm the oldest in our 402. Call me brother."

Everyone ignored Chen He's shameless behavior.

"Du Jiang, September 1985. I'm the boss.”Du Jiang smiled shyly.

"Zheng Meng, local, April 1986, third brother.”Zheng Meng still had a buzz cut.

"Then it seems that I, the youngest, won't be able to escape.”Zhang Fang smiled and shook hands with Zheng Meng.

"Wow, not bad. There's actually a local, and they're both from 1986. Then we'll be brothers from now on.”Zheng Meng smiled and hugged Zhang Fang.

"What's wrong? How could there be such a good thing?”Chen He felt bored and said,""Forget it, let's play games.”

"We're playing games now. Aren't we going out to take a look and get to know our school belle or something?”

"Also, among us freshmen, who's prettier? This way, we'll have a goal in the future.”Zheng Meng wanted to go out and have fun. He wanted to find a beauty.

"When I first registered, I saw a pretty girl in our department.”Speaking of this, Zhang Fang thought of Jiang Shuying. Although she was very young, Jiang Shuying was indeed beautiful.

"From our department?" Du Jiang said,"There's nothing strange about that, right?!”

"After all, we are from the performing arts department. It's not surprising that the girls who can enter the performing arts department are beautiful, right?”As Du Jiang spoke, he took out a poster from his bag.

This poster was Huo Shiyan, who played the role of the Seven Fairies in " The Seven Fairies of Delight."

"Yo, Old Du, you're not bad.”Seeing Du Jiang put up a poster of his future wife on the wall, Zhang Fang couldn't help but tease,""Your heart is really in love."

" This is my goddess." Du Jiang proudly said that Huo Shiyan was his goddess.

"Since that's the case, I'll follow the trend and post one too.”As he spoke, although he was already 35 years old in his previous life, Zhang Fang still pretended to be very childish, but he also showed the normal behavior of a young man who was obsessed with love.

Zhang Fang took out the poster of Liu Yifei, the actress of Wang Yuyan, from the new version of " Demigods and Semi-Devils ".

"Ohoho ~ This is pretty. Who is it?”Zheng Meng still didn't know who Liu Yifei was.

Although Liu Yifei was currently filming Demigods and Semi-Devils, the role of Wang Yuyan had started to attract her attention.

However, she was not as popular as the Legend of the Sword and Fairy 1.

Now that Zheng Meng didn't know about Liu Yifei, it was completely understandable. Zhang Fang could understand.

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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