Naruto: Possessed Naruto at the beginning
29 My fingers are about to break, I beg for mercy, I beg for a hug



My fingers are about to break. Now, my fingers are numb and numb. Maybe it's because I want to type in Pinyin, not Wubi. Seeing that the number of flowers was about to exceed 3000, it seemed that he would have to add more tomorrow. Thank you for your support.

Then, with my update speed, it's pretty awesome. I'm asking for fresh flowers, gifts, and monthly votes! (What I want the most is tips.)

As for those who say I'm wet, I don't think I'm wet. If you wanted to see the kind where the main character would start a massacre at the slightest disagreement, Nine Tails would inexplicably agree with the main character, the main character would inexplicably be invincible, and everyone would inexplicably hate the main character.

There was no process at all, and the protagonist wanted to kill the others.、

I think there should be a Feilu, but I can't write that kind of thing. I prefer to write some details and explain the process so that the readers can understand why the protagonist did it, why

I know that most of Feilu's readers like brainless and cool stuff. To be honest, I like it when it looks easy. But as an author, I still want to write what I like.

So, don't call me water…If I really want water, I can write the first 26 chapters into 106 chapters, believe it or not…

This book comes。

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