Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
24 There were no shortcuts on the road to glory!

White Seve


Dusky noticed Riley's gaze.

Instinctively, he pulled the shadow sword to his side.

An expert of this level.

He really had designs on his weapon.

There was no way he could block it.

However, if he were to hand over the shadow sword obediently…

Even if he was going to be killed, he wouldn't agree so easily.

The relationship between a sword and its owner was what swordsmen valued the most.

A qualified swordsman.

He would not easily give up his sword.


"Little girl, don't be nervous. This old man is already old.”

"If I were a few decades younger, I would have gotten this sword of yours at any price.”

As Riley spoke, he maintained a smile on his face.

However, the smile on his face made people shudder.

As expected, no matter how kind-hearted a person looked.

As long as they were pirates.

They would carry the aura of a bandit at sea in their bones.

The most commonly used method was still to use his fists.

"Nether King Riley, why did you stop us from fighting?”

"Do you want to fight the navy?"

Dasqi stood on his own position and boldly shouted.

Being questioned so loudly by Dusky.

Riley was not angry.

He surveyed his surroundings.

Then, he said,

"I'm just used to the scenery here and don't want it to be destroyed.”

If Riley hadn't said it, even Dusky wouldn't have realized it.

Her battle with Cavendish.

It had indeed caused serious damage to the surroundings.

The entire Chambord archipelago was on a giant tree.

Many buildings were built against thick tree trunks.

Once it was damaged, it would be very difficult to restore it to its original state.

"By the way,"

"Little girl, you can't display the true power of this sword right now.”

"Controlling your own sword is something every swordsman needs to do.”

"Your sword has a special ability that provides you with powerful support.”

"But…this only makes you even more insignificant.”

Riley spoke without mercy.

It didn't matter if Dusky could accept it or not.

He directly said it out loud.

Lu Feng heard it clearly and could not find any words to refute.


The current Dusky.

Relatively speaking, he was still lagging behind in the field of swordsmen.

Riley's words.

This made Deski's heart tighten.

He was the one using the shadow sword.

Of course, she was the clearest about what problems she had at the moment.

"Over here!"

"That's right, the intelligence report said this is the place!”

"Hurry up! Follow me!"


Listening to the bustling sounds outside.

Riley didn't stay any longer. He looked at Shadow Sword meaningfully before disappearing.

"I really admire you!"

"You can still speak like this in front of such an expert.”

"I'm sorry. I underestimated you before.”

Zhan Taowan couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

The strength displayed by Dusky today was simply the rising star of the navy.

However, in the eyes of Dusky.

She was not satisfied at all!


A few days later, noon.

In the navy training ground.

The scorching sun hung high in the sky.

Many of the non-commissioned officers and new recruits had finished their morning training.

It was time for lunch and rest.

In a corner of the training ground.

With lead blocks hanging from his arms and ankles, he continued to practice wielding his sword.

On the other side of the fence.

The peach rabbit stood in the shadows and observed Dusky's training performance.

From early morning until now.

Other than eating and replenishing his water, Dusky didn't rest at all.

"Is this level of training really okay?”

"Even if it's a male soldier, I'm afraid he won't be able to take it.”

"If we count it, today is the fifth day that she has persisted, right?”

The slightly short crane stood beside the peach rabbit and asked.

After returning from the Chambord Islands.

Tao Tu brought Daichi to see Advisor Crane.

It was about the conflict between Dusky and Cavendish on the Chambord Islands.

Deski and his subordinates restored the original.

He described the process very clearly.

Staff Officer He was originally praising Deski in his heart, but he did not expect that…

She was not satisfied with her performance at all.

Physical exhaustion…

His spiritual power wasn't strong…

His attack speed wasn't fast enough…

Only when he fought with a true sword hero would he see so many clear problems.

With the advantage of the shadow sword, he would be able to hold on.

To Dusky, it was a miracle.

It was entirely uncertain whether he would be so lucky next time.

The peach rabbit looked at Dusky, who repeated the training meticulously.

He couldn't help but reveal a gratified smile.

"Don't worry, she was the one who took the initiative to ask me to formulate the training plan.”

"He said that he wanted to become a powerful sword hero like me.”

"This girl, hahaha, her ambition is not small.”

Crane, who was observing the peach rabbit, could not help but laugh.

To be able to treat a subordinate so well.

He could also see how extraordinary Daski was.

"You're really strict. You've formulated such a strict training plan for a hot-blooded girl.”

Advisor He placed his hands behind his back.

She could naturally feel that the peach rabbit had no room for mercy.

The peach rabbit's smile disappeared, and her expression suddenly became serious.

Looking at the back of Dusky, he said,"

"This is her own choice. There are no shortcuts on the road to glory!”

On the training ground.


Congratulations to the host, you have received Sword Master training experience points 1!

Congratulations to the host, you have received Sword Master training experience points 1!


A series of notifications from experience points came at a faster speed than before.

Judging from the speed of a normal swordsman's cultivation, it was obvious that he was not a swordsman.

Dusky had very high expectations for himself.

At the same time, he had also put in several times more effort than others.


Dasqi was panting heavily, and his body was quite tired.

Even under the double torture of mental power and physical strength, she still did not stop her movements.

Cavendish... Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit... Nether King Raley...

There were too many swordsmen stronger than him in this sea.

A minute less effort meant a minute more difference.

"Not enough…not enough!"

"Ying Jian, I…I will never let you be covered in dust!”

"On the path of swordsmen, I want to prove…that I am worthy of your strength, and that I am enough to make you famous!”

Deski didn't care if the sword in his hand could understand him.

However, he really wanted to show his determination.

After saying that, the sword trembled slightly.

It seemed to be responding to Swordmaster's intentions.


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