Looking for the exit of the road

Xiao Lin


Chapter VI

I'll always love you, media class

Accompanying each other, we walk together

Sincere hearts move each other

I promised 24 dreams to bloom together

I don't want anyone to leave

Really, really cherish it

Cherish this friendship

And the happiness when the teacher called the roll

NumberOne Yang Yuqi Wang Xin Li Xiangyue Zheng Yuru

The stage of youth has left traces of our softness

From the beginning

Rehearsals late into the night

Finally standing in the middle of the stage

Believe in ourselves, believe in our group

Let everyone witness our youth without regret

Blue and white porcelain melody

Like a cup of milk tea with a strong fragrance

Will fill our four years of college life

Every time it sounds inadvertently

Do you feel touched?

thank you

My university won't be lonely

We'll be happy together

Media class, I will always love you

--Xiao Linzhi Media Class

The first semester of the freshman year was only a short four to five months, and the military training took up half of the time. In the next one to two months, the media class was busy preparing for the school's New Year's Eve welcoming party.

Every year, schools and colleges would hold a New Year's Eve welcoming party. The welcoming party varied due to funding and manpower. The biggest one was the welcoming party. It had the highest requirements and was also the most formal. The performers were selected from various academies, and the program went through layers of screening.

Next was the welcoming party of each college. The welcoming party of the college was usually arranged before the welcoming party of the school because the welcoming party of the school, which was also the New Year's Eve party, was placed last.

Every year, the welcoming party of the Institute of International Education would be nominated and praised by the school leaders, so the requirements of the party were relatively strict. The program was first reported to the Youth League Committee teachers by the clubs or classes in the college.

The program had to be in line with the theme of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new. The style had to be novel and unique, and at the same time, it could not go against political trends. After the approval, the performance team went through three rounds of selection to ensure that the final performance did not conflict, did not repeat, and had its own characteristics.

Every year, the Institute of International Education paid special attention to the welcoming party of the school, mainly because there were many students in the school. A high-quality party was conducive to enhancing the cohesion and sense of belonging of the school. In addition, the school leaders would be invited to attend the party, so the selection of the program was even stricter.

The International Education College was the largest college in the National Zhongcheng University. There were more than 5,000 students, dozens of clubs, and student organizations. Every class, club, and individual felt proud to be able to participate in the academy's welcoming party performance.

After the program was officially confirmed, the academy would also invite professional musicians and dancers from outside the school to guide the team until the official performance of the party.

Not long before school started, at the meeting between the seniors of the same major. The senior from the 10th grade media major told Xiao Lin about the New Year's Eve party at the end of the first semester. As the class monitor of the 11th grade media class, Xiao Lin had the obligation to continue the fine tradition of every media class. Xiao Lin also felt that he had a great responsibility, and he couldn't let this tradition be broken in his hands.

Two months after the military training, the academy began to plan for the welcoming party. Xiao Lin specially held a class meeting to consult the opinions of his classmates. Everyone unanimously agreed that they had the obligation to participate in the performance of the welcoming party. After Cheng Wenjing found out, she also approved of Xiao Lin's decision. She would be very proud if her student could appear on such a high-profile gala stage.

Xiao Lin was very happy that his classmates and Mr. Cheng supported him. After explaining the reason to the library director, Xiao Lin did not go to the library reading room to do volunteer work. Although he had worked there for more than half a month, he had gained more than he had put in. He had lived a fulfilling life and even made a friend, Ding Ran. The tranquility in the library was rare in a noisy world. Xiao Lin only left temporarily.

"Class monitor, we all agree with your decision.”During the class meeting, Xiao Lin asked for everyone's opinion, and the girls replied in unison.

"Thank you, everyone." Xiao Lin stood on the rostrum and bowed." Although it's for the sake of the National Heritage tradition, it's not to the extent that it can't be continued in our year. However, I think that if we can pass the preliminary selection, the preliminary examination, and the review, then appear on the stage of the academy's welcoming party, it will be a great honor for the class. It will fully demonstrate the sense of teamwork of the class.”

"Furthermore, I feel that this is also a good opportunity for everyone to get to know each other and understand each other. Therefore, no matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, we must overcome them. I believe that our level 11 media class can do the same. Are you confident?"

The students 'excited voices gave Xiao Lin a great encouragement and strengthened his determination.

"Class monitor, shouldn't we also discuss what kind of performance we're going to perform at the party?" Zheng Yuru stood up and said.”

Xiao Lin was overwhelmed by a moment of enthusiasm." That's right, Yuru, come up and tell me your thoughts.”Xiao Lin asked Zheng Yuru to come up to the podium and went down to find a seat.

"Now that all of us have decided to perform at the party, as the sports committee member, I have a responsibility to help all of us realize it.”Zheng Yuru's usual giggle was gone." I learned from the Student Union that we will be reporting the programs we are preparing to participate in next semester. This includes the theme, content, format, and cast of our program. Now, let me share my thoughts for everyone's reference.”

Zheng Yuru wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk." This is what I think. If our class were to rehearse a stage play, we would definitely need a very attractive script. It would be best if it was an original script. However, the stage play requires the actors to have high professional acting skills. Next was singing and dancing. There are also skits and crosstalk that have higher requirements. However, they are not suitable for the class to perform. The attraction of reciting is too small and there is not much appreciation. My personal class prefers singing and dancing performances. Everyone can give some suggestions.”

After Zheng Yuru finished speaking, Xiao Lin stood up." Song and dance performance, what do you think?”Xiao Lin glanced at the girls present, then looked at Huang Xia, indicating for her to stand up." Xiao Xia, go up and tell everyone your opinion.”

Huang Xia stood up and walked up to the podium." Yuru analyzed it just now. I don't think it's easy to get selected for an ordinary song and dance performance.”

Huang Xia stopped and looked at Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin nodded, hinting for Huang Xia to continue," First of all, there are only 24 people in our class, and only about ten girls can dance. If we were to compete with some modern dance clubs in our school, such as the street dance club, the knight dance club, and so on, we wouldn't have much of a competitive advantage. It's easy to be eliminated.”

"Then why can't we skip modern dance and dance classical dance instead? Besides, there are talented girls like Xinxin in our class.”He Weiwei, who was sitting at the side, held Wang Xin's hand and said.

Xiao Lin also turned his head to look at Wang Xin. Under everyone's attention, Wang Xin blushed shyly.

"Wang Xin, did you practice classical dance when you were young?”Xiao Lin walked to Wang Xin's side and asked. Wang Xin lowered her head.

"Then can you show us a scene?”Xiao Lin winked at He Weiwei.

"Go on, Xinxin. We're all family, so don't be too shy. Besides, the class monitor is treating us to lunch, right, class monitor?”He Weiwei pushed Wang Xin and said.

Xiao Lin asked Li Feng to help move the podium and desk to make space. Wang Xin walked up and took off her coat. Because the classroom was air-conditioned, she didn't feel cold.

At first, Wang Xin was still a little shy when she stood on it. When she adjusted her breathing, she slowly found her rhythm. She elegantly waved her arms and her body swayed gently. Every movement seemed so natural and harmonious. The audience's heartbeat slowed down. Everyone was quietly watching Wang Xin dance.

At this moment, she was so calm and at ease when she was dancing. The corners of her mouth curled up, and the smile she revealed was extremely confident. Xiao Lin thought to himself that this might be the charm of classical dance, although it was not as dynamic and rhythmic as modern dance. However, it had a kind of quiet beauty, a beauty that removed the vanity, so beautiful that it made people intoxicated.

Wang Xin stopped after a dance. Xiao Lin and the others forgot to applaud for a moment and were still looking forward to Wang Xin's next move.

"Let's give a round of applause to our talented Wang Xin.”Xiao Lin took the lead in clapping, and the applause rang out enthusiastically for quite a while. After they stopped, Xiao Lin said," Our media class is indeed full of talents. Wang Xin, what do you think of letting you lead our class to rehearse classical dance for the academy's welcoming party?”

"Trust our Xinxin. There won't be a problem.”He Weiwei, who was standing beside Wang Xin, agreed for her. Wang Xin didn't answer, but it was a silent agreement.

Xiao Lin returned to the podium and said to everyone,""Now that we have confirmed that the dance is a classical dance, we will leave it to Wang Xin to decide how many beats and how long the dance will last. Also, do you have any good suggestions for singing? Yuru, tell me."

"If we decide on a dance that Wang Xin will arrange herself, Xinxin, can you arrange it yourself according to the specific situation of our class?”Zheng Yuru looked at Wang Xin and said.

"Yes." Wang Xin said with certainty.

"In that case, I think it's best to wait for Wang Xin to finish the dance arrangement before choosing a suitable accompaniment song. From the beginning of the practice, we should follow the melody of the song, so we're not in a hurry to decide on the song.”Zheng Yuru said.

"Alright, then we'll decide on this first. We'll make plans after Wang Xin finishes the dance.”Xiao Lin said.

In the three days after the class meeting, Xiao Lin found that the girls were all tired and yawned non-stop. Some even fell asleep.

During class, Xiao Lin asked Zheng Yuru. Zheng Yuru told Xiao Lin that the girls were practicing dance most of their spare time. The dance was a folk style classical dance created by Wang Xin herself. Every day, they practiced until late at night on the elevated floor of the dormitory building, so they didn't get enough sleep and were sleepy during class during the day. Xiao Lin felt touched and guilty when he heard this. As the class monitor of the media class, he did not do anything for the honor of the class.

This afternoon, Wang Xin told the girls to go to the gym. She asked Xiao Lin to call all the boys to watch and point out the areas that needed to be corrected. When Xiao Lin, Li Feng, Yang Yu, and Zhou Xiaobo walked into the gymnasium, the girls who were rehearsing stopped.

Wang Xin said to the girls,"Sisters, let's start rehearsing again and show the class monitor."”At this time, Wang Xin had the demeanor of a leader.

Xiao Lin asked Li Feng and the others to put the 20 cups of milk tea on the seats and stood at the side to watch. The girls lined up in two neat and symmetrical rows according to their positions. Wang Xin stood in the middle and led the dance. Zheng Yuru ran to the side and turned on the song on the speakers.

"Blue and White Porcelain" sung by Jay Chou,"The plain embryo outlines the blue and white pen, and the peony depicted on the bottle is just like your first makeup." The sandalwood fragrance slowly seeped through the window, and I understood what was on my mind. The brush on the rice paper was put aside halfway, and the charm of the painting of a beautiful woman was hidden in the glaze color…The sky was green and I was waiting for you in the misty rain. The moonlight was picked up, and the ending was blurred. It was like the blue-and-white porcelain that was handed down from generation to generation. It was beautiful, and your eyes were smiling.”

The moving melody of the music and the gentle beauty of the dance fused together. The notes seemed to stay on every limb of the dancer. As they danced gently, they dissipated. The perfect posture of the dancers skillfully swayed, creating a harmonious beauty. They had their own characteristics, but they were compatible as a whole. As the melody finally sounded, the girls formed a circle and made a gesture of spreading petals, presenting the beauty to Xiao Lin and the others.

"That was great. You danced beautifully." Xiao Lin quickly clapped and said," Everyone danced very well. You've worked hard. I brought a few cups of milk tea to reward you.”

Xiao Lin pointed at the milk tea on the chair and picked up a cup to pass to Wang Xin. The girls held the milk tea and squeezed forward to surround Xiao Lin.

"Class monitor, we girls are amazing, right? We've only rehearsed for less than a week.”Zheng Yuru said as she drank her milk tea.

"Of course. The girls in the media class are definitely the best. The most important thing is that everyone is hardworking.”Xiao Lin smiled and said," I am very proud to have all of you.”

Yang Yuqi stood behind Xiao Lin and patted him on the shoulder." You're just saying nice things. I didn't ask you to come over just to show you beautiful women. Give me some advice."”

Xiao Lin paused for a moment." Alright then, everyone, quiet down. I'll give you my personal opinion. After acknowledging that we girls dance very well, I suggest a few areas that need to be improved. First, the overall impression was not good. The clothes were not uniform and colorful, and there was no strong sense of unity. Secondly, Smile."

Xiao Lin used his hand to support his chin and made an exaggerated smile." You don't have to smile as brightly as I do, but at least you have to show your teeth so that people can feel that you're smiling. Thirdly, there were still a few girls who couldn't keep up with the beat and needed to practice more. Lastly, I think that just the dance alone might be too monotonous and lack a strong visual appeal. Moreover, the stage of the evening party will be so big that only the dance will seem short on the stage. We can consider adding some classical elements.”

Xiao Lin was worried that it would hurt the girl's enthusiasm, so he quickly said,"But here, I really want to thank all the girls. In such a short period of time, it was not easy for you to cooperate so well. Wang Xin's dance arrangement was very good. The overall movements were very smooth and elegant. The song was also chosen very well. It was a modern song called 'Blue and White Porcelain', but it had beautiful lyrics and a gentle style. It was a natural fit for our dance. I even feel that it's absolutely appropriate to make our dance into a music video for the song.”

"Not bad, class monitor. I thought you were just here to see the beautiful women.”Yang Yuqi praised Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin walked up to Wang Xin and said,""Wang Xin, what kind of classical elements do you think would be suitable for the dance? Like musical instruments or something else?”

Perhaps it was because she had just finished dancing, or perhaps it was because of Xiao Lin, Wang Xin's cheeks were flushed red as she looked down at the cup of milk tea in her hand.

Yang Yuqi, who was standing at the side, saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward and quickly came over to help." Class monitor, what's wrong with you? You're bullying our Little Xinxin again. Look at the young lady, her face has turned red from being bullied by you.”

Yang Yuqi reached out to touch Wang Xin's cheek, causing her face to become even redder.

Xiao Lin felt that since the beginning of university, he had only treated all the girls in his class as pure friends. There was no way he could bully Wang Xin. It was just that some time ago, there were crazy posts on the Internet saying that a regiment secretary who was not with the class monitor was not a good regiment secretary. A class monitor who didn't fall in love with the secretary was not a good class monitor.

For this reason, the girls in the class often joked about Wang Xin and Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin usually just took it as a joke and ignored it.

"Actually, I didn't do anything, okay?”Xiao Lin pretended to be wronged." I just wanted to discuss with her if we could consider adding some classical cultural elements.”

"Does the tea ceremony count, class monitor?”Yang Yuqi pulled Wang Xin to the side and asked," If it counts, you can add me in."”

Xiao Lin was a little surprised. The girl in front of him had the same personality as a boy. How could she be proficient in the art of tea? Even though Xiao Lin himself didn't know how to do it, his uncle was very fond of China's extensive and profound tea drinking culture. Every time Xiao Lin went to his uncle's house, his uncle would always show off his exquisite brewing, brewing, and tea drinking skills in front of Xiao Lin, making Xiao Lin deeply impressed.

The tea art exhibition had a particularly high requirement for the tea person. The tea person had to be calm, calm, and gentle. At the same time, he had a high personal understanding of tea culture, as well as superb appreciation techniques and artistic means.

How could Yang Yuqi, a young man like him who was inexperienced in the world, be familiar with the profound tea culture and have professional tea art performance skills?

"Yuqi, are you joking?" Xiao Lin said in disbelief," How can you perform tea?”

"Class monitor, I'm very sad that you're saying this. I have been influenced by my grandfather since I was young and have been exposed to the art of tea for several years. If you don't buy me a cup of milk tea, I won't forgive you.”Yang Yuqi seemed to be really angry.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault. Two glasses.”Xiao Lin hurriedly apologized.

"I was just joking with you. Don't take it seriously. I forgive you, but two cups of milk tea can't be less.”Yang Yuqi said with a smile.

After that, in order to convince everyone, Yang Yuqi gave Xiao Lin a simple introduction to the art of tea. Tea art included choosing tea, choosing water, brewing tea, tea set art, and creating an environment. The process reflected the unity of form and spirit. It was a cultural phenomenon formed in the process of drinking tea. It improved the realm of drinking and gave tea a stronger spirituality and beauty.

Seeing Yang Yuqi talk so much about tea culture, Xiao Lin could not help but admire her for being so familiar with it. At the same time, he wondered if Yang Yuqi's tea art performance would be too abrupt if it was included. How should he rearrange the formation? Should he perform on the same stage, or should he insert himself in the middle, before the dance started, or after it ended? This was based on the feeling of the scene. He only had to try every scene once and then compare it to choose the best effect.

"Yuqi, ask Wang Xin if she's suitable to join your tea art performance from her dancing point of view.”In order to prevent Wang Xin from falling into unnecessary awkwardness again, Xiao Lin asked Yang Yuqi to ask her while he walked to the middle of the other girls.

"Brother Lin, you only know how to care about your Xin `er, leaving the rest of us to the side. It's really unfair. Look, my hands are sore.”Li Xiangyue teased Xiao Lin.

"That's right. You should also care about Little Yue. Little Yue, go and let the class monitor massage your arm.”Fu Jiachen teased Li Xiangyue.

"Tsk, let Brother Lin help you pinch it first, you bad guy.”As they spoke, the two of them began to play.

"Yuru, come over for a moment." Xiao Lin shouted at Zheng Yuru, who was chatting with Yang Yu.

"Class monitor, what's wrong?" Zheng Yuru walked to Xiao Lin's side and asked.

"Yuru, I told Wang Xin that I was going to add Yang Yuqi's tea performance to the dance, but Wang Xin didn't tell me what she thought. Go and discuss with her tonight and see how to add the tea ceremony performance into the show.”

Xiao Lin looked at Zheng Yuru seriously." If Yang Yuqi needs to rent a tea set for her performance, we guys will be in charge. As for the costumes, you can rent them when you pass the third round of the Youth League Committee's examination and officially perform at the gala. Also, remember to report our performance to the Student Union this week. I've already thought of a name. It'll be called 'Blue and White Porcelain'. It has a lot to do with our performance, so the name can't be changed.”Xiao Lin said decisively.

"Okay, class monitor. I'll talk to Wang Xin tonight. I'll call you then.”Zheng Yuru told Xiao Lin and the boys to go back first. The girls planned to rehearse a few more times. They would feel uncomfortable with the boys around.

Xiao Lin and the others left first, leaving the girls to rehearse in the gym.

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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