Chinese War Chariot
19 Battle of Nanjing 4

Brocade Ro


Defending Nanjing (4)

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Four 81mm mortar incendiary bombs flew into the air and exploded in the path of the Japanese army's attack. The fierce fire instantly engulfed the five Japanese soldiers. They were burning like burning people. They were screaming and running around. Some were lying on the ground and rolling continuously. This kind of incendiary bomb might not be able to cover it up, let alone rolling around. It was too much to think about putting it out.

"Sauss, give it!" A Japanese lieutenant raised his commanding knife and urged them to continue advancing. He did not know that his head had already been aimed at.


The black muzzle spewed out a raging flame, carrying a metal bullet as it went straight for the Japanese lieutenant's head like a bolt of lightning. The sound of metal shattering the skull flashed by and instantly shattered the Japanese lieutenant's head. His eyes went black and he fell on the road of attack. The Japanese soldiers beside him took a look and continued to attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Japanese artillery also fired at Guanghua Gate without hesitation. From time to time, machine guns and machine gunners would be sent flying. The Japanese soldiers were forced back several times when they approached the city gate. The main reason was that the mortars were too dense. Moreover, the city gate was narrow. As soon as they arrived, they heard the sound of the fire rising into the air. The incendiary bombs fell. It was fine if they were killed by one shot, but it was terrifying to be burned alive.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Japanese army once again bombarded Guanghua Gate, but this time they were throwing shells with yellow smoke. Those who had seen it would definitely know what it was! This thing was the poisonous gas bomb used by the Japanese army!

"Poison. Air Bullet! Wear a gas mask!" The company commanders urged the soldiers to quickly put on gas masks. How could they not be equipped with gas masks when fighting the Japanese army?

"Report! The Japanese army used poison. Air Bullet!" A soldier hurriedly ran into the division headquarters and reported.

"Make good use of this poison. An opportunity for an Air Bullet! Open the city gates! Tanks!" Zhang Mo sneered, wanting to give the Japanese army a big gift!

“?”A Japanese army major wearing a pig head gas mask looked at the motionless Chinese soldiers in disbelief.

"Sauss, give it!" The major officer pulled out his sword excitedly and led the team to attack Guanghua Sect. If he led the team to charge into the capital first, it would definitely be a great achievement. Thinking of this, he was still very excited!

When the Japanese army carefully approached 100 meters, they found that there was still no movement. When they approached 50 meters, there was still no movement. Some of the Japanese army began to think that the people on the city tower had been poisoned to death. Everyone wanted to be the first to charge into Nanjing City and obtain the first military merit!


The Japanese soldiers shouted and rushed toward the smoke-filled city gate. Hundreds of Japanese soldiers swarmed in, and hundreds of Japanese soldiers were charging behind them.

When the Japanese soldiers rushed out of Guanghua Gate excitedly, they vaguely saw the figure of a tank in the smoke. Perhaps it was a visual error of the pig mask. When they continued to move forward, they realized that the shadow of the tank was real, and there were countless machine guns!

Da da! Da da!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Dong dong dong!

Three tanks blocked the city gate and bombarded it. Four Browning M212.7mm heavy machine guns and eight ZB26 light machine guns fired rapidly. This was not enough! Behind them were four 20mm dual cannons that had come down from the vehicles on the city wall.

The 20mm machine gun could penetrate three Japanese soldiers in one shot, and those that were hit were basically in a disintegrating state. The 12.7mm large caliber machine guns were also in a disintegrating state.

The entire Guanghua Gate was filled with flames. The Japanese soldiers who did not know the situation behind only knew that the battle in front was very intense. However, now that they had rushed here, how could they retreat? They continued to rush in until the corpses were piled up to about half a meter high. Only then did the Japanese soldiers understand! All of this was a trap, and the goal was to massacre them.

"Retreat! Retreat!" A Japanese lieutenant shouted hysterically. The dense rain of bullets disintegrated the soldiers in front of him. After shouting to retreat, his legs did not even have time to move. He was beaten until he fell on the pile of corpses like a piece of rotten meat.

The Japanese soldiers crowded outside Guanghua Gate retreated in panic and looked at the wall with despair. The concentrated firepower of the eight heavy machine guns upstairs was a massacre for the Japanese soldiers within 30 meters.

Many of the surviving Japanese soldiers went crazy when they returned. They would remember what happened inside the city gate for the rest of their lives! According to the statistics of the Japanese army, a brigade of nearly 1,000 people had left more than 400 corpses in Guanghua Gate. The number of casualties was not small. This brigade had completely lost its combat strength. It could be said that this was one of the rare casualties caused by the Japanese army in the Chinese battlefield!

"Baka Yalu! Since when did the Chinese army become so powerful? How could they have so many tanks and cannons!”One of the regiment commanders of the Japanese army roared and cursed. He quickly beat up the fake Chinese army!

"According to our intelligence, this is the new 44th division of the Chinese army! This division was formed from a local regiment! "Although it's just a local regiment, its firepower is not inferior to the firepower of an entire division of the Chinese army," a Japanese officer replied.

"Poison gas bombs are useless against them! Not only was it useless, but they even used poison gas bombs to attack our troops!”A Japanese colonel reported. This brigade was under his command. He finally had a chance to explain after being slapped by the brigade commander several times.

While the Japanese had stopped attacking and were having a meeting, Zhang Mo was handing over the supplies to the various Chinese troops. All of them were gas masks, and they were priced at five yuan per unit. Zhang Mo didn't earn a single cent from them. Five yuan per unit was too cheap for the various troops, and it was a timely rain. At the same time, everyone decided that if the Japanese dared to use gas, they would ambush them!

At the same time, Zhang Mo had also sneakily bought a batch of hand-drawn poison. Gas bombs, as long as you see that the Japanese are not wearing gas masks, then don't hesitate to throw poison. Qi Bullet, this is called giving him a taste of his own medicine. Since you don't follow the rules, don't blame me for being ruthless!

"Master! A commendation order from the highest officer department!”A signalman received a commendation order from the highest officer.

"Take it and wipe your ass! It would be better to give him ten yuan!”Zhang Mo couldn't even be bothered to look at it and let the signalman wipe his ass.

"The highest ranking officer of the master's department rewarded him with 100,000 yuan!”the signalman continued.


Zhang Mo slapped the signalman's helmet and took the commendation order. He still had to take this thing to the military supplies department to exchange for money!

"I'll slap you the next time you pant! I almost used 100,000 yuan to wipe your ass!”Zhang Mo cursed as he looked at the reward carefully. At the same time, he realized that there were weapons and equipment rewards on it. Zhang Mo ignored them.

"Go and find Long Wenzhang for me!" Zhang Mo gestured to a division staff officer.

"Yes, sir!" The staff officer immediately went to look for Long Wenzhang.

"Master! Master's seat! Are you looking for me?" Not long after, Long Wenzhang ran over in his three-wheeled motorcycle.

"Gather your troops! Let's go exchange for money and equipment! I'll give you all the equipment on it!" Zhang Mo threw the commendation order to Long Wenzhang.

"Master, are you giving all of this to me?" Long Wenzhang asked in disbelief.

"Why?" Zhang Mo looked at Long Wenzhang suspiciously and asked.

"How can I not want it! These are all good things!" Long Wenzhang excitedly asked Cripple Meng to gather his men and go to the weapons warehouse.

Long Wenzhang's independent company had always been stationed near the division headquarters, so they gathered very quickly. However, it was really a nest of soldiers. Looking at the scattered soldiers, Zhang Mo shook his head. They were indeed people trained by Long Wenzhang. But don't look down on these guys, their combat strength was definitely much stronger than the recruits who stood neatly. In a life and death battle, who would care about these things?

The group of people headed straight for the military supplies office. A guard stopped them. At this time, the independent company's trash soldiers began to perform!

"Did you see it? Our master! You dare to stop a first-class soldier? Are they Japanese spies?" Meng Fan was famous for his vicious mouth.

"You, don't spout nonsense! I'm not a spy for the Japanese!”The first-class soldier was so frightened by Meng Fan that his voice trembled.

"Our division is here to exchange money and weapons with the commendation order of the highest officer. You are blocking us here because you want our division to not receive the weapons and equipment. Then, the Japanese army will successfully enter the city and you will make a great contribution, right?”The soldiers guarding the gate were so frightened that they almost knelt down.

"I, I didn't stop you! I, I, I was just asking, what are you guys doing!”the soldier replied, almost on the verge of tears.

"He didn't stop us?" Meng Fan turned around and asked.

"I don't think so, but there's a hint of intention to stop him!”Long Wenzhang added.

"No! He really didn't! Everyone, please come in!" The soldier didn't dare to talk to them anymore. He just had to let them in quickly.

"Aren't you going to apologize?" Meng Fan looked at the other guard and asked.

"No, no, no! I didn't see or hear anything!”Another soldier turned around and shook his head like a rattle-drum.

"Let's go! Go in and move the goods!" Zhang Mo walked out of the door of the military supplies warehouse with disrespectful steps. Behind him, Long Wen Zhang, Meng Fan, Dou Dou, and the others also followed Zhang Mo's disrespectful steps and walked in.

"Annoying! Aren't we a little too arrogant?”Zhang Mo turned around and asked Meng Fan.

"Is there? We are such kind and low-key people! Where did this arrogance come from! The tanks didn't even come out today!" Meng Fan said seriously.

"That's true! We're keeping a low profile today! The tank didn't even come out!" Zhang Mo nodded his head and followed everyone's chuunibyou. It could be considered that everyone had nothing better to do today and was pretending to be big!

This book comes。

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