I am the emperor and you are the queen
50 Loyalty to the Country Yue Wumu II

The Univer


After the fourth month of the second year of Jianyan, the weather began to heat up. The Jin army retreated and Zong Ze prepared to go north. Wang Yan's eight-character army was ordered by Zong Ze to move to Huazhou. The leader of Five Horse Mountain, Ma Kuo, also brought a letter from Zhao Zhen to the Tokyo garrison. Zong Ze, Wang, Ma, and the others worked together to formulate a plan for the northern expedition. By June of that year, Zong Ze had submitted 24 memorials to the throne stating the restoration plan, but he had never received Zhao Gou's support. Zong Ze, who was almost seventy years old, could no longer hold on any longer. The gangrene on his back acted up and he passed away on the first day of the seventh month with hatred."Cross the river! Cross the river! Cross the river!"

After Zongze's death, Du Chong took over as the governor of Tokyo. "The person?" He was cruel by nature and not good at strategy. He ignored Zong Ze's plans and the Northern Expedition ended in failure. On July 15th, Yue Fei followed Zong Ze's deployment before his death and led Bi Jin and other generals to guard the Northern Song Imperial Mausoleum.

In the autumn of the second year of Jianyan, Wanyan Sheng, Emperor Taizong of Jin Dynasty, ordered to launch a war against Song Dynasty. One was to capture Zhao Gou, and the other was to attack Shaanxi. The Jin army led by Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan once again invaded the south. In August, Lu Jingli, the official in charge of the bodyguard and infantry department, ordered Yue Fei to go to Mishui Pass to resist the enemy. When the two armies faced each other, Yue Fei shot the Jin generals with arrows. The Song army took the opportunity to attack and repel the Jin army. Yue Fei was ordered to station his troops at Zhuludu, east of Sishui County, to confront the Jin army. At that time, the Song army was running out of food and grass. Yue Fei defeated the Jin army with a trick and was transferred to Wugonglang because of his merit.?

In the first month of the third year of Jianyan, Yue Fei returned to Kaifeng from Henan Province in Xijing under the order of the Tokyo Stay-behind Department. Du Chong, out of the motive of rejecting dissidents, ordered Fei to attack Zhang Yong and Wang Shan, the generals guarding the city. At that time, Wang Shan was stationed in the east of the city, Zhang Yong was stationed in the south of the city, Yue Fei, Sang Zhong, Li Bao and others were stationed in the west of the city, all of whom had the heavy responsibility of guarding the capital. Yue Fei did not want to kill each other and politely refused, but Du Chong threatened him with military law and ordered Yue Fei to send troops. Yue Fei had learned his lesson from breaking away from Wang Yan without permission, so he could not disobey orders and could only fight. In the battle of Nanxun Gate, he used 800 men to defeat tens of thousands of Zhang and Wang's troops and was promoted to a doctor of martial arts. Du Chong sent Ma Gao and others to continue to pursue Zhang and Wang's troops, but they were defeated. Wang Shan attacked Huaining, but Zhang Yong did not listen and led his army to leave. From then on, he became a wandering bandit and was finally captured and surrendered by Yue Fei. From spring to summer, Yue Fei followed Chen Cui to fight with Wang Shan many times. Wang Shan led his troops to flee east and west, and finally surrendered to Jin. Yue Fei was promoted to the rank of Military Strategy and Military Virtue Doctor due to his many military achievements, and was awarded the governor of Yingzhou.?

In August of last year, the Jin army began to invade the south, so in the first month of the year, they successively captured Xuzhou, Huaiyang, Sizhou, and then attacked Yangzhou. On the third day of the second month, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, who had moved south to Yangzhou, received the news that the Jin army had captured the Tianchang Army. He panicked and fled to Hangzhou. In May, after the Miao Liu mutiny was suppressed, Gaozong moved to Jiankang. When Emperor Gaozong moved to Jiankang, Du Chong used the name of "King Qin" to escape danger and prepared to leave Kaifeng for Jiankang.

Yue Fei had just returned to Kaifeng in late June when he received Du Chong's order to retreat south. Yue Fei tried to persuade Du Chong, but Du Chong did not listen. Yue Fei had no choice but to lead his army south.? Kaifeng fell in February of the following year.

Zhao Gou did not punish Du Chong for withdrawing from Kaifeng and giving up the northern territory. Instead, he ordered him to be in charge of the Yangtze River defense and promoted to the right minister. Zhao Gou stayed in Jiankang for a while, then returned to Hangzhou and sent envoy Du Shiliang to present the "Letter to Marshal" to the Jin camp.

The humiliating letter didn't gain the pity of the golden man. In the autumn of the third year of Jianyan, the Jin army divided into many roads to invade the south. Wanyan Kai led the army to attack Huainan, while Wanyan Wu led the army to attack Jiangnan directly, directly attacking Lin 'an, where Zhao Gou was located, in order to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty and occupy the entire Song Dynasty territory.

At the beginning of November, Wanyan Wushu occupied He County on the north bank of the Yangtze River. The Jin army marched eastward along the north bank of the Yangtze River and joined forces with Li Cheng to attack the Wujiang River, which was less than a hundred miles away from Jiankang. Du Chong reported to the imperial court that he was going to Caishi to defend, but he did not make any preparations. Yue Fei went into Du Chong's bedroom and tried to persuade him again and again until he burst into tears, but it was useless.

After hearing the news of the Jin army crossing the river, Du Chongcai sent Chen Cui to lead Yue Fei, Qi Fang and other generals to lead 20,000 troops to Ma Jiadu, and sent 13,000 people to support them. Chen Cui led the army to fight, while Yue Fei led the right army to fight against the Jin and Han armies, but the reinforcements fled without fighting. Chen Cui died in battle, and all the generals were defeated. Yue Fei fought hard and had no reinforcements. He retreated to Zhongshan, northeast of Jiankang. Du Chong abandoned Jiankang and fled to Zhenzhou, where he soon surrendered to Jin. Jiankang fell.

After the battle of Ma Jiadu, Yue Fei decided to leave Du Chong and fight alone in the rear. At that time, there were defectors among Yue Fei's subordinates. Yue Fei spoke generously to them, and the soldiers were moved and willing to fight with Yue Fei. Du Chong defected to the enemy, and the Song army scattered. Some of the northern generals were unwilling to fight and wanted Yue Fei to be their commander. Yue Fei pretended to agree, took advantage of the enemy's unprepared, led several trusted people to fight with the enemy, defeated dozens of people in a row; Yue Fei gave the troops a stern admonishment, and everyone was convinced.

After Wanyan Wu occupied Jiankang Mansion, he personally led the main force to chase Zhao Gou. Zhao Gou fled from Yuezhou to Mingzhou, then took a boat from Mingzhou to the sea to seek refuge. Wanyan Wushu marched from Jiankang, successively captured Lishui, Guangde, Anji, Huzhou, and directly captured Hangzhou. Yue Fei led the army behind him and waited for an opportunity to give a blow. Yue Fei sent Liu Jing to lead a thousand soldiers to attack Liyang at night and successfully captured Liyang County, which was occupied by the Jin army. Yue Fei personally led the army to fight in Guangde territory, six battles were won. Zhong Village, where the Guangde army was stationed, had run out of rations. The soldiers were starving, but they did not dare to disturb the people.

In the early spring of the fourth year of Jianyan, Yixing was being harassed by the defeated army. The county magistrate invited Yue Fei to Yixing and said,"The rations stored in the county can last ten thousand soldiers for ten years!”In February, Yue Fei entered Yixing and stationed in Zhangzhu Town.? In Guangde and Yixing, Yue Fei took in many troops that were bandits due to the political chaos, as well as Hebei, Hedong and other places that the Jin army had forcefully recruited. Yue Fei did not discriminate against them and mistreated them."This is Grandpa Yue's army." They fought to surrender. Yue Fei fought bravely against the Jin Dynasty and loved the people like relatives. The people of Yixing were deeply grateful. They said,"It's easy for my parents to give birth to me, but it's hard for the public to protect me.

In February, the Jin army led the navy across the sea and pursued Zhao Gou for 300 miles without success. Wanyan Wu used the excuse that "the search of mountains and seas has been completed" to set fire to Mingzhou, Lin 'an and other cities, carrying all the gold and silver treasures plundered, from the Grand Canal water and land, through Xiuzhou, Pingjiang and other places to retreat north. When they passed Changzhou, Yue Fei led his army from Yixing to intercept them. Yue Fei won four battles and captured 11 people, including Bo Jin, the young master of Wanhu, and attacked Zhenjiang Prefecture from the tail. After the Changzhou interception battle, Yue Fei received the imperial edict for the first time, ordering him to cooperate with Han Shizhong in Zhenjiang to attack the Jin army from the left wing and wait for an opportunity to recover Jiankang.

Jin army in the waterway and Han Shizhong stalemate for 40 days, trapped in Huang Tiandang, because of the spy's advice to enter the river. On the land, Yue Fei won his first battle at Qingshui Pavilion, 30 miles south of Jiankang City, on April 25th. The Jin soldiers died 15 miles away.?

At the beginning of May, Yue Fei set up camp at Niutou Mountain, south of Jiankang. At night, he harassed the Jin army with a 100-man suicide squad. The Jin army suffered heavy casualties. Wanyan Wushu was attacked one after another and was ready to give up Jiankang. He first killed and destroyed wantonly in the city, and then crossed the river from Jing 'an Town in the northwest of Jiankang to Xuanhua Town on the north bank. Yue Fei led 300 cavalry and 2,000 infantry to rush down the Ox-Head Mountain, defeat the Jin army, and occupy the new city southwest of Jiankang City. He chased them to Jing 'an and destroyed the Jin army that had not crossed the river. Jiankang was recovered. The battle of Jiankang lasted for half a month. The Yue family army killed about 3,000 enemy soldiers, surrendered more than 1,000 people, and captured more than 20 officers of 10,000 households and 1,000 households. This was the Yue Family Army's first glorious victory.

In April of that year, Yue Fei was under the control of the Imperial Right Army and Zhang Jun, the governor of Jiangdong in western Zhejiang. After Yue Fei recovered Jiankang, Zhang Jun wanted to send Yue Fei to Rao Zhou to guard Jiangnan East Road and Jiangnan West Road, but Yue Fei attached great importance to the strategic significance of guarding Jiankang. At the end of May, Yue Fei personally escorted the prisoners of war to Yuezhou. For the first time in his life, he met Zhao Gou, Emperor Gaozong of Song Dynasty. He reported to the court,"Jiankang is an important place and should be defended. I think that if the enemy crosses the Yangtze River, he must first go to Zhejiang and Zhejiang. The east and west of the Yangtze River are remote, and I am afraid that heavy troops will cut off his return road, which is not the place to go. I beg you to send more troops to guard the Huai River and protect your confidant.”Zhao Gou read Yue Fei's memorial and thought it was right, so he changed Zhang Jun's original plan and gave Yue Fei a gold belt, saddle and other things.

In the sixth month of the fourth year of Jianyan, Song Ting ordered Yue Fei to cooperate with Zhang Jun's army to attack Qi Fang, the rebel general who had fled to Xuanzhou and Huzhou. Qi Fang's troops were no match for the Yue Family Army, so they surrendered to Zhang Jun.

Yue Fei's reputation was rising due to his achievements on the battlefield over the past few months. In July, Prime Minister Fan Zongyin recommended Yue Fei to Zhao Gou, saying,"Zhang Jun came from western Zhejiang and claimed that Yue Fei could be used.”??? In the same month, the Song court promoted Yue Fei to martial arts doctor, Changzhou defense envoy, Ren Tong, Taizhou town Fu envoy and Taizhou governor. Yue Fei received the appointment edict and requested to be relieved of his duties in Tongzhou and Taizhou. Instead, he asked for the right to recruit soldiers and horses in Huainan East Road to kill the Jin army and recover the prefectures and counties along the road.?,However, Song Ting did not approve of it.

In August, the commander of the Jin army, Wanyan Wushu, and Wanyan Dalai joined forces to attack Chuzhou, an important town located at the intersection of the Grand Canal and the Huaihe River. Song Ting ordered Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi to help Chu Zhou, but neither of them agreed. Yue Fei was now under Liu Guangshi. After receiving the imperial edict to rescue Chu Zhou, he submitted a request to solve the problem of supplies and began to organize his troops. 9th month, 20th day, the Yue Family Army went to Chengzhou to fight with the Jin Army. Within a month, he won three battles and three victories. He killed Gao Taibao, the general of the Jin army, and captured more than 70 leaders of the Jurchen, Khitan, Bohai and Haner armies.?? However, due to the Yue Family Army being alone and having no reinforcements, and the huge disparity in numbers, it was difficult for them to fight against the main force of the Jin Army with their lack of supplies. In the end, they were unable to lift the siege of Chu Prefecture, and Chu Prefecture City was captured by the Jin Army on September 25th.

A month after the Jin army captured Chuzhou, they attacked Yue Fei's defense areas of Tongzhou and Taizhou with a force of 200,000. Liu Guangshi disobeyed the imperial edict of the Song Dynasty and did not respond. This caused Yue Fei to give up on Taizhou City and retreat to Chai Xu Town in Taixing County to cover the people's retreat to the south. The Yue Family Army fought fiercely with the Jin Army in Nan Ba Tang for a few days. Yue Fei was shot twice and fought hard to repel the Jin Army.?? Yue's army had run out of food and grass, and it was difficult to support the army alone. Yue Fei then ordered the whole army to cross the Yangtze River and garrison in Jiangyin. He also reported the crime of losing Taizhou to the Song court and asked for punishment. Song Ting ordered Yue Fei to station himself in Jiangyin to defend the river bank.

Later, Yue Fei defeated the puppet Qi and recovered the six prefectures of Xiangfan. After recovering the six prefectures of Xiangfan, he was granted the title of Jiedushi of Qingyuan Army by Zhao Gou and the governor of Jing, Xiang and Tanzhou of Jingbei North Road. He became the youngest person to build a festival in the Song Dynasty. Later, Yue Fei was ordered to move to Ezhou, and Ezhou became the main camp of the Yue Family Army. Yue Fei sent 2,000 men to guard Xiangyang Prefecture and Tang and Deng prefectures, 150 to guard Yingzhou, and 200 to guard Suizhou. He also ordered the guards to repair the city, strengthen the alert, and vigorously set up camp fields to attract returning farmers. Due to Yue Fei's efforts to reorganize the defense and attach importance to the development of production, the Xianghan area finally healed the wounds of the puppet Qi and the war. It became a strategic location for the Southern Song Dynasty to connect Sichuan and Shaanxi and map the Central Plains in the north. Later, Yue Fei defeated the rebellion of Xiang Zhong and Yang Yao.

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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