Invest in the universe, starting from the war
27 Money or life? You nobles, do as you please

The hardwo


As soon as they left the palace, Commander Xie divided the team into ten teams, each team of about a hundred people. Under the leadership of the local tyrants, they charged towards the grain stores run by the high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital.

The grain stores run by the high officials and nobles in the capital had a large amount of grain stored inside. They were all sold to the common people at high prices to make a fortune from the national disaster.

After Jiang Feng easily defeated the hundreds of thousands of invading troops, the Ming army in the capital, as well as the high-ranking officials and nobles, who were waiting for the invading troops to attack the city and open the city gates to surrender, panicked. They did not expect that an army in the capital would be taking action while everyone was in panic.

No one stopped Commander Xie and the others along the way. They successfully arrived at the grain store run by the nobles. They knocked on the door first, and after knocking on the door, they rushed in. They used guns to subdue the people guarding the grain store and took over the grain store in the name of the Jinyiwei.

If they didn't open the door, they would use violence to break the door and blow up the thick wooden door with grenades.

After taking over the grain store, Commander Xie and the others 'next step was to open the granary and release the grain.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the lives of the common people were in dire straits. Many people did not even have overnight food at home.

After Commander Xie and the others opened the granaries to release the grain, the commoners immediately called for a hundred people to respond. They rushed over to collect the grain that the high-ranking officials and nobles had hoarded. They were originally going to sell it to them at a high price to earn a huge profit.

When the owner of the grain shop learned that some unruly people were snatching their food, he sent his lackeys and Ming soldiers to stop them.

There was already a sea of people coming to collect food.

When these lackeys raised by the nobles and the Ming army used force to deal with the people who received food, Commander Xie and the others would first show the waist token of the Embroidered Uniform Guards and tell the other party to get lost.

If they didn't leave and continued to act tough, Commander Xie and the others would follow Jiang Feng's instructions and shoot them.

Faced with the guns of the 20th century, the lackeys of the rich and powerful were naturally vulnerable. They were either killed or fled.

When most of the Ming soldiers saw that the Jinyiwei wearing strange clothes were so virtuous, they immediately abandoned the dark and joined the public to receive food.

The army in the late Ming Dynasty was like this. The hereditary officers ate empty salaries and drank the blood of the soldiers. They lived a comfortable life.

As for the ordinary soldiers, they had been soldiers for generations. They were essentially serfs of officers and dignitaries, and their lives were worse than that of ordinary people.

It was also because the Ming army had become serfs that their fighting power naturally collapsed in the end.

Now, someone had opened the granary to release food.

He was also a Jinyiwei of the emperor's personal army, and he was full of martial virtue.

The Ming soldiers who were treated like cattle and horses, living a miserable life, did not participate in the joy of the people. Instead, they had to bleed and risk their lives to protect the official's property.

Are you stupid?

After distributing the rations, Commander Xie and the others raised their arms and used the Emperor's name to mobilize the people. Soon, tens of thousands of people followed.

At this time, if he went to find high-ranking officials and dignitaries to confiscate their houses, there would not be a lack of manpower and the problem of not being efficient enough to confiscate their houses.

Under the leadership of Commander Xie and the others, tens of thousands of people surged towards the mansions of the nobles like a wave.

With the support of the soldiers from the 20th century, the team easily broke into the mansions of the rich and powerful.

After killing all the guards of the dignitaries, the house raids began.

All the influential people were arrested and thrown into prison, handed over to professionals for communication.

Actually, he could not steal much wealth from the rich and powerful.

Most of their wealth had already been transferred and hidden in the cellar.

This was also the reason why the Roaming King had attacked the officials and nobles after he had invaded the capital and destroyed the Ming Dynasty.

There was really not much profit in the mansions of the rich and powerful.

Since there was no money at home.

Then he could only invite the dignitaries to do a multiple-choice question.


Or his life?

A few days later, when Chong Zhen learned that Commander Xie and the others had ransacked the entire capital's rich and powerful families and obtained a wealth of hundreds of millions of taels of silver.

He was so angry that his heart was in a bad state.

There was only one thought in his mind.


Kill all these money-hungry people!

Chong Zhen didn't know that he had actually profited more than Roaming King.

According to the historical records, the Roaming King had only managed to obtain 70 million taels of silver with his pincers.

Regiment Commander Xie and the others were able to make hundreds of millions of taels because his troops were modern.

In the eyes of the Western powers, the national army was a quasi military organization before World War I, equivalent to the militia of the European continent.

However, compared to Roaming King's army, the peasant army was hundreds of years ahead in terms of organization and discipline.

There was also the immortal Jiang Feng.

Naturally, no one would think about filling their own pockets during the process of looting.

With the supervision of the decisive soldiers, the commoners who were mobilized to raid their homes would definitely steal, but they would not dare to be too greedy.

The loot from the raids was naturally much more than what Roaming King had gotten.

After all, the generals under Roaming King were not supervised by anyone when they raided their homes.

He confiscated all the high-ranking officials and nobles, filling up the Ming Dynasty's national treasury, and also allowing Jiang Feng to obtain a return of 10,000 investment points.

With money, Chongzhen was ambitious and wanted to train a new army to replace the Wei soldiers who could no longer fight.

He asked Jiang Feng. He hoped that he could obtain advanced training methods and train an army of tigers and wolves.

When it came to military affairs, Chongzhen was obviously a newbie. He thought that as long as the money was in place, he would use powerful training methods to train the soldiers.

They could turn the rotten into the magical and let the Ming army be reborn.

Invincible in battle and invincible in attack.

This book comes。

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