Syndicate, I created the superpower organization behind the scenes

When Han Su transmigrated to Xihong City, he had a friend named Wang Duoyu. There was a high school student next door named Qin Feng, and Qin Feng had a distant uncle named Tang Ren. There was a big star in Shanghai called Xia Luo.

Through the system, Han Su continuously amassed wealth and recruited special talents. In the end, he created a huge superpower organization X behind the scenes.

The Umbrella Corporation that focused on biological human experiments? That’s right, it was established by the X Organization.

An army of men in black that specializes in capturing ability users? That’s right, it was under the X Organization.

The Alliance of Superpowered Beings that resisted the Men in Black? Sorry, it’s still under the X Organization.

Q Organization?

My X organization is the strongest

" Mixed worlds include Detective Chinatown, Charlotte’s Troubles, The Richest Man in Xihong City, Crazy Alien, One Thought in Heaven, and so on.”
