Tianqin Seeking Wife
7 Chapter 6 Hongmo World

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Chapter Six: Hongmo World

On this day, Ancient Emperor summoned the star gods to discuss the matter in the palace of the celestial heavens.

The stars contended, and someone said to the Emperor: Heaven and earth now look peaceful on the surface. The storms created by heaven and earth could not last long, and the man-made tortures and tyranny had to be improved. They should be governed by inaction and let nature take its course. The emperor said: is my integrity is not enough, lost the hearts of the people, this blame heaven and earth for the wind and rain? Heaven and earth had always been engaged in the activity of creating all things, and they were one with the chaos of human karma. I only created rites and music to correct the bodies of the people in the world. I used benevolence, righteousness, and morality to educate the minds of the people and animals in the world so that they would hesitate and shrink in their actions. He is cautious and cautious, solemn and cautious in dealing with things, and honest in nature. It was simple. Innocent, broad-minded, modest, like water, calm in turmoil. To clarify. To be thorough, change and progress in stability. The South Pole God stepped forward and said,"The stars understand the emperor's painstaking efforts." To govern the world is like water. If it is not mixed, it will be clear; if it is not stirred, it will be flat; if it does not flow, it will be turbid and unclear; if it flows, it will be alive. But he forged rites and music to correct the people of the world. It was a good thing to educate the minds of the people in the world. However, I was afraid that once this was done, people would start to boast about themselves, cheat others, and compete for benefits. It was impossible to stop it and it would go out of control.

Hua Guangshen stepped forward and said,"Yes, what we should follow now is to make the appearance of human karma pure and simple, reduce selfishness and desire." Intelligence and wisdom. Benevolence and righteousness, cleverness and profit, even if it was a good way to abandon, but two steps at a time was not fast. Now people had no desire, so they did not need to be smart and intelligent. Society had not developed, and it was still at its primitive starting point.

The Great Void God stepped forward and said,"Abandon the idea of seeking fame." the wit of a strategist arbitrary behavior The use of Zhiqiao was good. I'm afraid that what the eyes see is not clear, those who are self-righteous are not clear about right and wrong, those who boast of themselves are not meritorious, and those who are arrogant and complacent are not able to last long. Without these, there would be no change in all things and no progress. It would not be better to achieve great governance through chaos.

The Earth God stepped forward and said,"This is precisely the ability that cannot be boasted of, the wisdom that cannot be shined on. It should be hidden from the light. The edge often attracts disaster. It is not sad to only see your own dexterity." Nature is wise if it is added with wisdom. Clever and other petty tricks, will be destroyed and the threat of death. Nowadays, there is already a practice of being resentful and jealous of laymen in this world. The practice of lecturers is to enrich the country and strengthen the army. The practices of annexing land, avoiding the world to seek leisure, tempering the body to live a long life, but all these are cumbersome shackles for the wise. The people of the world were already acting on their emotions according to their likes and dislikes. It was already urgent to govern the world.

Xuantian God said: There is a saying that those who are good at walking do not leave traces, those who are good at talking do not make mistakes, those who are good at calculating do not need chips, those who are good at closing do not need bolts, those who are good at tying do not need ropes, good people are good at making the best use of their talents, so there are no abandoned people, good at making the best use of things, so there is no waste. Therefore, a good person can be a teacher of a bad person, and a bad person can be a mirror for a good person.

Tianshu God said: learn what you can't learn, do what you can't do, distinguish what you can't distinguish, and know what you can't know. If it were not so, the nature of nature would suffer a loss, and the foot would only need to step on the ground as big as a shoe, but it would still have to rely on the ground that it did not step on to reach a wide distance.

The Central Five Gods said: Tigers and leopards do not have sharp claws and teeth. They cannot subdue people. Power is claws and teeth. Benevolence is not cruel. Benevolence is good at giving. If you are not cruel, you will not kill the guilty. He likes to give alms and rewards without waiting for meritorious deeds. He does not punish those who commit crimes. Shouldn't they be destroyed if they were rewarded for nothing? Benevolence is often lenient, laws are difficult to establish, punishments are not firm, prohibitions cannot be implemented. The solemn words of the Dharma are, like fire. It looked terrible on the outside, but few people were burned; Like water. It looked gentle on the outside, but many people were drowned by it. The politics must be strict and the criminal law must be strict. To govern the world, first of all, the order of the heavens must be based on objective and equal laws. It cannot be mixed with human feelings to misinterpret the law. Peace and prosperity make it easy to make good plans. If one wanted the world to be rich and powerful, one must first start with internal affairs and self-improvement. The most important thing in law is equality. The executor could not vary from person to person. If the law was governed by law, the law could be implemented. This required the monarch to distinguish between public and private matters. In this world, there were often conflicting interests and perspicacity. If the law is confused, it will not be tripped by the mountain, but will fall down by the ant mound. And power breeds the heart of a tiger or a wolf. Don't let the tiger spread its wings. It will fly into the city and choose people to eat. It is a great disaster. How terrible it is.

The Seven Gods of the Big Dipper said,"Those who are responsible can handle their duties well. It is not difficult to know the truth, but the difficult thing is how to adopt a suitable attitude." A wise man can take ants and horses as his teacher without feeling ashamed, but an unwise man doesn't know how to take the sage's wisdom as his teacher. Isn't he extremely stupid? Clever deception was not as good as foolish honesty. Now the people in the lower realm would become greedy and deceitful because of the change in governance. The selfishness of human nature will be intensified, and human nature will be too selfish. It would be strange if he didn't feel sad when he forgot the role he should play! It's not that I doubt people's loyalty. I'll look through the clouds. Don't you see that many people are changing and can't even defeat themselves? It was not difficult to defeat others, but it was difficult to defeat oneself. There were signs for everything and they could not be ignored. Profit-seeking people often only saw their own interests, so they fought endlessly. However, if you think about the big picture, you should also see the real stakes. As long as there were benefits, people would forget their disgust and fear and move forward bravely, even at the expense of their own lives, because some people would risk their lives because of the fluke mentality. The implementation of laws should be thorough, so that the net of justice is thorough and not leaked. This requires strict and clear laws, just as laws are like valleys. Whoever dares to touch them is like jumping from a cliff. The monarch is clear, wisdom and stupidity are clear, how can there be people who don't know how to play with their lives? To see if the officials have concealed fraud. He used a little improvisation to spy on their true and false. When opening up a channel, do not hide the wise, is to see the sage of the monarch, there are many people afraid of losing favor for their own interests, and do not recommend stronger than themselves. An outstanding sage. Self-interest in human nature, by guiding others to their own goals, and telling others that it was beneficial, they could achieve their own goals by hook or by crook. The condition for success should be to do the right thing at the right time, in the right place.

Eye God said: The Lord is often uncertain because of personal preferences, subordinates are also unpredictable, resulting in suspicion and internal strife. Some things often make people confused, so that there are mistakes in punishment, so that the villain can succeed. He evaluated his own conditions, but he could not blindly seek benevolence and righteousness. He did not know how to adapt to the situation, but the result was to bring disaster to himself. Unnecessary pretense often affected the essence of the matter. The Lord listened to opinions. Some opinions were far-reaching and vast, but they had no practical use. The illusory and shapeless ones were the easiest to be fabricated at will. If the monarch made good use of talents, his subjects would not pretend to be talented and seek employment. The position was different. The monarch did not personally grasp the power, but personally did the affairs of the officials. How could he not doze off? The monarch did not know how to encourage and reward, but he personally came to the distant place to influence. Wasn't it too tiring? There are many cases in the world, but you can only try your best to solve them. You should consider how to lay down a comprehensive net of justice. The world was full of contradictions. Good medicine tasted bitter, and one had to weigh the pros and cons. Look at the long sleeves of the palace maid, dancing beautifully, but there is a lot of hard work inside! Worry was the root of the problem. Now, such a small place made the Lord worry. How can you govern the world when you are thin? There was a venomous snake with two heads. Its two mouths were biting each other desperately for food, but it ended up biting itself to death. How terrifying and ridiculous was this?

Shangyuan Shen said: Many things in the world are done by people themselves. Why do wise people hide books in cabinets and carry them on their backs? There were many exaggerations in the ancient books that could be used as reference. The content of the book might not be the original intention of the book. of no practical use Beautiful and delicate craftsmanship was worthless. Only craftsmanship that was truly beneficial to people could be called "clever". How skillful are your hand skills? Show your strength to others and they will know your ability. Overly gorgeous decorations often overshadowed the main character. What was important in academics was the content, not the deliberate embellishment of the words. Wise men recommend and state the art of hegemony, and some are like fierce dogs biting wise men. This was the reason why wise men were not reused. What was the difference between them and dogs? Unparalleled talents were hard to come by in a thousand years, and those who truly took on great responsibilities were mostly ordinary sages. If you trust one person too much and don't refer to the opinions of others, you will be easily fooled. However, you can't act according to your personal likes and dislikes. Being able to see what others couldn't see was called "Ming", and being able to understand what others couldn't understand was called "Cong". If one could make decisions on their own when encountering things, they could lead the world.

The Ultimate Heavenly God said,"A thousand miles of journey is a step by step journey." To govern the world, one had to grasp the principles of governance. Grasping the principle of governance, it can be maintained for a long time and can be deeply rooted. To deal with the difficult, one must start from the easy. To achieve a great goal, one must start from the smallest detail. A peaceful situation was easy to maintain, and things without signs were easy to plot. Just like how fragile things were easy to break down, small things were easy to lose. Can achieve peace and quiet. Inaction. Naturally, there was nothing that could not be overcome. To govern the world, one cannot do it by force, nor can one control it. Strength will inevitably lead to chaos in the world, and control will inevitably lead to the loss of the world. Must conform to human feelings, according to the situation, to do nothing to rule, remove the extreme. An excessive measure.

The Three Realms God said: Those who govern the world do nothing, politics is generous, and the people are simple and honest. Those who govern the world have something to do, the government is strict, and the people are cunning. Who knew what was going on? Happiness was hidden in disaster, and disaster lurked in happiness. As the stream of the world, so that the people flow together. Knowing that the bright is good, you should also see the position of darkness; As the valley of the world, restore it to its original simplicity. Knowing the benefits of glory, one should also see the hidden status. The yin and yang of heaven and earth combine, and heaven sends down dew. All things rely on it to grow without being controlled, and all things are achieved without taking credit. From small to great, and then from great to small. It was because it did not think it was great that it achieved its greatness. If the world is pure and quiet without selfish desires, the world will naturally be stable.

The five gods of the West said: The reason why the people are difficult to govern is because everyone is fighting with each other and pretending to be the real thing. The art of war: although there is a battle array, there is no battle array to display the corresponding image; Although I have to raise my arms, it's like I have no arms to lift; Although they were facing enemies, it was as if there were no enemies to go to. People who were good at using troops only wanted to achieve their goals, not to use troops to show off. They did not rely on troops to be strong in the world. Everything in the world was mutual. When the momentum was strong, it would also be weakened. When the storm was strong, it would also disappear. When the people no longer feared the tyranny of the ruler, then even more powerful disasters would occur. squeeze Threats cannot govern the world. One should abandon one's own view. Self-respect, self-respect and self-love. The people were hungry because there were too many taxes, and it was difficult to cure them because the rulers were forced to do so. The reason why he died lightly was that the ruler was extravagant. The people only needed to have a piece of land that they could grow on, was that a high requirement? Since ancient times, there had been no conflict. Even if there were all kinds of weapons, they could not be used. Even if there were armor and weapons, there was no chance to show them. Without the tyranny of tyranny, the people did not need to risk their lives to migrate far away. Although there were ships, no one took them. Everyone had no thoughts and was indifferent to desires. Although they ate coarse grain, they felt sweet. Although she was dressed in rags, she felt that she was beautiful. Although he lived in a shabby room, he felt comfortable. Although the customs were simple, they were very happy. The people who govern the world do not need the people to be smart. There are too many deceitful people, but they want the people to be simple and honest.

Deng Deng said: The purpose of perfecting politics is to go with the flow and keep the soft. He didn't want to fight. There is no competition for the world, and the world can not compete with it, as long as it can disperse all things in the world, keep the true simplicity, and not pretend to be artificial. Separated, they could become leaders. Some things don't need to be instructed. Control it, and it will be very uniform. If you can hold on to this principle, all things will automatically submit. To govern the world, one should know when to stop to avoid danger. The world depends on it, just like rivers and seas, rivers and rivers return to their roots, but also have the capacity of the sea to accept rivers and rivers. If the sky is not clear, I am afraid that the sky will collapse; If the earth is not calm, I am afraid it will be destroyed. If the valley is not full, it will be dry; if all things cannot grow, it will be extinct; If the king was not wise, he could not become the model of the world. He was afraid that this dynasty would be toppled and destroyed. Just like walking on the main road, you should also be afraid to walk into the wrong path. If a ruler liked to take the evil path on the flat road, it would make the world very chaotic. The fields were barren, the warehouses were empty, and the hungry people were everywhere. However, the ruler was wearing embroidered clothes, wearing sharp swords, and eating sumptuous food and wine. How difficult it was for such a ruler to be sharp but not hurting, straightforward but not presumptuous, bright but not dazzling. Easy promises are often broken because they cannot be kept. To govern the world, like a bow, there is a degree of power. When the string is high, it is lowered. If the string position is low, raise it; If the string is short, lengthen it.

The Flying God said: Heaven creates all things, but it does not belong to itself; Light makes all things, but does not rely on his own ability; It grew all things, but it was not the master. The law of nature was to reduce the surplus and use it to make up for the deficiency. Who can use the surplus to supply the world's lack? The reason why people in the world are blinded by selfish desires and confused by fame and fortune is because of improper governance. People who govern the world do not need the people to be clever. Deceit, but want the people to be simple and honest. And all of this was because people had lust. Blocked the channel of lust, closed the door of lust, so that lust could not be produced, and there was no trouble in life. What the emperor was doing now was to open the orifices of lust and add to the chaos of events that could not be cured. At the beginning of life, human nature is good. In this world, the human heart is a piece of beautiful jade, and no one can understand it, no one can implement it. Who knows that I am wearing shabby clothes outside and have a beautiful jade in my heart?! If a person can do it: Don't be as bright as jade and be valued by others, but as dull as a stone and ignored by others. It was bright and clean, and looked like it was dark. Modesty and self-discipline seem to retreat. The flat road looked rugged. Be humble as deep valleys, the whitest as dirty black. The biggest seems to be insufficient, and the appearance of being in the void is like the biggest square without corners, the biggest container without shape, the biggest image invisible, and the loudest sound inaudible.

The red-clothed messenger said: Most of the knowledgeable people in the world are eloquent and eloquent, but they don't pay attention to reality. They take slandering each other as their ability and suppressing each other as their goal. Thinking hard is self-harm, playing with wisdom is self-destruction, and showing off your ability is asking for disaster. Conforming to nature is a realm that fools cannot reach. The world hated people who did not match their words. First of all, they had to govern themselves. After weighing the pros and cons, there were many things that could not escape their own fatigue. The loudest and most beautiful sound in the world is the soundless sound. Wisdom was valuable because it could predict the development of things in advance.

The Moon God said: The world is king, because no one can compete with his power. If there is someone to compete with, then the king will be deposed. The most important thing in using wisdom is agility. What makes people deeply confused must be those similar things in things. The most wonderful person is free and easy, passing in an instant, people can't see his face; The most virtuous person changed his habits and customs, but no one knew how he did it. Excuse me, do you know this? Dragons eat and swim in clear water; The hornless dragon eats in the clear water and swims in the muddy water. Fish eat and swim in muddy water. What kind of people are you?

The listeners were tongue-tied.

After a pause, the red-robed messenger came out again and said: Why are smart people often confused? Because he likes to talk about others; knowledgeable people are often in danger because he often reveals the sins of others. The benevolent exhortation, the wise man is reasonable, like to travel on the flowing water without stagnation, enjoying himself; A man of benevolence and virtue is content with giri, just as he likes a heavy mountain that does not move and is indifferent. Longevity. Benevolent people do not look at things that do not conform to etiquette. He didn't listen. Don't say. If you don't do it, you can restrain your own selfish desires and act according to etiquette. A wise man will not doubt, a kind man will not worry, and a brave man will not fear. One must have far-reaching considerations in doing anything, or else worries will come at any time. People should be consistent, not discouraged in failure, and not arrogant in success. Can you do it without thinking? When the opportunity is over, you will not regret it, but when it is successful, you will not be complacent. You don't tremble when you climb high, you don't feel wet when you go into the water, and you don't feel hot when you enter the fire. Can you do it?

Nandou Star Sovereign said: If people can understand the true colors of people, people will not have so many painful thoughts. With prejudice in his heart, how could he listen to the truth of others? name. status of achievements. Wealth often blinded the real me. When you are confused, there are three worlds. After enlightenment, there are ten empty worlds. It was a kind of trouble to dwell on the past and not be able to face it or walk out of it. Worry. What about pain and happiness? Look at the world with a normal heart and don't look for some unrealistic facts in the illusory. In particular, it was better to reach out to the void than to approach reality.

The sun god said: things must first rot, and then insects grow. If everyone was fighting for power, wouldn't the world be in danger? Wasn't this the same as bringing misfortune upon oneself? Heaven's sins can be violated, but self-inflicted sins cannot be survived. He could only bear the consequences of his own sins. To be able to be rich and noble without wavering, poor and humble without changing their moral integrity, and mighty without frustrating their aspirations, is not easy.

The moon god said: there are things in heaven and earth, invisible and lonely, can be the master of all things, not by the four seasons withered. The method of enlightenment was to see through everything, tolerate everything, and see the true colors of things with a joyful heart. Although all things in the universe had billions of clones and different states, it was ultimately the change of the universe itself. Everything has its uses, and everything has its uses. The mirror is still water, facing the sudden change of things, the heart is full of peace, naturally everywhere. It would just have to move with the realm. There is a story that an old man said to the newcomer: If you go further and lose your way, if you take a step back and lose your property, what should you do if you don't go forward or retreat? The person who came said,"If you say advance, you will retreat. If you retreat, you will advance. If you take a step forward and take a step back at the same time, won't I never be able to take a new step and be as ignorant as a stone?" The old man laughed and said,"Give up bias and get rid of obsession. Do your best. Don't be confused by the outside world. There are no distracting thoughts in your heart. How can others control you?"

The red-robed messenger said: Beyond words. Mathematical, only experience can understand. Comprehension is not enough, everything does not belong to the past. now. The future was the original. Words cannot express everything. The truth of life is movement and change. The tricks of change are limited, but the methods of unchanging are endless. He should be able to cope with changes without changing. Only by abandoning all distracting thoughts would the state of enlightenment appear. Comprehension is in oneself, and others cannot replace it. If you care too much about the form, you will lose your body. All living beings are confused and confused. If a person were to compete on the basis of falsehood, how could one talk about cultivation? There is a metaphor: I laugh at fools, fools laugh at me. A man lost his way in the mountains and saw a white-bearded old man asking him: How long have you lived in the mountains? The white-bearded old man said: I have seen the eight mountains on the surface turn from green to yellow several times. I don't know how many years have passed. He asked the passer-by happily,"May I ask how I should get out of this mountain?" The white-bearded old man pointed to the stream and said,"Go with the flow!"

The ancient emperor listened to the gods and said happily: I have so many wise men, why worry about the world governance is not good. I see people and animals living together, harmonious and not fighting, this is such a wonderful thing.

The gods looked at each other.

Emperor, with a wave of his sleeve, a ray of light crossed, only to see the clouds and silk pointing to the lower realm and saying: Look, people sleep with snakes and pythons on their pillows, lions and tigers in their arms, dancing with wolves and leopards

The emperor was proud and said with relish. A god, who was the earth god, responded to him and said: Long live overestimated. Long live only sees the beautiful side, but does not see the chaos of the human world

The Emperor's expression changed greatly when he heard this and he started to groan.

However, now that humans and beasts had crossed paths, the world was in chaos. However, on the surface of the earth, what was the human industry with a tail? Man is very content at home, extremely comfortable in chaos, casually puffed out his chest and belly, idle and lazy. Ren Ye's face clearly showed ignorance and childishness. Dumbfounded. It was real. There was no hypocrisy at all. To be free for pleasure, not to be free for fame and fortune, not to be insulted by shabby clothes, nor to think that clothes are new and beautiful. Don't worry about food and clothing, because food is provided by God. Don't think about money, because money doesn't work in this world. Therefore, people would not think of using money or using money as a purpose of circulation. The road is not empty, even if there is no silver, no matter how beautiful the jewelry is, it is not rare. There is a folk legend: Someone buried the silver and left this note. The neighbor, Wang Er, took away three hundred taels of silver and left a note saying,'Wang Er next door did not steal it'." The people of the ancient times were so innocent and foolish."I didn't say anything about the gold here, but Wu Zi next door borrowed it to play."

There is no good or evil in human karma. Honor and disgrace. good. Bad, no need to find any kind of moral constraints. Enlightenment. Man and beast cohabit and enjoy each other, live in harmony without hurting each other. Lion. Tigers do not hurt people and produce feelings, and even "intermarriage" also produces human and beast children

The nature of human nature and bestial nature was changing. This was caused by incest in ancient times. "Mermaid!"

A beautiful fairy tale: " The Love between Man and God ". "Human-ghost love." "Love between man and fox." " Snake Love." Strange phenomena such as "mermaid love" had always troubled people and continued to breed. This was the most taboo of the Jade Emperor in the future. The reason for his strong opposition.

Emperor, decided to go to the lower realm, but saw the human karma mutation: "human head snake". "Remy Martin." Sphinx It's not strange for a bipedal, but for a one-footed man. The three-legged man was strange. There were also those who had four legs and no arms. Human karma had a tail. There were so many strange things about the human face and beast body that even Ancient Emperor was shocked.

There were many legends about the human industry. It was said that the human race that reproduced for a generation, due to the sins of the human industry and the promiscuity of beasts, gave birth to many intelligent people. The earth has many desert lands that need to be mined by humans. Without food and labor, it was very difficult to cultivate the spring soil. The emperor knew the truth, so he allocated food to the people. It was impossible to send them all, so he had to cast a spell and white flour fell from the sky. Due to the large amount of flour, in addition to enough for their own livelihood, they also had no intention to hoard and store it, and wasted it as if it was nothing. The phenomenon of humans starving was gone, and there was no fighting. They lived a comfortable and comfortable life, and they lived in harmony with the beasts. Emperor, this thought: As long as people eat their fill and have the strength to work, the earth will certainly have a bright future, and the beauty of the human world will be spectacular. Thinking of many beautiful things, he was naturally very happy. However, the truth was the opposite. On the surface, under the supervision of the Star Lord on Duty, the human industry seemed to be very hardworking, but there was no development or new scenery on the surface of the earth. The desert still existed, and there were still many of them. The seawater was still eroding. Swallowing the land, exploiting and eroding the cliffs, hanging steep and dangerous, if it goes on like this, the mulberry fields will become the sea again. In this way, Emperor, what was the meaning of painstaking management?

Emperor, the joy is gone. The laziness of the human and insect indicates that the earth is in danger or success. An extremely urgent matter had to be resolved, and it had to be dealt with immediately. It could not be delayed. What was the reason? Emperor, let the Starlord on duty pay attention to the thoughts of mortals and insects.

It turned out that these insects that lived on Earth were extremely intelligent and could see through the secrets of the heavens, showing signs of unifying the world. If this continued, even the throne would be given to them. And the human insects are not satisfied with life on earth, they have the motive to fight for power with the emperor. In addition to making their surroundings beautiful, the human insects had no tendency to develop externally, and they constantly pursued luxury. This kind of thinking of human karma was actually a dangerous and terrifying trend.

Di Shen thought,'The only living being on Earth is so arrogant and despotic. He doesn't even have me in his eyes. Is it true that I can't unify the world?' Emperor, after thinking about it, was extremely sad. I'm sad to lose my will. Seeing that they couldn't control the insects, the gods all looked panicked, but they couldn't kill them all.

The Earth God was also secretly anxious, thinking to himself,"Human and insect are originally very hardworking." What was the reason for him to suddenly become so depressed after living happily on Earth?!

On this day, the Earth God sneaked into the human insect and finally found out the truth: because the human insect saw its own tail scorched bald, it knew that it had only been three years since its death. The hope of survival was slim, and it was inevitable that he would lose his determination and become disheartened. He didn't want to do anything, dug a hole for himself, prepared enough food for three years, and enjoyed his life while waiting for death. These people and insects who were waiting for death gathered together, talking about how to die comfortably and happily, how to enjoy the rest of their lives, and how to seek the "joy" of death. They no longer asked about other things, but just indulged in their dreams. They talked more about the topic of death, and had no intention of exploring the world. From time to time, their tails would be exposed, but they would be embarrassed and hide. They looked at the bald tail and shed tears as they talked. Living in an apocalyptic world. Some simply went all out and committed crimes that harmed human relations: robbery. fight. Rape. killing

There was a woman who felt that there was too much flour, so she covered the child's butt with a cake.

The Earth God checked the truth and Ling Xian reported back.

Emperor, you can't just listen to one side of the story and decide to leave the mortal world, incognito, and disguise yourself as a layman. They came to a house. Obviously, the people here had opened their doors wide and there were no thieves. It was because every family had nothing to steal or take. It was the same, just a house to shelter from the wind and rain. At this time, human karma is very pure and without desire. very plain

Let's not talk about this, just say that the emperor visited this house privately and saw a child wearing a big round cake around his neck. He did not see anyone else, so he asked curiously. The child said: My mother is visiting relatives and will be away for a few days. She is afraid that I will be hungry, so she spread a big cake for me to eat for a few days.

Emperor, feeling hungry, was eating Yuanxiao at home. He saw a couple eating at the table, doing that business under the table, and swearing. He couldn't help but feel angry. In his heart, he said,"Rice can't stop their mouths."

The Emperor angrily drew his sword and cut off the man's penis.

Originally, the man's thing was very long, but because he had cut it too much, the emperor thought that the man and the insect relied on it to reproduce and could not live without it. If so, the human industry would be extinct.

The emperor had an idea and casually picked up a lantern and threw it on the object.

After that, the man's thing became so long.

Suddenly, white flour fell from the sky. The Emperor was also angry. He thought that what the Earth God said was true, so he pointed his sword at the sky. A bolt of lightning shot straight into the Nine Heavens Earth. At the same time, dark clouds rolled in the sky, forming a dense cloud. The flour in the air automatically turned into white snow. Goose feathers and snow fluttered in the air, laying the ground on the ground, making everything look spectacular. The icy cold water was bone-chilling and incomparably cold.

From then on, the sky did not rain flour but snow.

Emperor, suddenly heard a cry, looking for the source of the cry, saw a group of people surrounding a small cottage, thought: Isn't that the place I've been to?

So he went forward and saw a woman holding a child crying. The child was obviously dead, and there was an unfinished flatbread on his neck. However, he only ate the flatbread in front of him where his mouth could reach, and did not touch the place where his mouth could not reach. In fact, as long as the child moved the neck pancake with his hand, he would not starve to death. Seeing the child's death, he understood that the child was extremely lazy and starved to death.[This is a familiar story, but I used it because I was afraid that future generations would really forget the original meaning of this story.]

Emperor, angry, returned to Heaven Earth and sat high in the golden palace. After gathering the group to discuss, he also said to Child-endowing Fairy,"The earth needs to be developed, and more deserts need people to reclaim the spring soil." Because the human insect is too intelligent, it can know life and death. They were determined by the will of the heavens and developed their lazy mentality. If they did not expand the beauty of the earth, it would go against the rules of the will of the heavens. For the sake of future generations and for the sake of the Earth, which was in the midst of a lot of troubles, he couldn't let this group of lazy evil creatures harm the normal development of the human industry. He couldn't let them leave behind this tail of disaster. In the future, anyone who reincarnated as a human would have to cut off their tail. He couldn't let them know about life and death. He could let them work hard for their entire lives until they died.

Send the son fairy get the order, take the edict to step on the cloud away. Therefore, when people were reincarnated, they did not leave a trail. Why did the child cry when he fell to the ground? It was said that when he was reincarnated, his tail was cut off and he cried in pain. Some became good friends. There was also a legend that these people came to the human world on a boat. They were originally paired, and God deliberately separated them when they were reincarnated. That was why there was the so-called "fate to meet thousands of miles." In fact, fate had long been predestined.

The Black Dog Star was reincarnated as a human and did not cut off its dog tail. Because it could become a king in the future, cutting off its tail was equivalent to cutting off its "dragon" tail, so it would not be able to achieve its goal. Later, the dog's tail went through the vicissitudes of life and gradually evolved into a dragon's tail. Only then did it truly become the emperor of the world. When Black Dog Xing saw that the people who had followed it to the mortal world had their tails cut off and heard them cry in pain that shook the world, he couldn't help but gloat. Because it knew that it did not need to go through the pain of cutting off its tail. In the future, it would be the emperor of the human world, and no one would dare to touch it.

Originally, the characters were not easy to cast. However, the pain of cutting off the tail and the impending calamity of the world were all things that these "people" did not expect. Some of them suddenly regretted their decision, but it was not up to them.

So they took the initiative. Passive. Or forced to take a stab. For a moment, they cried bitterly and went their own ways. However, this black dog walked towards the human world with a swagger. It couldn't help but panic and run to the human world to reincarnate with its tail between its legs. The black dog was very happy to see others suffer the pain of having their tails cut off. Because it was not treated like this, it laughed heartily. It couldn't help but sneak into the human world with its tail between its legs in fear. Until it was born as a baby, it was still happy that it had just escaped this disaster. Not only that, but it would also be happy to be worshipped by others in the future.

When others reincarnated as human babies, they would cry.

I don't know what the viewers think: the stories of gods and ghosts in the world are all about people who ascend to heaven after death. They are those who accumulate good deeds and cultivate virtue in the world, enjoying themselves in heaven, or gods or immortals; One was down. Those who enter the eighteen levels of hell are those who commit evil deeds in the world. They are tormented in hell, walking through mountains of knives, going down seas of fire, etc. Ma Guan. After six cycles, it was said that animals were reincarnated as humans. They all had tails, and after being cut off, the bones of their tails could still be seen behind the buttocks of humans.

Pangu appeared to blame Ancient Emperor Nuwa. Empyrean God and the others were waiting in the hall.

Ancient Emperor reflected on himself in the Heavenly Court and felt that he had lost his political integrity, so he abdicated the throne to Ancient Emperor Tonggen.

He was also known as the Emperor Heaven Emperor. The Emperor of Heaven. From then on, the Emperor of Heaven ruled the celestial heavens. Then, he held hands with his new First Lady, Queen Mother, and made a dazzling appearance.

After the Ancient Emperor abdicated his throne, he was conferred the title of Heavenly Lord Yuanshi. Of course, even though he lost the throne, he still had a lot of official positions and enjoyed the treatment of an emperor. However, Primordial Heaven Supreme had more or less dropped by a level, and the one in front was Grand Supreme Elder. Ever since Heavenly Lord Yuanshi abdicated his throne, his Queen Mother had disappeared.

At this time, there was a young man surnamed Zhang who was living a poor life in the human world. His life was extremely difficult and he was bullied everywhere. He was the Jade Emperor who was suffering from the cultivation of the human world. This time was his doom. He was poor and ambitious, but he still had fantasies when he saw the beautiful Chang'e. A beauty like Chang'e was naturally a hero. At this time, Zhang was still not high enough. He was so excited that tears flowed down. He was looking forward to dancing with a beautiful woman only in his dreams. In reality, he saw that he had to dance far away from himself.

Love came quietly, but people in the beauty of love did not know how to ignore the moving love, so they did not know how to make some adjustments in their attitude and outlook on life.

To make a qualitative leap in love is easy to say but difficult to do for anyone. To take a new perspective is not easy, but if you don't understand, then you will miss it, or is it unnecessary?

I really want to have a space to breathe freely in the beauty of love and hope that everything that needs to be done can have a spirituality that tells me how to adjust so that they won't be flustered and lose each other?

Love is pure, but there is no clear definition, but for those in love, it has a profound meaning, and the deep feelings expressed are a deep-rooted topic. How to understand it?

Sometimes love is not as difficult as imagined, but the joys and sorrows of love is a way to treat love. No matter what the current situation is, you have to learn to face and accept it calmly?

To balance the goal of love, you must first balance yourself. This is the key to opening the door to happiness. However, some people yearn to go into the world of love but suffer from the lack of methods and strategies to enter.

Love seemed to belong to a group of people, and many people curled up in a corner, not knowing what to do. But so far, no one could accurately describe this kind of love scene clearly.

The feeling of warmth and comfort might not be a physical feeling. It should be a psychological state formed in a certain environment, from a kind of love and spiritual power.

Love is not unfamiliar to everyone, but it covers a wide range. Love has a strong passion that makes people feel the love that is given and enjoy this beautiful day freely?

I yearn to experience a different kind of love culture, love philosophy, but I want to experience all these things that I have never experienced before, but I feel that the place is very far away, but it is actually beside me, and I don't care?

That familiar yet strange feeling, although there is no correct direction, but it has a decisive meaning, but the beauty in the heart is always disturbed by the impetuous and cruel reality, and the heart is broken.

The long road is full of sadness in parting, but the reluctance to part with each other is about to be at that moment, the moment when the sky is far away, there are so many things to say, why is it not appreciated enough?

A love is so close to someone else, so easy to get. Why is it that when it comes to me, this night's beauty is so unfathomable and unreachable, but I don't know how to put it in my heart?

There are many kinds of love, but people don't know how to face it. What kind of soul can't follow a pattern? Ignoring the energy of love, don't know how to explore the intersection of the soul?

How many people are calm on the surface but are restless on the inside? Those who are not worried about the result of crossing the line seem to have no regrets but are full of endless resentment?

The longing that can't be let go always has a lot of growth and changes. When encountering different things, who can understand how wonderful life is? That world is unrealistic, but if you are greedy, is it heaven on earth?

In the world of love, people love to ask what love is, but all of them have answers. In fact, almost none of them have answers. The answer is that the gift closest to true love is that people don't know how to choose?

The love and hate that have been entangled for thousands of years have their original appearance. And the age that I often remember in my dreams, when I didn't care about the world, is full of heartbreak and time, but also a messy trace of confusion.

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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